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USTLHB, UK CTIIMJ. 0®®*. *AICS, 1847. 

A special Conference of all the Min- its accomplishment. But I never have 
isterial Authorities of the Church op seen a time, until this evening, when I 
Christ in Kirtland, Ohio, assembled in have been surrounded by so many noble 
their Council Chamber, on Saturday even- hearted men, by circumstances, and with 
• j an 23 Kl/W Leonard Rich means for the accomplishment of so desir- 

ing chair,’ assisted by his two counsel- able an object. To you, brethren, I can 
lors. After singing, the Conference was. unbosom all my feelingson this subject, 
dedicated in prayer by W.E. McLellin, and have no feaio‘bulrtEat they will most 
who then arose and said with a hearty response. I now propose 
Brethren— For years past, I have had that a committee of 6 men be raised, whOgg 
one continued and abiding desire in my duty it shall, be to investigate this subje ct 
heart, concerning the three witnesses to its extent, and draw op a document se t . 
of the book of Mormon, viz- Oliver Cow- ting those men’s characters tn their tru e 
derv David Whitmore, and Martin Har- light before the world. Said commute^ 
ris- who some years since received pre- to report to our next Conference, to b £ 
meditated, wilful, and outrageous abuse at lioldcn in this place on the 6th of hebru, 
the hands of the Church, which had as- ary next. 

suined the name of “Latter Day Saint?." Oue thing more, and I have ^me. 

\n embodiment of those foul slanders, want it distinctly understood, tha if tin. 
intended to be fastened upon the charac- Conference adopt my recommei dahon- 
tors of those reorthy men — especially O. then we will act in the matter as a dutj 
Cowderv and D. Whitmore— may be we in justice owe those injured mbn, t< 
found in kn official document of the State the cause of Christ in which we are ea 
of Missouri. Two thousand copies of gaged, and to ourselves as the represent? 
wKiVK nnblished. “bv a joint reso- fives of “the only true and living Ghurct 

longed; one to each member of Congress; 
and tho residue to be distributed among 
the members of the General Assembly of 
Mo. Approved, Feb. 16, 1841." 

I have also understood that a copy of 
that document was also sent to the Gov- 
ernors^ all the States in this Union, as 
well as to a great many private individu- 
als in different parts of the world. The 
desire formed in my heart was, to see jus- 
tice done to those injured men; and my 
determination is to labor unceasingly for 


Bn, were appointed committee, by 1 1823 by the vision and direction of an 
common consent. holy --Angel, who had charge, thereof. 

Elder Mofiellin a^^BTrose and made And between that time and the organi. 
many remarks relativB|^ necessity and zation of the Church, ir. 1830, the record 
importance of establish High periodical here had been translated by Joseph Smith, jr., 
in Kirthmd, in order to disseminate light, by the “inspiration of the Almighty,” by 
to the,wofl{d, j#y to all the honest in heart, the use of tho means that the Lord had 
and t(f§js#rocate the best interests of this caused to be provided, viz. Interpreters, 
Church; and proposed as its name, “27te i Directors, or more anciently called Urim 
Ensign of Liberty .” Approved hy the and Thummim. By the use of these 
unanimous consent of Conference. And means, and the aid of friends — who were 
W. E. McLellin was unanimously np- friends indeed — even those “three wit- 
pointed by the Conference to edit the nesses,” who were with him in the first 
same. The Conference was then adjourn- organization of the Church, he performed 
sd by prayer. that important labor. 

Saturday Evening, Feb. 6th, 1847. In But they believed also that this genera- 
Conference assembled. VV. E. .McLellin, tion would not close, before there would 
for tho committee, read the following, as be an entire overthrow of wickedness 
the result of their investigations and la- throughout the world. That, as the flood 
bore. once swept the whole earth, and cleansed 

— its face by water; so, within this century 

As all great events in the histories of the whole face of the earth would be 
things have' their causes, and as all effects cleansed of wickedness, “so ns by fire.” 
and changes may be traced back to their That now is the time that by a “gathering 
proper sources, so all the disastrous con- together,” inc may prepare for the “se 
sequences which have befallen “the cond coming of the Son of Man.” 

Church of Christ,” — vulgarly called Mor- As thus “peculiar faith,” spread, and 
mons— plan be followed to their appropri- numbers were gathered into the bosom of 
Jte beginnings. the Church, the members, as well as Min- 

Tiit Church of-Christ wasorgaifized j istry, became anxious to know where that 
on the 6th day of April, 1830, in the j spot of enrth was, on which “the Church 
:owr ;!iip of Manchester, and State of New of Christ” might gather themselves to- 
Yrwk; with only six members, viz. Joseph I gether, in order to have “a centre” of 
F aith, sen., Lucy Smith his wife, Joseph j operations for the great work of the last 
jmith, jr., Oliver Cowdery, Da id Whit- days — where they might enjoy each oth- 
more, und Martin Harris. It very soon or’s society, in keeping, strictly keeping, 
increased in numbers, and branches of it the commandments of God. During the 
were organized and established in various fall of 1830, a branch of the Church was 
places, by the labors, and through the in- established in Geauga County, Oiiio. A 
ttrumentality of its first Ministers, who had very noted Preacher, bj tho name of Sid- 
■ecoivpd their authority direct from Ilea- ney Rigdon, was baptised bv Uliver Cow- 
ven — from the great Head of the Church dory, in Kirtland, amrwas received into 
f- 8ven Christ the Lordg- as did men in the Church by confirmation. In Decent- 
ly 8 of old — by the ministration^ of holy her following, he and Edward Partridge 
Angels, and by the direct commandments visited Joseph Smith, and the branches of 
of God from heaven. At least this was, the Church in York State. And on the 
and is, the faith of the Church. Thev 30th of December, the word of the Lord 
not only believed in and acknowledged came unto them, saying, “And again a 
the validity and authority of the book of commandment I (the Lord) give unto the 
Mormon a* being wriitan by holy pro- Church, that it is expedient in me, that 
phets, who once lived upon this American they should assemble together at the Ohio.” 
Continent, and by one of them hid up unto And in a few days thereafter, the voice of 
the Lord, during the fifth century of the the Lord came unto them again, telling 
^-hristian era ; and then found by Joseph them why he had commanded them to 
smith, jr., on the 22d day of September, “assemble” in Ohio. “Wherefore, for 


♦ . ; 3 ^ 

this cause I gave unto you .the command- should be refered to him in this genera* 
meiit, that ye should' go to the Ohior and tionr the moiS the EWers-returned again 
there I will give you my hie, and there to Kirtland, anoheld their next Conference 
you shall be endowed' with power from in the town of Orange, on the 25th day 
on niGn, and from thence, whomsoever I of October. 

will shall go forth among all nations, and Suffice it to say, that the / work spread 
it shall be told them what they shall do, rapidly, many embraced if, rfnd many 
for I have a great work laid up in store.” were ordained Elders, and traveled east, 

Joseph Smith and his friends soon remov- west, north, and south, bearing the glad 
ed to Ohio, and Kirtland became the “seat tidings of peace on their lips, and the 
and centre” of the operations of the first spirit of the fulness of the gospel in their 
Authorities in the Church. hearts. Success crowned their labors, so 

A general Conference was called here, far as to gathering members in the Church 
in the month of June following, in which was concerned. 

about thirty Elders were set apart and That little FEW, who felt called upon 
sent out, by direct revelation from God, by the great Author of the work in which 
two by two, without “ purse or scrip,” as they had commenced, to organize them- 
in oiden lime ; to travel through the West- selves into a Church on the (ith of April, 
ern StStes, in order to warn all, “that the 1830, had become thousands. The Min- 
day of the Lord was near.” And also to isters were devoted and united. The first 
declare those things which they knew, and Elders and Witnesses for the Lord, in 
most assuredly did believe. Their next the work, stood together shoulder to shoul- 
confercnce was held in August following, der, and heart to heart, in the all impor- 
in Jackson County, Missouri — whither El- tant ministry they had received. They . 
ders O. Cowdery, P. Whitmre, Z. Peter- resigned the management of temporal 
son, P. P. Pratt and Dr. F. G. W illiams had things in the Church, to chosen men, “ full 
gone the winter previous. ButP.P. Pratt of the Holy Ghost,” that they might, as 
had returned to Kirtland in the spring, and the Apostles of old, “ give themselves con- 
attended the June Conference. David tinually to prayer, and to the ministry of 
Whitmore and Martin Harris — -two of the the word.” These were happy days for 
witnesses — were among those who were the Church. These were days of calling, 
required to go west at this time. And this But alas ! storms were ahead. The Arch 
was the voieo of the Lord to all who were Enemy of the throne of God, and of the 
sent out to hold that Conference in the far peace of man, was on the alert. O. Cow- 
distant west : “And ihus, even as I have dery and John Whitmore, who was at that 
said, if ye are faithful, ye shall assemble time recorder and historian for the Church, 
yourselves together to rejoice upon the were sent by the voice of a Conference of 
land of M issouri, ichich is the land of your their brethren, in the beginning of 1832, to 
inheritance, which is now in the hands of the land of Zion, with all the revelations & 
your enemies: — But behold I, the Lord commandments which the Lord had as yet 
will hasten the city in its time.” given, through his Seer, to the Church. 

The Elders assembled in Missouri, held that they might publish them in book 
a Conference, and the Lord having point- form, for the benefit of the Church, ant 
ed oat to them the spot “ upon which the to warn the world. 

Zion of God shall stand.” “And that the The Church of Christ is now one. Sht 
testimony might go forth from Zion ; yea, has one name, one ministry, one spirit o 
from the mouth of the city of the heritage peace, one set of principles — and the) 
of God : Yea, for this cause I have sent are being published to the world — on< 

you hither.” And again the Lord said, faith, one baptism, and one God and Fa 
“Let my servant Sidney consecrate and ther of all. They present one unbrokcr 
dedicate the land, and the spot of the phalanx to the world. But alas, O! alas. 
Temple, unto the Lord,” &c. After for the day which is soon upon her! ! So 
these things were solemnly performed — many had gathered, and were still gather- 
and even a stone laid to mark the “"spot” ing, into “the land of Zion,” the centre 
where the corner of the Temple of God of which was the TEMPLE LOT, in 



Jackson County, Mo., that Ate prejudices 
of the old settlers there ha ftcome awa- 
kened, they had become soTealous, that du- 
ring the summer and fall of 1838, they rose 
up in their might, and purely by their mob 
fury, hurled hundreds of men, women and 
children of “the Church of Christ,” out 
of the county, over or across the Missouri 
river — homeless, and to a great degree 
destitute among strangers, amidst the chil- 
ling blasts of cold November. This was 
a fetal period for the Church. The mob 
had torn down and destroyed their print- 
ing office,, their book work, &c. Their 
periodical, the Evening and Morning Star, 
of course ceased to cry through the land, 
repent, repent, for the great day of the 
Lord is near. 

But what was worse than all this, the 
sufferings and persecutions of the Church 
had aroused in its members theppirit op 
war. Notwithstanding they had profess- 
ed the holy, harmless religion of Jesus, 
and to be governed by the precepts of 
Him, who while in his incarnation had 
said, “ My kingdom is not of this world ; 
if my kingdom were of this world, then i 
would my servants fight.” Being goaded j 
by the mobbers, finally, they lifted their 1 
weapons ; they harnessed for the conflict ; 
they raised the war cry, and rushed to the 
battle. At first they bore their whipping, 
their tarring and feathering, and their loss 
of property. But O. Cowdcry, (after the 
loss of the press, &c.,) had visited Kirt- 
land — then the seat of the first Presidency . 
of the whole Church — and had consulted j 
with the Prophet, Joseph Smith. Elders i 
Orson Hyde and John Gould, after con- 
sultation were sent to “ the land of Zion,” 
who counselled their brethren that the 
Lord would justify them to stand in their 
own defence — sword in hand. 

But all the opposition that the Church 
made, only proved a curse to them in the 
end. The property, the sacred honor, and 
the lives of the mob were pledged to 
drive them from the county, peaceably if 
they could, but forcibly if they must; and 
out they cast them. During the winter, a ! 
Conference of the remaining authorities 1 
of Zion was called, and Elders Lyman 
Wight and P. P. Pratt were sent to Kirt- 
land, from Clay County, Mo., to again 
consult the first Authorities of tho Church 

relative to their forlorn condition, and 
what should be done. But O! fatal day 
for the Church ! ! Her Ministers, yea, 
her great ones, caught the fire of war 
in their bones. Messengers were sent 
out, under the sanction, and by the direc- 
tion of her Prophet and Leader, who ran 
throughout all her ranks, in order to ^ 
“gather up the strength of the Lord’s 
house,” for the purpose of going to war, 
to deliver and maintain the land of Ziou 
by the sword. . 

Kirtland was the rallying point. The 
4th of May was the day appointed for this 
warrior camp — armed and equipped, to 
take their exit for the western part of Mis- 
souri. Hundreds now have their eyes 
fixed on deliverance by the sword. Their 
hearts beat high for distinction and for 
glory. Their faith now, instead of being 
fixed in the God of Daniel for the deliv- 
erance of Zion, is centered in their own 
all powerful arms. As the day of their de- * 
parture was drawing nigh, all was bustle, 
all was anxiety, all was preparation. A 
different spirithad seized almost the whole • 
ranks of the Church, from what had hith* 1 *’’ 
erto propelled them onward. The Elders 
had from the beginning preached, that the 
time was soon at hand when that principle 
and practice should be resounded through- 
out this creation of God, spoken of by the 
Prophets, “nation shall not lift up sword 
against nation, neither shall they learn 
war any more.” And they, too, had re- 
ceived "the word of the Lord, in August, 
1833, “to renounce war, and proclaim 
peace.” But war is now the watchword ! 
Great numbers are now prepared, sword 
in hand, to march to the conquest of Zi- 
on. The first of May, 1834’7’upproaches. 
The Church of Christ as yet presents 
one unbroken front to the world. She 
was united in her leading authorities. 
Hundreds of humble, talented, and enter- 
prising individutds, both old and young, 
could be counted in her Priesthoods, among 
her Ministry. But her Prophet Joseph is 
bent on war ; and they too must follow in 
the wake, or be counted “ weak in tho 
faith,” and finally separate themselves from 
the Church. 

But hark ! the 3d of May arrives. The 
Heavens take the matter into considera- 
tion. The Lord says to all the holy An- 



eels, who have charge concerning “the 
work- of the last days,” “Behold ray 
Church is one; they have taken upon 
them my name — the name of Christ ; and 
now lest they pollute my name, and my 
Church ; lest nothing is restrained from 
them, which they have desired to do : Go 
to let us go down and take from them my 
Imly same, that they pollute it not.” A 
still small voice whispers into the ear of 
the Prophet. He assembles a conference 
around him of all the authorities of the 
Church in Kirtland. A motion is made by- 
Elder Sidney Rigdon, that this Church of 
Christ be no "more known by that name ; but 
that we henceforth call ourselves “Latter 
Dav Saints.” The unanimous vote of the 
conference at once settled the matter. The 
official organ of the Church, in the May 
number, in the editorial column, hoisis 
as it caption— “ Progress of the Church of 
L the Latter Day Saints.” Having official- 
ly ]y rejected the name of Christ, and taken 
P a fictitious one, which the mouth of the 
Lord did not give for the Church, and all 
other things being prepared, this rnamor 
camp of saints set out for the western 
bounds of Missouri, to “redeem Zion, 
being led on by <»he Prophet, and other 
great ones who took fictitious names, such 
Is Capt. Cook, Col. Bruce, &c. But ah ! 
the Angels of Cod' mourned. The Heav- 
ens were grieved. Though the Devils 
laughed, and the earth over which they 
wended their way onward, sent forth her 
pestiferous breath, filled with pain, sick- 
ness, and death. Ere theyTeached their 
destination* a fictitious or false spirit from 
the infernal regions had so taken possession 
of their hearts, that the great ones in the 
camp were divided and filled with bitter- 
' ness towards each other — even unto open 
strifes and contentions. The pestilential 
Cholera had seized some of the best men 
among them. It raged with violence. 
Soon numbers of them were laid away 
with the pale nations of the dead. They 
had no power of faith to stay its ravages. 
Thousands of dollars by this wild expedi- 
tion had been swallowed up, valuable lives 
lost, much human suffering endured, and 
many, very manv privations undergone, as 
well" as months" of precious time spent 
worse than in vain. lea, it had flitted 
into eternity not only unimproved, but 

spent in doingthose things which God had 
not Commanded. And we are bold to de- 
clare, that not one single stone had been 
moved towards the redemption of Zion. 

Bat the camp of “ Latter Day warriors” 
had passed over near one thousand miles 
of territory, and had landed in Clay coun- 
ty, Missouri, in the last of June, 1834. 

On the noise of their approach, the up- 
per Missouri resounded with the cry of 
“ to war ! to war !” The roar of arms 
is heard throughout all the upper counties, 
and hundreds flock to aid their friends in 
Jackson County, to oppose this “ camp of 
strangers,” to keep them from reinstating 
their friends and brethren back upon their 
lands, from which they had been ruthlessly 
driven. The powers of Heaven are not 
engaged for their good, for death is in their 
ranks. The powers of earth oppose theii 
onward march, and in superior number- 
they are gathered to intercept and slat 
them, if thev attempt to cross the turbid 
rolling Missouri, to set foot on “ the con 
secrated spot — dedicated for the upbuild 
ing of Zion.” 

The signs of deliverance appear doubt 
ful. Orders from head quarters are giver 
for “ the camp” to disperStv-hnd each mai 
to take the best care of himself that he can 
But time has onlv flitted a few days into 
past eternity, before a conference of al 
the authorities of Zion, together with al 
who journeyed in the camp, is called a 
the instance of Joseph Smith, and hi 
counsellors. The conference met at th< 
house of Lyman Wight, about 3 mile, 
west of Liberty, on the 8th day of July. 
1834. On that dav it was determined to 
give up their “wild goose chase for th>' 
deliverance of Zion,” for the present; 
and for each man of “the camp eithe 
to return again to their homes and 
or to remain with their friends and bretn 
ren in their dispersion. Toward the clos 
of this conference, the prophet Josep 
arose and said, “ I now have one mor 
very important duly to perform before ou, 
conference closes. In September, 183C 
the Lord said in a revelation to OUve 
Cowdery, given in Fayette, N. Y., as fol 
lows; “Thou shalt not command him who l 1 
at thy head, and at the head of the Church 
for l have given him the keys of the mys 
teries, and the revelation which are scale 



until 1 shall appoint unto them another in had reached Kirtland, where O. Cowdery 
•i* tin id.” Again in December. following, and S. Rigdon had remained, another scene 
n a revelation given in the same place to was to be enacted. The injuries inflicted, 
•S. Rigdpn, it is said thus: “I the Lord and the animosities created during tho 
: ave sent forth tho fullness of my gospel journey of the camp to Missouri, now came 

up in an aggravated form, to be settled by 
the High Council, or Court, of the Church. 
Elder Sylvester Smith presented a charge 
against the Prophet Joseph, of a very grave 
and serious nature. Some two days and 
nights were spent in this investigation. 
The reputation of the Prophet, connected 
— ny coming, if ho abide in me, and if not, with the character of the Cliurch of Latter 
mother will I plant in his stead.” And Day Saints, and all his personal influence, 
gain, in a revelation to tho Elders of the were brought to bear against his accuser. 
Ihurch, assembled in Kirtland, O., given- Finally, by the highest Court in the Church 
'•'eb., 1831: “Behold, verily, verily 1 say it wax' decided, that S. Smith should make 
unto you, ihatye have received a command- a public confession, and have it published 
nent fora law unto my Church, through to the world, in order to atone for daring 
dm whom I have appointed unto you to to bring an accusation against the man, 
eccivo commandments and revelations. who had committed such grievous wrongs 
rom my hand. And this shall ye know that the Lordcaused him, in a large Con- 
•ssuredly, that there is none other appoint- ference, to appoint another in his stead . 
d unto you to receive commandments and And although his crimes, for which he had 
revelations until he be taken, if he abide been arraigned, were notorious, yet his in- 
n me. But verily, verily 1 sny unto you, fluence was such, that Sylvester Smith was 
hat none else shall be appointed unto tin’s made the scape-coat to bear awav the re- 
;ift, except it be through him; for if it proach in the "eves of men. And the 
oe taken from him, he shall not have pow- j highest Tribunal ' in th# Church not only 
sr except to appoint another in his stead.” sanctioned it,' but actually required it. 
Vow, brethren, there has been an anxiety 1 And more, for Elder Smith told them that 
•n the minds ot many to know who, il I he would sign the document required, pro- 
diould bo taken, would be the ON E to lead • vided the)’ would bear the inquitv, or free 
his Church “in my stead. " 1 want now him from blame belbre the bar of God. 

.o put that matter to rest. Joseph then' I his however was a wrong anil ruinous 
called David Whitmore forward, and said, 1 principle lor him, as well as them, to act 
■‘ THIS IS THE MAN.” He then with j upon. And we can now say? after more 
others laid his hands upon him, and ordain- than twelve vears’ experience and obser- .• 
id him to his station. “ Now,” said Jo- vation, that the consequences have fallen' 
ieph, “ if 1 should be taken away, the heavily, both upon the individual, upon 
church need not be rent with schisms on : those who then composed that Council, and 
this pomt. And I say to you, that, should upon the whole Society represented in ' 
I be taken, THE W ORK will roll with that Court. 

more rapidity, and with more power than But time passed along, & all the energies 
it ever has done. of tho Church seemed again to centre in 

A majority of the disappointed “camp” the spread of their principles in the world, 
bid farewell to each other at this Confer- and in building “the House of the Lord,” 
ence, and thcncc began to wend their ways in Kirtland. And, during the winter of 
homeward. Martin Harris was the only thirty-five and six, hundreds upon hundreds 
one of the “three witnesses” who accom- of the Ministers of the Church collected in 
panied the camp. And it is due to him from the east, west, north, and south, in 
to state, that he would take upon him order to receive their “endowment from 
no fictitious name, but frequently said, on high.” All were anxious to see the 
“ My name is Martin Harris in all the TEMPLE finished, and dedicated to God, 
world. But when the first Authorities in order that in it they might hold their 

> y the hand ot my servant Joseph, ana in 
weakness have I blessed him, and 1 have 
iven unto him the keys of the mystery 
•f those tilings which have been sealed, 
ven things which were from the foun- 
ation of the world, and the things which 
ihall come from this time until the lime of 



solemn assembly. Ah ! said they, then we ! 
will walk through this world guided by the ! 
finger of -G o d , as dul the Apostleaof old. : 
Great things.were anticipated. Expec- 1 
tatioits ran high. Tlie bosoms ol veterans 
in the cause were swelled with anxiety. 
Finaiiv, the announcement went forth that 
the lower room of the Temple of the Lord 
was finished. Sunday morning. March 
27th, 1338, arrived, and hundreds alter 
hnndreds vended their way early, saving, 
“Come, let us go up to the House of the j 
Lord.” The house was filled to overflow- , 
ing, and all could not bo seated. It was 
dedicated in the presence of hundreds by i 
hundreds, and all seemeJ pleased with ine 

The next thing that engaged the atten. ] 
tion of all. Was to prepare for the endow- 
ment. Washings anil anointings were, 
strictly attended to by all the Ministry ot 
the two orders of Priesthood in the fchuroh. 
Finally, the Cth of April, the time, the long 
looked for time arrived- Early, ves, very 
early in the morning, about five hundred 
Ministers seated themselves in the iem- 
p] c — the most of them expecting to wait, 
on the Lord there, until he visibly dis- 
played himself, by shedding upon them, as | 
it were, “cloven, tongues of tire,” so that 
they might go to all the world, and pro-ten 
to them in their own languages, in which 
they were born, the wonderful .works ot 

God. , . 

But we are sorry to have to record, Hint 
the light of the next mornings sun found 
disappointed hundreds wending their way 
from that noble ediiice, to th eir h omes an-1 
their liresides, to reflect upon, and brood 
over their sad disappointment. I he least 
we can say relative to the anticipated en- 
dowment, is, it was a failure! ! The Lord 
could not consistently endow men who had 
officially given to the Church another 
name , who were full of the. spirit of tear, 
who had in their highest Council officially 
justified iniquity — and thereby ruined the 
character of a man, for faithfully trying to 
do his duty ; wifif also many of whom had 
suffered themselves to became heated with 
wine to excess. W e say, God could .not, 
consistent with lf.s character as a holy, 
impartial being, endow such a company 
of men. 

But although many kuew that they had 

not realized what they had expectad, and 
consequently felt dispirited ; yet they could 
not disbelieve those holy principles which 
Tliiy TiadMearnCddirtiie Church of Christ. 

Therefore they moved onward. But alas! 
for fallen man. It is his nature to love 
the things of earth, however he may have 
been enlightened, when once he falls from 
his steadfastness, and loses his power with. 
God. So it was with -Joseph.- He now 
soon began to plot sclaemes of worldly ag- 
grandizement. Although the Lord had 
said to him, that, “In temporal labors thou 
shalt not have strength, for this is not thy 
calling;” yet the Arch Deceiver of man 
made liim believe, that ho could accumu- 
late riches of the world. 

The first great move for this purpose,, 
was the formation of a mercantile firm, 
composed of the Presidency of the Church. 
They went east and purchased thousands 
of dollars worth of goods; and that, too, 
upon erect— thus violating a plain princi- 
ple of God's word: “Owe no man any-, 
thing, but love one another.” Kirtlaud 
was stocked with plenty ot merchandize.. 
Pride, folly, and riotous living soon took 
the uppermost seats in the hearts of the 
Latter Day Saints. Not content with mer- 
chandizing, they also speculated in a city 
plot, and they purchased many farms in 
the region round about. And one door of 
transgression will soon open another. — 
These leading men, among a numerous 
people, .have an ambition to rise to the 
pinacle of fame -as groat speculators, so 
that thev might lay up much worldly trea- 
sure. Soon, therefore, it is determined, 
that a Kibtlaxd Bank must be establish- 
ed, to hold their treasures; and to aid them 
to get more. So eager were they, and so 
sanguine of succesq that they did not even 
wait to get a charter from the t-ta e, bat 
seemed to think that everything must bow 
at their nod — thus violating tho laws of 
the land in which they live, which in the 
end brought upon them swift destruction. 

Their merchandizing, their city plot, 
and land speculations, together with their 
pretended banking system, ruin, 
inevitable ruin, upon thousands. It was 
as in the days of Jeremiah. “ rh3 proph- 
ets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear 
rule by their means; and my people love 
to have it so.” So with multitudes of the 



Church in Kirtland. They ran witfTea- 
gernese after the giddy phantoms of worldly 
riches and pleasures. But wo ! wo ! ! to 
all their spiritual enjoyments. Jealousies 
and feuds rise in their midst. Men who 
were not to be led to destruction, began to 
halt and look about them. Such did the 
“three witnesses to the book of Mormon.” 
They warned Joseph and Sidney to turn 
from their evil course, before they should 
bring entire destruction upon themselves 
and all the Church. This roused their ire 
against them, and from that time forth they 
plotted the destruction of their property 
and characters. 

The friends and relatives of David and 
Oliver ljved in Caldwell County, Mo.j and 
when they saw that they had no power to 
stay the downward inarch of the Church in 
Kirtland, they removed to Far West, Mo. 
But soon they were followed by Joseph 
and Hyrum Srriith, and S. Rigdon, who 
seemed bent on destroying them — because, 
forsooth, those faithful 7oitnesses would not 
pollute their holy Priesthoods, by using the 
authority and influence of them to run 
with their opposers to do all kinds of mis- 
chief and iniquity. Nay, they chose ra- 
ther to suffer the loss of their former 
friends, their property, and hazard their 
reputation and character, and lives, than, 
by doing evil, to offend tharGod who had 
sent to them his holy Angel from the heav- 
ens, who showed u’ri;o them the holy and 
sacred records, the Lord’s Prophets on this 
continent had hid up unto the Lord, unto 
the times to come, when men should again 
have faith in God so as to receive them ; 
and who commanded them to bear testimo- 
ny to all nations, kindreds, tongues, and 
people. These men, by their testimony, 
by their godly examples, and by their 
warnings, were a terror to evil doers. — 
Some scheme, therefore, must be invented 
by which these men could be driven from 
the midst of the Latter Day Saints. Per- 
secution must, in order to fill their cup of 
iniquity, be added to their other crimes of 
war, false names, speculations, lyings, 
false prophecyings, oppressions, wicked 
decisions of councils, &c. &c. The first 
Presidency now consisted of Joseph Smith, 
jr., Sidney Rigdon, and Hyrum Smith.’ 
And they well knew the spotless purity of 
the character of David Whitmore. They 

knew his influence in the Church, among 
all who knew him. They knew that Da- 
vid had been called of God, appointed and 
ordained under the hands of Joseph Smith 
and others, to be the Leader of the people 
of “the Church of Christ,” in Joseph’s 
stead. They knew also the eloquence, 
the integrity, and the talents of Oliver 
Cowdery. Their enmity therefore was 
aroused. Their determinations were as 
much fixed to destroy them as to live. 
And in order to do so, they have recourse 
to the Gadianton secrets; and a band of 
men, called “The Brother of Gideon, the 
Daughter of Zion, or the Danite Society,” 
is organized and sworn, “ ever to conceal, 
but never to reveal the secret purposes of 
this society, and also to carry into effect 
all the edicts, laws, pnd orders of the first 
Presidency of the Church.” An edict is 
Soon issued from head quarters, addressed 
to Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmore, John 
Whitmore, W. W. Phelps, and L. E. 
Johnson, — Greeting. These men were at 
this time all called dissenters, and were 
particularly obnoxious to those whom they 
liad warned to flee fiom their iniquities, 
and thus escape the wrath to come. In 
this address, which may be found on the 
103 page of the Missouri document, are 
some of the most vile and barefaced false- 
hoods, that the most abandoned and evil 
hearts could invent. It refers to transac- 
tions of those men both in Kirtland, and 
in Far West, and signed by 83 men’s 
names; many of whom never were in 
Kirtland in their lives. They thus write 
to 'the witnesses of that holy' book, with 
others, “ There are no threats from you ; 
no fear of losing our lives by you, or by 
any thing you can say or do, will restrain 
us ; for out of the county you shall go, and 
no power shall save you. And you shall 
have three days after you receive this com- 
munication to you, including twenty-four . 
hours in each day, for you to depart peace- 
ably with your families ; which you may 
do undisturbed by any person ; but in that 
time, if you do not depart, we will use 
the means in our powor to cause you to 
depart; for go you slialL We have sol- 
emnly warned you, and that in the most 
determined manner, * • that vengeance 
would overtake you sooner or later, and 
that when it did come, it would be as furi- 



ous as the mountain torrent, and os terrible 
ns the beating tempest, * * * Vengeance 
sleepeth not, neither does it slumber. * • 
For there is but one decree for you, which 
is depart, depart, or a more fatal calamity 
shall befal you.” 

The duty of driving these men from 
Caldwell Co., wasassigned to the Danites, 
and they in secret conclave had fixed the 
night on which their blood should flow, if 
they did not flee. But an old friend of theirs, 
who happened to hear the time fixed by the 
Danites, came to some of them privately 
Tate in the afternoon, and told' them, that 
nothing would be restrained from these 
Danites, which they had attempted to do — 
and that he would advise them to leave. 
All things seemed to admonish them they 
only could have safety by flight, conse- 
quently near sunset, David, Oliver, John, 
and Lyman bid farewell to their youthful 
wives, and their little children, their homes 
and firesides, and with heavy hearts, and 
solemn step, they left that people who had 
been enlightened and brought together, to 
a great extent, by their labors and “ testi- 
mony.” But alas ! who had now fallen, 
and become their bitterest enemies, and 
high handed persecutors. After these 
men, the “ witnesses of truth,” had taken 
an affectionate leave of their innocent fam- 
lies, resigning them into the hands of “ the 
Father of lights,” they left “ the city of 
their homes” and began to wend their way 
across those extensive prairies lying south 
of Far West. 

But the darkness of night soon coming 
on, and being comparative strangers to the 
way, they directly lost their path. Pen- 
sive, mournful, and solemn, see them wan- 
der they know not where. All before them, 
behind them, and round about them, 
is a vast wilderness of prairie. Not a 
tree, not a stump, hedge, nor even a stone 
to guide their onward step. Ah ! see that 
man who sat day after day, week after 
week, and month after month, and wrote 
the pages of the book of Mormon, from 
the mouth of Joseph Smith, Jr., ns he 
translated by the inspiration of Heaven, 
the words of the holy prophets, who lived 
and wrote upon this beloved American 
continent. Yes, see him and his partners 
in tribulation, wander as the prophets of 
old; because they had borne a faithful 

testimony against wickedness in high 
places. ■ 

Think of it, Oh ! ye heavens, and all 
ye honest in heart throughout the world, 
that these witnesses are driven out from 
their homes, by those who call themselves 
LatterDay Saints,— charged, too, with 
some of the very crimes of which the 
leaders in that society, (who were the 
prime movers in their expulsion,) had 
been guilty over and over again. But 
now to screen themselves, charge them 
upon these men, and cause them to be 
driven away. Weep, O ye heavens? 
over this fallen people, once so highly fa- 
vored, but alas ! they have fallen, have 
fallen, and have become the habitation of 
Devils, and the hold of every foul spirit. 

But onward see those men wander, un- 
til the light of a new day broke in upon 
that part of the earth, and meeting a 
stranger, he points them to the road that 
will lead them to an old and tried friend’s, 
who lived about twenty-five miles from 
Far West. With joy, mixed with sorrow, 
ho received them. Mrs. McLellin soon 
furnished them with a repast, while the 
family listened to their sad tale. W. E. 
McLellin had, in August, 1836, ceased to 
be an active Minister among that people, 
because he verily believed that the course 
pursued by their Leaders would sooner or 
later bring inevitable, destruction upon 
them and their followers. Here they found 
a home from the “ pitiless storm,” and re- 
mained and refreshed themselves for some 
days, until their friends had succeeded in 
bringing to them their families. And when 
retrospecting his past life, there is no period 
he contemplates with more pleasure, than 
when he fed those persecuted men, David, 
Oliver, and friends, at his table. 

But we will return to the history of Far 
West. On the 4th day of July, 1838, 
“the Latter Day Saints” reared a tall 
Liberty pole on the large square in the 
centre of their city. Elder Rigdon, un- 
der the shadow of the stabs and stbipes 
that gently floated in the breeze from its 
top, made, on that day sacred to the mem- 
ory of American Independence, a public 
speech, which, with other things, roused 
the indignation of the. people of all the 
adjoining counties. And as an evidence 
that that people', who had driven out their 





best men, were polluting their lands and 
U their’ Priesthoods, and that they should be 
shivered, and also driven, and that speed- 
ily; a few days only had passed, when a 
dark cloud hovered over their fated city. ! 

; A vivid flash of fierce lightning shot forth j 

•Jr its arrows and splintered the tall pole from I 

top to bottom, and threw it in fragments ■ 
all around its base. This mark of the ! 
Lord’s displeasure seemed to strike a | 
damper on all who had gathered around 
to look upon the splinters, after the show- I 
er had passed. But Joseph walked over 
them, and said, “Brethren, thus shall our 
| enemies be torn and rent, if they come up I 
against us.” This, coming from the Pro- 
phet, seemed to quiet their fears lor the 1 
present. But we think that it too plainly 
told them their speedy fate. 

A few months only, however, had pass- 
ed away until the cry is again heard . 
throughout upper Missouri — To arms! — ! 
To arms!! — is heard from glen, dale, hill, 
and prairie. And thousands upon thou- 
sands rush to the field of battle. Ven- , 
geance is now declared throughout their | 
entire ranks against every Latter Day 
Saint in upper Missouri, who adheres to 
the councils of the Leaders in Far West. 
The “furious mountain torrent, and piti- 
less tempest, & .fatal calamity,” threatened 
upon the heads of the dissenters, arc all 
now about to fall upon their accusers and 
persecutors ns a raging tornado. And soon 
we shall see it fail as with the swiftness 
of the eagle’s dart, upon that devoted city 
of Far West, and its inhabitants and sup- 

Mobs have gathered on both sides, and 
thousands of property destroyed by both 
parties. Fire and sword walk boldly 
through the land. Sometimes the Saints, 
(save the name,) and then again the Mis- 
sourians, gain a temporary triumph. In 
their skirmishes, a few lives were lost, 
which only served to arouse the indigna- 
tion still higher, and then higher. Final- 
- lv, the military arm, by the authority of 
the State, is called upon, and thousands of 
men in arms answer to the call, by march- 
ing for Far West, with a quick step and 
a hurried pace. The city is besieged, and 
her great ones are called for, and they 
voluntarily surrender themselves into the 
hands of the officers of State. Those who 

were foremost to boast of their strength 
and potker— who were foremost to cause 
to be driven away “God’s witnesses,” and 
Messengers of peace to Mfe world — now 
are foremost to be dragged nwny from 
their families and little ones, to be soon 
incarcerated in a loathsome 'county pris- 
on, there to await their trials by law for 
their crimes. 

The city is also taken, disarmed, and a 
decree is upon all her inhabitants to flee 
the State, as their only safety. O ! piti- 
less storm! thou hast beaten upon them! 
Tho decree is, out of the Stale you shall 
go, and no power shall save you. Ah ! in- 
s'ead of their enemies who came up against' 
them being shivered; they themselves are 
scattered and driven, and the same meas- 
ure that they meted out to others, is meas- 
ured to them again, “good measure, heap- 
ed up and shaken together.” When the 
Whitmores, Cowdery and others left Far 
West, their houses were entered by men 
sword in hand, and their property taken by 
false pretences, and sold to the highest 
bidder — and thus scattered and destroyed. 
But now this people have to stand and see 
theirs destroyed by thousands, and have 
no power to help themselves. Their Lib- 
erty Pole was a fair index to what had 
thus fallen upon themselves. All this hap- 
pened to them during the fall and winter 
of 1838. 

The- Leaders spend the winter in pris- 
on. The most of the Church leave tho 
State during the winter, and remove to 
Quincy, Illinois. But in the spring, while 
the prisoners wore passing from one 
| county to another, they managed, bv the 
1 assistance of their friends, to escape from 
their guards, and from the hands of tho 
officers charged with the execution of the 
laws of Missouri; and they fled also to the 
! State of Illinois. 

Soon another rallying point, or place of 
“gathering,” is established at Commerce, 

; 111., at tho head of the lower rapids on tho 
' Mississippi river. Grounds are purchas- 
ed, and an extensive city laid out here, 
called Nauvoo; and hundreds by hundreds 
gather into, and round about it. Matters 
seem to begin to prosper again. But no 
; repentance for the abuse they had wanton- 
i ly heaped upon “the witnesses,” whom 
they had driven from their midst by the 




power of their secret Gadianton-Danite work together for good to them that love . 
band, which had been organized to do God.” 

mischief and evil, and only evil, and that But that God who never forgets man’s 
continually. Nay, they had maddWio con- oppressions, has his eye upon Nauvoo. 
fession or restitution to them. Solitary He looks down and sees, no doubt, every 
and atone, they must wander through the crime known to the laws of both God and 
world, and bear all the lies, and curves, man, (sofar as it isin theirpower.) commit- 
and anathemas, which the Church of Lat- ted within her limits, and under the sanc- 
ter Day Saints had power to heap Upon tion of her Leading men. Finally, the 
them. ' protecting, or rather the preventing power 

O! the blindness and folly of man! — of God is withdrawn. “The wolves are 
Injured innocence must yet. plead her on the scent,” the Prophet and Patriarch 
cause, in their behalf, at the dread bar of of the Latter Day Saints a ro again takeih 
Jehovah, for the Latter Day Saints seem prisoners, and soon the massive doors of the 
not yet to have learned, that they must Carthage prison grate upon their hinges, 
“do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly as they are closed for the last lime upon 
before God,” in order to prosper. The these strange, singular, and unfortunate 
three very men, upon the validity of whose men. Sfon a lawless banditti of mobo- 
testijiony they are bound to rely, for the crats rush forward and surround the walls 
correctness of the translation of the book of their prison. Infuriate madness, with 
of Mormon, of which they so much boast, the blackness .of darkness of the infernal 
have been driven from among them. — regions, sits on their broWs. Wilful mur- 
Tliey, like David of old, have had to flee dor rs in their hearts. Another moment, 

to Phtlistia, yea, to the Gentiles, even to and thou Hark! What do wo hear? 

find a temporary home where they could O! ’Tis the death groans of Joseph and 
rest in a degree of peace, and wait until Ilyrum Smith. Ah!! see them fall!!! 

“ returning justice would lift aloft his The fatal lead has pierced their vital 
scale, and say to these three men, and parts. Their life’s blood has crimsoned 
to the world, “here is justice coupled with the jail of Hancock County. 0! ye un- 
truth — here is equity joined to salvation.” fortunate men, we feel to bewail the rnan- 
Thc Latter Day Saints, in the old world ner of your end. 0! that you had kept 
and in the new, now turn their attention the strict commandments of your God, 
to build up Nauvoo. She soon becomes and then lived in righteousness, and led 
an extensive city ; high, and exalted char- the people of the Church of Christ onward 
tered privileges are granted her by the to that “ rest which remaineth to the peo- 
Legislature of Illinois. But neither of the pie of God.” But ye are gone. Your 
“three witnesses” can conscientiously join spirits arc beyond the reach of those foul 
as citizens in her apparent glory. No — fiends in the shapes of men, who so ruth- 
verily no. Martin Harris has retired to lesslv and lawlessly slew you. 
his little farm, in Kirtland, Ohio, and Wo! Wo!! Thrice Wo!!! be unto 
Stands warning all, that the Church will those men who rose up on the 27th day 
not prosper until they throw away their of June, 1844, and slew those who were 
fictitious name, and take again, as in the once the favored and anointed of God. — 
beginning, the name of “the Church of Bitter,. yea? very bitter will be their end 
Christ,” and return to their first love, and also ! ! ! 

then keep the corfimandments of God. — But here we leave jliose men of strange 
Oliver Cowdery se#Ws in Tifiin, Ohio, and varied character, in the hands of Him 
and pursues his favorite profession of the “ who hath measured the waters in the hol- 
Law, but lifts not his sharpened pen low of his hand, and meted out the heav- 
against his vile calumniators. And Da- ens with a span and we feel willing to 
vid Whitmore settled, as a temporary let their cases rest in the hands of a God 
home, in Richmond, Mo., where he fre- of truth' and justice, until the morn of 
quently told his friends that “the work" their resurrection. ^Whatever good or 
will yet rise and prosper.” “Fear not,” evil they may have dene, at the dread bar 
said he, “brethren, all things will yet of God they whU.answer, and receive ac- 



cording to their deeds — their own deeds converts both in the Old and in the New 
done in the body. World, and on the islands of the sea; but 

A few words more relative to the fate of who have finally become so divided into 
Nauvoo, and we have done with her. All parties, that now the hardest of the con- 
tbe scenes, and warnings, and disappoint- flict seems to be among themselves. Va- 
ments, the Latter Day Saiats have ever rious Leaders have risen up among them, 
had, and passed through, have not taught and raised the cry, “ Lo, here is Christ ! 
them wisdom yet — have not learned them or Lo, he is there. Behold he is in the 
44 to fear God and keep his commandments, desert. He is in the secret chamber,” 
which is the whole duty of man.” Nay, &c. &c. Each party rising with its Lea- 
but when usurpers and evil men rise up der or Leaders, and with arguments upon 
among them as Leaders, they run with arguments to sustain their claims ; and to 
greediness after them. “We are bound,” show the falsity and iniquities of the claims 
say they, “ to carry out the measures of and conduct of all the others. 

Joseph Smith.” We envy them not. — Our object has also been to show the 

Their troubles, distresses, and calamities, high estimate we place on the labors and 
will fall upon them in quick succession, the characters of the three witnesses to 
equal to their powers of endurance. Wo! the book of Mormon. And in giving so 
Wo!! is their doom. For they have cho- plain a statement as the circumstances 
sen to be led by the Arch-Enemy of the required at our hands, we can only say 
peace of all intelligences, instead of to we have endeavored to do so in the spirit 
repent and be led by the Savior of the of truth, kindness and charity. We have 
world. A few months only had passed endeavored to avoid injuring the feelings 
away, and Nauvoo is besieged by mobs, of any child of God. We have written 
and again the Latter Day Saints agree to that die honest in heart throughout the 
flee. Beyond the abodes of civilized man world may know how that Church, while 
is now their only hope of safety ; and to it wore the name of Christ, and published 
the western howling wilderness they bend and practiced his precepts, was blessed of 
their march for California. Millions on Heaven — how the fruits ofthe Spirit of God 
millions of human misery must inevitably viz. “love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gen- 
follow in their train ; until ruin, utter ruin tleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and 
lays them waste. temperance,” were manifest among them 

One peculiarity that characterized this — how its members rejoiced in bearing 
wonderful people, during all their trou- these fruits to the honor and glory of God. 
bles, we have thus far intentionally omit- And how the Lord shed forth upon that 
ted to mention, viz. — Whenever, because people, the gifts also of his Holy Spirit, 
of their iniquities, the Lord would suffer viz : w Tho word of wisdom, the word of 
their enemies to come'upon them to scourge knowledge, the gift of faith, the gifts of heal- 
them, then their Elders would run through ing, the gift of prophecy, the discerning 
the world, and cry persecution !. persecu- of spirits, divers kinds of tongues, and the 
tion ! ! O woful persecution ! ! ! And thus interpretation of tongues.” Their Elders 
wake up the sympathies of mankind ; walked forth among men with the Bible 
and thus gather new strength, as the ball of God in their hands, the fulness of 
rolled onward. We do not wish to say, the everlasting gospel, contained in the 
however, but that they may have suffered Book of Mormon, in their hearts ; and 
some persecution for righteousness sake. then the Holy Ghost bearing record, to all 
But now let us recapitulate, and con- that were humble in heart, of the solemn 
dense this, to us, painful narrative of facts, truths, which they declared. Thus they 
*Our object in presenting this document prospered and flourished. But, alas! that 
to the world has been, to give a succinct “ Wicked One ” must be revealed. His 
history of that singular people , who have power, and signs, and lying wonders, and 
risen up in our own day and age, on our all deceivableness of unrighteousness must 
own continent, and in our own land of be shown forth in them that perish ; but 
Liberty — who have within the last sixteen they only will be damned who have pleas- 
years spread their prinqjfdes and made ure in unrighteousness, “ Whom it is im- 



possible to renew again unto repentance.” 
The enemy made a bold push to over- 
throw “ the work of the last days.” He 
set almost the entire ranks of the Church 
on fire with the spirit of war. He then 
caused them to take upon the Church the 
f»l«> name of Latter Day Saints. Great 
speculations, which brought ruin upon 
thousands seized even the very heads of 
the Church. Pride, folly, and riotous liv- 
ing must follow in their train. Yea 
jealousies, misrepresentations, and even ty 
ing were frequent among them. Prophesy- 
ing falsely in the name of God, in order to 
deceive. Then, when evils began to fall 
upon them consequent upon their wicked- 
ness, they rose up in their might, and op- 
pressed each other, but especially the poor. 
They degraded and ruined the courts or 
councils of the Church, by causing them 
to give wrong and even wicked decisions, 
on cases of great moment. Finally, they 
turned upon those men whom they could 
not corrupt— THE THREE WITNES- 
SES — and drove them from their midst. 
And then heaped upon them falsehoods, 
calumnies, oppressions, and persecutions. 
They organized secret combinations among 
them, in order to oppress and to destroy. 

Thus have the fair proportions of that 
noble superstructure, the church of Christ, 
been smitten as it were to the very dust, 
and broken into parties and fragments, and 
scattered as is were to the four winds ; 
and has become even a reproach, a hiss, 
and a bye-word to all the evil hearted 
throughout Christendom. 

But to all the faithful in Christ Jesus, 
notwithstanding all these things, we your 
brethren in Kirtland would say, that God, 

therefore have I spoken, we also believe 
and therefore speak.*’ And our voice is 
that the time, yea the set time to favor Kirt- 
land has come. Then, brethren, arise and 
trim your lamps, that you may have oil 
therein ; for behold the coming of the 
bridegroom is near; yea, nearer than when 
we first believed. 

And to all the Rulers, and Governors* 
and authorities of our land and our na- 
tion, and of all the world we would say, 
repent, repent, for “the hour of God’s judg- 
ment is at hand.” The harvest of the 
earth is truly ripening, and will soon be 
reaped down by the sore judgments of 
heaven — they will fall upon mankind both 
by sea and by land. O! turn ye unto 
God, that you may live. For we say un- 
to you, that this generation in which we 
live will wind up the career of wicked- 
ness on this earth for one thousand years. 
Repent ye, therefore, that you may have 
a part in the “ reign of rest.” 


; Comtniltec. 

(j^-On account of the matter contained 
in the report of the committee, published in 
this number of our paper, we shall send it to 
a'weat many individuals, many of whom we 
slmTl notcxpcetwill be sufficiently interested 
to wish to take our future numbers. But wo 

feel it a duty which we owe to ourselves, and 
to our old friends, THE THREE W1 T- 

Dretnren in iviruanu wuuiu uui uiu 7. c , 

who commanded the light to shine out of , NESSES, to spread a true history of these 
darkness, has shined in our hearts, to give mutters before the world. So that the lout 
us the light of the knowledge of the glory aspersions cast upon their characters may 
of God. And wc, notwithstanding our . be removed, and their testimony standin us 
lon<* dispersion, feel that we still have a | true light before mankind. 

treasure in earthen vessels, that the ex 
cellency of the power may be of God and 
not of us. And though we have been 
troubled on every side, and perplexed 
about many things, yet we are not in des- 
pair. Though we have been persecuted, 
and partly forsaken, cast down and almost 
destroyed, yet WE feel that we again be- 
gin to liavo the same spirit of faith, ac- 
cordin', as it is written, “ I believed and 

No one need send this number of our 
paperbackto us again; nor need they expect 
to receive out future numbers unless they 
send forthem. We have paid postago on a 

f reut many letters, since our residence iu 
lirtlnnd, making enquiries of us relative 
to the Church. W e hope now to bo able to 
answer all their queries through our paper. 
We havenotsaid this to preventour friends 
from making enquiries. 




Kirtland, March, 1847. 

Onr Adrfrevi. 

On entering the editorial department of The 
Ensigh or Liberty , as we haYe been called upon 
to do by the united toice of a Conference of our 
brethreu: and iu throwing out another periodical 
before oar friends, and before the world ; we feel 
called upon to give some of the prominent fea- 
tures of the coarse which we intend to pursue in 
managing its columns. 

Its pages will be sacred to the best interests of 
the Church or Christ — to the dissemination of 
her principles, doctrine and government— and to 
the spread of truth in general, on the all impor- 
tant subject of a preparation for the second com- 
ing of the Son of God — which, we verily be- ! 
lieve, is soon at hand. 

The Angel of God, seen in vision by John, the I 
R-vdator, “flying in the midst of heaven, hav- j 
ing the everlasting gospel to preach unto them 
that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and | 
kindred, and tongue, and people/’ has made the j 
earth his visit, and commuted the keys of that 
Gospel — and the two Priesthoods by which it 
may be understood, and preached, and ministe/ed 
among meu — to man. And how again, man can 
cry. to his fellow man, as in the days before the 
flood, “ Fear God, aud give-glory. to him ;J'or the 
hour of hie Judgment is cone. 

Soon, yea, before another half century passes 
away, atlulher Angel will follow*, saying, “ Baby- 
lo • is fallen, is fallen.*’ That great confusion in 
the religions of the world is down — it has fallen - 
Fvery false system of religion, which men and 
devils have invented, must tumble down when 
Babylon falls — aud Babel must fall before Messi- 
ah unveils the heavens, nud comes to earth, j 
' without sin unto salvation.” We shall endea- I 
vor to acquaint ourselves with, and faithfully I 
chronicle “the signs of the times,” as they shall 
appear in the heavens above, or in the earth be- 
neath ; in the sun, moon, or stars, T>r among na- 
tions or tribes — to far as those matters may bo 
connected with the great- work of the last 

An ancient record has been found— called the 
book of Mormon — and translated, and has been 
before the word for some seventeen years, unfold- 
ing the history of this continent, and its inhabit- 
ants as far back as its first peopling from the tow- 
er of Babel, in the land of Shinar — which book 
contains “the fulness of the everlasting gospel,” ( 
and the doctrine of Jesus in plainness — also ma- 
ny unfulfilled prophecies of holy prophets, who 
once lived upon this continent. It is fraught 
with instructions of the highest importance to 
this age. We shall, in our pages, from time to 
time, make ench remarks relative to its validity, 
its history, its translation, aud the object for which 
God has sent it into the world, as we may deem 
mportant toad lovers of truth. 

Jts coming to light has broken the slumber of 

ages. The dark curtain of the past, as it regards 
our New World, has been torn away. Those 
“Antiquities" of ruined cities, palaces, temples, 
aqueducts, monuments, towers, fortifications, un- 
intelligible inscriptions aud hieroglyphics, sepul- 
chres and bones, can all now be perfectly under- 
stood — although to account for them has puzzled 
so many noted, scientific travelers of both the 
Old and the New World. 

The Jarediies, who came from the Tower after 
“the confusion of language,” aud the Nephites, 
who came from Jerusalem just before the Baby- 
i lonish captivity, had to some extent the arts and 
sciences among them. They kept histories, or 
records, some of which have come to light in the 
book ot Mormon. That record was written aud 
kept by holy prophets, who once lived and wrote 
on our own beloved American land. It was 
translated from the ancient language in which it 
was written, into our own tongue, by “a gift of 
God.” Firmly believing this, we shall make 
quotations from its pages, with as much certainty 
of their sacred truth , as though we should quote 
from the Bible. 

Scientific and historic notices and extracts will 
occasionally, if not frequently, appear in our col- 
umns. But our polar-star will be religion — pure 
and uudetiled religion. Wo intend to muko our 
periodical a standard of troth — the insignia of 
Liberty — the friend of man — the Signal for the 
righteous to gather togethf.r, in preparation for 
the second coining of the Son of God. 

The Ensign ok Liberty will stand aloof from 
the common political and commercial news of the 
day — leaving those things to their proper chan- 
nels. Its pages will not be polluted with the en- 
venomed arrows of personal jealousies or strifes. 
We shall endeavor to speak of the principles by 
which men arc actuated, in order to show what- 
ever good or evil results may bo expected from 
them. When we speak of men, our object will 
bo to benefit them — to save them from ail evil. 

O’ A Genera! Conference of the Church of 
Christ will be held in the Temple of the Lord, 
in Kirtland, Ohio, commencing on the iiOth dav 
of June next. Public preaching may he expected 
on the Lord’s day, and the Conference business 
to commence on Monday the 2lst, and continue 
until finished. Some of the witnesses of the 
book of Mormon will be in attendance. A gen- 
eral attendance of all the friends *>f the great 
work of tfie last days is requested. The travel- 
ing at that time will be good east, west, north 
and south, and we anticipate an interesting time. 

O’ An article on the claims, pretensions, and 
professions of James J. Strang, of Voree, Wis- 
consin, will appear in our next number; showing 
the entire falsity of the positions which he has 
taken. We have the documenkfTor this purpose, 
and we intend, for his good, and the benefit of' 
our readers, to use them. He, together with his 
friends, have been endeavoring, for a few months 
past, through their little sheet , to pour bitterness 
and falsehood upon our head. We shall not re- 




turn railing for railing, but we rirall endeavor to 
present him and hie pretensions in so clear a light 
that all the honest in heart will be enabled to see 
him in his- true character, “ a false proph«|r-a 
wolf endeavoring to put on sheep’s clothing.” 

O' A Treatise, also, on the Name of the 
will appear in our next. 

(HT One is already on file relative to the place# 
of gathering pointed out of the Lord. It _ will 
show our present position, in KIRTLAND, in its 
true character. Kirtlarid was tho first place 
pointed out. in this generation, lor the assem- 
bling of the members of the Church of Christ. 
It is the place where the first Bishop of the Church 
was appointed. It is the place where “ the Law* 
of the Lord ” was received. It is the place, where 
the first Temple was reared in this generation by 
the direct revelation of God. It is the place where 
Satan made war upon the Church of Christ, and 
caused her first Elders to imbibe a false spirit, to 
take upon tinrfh a false name, to adopt false prin- 
ciples. to go to war, to engage largely in ruinous 
speculations, to oppress and persecute those who 
were more righteous than they ; and finally, after 
having done all these tilings, he caused them to 
flee from’ Kirtland when no jnan pursued them. 
Finally, Kirtland, old deserted Kirtland, is the 

eagles* wihga, and brought yon onto myself- 
Know therefore, that if ye will obey my voice 
indeed, and keep my covenant, then you shall be 
a peculiar treasure onto me, ABOVE ALL PEO- 
PLE; for all the earth is mine. And ye shall be 
onto me A KINGDOM OF PRI-ESTS, and an 
holy nation.** That is, all other nations shall be 
dependent on Israel for the troths and ministra- 
tions of eternal life. Israel should be the head, 
through which all divine intelligence should flow 
to the race of man. 

But when Israel refused to obey God, and Were 
tamed aside into the waste howling wilderness, 
that high privilege for them all to be Priests was 
taken from them, and one of their own tribes was 
chosen to bear, the Priesthood for the other elev- 
en ; and were forbidden to minister to any Gen- 
tile nation. In order to prepare men to judge 
righteously, and govern correctly, a Tabernacle 
was built among that people by direct revelation 
from heaven, according to the pattern of heaven- 
ly things. That is, it was formed with courts or 
mansions, after the likeness of heaven. 

In this holy Tabernacle, the Lord communed 
with h’» servants. When seventy of tho Elders 
of Israel, and officers over^them, were gathered 
unto the Tabernacle, by the* direction of the; Lord. 
He himself having promised Moses that “ I will 
come down and -talk with thee there, and I will 
take of the Spirit which is upon thee, and I will 
pul it upon them, and they shall bear the burden 

. f <u , . |A . of the people with theo, that thou bear it not thy- 

place where the Lord’s house has been reared to ' , ‘ £ A , T , . , Iirrtr> ,- 

; . fT bra ■srj.asr'sss::^ 

those whom he will choose with power from on , “ . 

, . , . ,, . . 1 , , , took of the Spirit that Wi\s upon him, ana gave 

high— thence to go to a 1 natious; for he has a ; loVR - U1 F 

j it unto the seventy Elders ; *md it came to pass, 

- 1 irJSrltS. 22 * I S HSfS E& 

great work laid up in store.** 

We invite our friends to tne mveet.gauon o. . ~ ^ Bnt two of the .evenly 

this subject It ,s one fraught with much inter- j thejr tents> ^ d , lVy prcphesied ._ 

by the spirit of 

v-iiurcu oi V.BH 91 | . , •_ | • tt Mii 

years ago — all the prophecies 
men to the contrary notwithstanding. 
tl|gn to oar friends, that the true C 

y true name, true spirit, true principles, true 
doctrine, true government, aud true Christ-like 

actions in all tilings, must rise up again in Kirt- i r- * - • „ XT 

. .. , 6 * . .iii. upon them. Num. 11. Moses felt some ot the 

land ; and tliev must put on the whole true ar- . c • 

I* * i .i c a i finest touches of that same Spirit which endowed 

mor of righteousness, and thus move forward in'*** 4104 r 

the true and glorious work of “the last days,’* in 

Kiruond, w*ch‘ he £ ™ ^Chu^^ This caused Joshua to -y ou. hy .lic jnt or 
year. a,^,. .h^r^erino, fah. parted | ^ ^Sh^^^f 

TZ to° our SXtTM the P**!-', ft 

. _ * • , . - • . * ' heart, replied to him, “Enviest thou for m> sake ' 

the true name, true spirit, true true i ’ , r ~ , , T „ -i. 

„ . r ./ A. . ... ; Would to God that all the Lords people we r e 

doctrine, true government, aud true Christ-like | , . . . . . . , ,, r . e • 

c prophets, and that the Lord would put Ins fepirit 

1 1 . . .. n- i. 

order to enter into the true “rest of God,’* at the 
coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ — 
which js soon at hand. 

and warmed the hearls of the holy Apostles .vf 
Jesus. Paul declares like Moses, “ For yo may 
all prophesy one by one, that all may learn, .and 
all be comforted.” 1 Cor. 11:31. 

Daring the Savior’s ministry on earth, he chose 
a Twelve, and a Seventy, and set them apart to 
bear his gospel to all the world ; first to Jew, and 
then to Gentile. After he had passed through 

The Endowment from ou High. 

In looking over the history of God’s revela.- 

tions to man, in the Old World as well as the | death, “that he might destroy him that had the 
New, wo find some leading subject* upon which ; power of death, that is, the Devil ; and deliver 
hung the destiny of nations, kindreds, tongues i them who through fear of death were all their 
and people. Such is the subject before as. One | life-time subject to bondage;” He, after he had 

more important would be hard to find. 

When the Lord started to lead Israel from Go- 
shen in Egypt up to the land of Canaan, he in- 
tended (if they had obeyed him) to have made 

risen from the dead, appeared to his ministers in 
a mountain in Galilee, and said to them, “All 
power is given onto me in heaven and in earth ; 
Go yc therefore and teach all nations — go ye into 

them the ministers of salvation to all the rest of j all the world, and preach the gospel to every cren- 
the world. Ex. 19 : 4, 5, 6. “ Ye have seen what j tore, beginning at Jerusalem. And behold, I send 
I did unto the Egyptians, and how I bear you on i the promise of my Father upon yon ; but tarry ye 


in tb« city of Jerusalem until ye be ENDUED them, and hie countenance did smile upon them' 
WITH POWER from on high.” The Apoetlea and shine upon them ; and behold, they were aa 
and Elders, with the women, and Mary the mo- whitens the countenance, and also the garments 
ther of Jesus, and his brethren — after witnessing of Jesus; and behold, the whitene* thereof did 
his ascent into heaven from the pinacle of mount ayeeed all whiteness— so that nothing earthly 
Olivet — returned onto Jerusalem, and abode in could be sq white.” Book of Nehi, chap. 9. 
an upper room of the Temple. The endowment at the Tabernacle in the days 

There about an hundred and twenty disciples, of Moses, the endowment in the Temple at Jeru- 
male and female, waited on the Lord for ‘-the salem, in the daysof Peter, and the encircling in 
promise of the Father, which, saith he, ye have fire on this land, in the day* of Nephi, we have' 
heard of me.” They were all with one accord briefly touched. But we have our hearts fixed 
in one place. O think of them ! Think of that upon on endowment, vshich the Lord has declared 
little band of onenes ; and then think of the jar- unto us shall take place in this age. And that 
ring sectsof the present day. All, yes, all praying that descent of power must fall upon the Min- 
far professing to) to the same God, in the name isters of the two Priesthoods, viz. the Apostles, 
of the same Jesus, for the same Holy Spirit of Prophets, Elders, Priests, and membors of tbs 
peace. But to return : “And suddenly there came Ciiuscn op Christ ; and upon none others ; wo 
a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty hove a foitAfnl testimony from tAe Heavens — 
wind, and it filled all the house where they were and lAat it will bo ini Kirtland, and no otAer 
sitting, and there appeared unto them cloven place, we sAall sAow. 
tongues, like as zf fire, and it sat upon each of f , 

tbem and they.4ere all filled with the Holy • P° “ ~”inurd.] 

Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as 

the Spirit gave them utterance.” PROSPECTUS. 

Now these first Elders and Ministry are quali- Whereas W. E. McLellw proposes publishing 
fied to “go into all tho world and preach lhu goe- a Iuont yy periodical in Kirtland, Lake County, 
pel to every creature, for they can now speak Ohio, to be devoted to the dissemination. of reli- 

SSttSf tS 7 WU ^stTgo u, «2& h * or * prmciple * and 10 

«"Tucarion to for ^^hT^edTem! The Ensign of Liberty of the Church of Christ. 

and liberally qualified them. . Onr object is to render the paper not only in- 

From Jerusalem the word of God went out, by teresting) bat highly useful in the diffusion of the 
a living Mmistlj^ “ mto all the earidj, an their principles of Messiah’s kingdom, and of 

words unto the ends rf the world. Rom.l0:18. fhst holy dorkrinc, and those correct practices. 
It flew, Md cratmned to fly, through eindef - w hich should actuate his "peculiar people,” in 
.gable labors of men called of God by direct rev- pre?aring them for the KCOND AD vzxt, add glo- 
elation from heaven, and then se apa to the nous penpal reign of Jesus with all the church 
holy work of the ministry by the laying on of t j ie y ir8t born, for oue thousand years, on this 
hands of th^b who had also been called and set carlh . whi|e jt rests from al) its portion*, aft „ 
apsit ; until it “ was preached to every creature having been cleansed Ay fire, and bcchrao the 
which is under heaven. Col. 1 : 23. habitation of all the holy. 

But the Lord had a people whom he called We will try, in this paper, to set forth the cau- 
“ other sheep,” John 10. 16. They were not Gen- ses of the present divided state of the protesed 
tiles, but descendants of Abraham — of Joseph, Christian denominations; why it is that the wfyd, 
who was sold into Egypt, who were led away or rather the people in it, mre so confused ; and 
from Jerusalem about six hundred years before why there is so much contention in this profess- 
the coming of Christ. They settled in the New edly enlightened age, respecting the religion of 
World. They had become numerous, and they Jesus. The signs of tlie times will form a con- 
had claim upon the Messiah. Consequently, af- Rpicuous item in our columus. 
ter be had been crucified, dead, buried, arose, and Finally, we will try to show what the world 
ascended into heaven, He descended among the niay expect as the final termination of all this 
descendants of Ephraim and Manasseh on this Babel ; and then to the righteous, the true path 
continent, and taught them his gospel. He also for them to walk in, in order for them to be 
chose a quorum of Twelve disciples among them, clothed in ‘‘robes ok white linen, clean and 
and ordained them to minister to the inhabitants tehUc,” when tlie day of perfect peace 6hall up- 
of this continent. “And it came to pass, when pear. 

they were all baptised, and had come up out of The Ensign ok Liberty will be edited by W. 
the water, the Holy Ghost did fall upon them, and E. McLellix, (for the present,) and published 
they were filled with the Holy Spirit and with every month, on a medium sheet, in pamphlet 
fire. And behold, they were encircled about as form, containing sixteen pages each, at One Dol- 
if it were fire ; and it came down from heaven ; lar per year, in advance. 

and Angels did come down out of heaven, and did U* Ail letters to the Editor must be post-paid 
Tninidof unto them. And it eame to pass that in order to insure attention. — Remember that. — 
while the Angels were ministering onto the disci- Our friends abroad are respectfully invited to send 
pies, behold, Jesta? came and stood in their midst, us their names, and their dollars, and wo will see 
and ministered unto them. And Jesus blessed that their papers are regularly mailed to them. 




NO. 2- 

Kirtland, O., Dec. 2d, 1846. 
My old , well tried, and beloved friend, Da- 

I seat myself (after having bowed be- 
fore God, and asked wisdom to direct me 
on this important occasion) to address you, 
on a subject that is neardvto— my heart 
than all the blessings earthcan afford : 
viz. the matters of our holy religion. 

VV e moved into this place on the 29th 
of October last. VV o came here in order 
to be with our brethren. The “church 
of Christ” hero nuipbers at present about 
one hundred, and they meet and worship 
in the Temple at least four times every 
week. Leonard Rich is at present pre- 
siding Elder, and our meetings are con- 
ducted with much spirit. We lived near 
the mouth of Rock river, on the Missis- 
sippi, since 1839, until June, 1845. I, 
with yourself, and many other noble, 
honest, warm-hearted, generous - souled 
men, were driven from the church because 
of iniquity, and sore, hard and high-hand- 
ed oppression in her Leaders. W e sor- 
rowed, we mourned, we grieved, and we 
wept; but we had to flee, or bo crushed 
in their ruin. In retrospecting the varied 
scenes of all my past life, upon no period 
do I look with more unfeigned pleasure, 
than those few days that I was privileged 
to feed David and Oliver, at my table, 
when they were outcasts from their wives 
and children, from their homes and prop- 
erty, and from “ the church of Christ,” 
and all her privileges, by lawless and un- 
principled men, “who feared not God, 
neither regarded man.” 

Those past times and scenes have of 
late passed before my mind, and are rivet- 
ed upon my heart. For' a little more 
than three years past, I have been striv- 
ing to get back upon the old foundation, 
and to enjoy that same light . and spirit 

of truth that you and I once enjoyed when 
we were blessed with each other s society 
— when we lived in church fellowship to- 
gether. Ah ! I well remember our jour- 
ney to Jackson county, Missouri, and the 
scenes that afterwards transpired there. — 
But I’ll let those things pass. 

At the death of Joseph Smith, I looked 
around and reflected, and I finally hoped 
that S. Rigdon had reformed, as he said, 
and that he would assist in carrying out 
the original design of God in raising up 
his church; and I united with him, and 
remained about six months. But I found 
in him (after a little trial) hypocrisy, dis- 
honesty and fanaticism. I saw that with 
him I could have no hope of future pros- 
perity, so as to bring in “the rest of God.” 

I quit him, and last spring we settled in 
Shalersville, in order that I might pursue 
i my profession. While there busily en- 
I gaged in the practice of medicine, I was 
1 visited by James J. Strang of Voree, Wis- 
consin. He laid siege to me in order to 
have me unite with him in his organiza- 
tion. I gave him some encouragement, 
and took the matter under advisement, 
but the more I prayed and reflected, the 
more I have doubted his claims. He 
has published my name as one of the 
twelve, but ho did so entirely contrary 
to my will or wish'. The brethren here 
generally received him as the Successor of 
Jos. Smith, according to his profession — 
He told me that all the witnesses to the 
book of Mormon yet alive were with him, 
except Oliver. I think he told me he 
had a letter from Hiram Page. He said 
he expected you all at Voree soon. 

Now sir, let me tell you, that for two 
or three months past, I have been continu- 
ally struggling before the Lord, like Daniel 
of old, to know when our captivity would 
cease. My mind is more at rest on that 
point. I have been shown that the church 



would prosper, if David and Oliver would 
step forward into her front rank, and oc- 
cupy their proper places before the Lord, 
their brethren, and the world. You re- 
member it is said, in a revleation, that if 
“ Joseph transgressed, he should not have 
power save to appoint another in his 
stead.' 1 In the year 1834, when Joseph 
led his army to Missouri, when lie neared 
Clay county, he expressed to his confi- 
dante around him great anxiety of mind 
respecting one important duty which he 
said he tiad to perform, viz. to appoint 
You his successor as Seer. You will re- 
member, lie appointed a special confer- 
ence at L. Wight’s, on the 8th of July. 
1834. Benj. Winchester and Leornwji 
Kich have both told mo that lie laid his 
hands on you, in that conference, and ap- 
pointed and ordained you to be the Lord’s 
Beer, “in his stead,” provided anything 
should bofal himself, so as to remove him 
from time. I was at that conference part 
of the day, and well remember that I saw 
you ordained. Should Joseph transgress, 
he should not have power except to ap- 
point another. Now .all acquainted with history, from that day to the day of 
his death, know perfectly well that he 
never had power with God to accomplish 
any ono great or good object that he ever 
commenced. Every thing seemed to be 
marred in his hands, until finally lie died 
“ns a fool dietli,” at the hands of his ene- 

Now brother David, all who know you, 
know your timid and reserved disposition 
— your unassuming manners, & c. But 
inasmuch as the Lord lias appointed you, 
you cannot shrink from your duty, and 
then have any hope of eternal Fife. You 
must obey, or sink in utter darkness for- 
ever. 1 am fuliy convinced, that howev- 
er many pretenders may rise up, assaying 
to order and to regulate the house of God, 
provided they should even prosper for a 
little season, yet God does not hold him- 
self bound to guide their ships — soon they 
run against breakers, and are dashed to 
pieces; as the Twelve, Higdon and Strang 
have done. 

There is no man in this world in whom 
the church in Kirtland have that confi- 
dence that they have in David Whitmer. 
i mentioned the names of David and Oli- 

N S I G N 

ver to brother Bump a fowWonings since, 
and told him I thought they would yet 
come to Kirtland to live. “Oh!” said he, 
“ I would fast and pray for two weeks, if 
I thought that would bring them.” I am 
aware that you wore, ns it were, kicked 
out of the church, because forsooth you 
could not believe wickedness was right 
even in Prophets. I am aware also that 
they endeavored to ruin your and Oli- 
ver’s characters, as well as your pr operty, 
so ns to make, or rather try to make you 
vagabonds ;o the earth They (1 have 
been told) published a!l manner of false- 
hoods about you. But Joseph is g me, 
and is reaping (to some extent) his re- 
-ward. 1 feel to let his ashes rest in peace. 
But my dear brother, the church is bleee- 
ing at every pore, for the want of faith . hi 
Shepherds to take the oversight of the 

1 labor here with and for this people 
both clay- and night. I feci as though I 
was, to some extent, alone, although I 
have scores of good, honest, warm-heart- 
ed saints around me, and the Lord is 
abundantly good. Will you, sir, step for- 
ward and take the front rank, in order to 
HE-ESTARU8H “the only true and living 
church upon the face of the whole earth,” 
or will von not? 1 ask you in the name 
of my master, Jesus of Nazareth. 1 ask 
you in the name, and in the behalf of the 
church in Kirtland. 1 ask you in behalf 
of all the saints seattere i through >ut the 
world. 1 ask you in behalf of the great 
work of God in the lust days. I ask you 
in view of building uo a holy people unto 
God. And 1 ask you in view of a glittering 
crown that would await you at Iris appear- 
ing and kingdom. Yes, I ask you, because 
of that love which wo all hear to an injured 
man of God. to whom an holy Angel once 
said, “David, blessed is he that kcepoth the 
commandments of God.” Yes, l a sic you 
to now come forward, that all the quorums 
may be filled up in the church,, so that 
she may present herself. before her Head, 
even Jesus, as his true Bride, having on her 
wedding garments. We mean to publish 
a pamphlet, setting the false calumnies, 
published bv the Leaders in the church 
against the Witnesses, in their true light, 
and exonerating them, as far as truth will 
do it. We think justice requires this at 



or LIB 

the hands of the church. When this is 
done, \vc arc very anxious to know whe- 
ther you will take hold with us to build 
up the true church of Christ, or whe- 
ther we must trust in God, and travel the 
strait path that leads to the right hand of 
the Lmd without ydur society, influence, 
or autnority. 

I received a letter from Oliver a few 
weeks since. They were all well. He 
thinks Strang is a wicked man. 

Brother David, inasmuch as yoil were 
ordained by Joseph, and that was sanc- 
tioned in Heaven, then no man can lead 
this church out of her present distress, 
and then onward to triumph, but yourself, 
unless you refuse and fall, through unbe- 
lief and hardness of heart. I here is, , - , 

therefore, even now, a great responsibili- j da.ned, and now I .would say to you, 
tv resting upon you. The church now | Nathan said to David, “TnouART 
calls upon you to conic and take your! max.” You must lead the church of 
and make the seat of the . first 

E R T Y. ' 19 

you, “Come thou with us, and we will do 
thee good, for the Lord has spoken good 
concerning Israel.” And you (we feel) 
will do us good also. I feel assured, that 
if you and Oliver wouldcome out of your 
seclusions, and again bear your testimo- 
nies, all, yes, all the honest in heart in all 
the world, would gather into the fold of 
Christ, and then the end would come. — 
Come, then, and let us keep the law of 
God ourselves, and also see that others do 
likewise, and Zion will arise. 

Bro. David, when you receive this let- 
ter, wo want you should call all your fa- 
ther’s family together, and read it to 
them, and consider it well. Then write 
to us here, and tell us how you view the 
matter. You know you have been or- 

, as 

Thou art the 

place, . 

Leaders in the church here in Kirtland. 
For this was the first Stake of Zion ever 
pointed out, in this generation. \\ c hav o 
the promise that in this place, ’>'■ c snail 
have' an endowment from on high. I hen 
the Elders, thus prepared, shall go to Gen- 
tile and then to the Jew, in all the world, 
in power. 

The apostate Twelve have fled to tnc 
wilderness, with a large body of follow, 
ers, to endure the severity of the judg- 
ments of God, in their destruction, which 
is certain. Riglon lives near Chambcrs- 
burg, l’a., surrounded by only a Jew, fol- 
lowers; but few as they are, their hearts 
arc full of desires for' blood and war.— 
Strang pitched his head quarters in Yo- 
ree, Wisconsin, and has made the notorious 
Dr. J. C. Bonnet his chief counsellor and 
" Pontiff. Big title truly. All their races 
must be short, for they are not built upon 
the Rock. Tiioy must come down. They 
have all left Kirtland out of view, as the 
centre of their operations, and it is the sc- 
ry place where God designs to build up 
his kingdom, and to establish bis saints, 
that the pure in heart may- gather here 
from all the world. Hero 1 feel like 
standing and pleading the cause of God, 
until 1 see righteousness go forth “as a 
lamp that burnetii.” Now, as Mosessaid 
to Hobnb, his brother-in-law, inthcwil-) 
dcrnes<, (Numbers 10: 29,) so we say to 

j Christ to triumph — to glory. David was 
anointed by Samuel, (lSanr. 16,) to stand 
at the head of Judah and Israel, many 
years before Saul ceased to reign. De- 
vid fled from the rags of Saul, and lived 
among the Philistines in Ziklag, under tho 
government of Israel’s greatest enemies, 
until Saul’s death — until' his cup of ini- 
quity jvas full. Did you fieo from tho 
wrath o)i Joseph, and his Danitcs, and 

have you lived since among the Missouri- 
ans, the greatest enemies of the church, 
until Joseph’s death — until the cup of his 
iniquity was full ! After the death of Saul, 
David inquired of God, (2 Sam, 2,)saying, 
“Shall 1 go up into any of the cities ot 
Judah,” and the Lord answered, “go up,” 
.and he went up. Now, sir, the church in 
this placo calls upon you to come up, and 
to stand up among them, and direct them 
to God and to Heaven. 

Will you, my dear brother; inquire of 
God, and conic np and take your place 
among the people of the Lord here, or 
will you let another take your crown? I 
would urge you by all that you consider 
sacred to you in life, and in eternity, to 
let your trump lie still no longer — to let 
your harp hang upon the willows no 
longer, . Arise, shake yourself, and mag- 
nify your calling, and then your crown 
will lie sure — will be great. 

We now intend, as soon as we hear 
1 from you, to write and publish a parr.- 



phlet, calling a general conference, to be 
held here in the house of the Lord, in June 
next, in order to re-organize the church 
upon her old foundation, provided you 
will attend. Oliver, we think, will be 
sure to be here, and June, we think, 
would suit better than April — that would 
give more time, and then traveling will be 
better both by sea and by land. 

Tell your father (if alive) that he shall 
yet see good days. We want your rela- 
tives here with us in conference. As 
soon as next spring, we intend to have a 
press in operation here, and an “ Ensign ” i 
will be reared to the nations, and a warn- 
ing to all people. Brother Bump says, if 
you will come, a house shall be fitted up 
ready for your reception. Come then, 
“for all things will be ready.” Brother 
■David, I want you should answer this let- 
ter immediately. 

VVe laid aside important business in or- 
der to write, and we have labored hours 
when we should have slept, in order to 
get it in readiness to send to you. Then 
if you cannot write yourself, get Jacob or 
Hiram to write, and don’t you scarcely 
sleep until you give us an answer, either 
yea or nay. You must know that I love 
you, and that I love the cause of God, and 
that has moved me onward in this matter. 

As ever, 


An answer to the above has not 
yet been recived. 

The Name of the Church. 

At a conference of the church held in 
Kirtland, Ohio, on the 23d January, 1847, 
after many remarks by those present, 
it was motioned by W. E. McLellin, 
and seconded by Martin Harris, that this 
church take upon them the name of the 
church of Christ, and wear it hence- 
forth — shorn of all appendages or altera- 
tions. The motion was put by Elder 
Leonard Rich, the chairman, and carried 

We will make a few remarks on names in 
general- . 

The first duty which the first man, 
Adam, ever performed, after he was plac- 
ed in the garden of Eden, “to dress it, 
and to keep it,” was to give names “to all 
cattle, and to every fowl of the air, and 
to every beast of the field; and whatso- 
ever Adam called, every living creature, 
that was the name thereof.” And when 
woman had been builded out of a rib taken 
from man’s side, and brought unto man, 
the -first tiling that he did was to declare, 
“sho shall be called woman.” And af- 
ter the woman, his wife, had transgress- 
ed, and also given him of the fruit, and 
he had eaten, and God h ! nnssed upon 
him the decree, “ for du-' mart, and 
unto dust shall thou reto.;:, ; n Adam 
rose up and called his wife’s name Eve. 

Anciently, the names given, were in 
some degree significant of the circum- 
stance or thing which gave rise to the 
name, such as Eve, i. e. living; Cain, 
i. e. gotten or acquired; Seth, i. e. ap- 
pointed ; Noah, i. e. rest or comfort ; Pe- 
leg, i. e. division ; Abraham, i. e. father 
of a great multitude ; Moses, i. e. drawn 
out, &c. &e. When those names were 
given, we are aware that men communed 
with the Author of universal nature, by 
direct revelation from heaven. But since 
] men have ceased to commune with God, 
and to receive pure wisdom from that pure 
! Fountain, we are not surprised that little 
importance should be attached to names, 
as well ns to every thing else, among a 
people who “ cannot call or name Jesus, 
Lord,” because they dare not admit that 
the Holy Ghost reveals to men now, as in 
days of old. Consequently they cannot 
say that Jesus is the Lord, unless the Ho- 
ly Ghost -reveals it unto them. They 
may believe he is Lord, upon the testimo- 
ny of others, but they cannot say he is, 
or that they know he is, except by direct 
communion with the heavens. 

On reflecting upon the past, we have 
had some singular feelings, in looking 

with much feeling arid spirit, in the af- over the history of the church of Christ, 
firmative — without a dissenting voice. which was organized on the 6th day of 

VVe have a few things to say with re- April, 1830. How it was possible for so 
gard to this name, which wf. have taken many thousands of people, who all pro- 
upon us, to wear unaltered until the com- ' fessed to believe in the divine authority 
ing of our Lord; and in order to do so, I of the book of Mormon, to take upon them 



fictitious or false names, and wear them 
so long in open defiance of some of the 
plainest sayings in that sacred r f.cord, 
wo shall leave for those who are sticklers 
for those far-fetched names, with all their 
changes and appendages, to answer, after 
they read what we have to write on this 
important subject. 

From April, 1830, until May, 1834, 
the church organized, consequent upon 
the coming forth of the book of Mormon, 
would not receive, acknowledge, wear, or 
even countenance any other name, except 
the name of the church of Christ. All 
the revelations given, laying the whole 
foundation of the church of God, from 
the first up to May ’34, were given to in- 
dividuals, conferences, or the whole body 
of the church of Christ, who were wear- 
ing his name, and his name only. But 
for reasons detailed and assigned in our 
first number, that people, once so highly 
favored, took upon tljeni another name, 
imbibed another spirit, taught other prin- 
ciples, and consequently wore another 
character before God and the world. 

They laid aside the name of Christ, 
and took to themselves another name, 
which the mouth of the Lord did not 
name, viz. Latter Day Saints. This was 
done in a conference called in Kirtland, 
Ohio, on the 3d day of May, 1834. It 
was done before the temple of the Lord 
here was finished. And the inscription 
upon the front stone is, “ HOUSE OF 
THE LORD, built by the church of 
the Latter Day Saints, A. D. 1834.,, 
Some of the principal men in the church 
were much grieved at this, hut had not 
power at that time to alter or change the 
course of things. . 

Thus matters remained, so far as the 
name was concerned, until the spring of 
1837, when many of the first Elders in 
the church became so dissatisfied, that 
they come out, took the original name of 
THE CHURCH of Christ upon them, and 
Eider Martin Harris, being among them, 
he furnished the money, and Elder Leon- 
ard Rich went to Chardon, and had this 
name recorded upon the records of the 
county. This alarmed the Leaders of 
the Latter Day Saints, and they, in con- 
clave assembled, altered their name, and 
called themselves the Church of Christ of 

E R T T i 

Latter Day Saints, and hastened a man 
to get that recorded also. But they were 
a day too late. The others were before 
them. And thus stand the records rela- 
tive to this matter. 

Some time after the Leaders of the 
Latter Day Saints removed to the west, 
and still not being satisfied with their 
name, they altered again, and called 
themselves “The Church of Jesus Christ 
of Latter Day Saints.” This, so far as 
we know, was the last alteration which 
that strange and singularly curious peo- 
ple made in the name of their church. 
At least, the last claimant to the Leader- 
ship of that people, has hoisted that name 
at mast head. 

But now for the reasons, that induced 
the conference and church in Kirtland, in 
the first month in 1847, to take, yes, joy- 
fully take upon them — shorn of all its al- 
terations and appendages — the original 

The report of the committee, in the 
first number of the Ensign of Liberty, 
gives some of the crimes which were 
committed by those who had violated the 
word of God — who had covered them- 
selves with the name of Latter Day 
Saints. Had they not been in transgres- 
sion, they never would have taken upon 
them tl false name. The great body of 
that people never would have been under 
the necessity of fleeing from civilized 
man, to hunt a home in the wild, wide, 
waste, howling wilderness' of the west, 
among the red men of the forest. No. 
We distinctly say, No. t^pd raised up 
the government of the United States, and 
established them in freedom, in order to 
give protection and perfect liberty to all 
classes of religious denominations in the 
world, who do not violate the majesty of 
the laws of tho land. But they are gone. 
They have fled to the Indian’s home— 
away to California. 

Isaiah seems to have seen them, when 
he said, 65.-11 — 15, “But ye are they 
that forsake the Lord, that forget my holy 
mountain, that prepare a table for that 
troop, and that furnish the drink offering 
unto that number. Therefore will I num- 
ber you to tho sword, and ye shall all 
bow down to the slaughter : because when 
I called, ye did not answer; when I spake, 




ye did not hear; but did evil before mine assembled around their Temple, listening 
eyes, and did choose that wherein 1 do- to the' holy words of fire, as they proceeded 
lighted not. Therefore thussaith the Lord from this aged man’s mouth thus : “I say 
God, Behold my servants shall cat, but i unto you, that 1 have caused that ye 
ye shall be hungry: behold, my servants j should assemble yourselves together, that 
shall drink, but ye shall be thirsty: behold 1 might rid my garments of your blood, 
my servants shall rejoice, but ye shall be , at this period of time when 1 am about* Jo 
ashamed: behold, my servants shall sing go down to my grave,. {hut I might go 
for joy of heart, but ye shall cry for so r- down in peace, and my immortal spirit 
row oi‘ heart, and shall howl for vexation may join tile choirs above singing tire 
of spirit. And ye shall leave youfc name praises oT a just God. And moreover, 
for a curse unto my chosen : for the Lord 1 have caused that ye should assemble 
.God shall slay thee, and call his servants yourselves together, that I might declare 
by another name. That he who bless- unto you that I can no longer be your 
eth himself in the earth shall bless him- teacher, nor your king; for even at tlris 
self in the God of truth.*’ time, my whole frame doth tremble ex- 

The above quotation, every sensible cecdingly, while attempting to speak to 
reader, at all familiar with the Latter you. Ye behold that 1 am old, and am 
Day Saints/ and their history, ahd with about to yield up this mortal frame to its 
the position which the church in Kirtland mother earth. 1 have served you, walk- 
has no '.v taken, c2H-tfpj)ly for themselves, ing with a clear conscience before God.”. 
Again, Isaiah 62,' “ For Zion’s sake will Finally, after many hours speaking, and 
I not hold my peace, and for Jerusalem’s after all the multitude had entered into a 
sake I will not rest, until the righteous- covenant with God, to do his will, and to 
ness thereof go forth as brightness, and be obedient to his commandments in all 
the salvation thereof, as a lamp that burn- things that he should command' them — 
eth. The Gentiles shall see thy righte- their teacher and kingsaid, “There is no 
ousness, and all kings thy glory: and other name given, whereby salvation ecm- 
tliou shalt be called by a new name, eth; therefore, I would that you. should 
which the mouth of the Lord shall name." take upon you the name of Christ, all you 
The abovo so completely accords with that have entered into this covenant with 
sayiugs in the book- of Mormon, that our God; for whosoever doeth this, shall, be 
next quotation will be taken from that | found at the right hand of God, for ho 
holy record. King Benjamin reigned ! shall know the name by which he is call- 
over all the land of Zarahcmla, and he j eu ; for lie shall ho called by the name of 
reigned in righte ousness, he feared God, | Christ. And now, it shall come to pass 
anil communed with angels. IvToaFlEtT "that whosoever wllftiot take upon them the 
close of his "life, he caused a proclama- name of Christ, must bo called by somo 
tion to bo made throughout all the land, other name; therefore ho findeth himself 
for all his people to be assembled, in order on the left hand of God. A^id I would 
to hear him, from his own mouth, pro- that ye should remember also, that this 
claim Mosiah, his son, his successor, is the name that I said 1 would give 
“And moreover, (said lie,) 1 shall give unto you, that never should be blot- 
this people a name, that thereby they ted out, except it bo through transgres- 
may bo distinguished above all the peo- sion : therefore, take heed that you do 
pie which the Lord God hath brought out not transgress, that the name be not blot- 
of the land of Jerusalem; and this I do, ted out of your hearts.. I say unto you, 
because they have boen a diligent people l would that ye should remember to re- 
in keeping the commandments of the tain the name written in your hearts, that 
Lord. And I give unto them a name, ye aro not found on the left hand of God, 
that never shall be blotted out, except it but that ye hear and know the voice by 
be through transgression.” Book of Mo- which ye shall be called, and also^ the 
siah, chap. 1. ^ name by which he shall call^you: for, 

Ah! hear that righteous king preach to how knoweth a man the master whom he 
his people, while multitudes of them were ’hath not served, and who is a stranger 



unto hint, and is far from the thoughts 
and intents of his heart! And again: 
Doth a man take an ass whioh belongeth 
to his neighbor, and keep him ? I say 
unto you, nay ; he will not even suffer 
him -to feed among his flocks, but will 
drive him away, and oast him out. I say 
unto, you, that even so it shall be among 
you? if ye know not the name by which 
ye are called.” Book of Mosiah, chap. 3. 

These were the last words of a great- 
kin-r, over a great people, felling them, 
by °he direction of an Angel of God, 
tliat if they were found in fictitious 
names, they should, at the last day, be 
driven away like a slray ass into outer 
darkness. Where, O! where is that 
once highly favored, enlightened, good 
and great poopfc, who thl ' ew awa y llie 
name of CnmsT, and took to themselves 
the name of Latter Day Saints? Ah! 
their Great Ones have fallen!! and the 
flock, like the wild ass’s colt, ‘‘have fled 
to the mountains — away to California. 

But wo are not done with this subject 
yet. When the Savior of the world vis- 
ited this, continent in person, after his 
ascension from mount Olivet, near Jeru- 
salem, he taught the Nephites his gospel 
in plainness. Ho chose, ordained, conse- 
crated and endowed Twelve Disciples, 
viz. Apostles, and sent them out on this 
land to preach the gospel to their fellow 
men. Many believed, wero immersed, 
and received into the church. “And it 
came to pass that they did do all things, 
even as Jesus had commanded them- 
And tliev who were baptised in the name 
of Jesus were called the church of 

Christ.” . 

“And it came to pass that the Disciples 
of Jesus were journeying, and were 
preaching the things, which they had both 
heard and seem and were baptizing in ! 
the name of Jesus, and the disciples were 
gathered together, and were united in 
mighty prayer and tasting. And Jesus: 
again showed himseii unto them, and 
stood in their midst, and said, What will | 
yo that I shall gw-e unto you ? And they 
answered, Lord, we will thatthou wouldst 
tell us the name whereby we shall call 
this church, for there are disputations 
among the people concerning this matter.^ 
And the Lord said unto them. Verily, ve- 

rily I say unto, you, why is it that the 
people should murmur and dispute, be- 
cause of this thing? Have they notread 
tho scriptures, which say, ye must take 
upon you the name of Christ, which is 
my name? For by this name shall ye 
be called at the last day. * * Ye shall 
call the church in my name; and ye 
shall call upon the Father in my name, 
that he will bless the church for my sake; 
and how be it my church, save it bo 
called in my name ? For if a church bo 
called in -Moses’ name, then it be Moses’ 
church ; or if Jt be called in the name of 
a man, then it be the church of a man ; 
but if -it bo called in my name, then it is 
my church, if 4 so be that they are -built 
upon my Gospel — rand if so, then will the 
Father show forth his own works in it. 
But if burlt upon the works of men, or 
upon tho works of the devil, verily I say 
unto you, they have joy in their works 
for a season, and by and by tho end com- 
eth, and they are hewn down and cast 
into tho fire, from whence therde no re- 
turn; for their works do follow them, for 
it is becauso of their works that they are 
hewn down; therefore remember the tilings 
that I have told you.” Book of Nephi, 
chapter 12. . 

Did the Leaders in the church of Gnnst 
remember what Jesus said to the ^ Neph- 
ites, respecting the name by which the 
church should be called? If they had, 
do you suppose that they ever could have 
thrown away that new, that holy name, 
which was given by the mouth ot tho 
Lord himself? And then taken upon 
them for the church the name ot Latter 
Bay Saints 7 And then, when they saw 
their mistake, through the testimony and 
labors of Elder Martin Harris -and Olli- 
ers, why did they not return to the Lord, 
and take that new name — that name which 
came down from heaven, shorn of all ap- 
pendages and alterations? lhcn they 
would not now bo found on tho left hand, 
where the bitterest judgments are falling 
upon them — even hunger, nakedness, fa'- 
minc and death. 

But you may ask, why so much impor- 
tance attached to the name ? We answer, 
because the Lord from heaven himself has 
given to it so much power, yes, power in 
THE NAME, as to soy that all those wcar- 




ing all the Babylonish names of all the Their numbers soon increased to hun- 
jafring sectaries of all the world, will be dreds, and then to thousands, all being 
found on the left hand. O, said I, when 1 taught and nil believed, that the coming 
looked at the importance of this all-impor- forth of that divine Record was the 
tant subject, arise, O arise, and recommend Lord's signal sign for the “gathering to- 
to thy friends and brethren to take upon gether of a remnant of his people, from 
them for the church the charming name of all nations, tribes and countries.” 
the church op Christ. Those few individuals were vory care- 

We have done as the Lord commanded, ful to take the name of the church op 
and we have hoisted the Ensign of Lib- Christ, and none other, for their chnrac- 
erty, of the church of Christ; and we teristlc name. They believed with Paul, 
have unfurled our banner to all the hon- “that blindness in part is happonod to Is- 
est in heart in all the world, with this in- rael, until the fulness of the Gentiles be 
scriptioo, “Holiness to <the Lord, in come in.” And more, they, by the aid 
name, in principle, in doctrine, in govern - and light of that book, firmly believed that 
ment, in life, and in all our practices for- this century, yea, this age, this gencra- 
cver.” And we invite all those who wish tion would wind up the career of wicked- 
to meet the Lord in peace at his coming, ness on this earth for at- least one thou- 
to come out from all the names of men sand years — that there were men on the 
and of devils ; and from all dead works — earth then — which was seventeen years 
all evil spirits, and from all unrighteous- ago — who would not die with old age, be- 
ness, and then take upon you the new fore the last vestige of the rebellious a- 
name which the mouth of the Lord has gainst God and his divine government, 
named, even the name of Christ would be swept as with the besom of de- 

Come — we say with all our hearts, struction from all the face of the habita- 
come, and take upon you not only.tho able earth — 'that this is the age for all the 
name, but obey the ordinances of the “ful- signs spoken of to precede the Second 
ness of the everlasting gospel,” and there- Advent of the Son of God to the earth the 
by r be partakers of the divine nature of second time, “ without sign unto salva* 
Christ also ; and thus escape all the false i tion,” to be shown forth. Yes, they be- 
names, natures, spirits' and all evil works ] lieved, and we now believe, that this is the 
that are abroad in the world already to time, the age, the hour of God’s judg- 
swallow you up. Yes, notwithstanding ments on the earth. “And I saw another 
the stigma, or the /name that has been angel come down from heaven, having 
left for a curse to the Lord’s chosen,” great power; and the earth was lighted 
come and unite with the true followers of with his glory. And he cried mightily 
the Lamb of God, although their numbers with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the 
may be few; and they, like Paul and the great is fallen, is fallen.” * * “And 1 heard 
Disciples in his day, “are made as the another voice from heaven, saying, Come 
filth of the earth, and the off-scouring of out of her, my people, that ye be not 
all things.” Remember that Christ — the partakers of her sins, and that ye receive 
gread Head of the church — was made not of her plagues.” This mighty angel, 
perfect through suffering, and thus has be- and this voice from heaven will be seen 
come the Author of eternal salvation to all and heard ere many years shall roll away 
them that obey him. Ed. after 1847. 

[ 7b be continued. ] According to PauPs reasoning, in the 

* 11th of Romans, the Jews obtained mercy 

The Places ol Gathering- direct from the Lord, and through them 
After the book of Mormon was found, and their ministers, mercy and salvation 
translated, and published to the world, a were carried to the Gentiles. But in this 
few persons, only six, associated them- age it is reversed. The Lord has now 
selves together in church fellowship, in commenced his work among the Gentiles, 
the town of Manchester, New York, pio- and thence he designs to send it to his 
fessing to believe that that book contain- covenant people — the long despised and 
ed sacred truth, as well us the Bible. — trodden down among the ten tribes, the 



Lnmanites and the Jews. “ That through 
the mercy of the Gentiles they may ob- 
tain mercy.”. These things must all be 
so, or otherwise the prophecies of the ho- 
ly Prophets never. can be fulfilled. ‘*lhe 
first shall be last, and the last first in all 

things.” . . , 

There was a great anxiety in the minds 
of the 'first believers, the Saints, the Lord’s 
disciples in this church, after it was firstor- 
ganized, to know relative to their gathering 
together, to know where that spot of earth 
was, on which they could assemble and 
keep the laws of their God, and also the 
laws of tfie land. Anxiety and uncertamy 
remained in their minds on this point un- 
til, in December, 1830, a revelation was 
given to the church through their prophet 
Joseph, in Canandaigua, New York, say- 
ing : “ And again a commandment I give 
unto the church, that it is expedient in me 
that they should assemble together at 
the Ohio.” This created some feeling in 
the church, and they came together and 
unitedly called upon God that he would 
“through him whom he had appointed un- 
to that gift and work by the voice of his 
saints through the prayer of faith,” give 
unto the church more light upon the sub- 
ject of their removal and gathering together 
to the Ohio.. This was on the first day of 
January, 1831. In the answer of the 
Lord, we find this paragraph: “And that 
ye might escape the power of tho enemy, 
and be gathered unto me a righteous peo- 
ple, without spot and blameless: where- 
fore, for this cause, I gave unto you the 
commandment, that ye should go to the 
Ohio : and there I will gave unto you my 
law, and there you shall be endowed 
with power from on high ; and from 
thence, whomsoever 1 will shall go forth 
' among all nations, and it shall be told them 
what they shall do, for I have a great 
work laid up in store.” 

The above was very cheering to some, 
but a few were grieved, and turned away 
from the church, and never walked with 
her afterwards. During the same month, 
and in the same place, the word of the 
Lord came unto the Prophet again, say- 
ing, “And inasmuch as my people shall 
^assemble themselves to the Ohio, I have 
kept in store a blessing such as is not 
known among the children of men, and it 

shall be poured forth upon their heads ; • 

and from thence men shall go forth into all 

nations.” . ... 

During the winter, Joseph removed to 
Kirtland, and so did many others from the 
east, all anxious to know where the spot 
for the gathering would be. During the 
winter and spring, the work spread exten- 
sively in Northern Ohio. In the month 
of February, in tho presence of twelve 
Elders, assembled in Kirtland, the law 
of the Lord for the government of the 
church was received. Also a word more 
relative to the gathering , was given in the 
same place, in the month of March, as fol- 
lows: “The place is not yet to be reveal- 
ed ; but after your brethren come from the 
east, there are to be certain men appointed, 
and to them it shall be given to know the 
place, or to them itshall be revealed; and 
they shall be appointed .to purchase the 
land, and to make a commencement, to 
lay the foundation of the city ; and then 
ye shall begin to be gathered with your 
families, every man according to his fami- 
ly, according to his circumstances, and as 
is appointed to him by the Bishop and El- 
ders of the church, according to the laws 
and commandments which ye have re- 
ceived, and which ye shall hereafter re- 
ceive.” „ - 

And in June following, a conference ot 
all the ministerial Authorities of the 
church within reach was called, who as- 
sembled in Kirtland, and during the con- 
ference, they received a revelation, from 
which we extract the following : 

“Behold, thus saith the Lord unto the 
Elders whom he hath called and chosen, 
in these last days, by tho voice of his Spi- 
rit, saying, I the Lord will make known 
unto you what I will that ye shall do from 
this time until the next conference, which 
i shall be held in Missouri, upon the land 
I which I will consecrate unto my people. 

I * * Let my servants Joseph and Sidney 
' take their journey to-the land of Missouri, 
and inasmuch as they are faithful unto me, 
it shall be made known unto them the land 
of your inheritance; and inasmuch as they 
are not faithful, they shall he cut off, even as 
l will, as seemeth me good. * * And thus, 
even as I have said, if ye are faithful, ye 
shall assemble yourselves together to re- 
1 joice upon the land of Missouri, which is 





: j 



the land or your INHERITANCE, which east again. A great anxiety soon pervsH- 
is now in tbe hands of your enemies, ed the church generally to remove to Zi- 
Bu: behold, 1 the Lord will hasten the city on. No particular spot as yet had been 
in its time.” pointed out and dedicated in Ohio for the 

About thirty Elders were. sent, two by I gathering together of the saints. The 
two, to hold that conference on the con- j residence of the first Authorities in the 
lines of civilization. When they rilSuTchurch was at present in Kirttand. Some 
reached Jackson county, Mo., iii July, the I thought that Kirtland -would yet become a 
word of the Lord came unto them again, j jilaco of gathering, though others doubted 
saying, “Hearken, O ye. Elders of my it.- In September they inquired of tho 
church, safitl the Lord your God, wlimj Lord, nnd received jj revelation,- in which 
have assembled yourselves together, ac- - was tho following,: “ 1 tho Lord willeth to 
cording to my commandments, in this . retain a stronghold in the land of Kirt- 
land, which is the laud of Missouri, which land, for the space of five years, in the 
is the land which I have appointed and ' which 1 will not overthrow" th.e wicked, 
consecrated for the gathering of the saints: that thereby I may save some.” This still 
wherefore this is tii • land of promise, and j left them in doubt as it respected this 
tbe place for the city of Zion. And thus] place, and the design of God concerning 
sa’in the Lord your God, if ye will receive • it. The spot where thE'f.ndowmknt was 
Wisdom, here is wisdom. Behold the '.to be given and received still hung in 
place which is now'called Independence, doubt. God had said that it should be-in 
in tub -centre peace, and THE SPOT Ohio. In April, 1632. in a revelation 
FOR THE TEMPLE is lying westward was this expression : “ For I have consc- 
upoa a lot which is not far from the court crated the laud of Kirtland, in mine own 
house.” duo time, for the benefit of the saints of 

Again, a few days afterwards, they re- the Most High, and for a Stake to Zion : 
ce : ved the following: “Hearken, 0 yc far Zion must increase in beauty, and in 
Elders ot my church, and give car to my holiness ; her borders most be enlarged : 
word,- and learn of mo what I will con- her Stakes must be strengthened : yea. 
corning you, nnd also concerning this verily, 1 say nnto you, Zion must arise' 
land unto which I have sent you. Behold, and put on her beautiful garments.” f 
verily I say unto you, for this cause I have Matters passed on without any special 
sent you that you might be obedient, and act being taken relative to the building up 
that your hearts might be prepared to bear of Kirtland, until December following, in 
testimony of the things which are to a revelation given to the Elders of the 
come; and also, that you might dje hon- church iu Kirtland, the Lord said thus : 
ored of laving the foundation and of bear- f “Therefore, verily Isav unto vou, niv 
ing record of the land upon which the friends, call 5 'our solemn assembly, ns I 
Zion of God shall stand. And that the have commanded you; and as all have 
testimony might go forth from Zion : yea, not faith, seek ye diligently and teach one 
ftom the mouth of the city of the heritage another words of wisdom ; yen, seek ye 
of God. * * Let no man break Ihe laws out of the best hooks words" of wisdom : 
of the land, for he that kee petit the laws- seek learning even by study, and also by’ 
of (rod, hath no need tu break the laws ol faith. Organize yourselves; prepare ev- 
the land. * * And let my servant Sidney cry needful thing", and establish a house, 
consecrate and .dedicate this land, and the even a hou~e of prayer, a house of fasting, 
eroT op the Temple unto tho Lord, a house of faith, a house of learning, a 
And let a conference meeting be called, house of glory, a house of order, n house 
and after that, let my servants Joseph and of God ; that }'our in-comings may bo in 
Sidney return, and also Oliver with them, tho name of the Lord; that your out-go- 
to accomplish the residue of the work ings may be in the name of the Lord ; 
which I have appointed unto them in their that all your salutations may be in the 
own land.” name of the Lord, with uplifted hands un- 

Afier finishing their mission to Missou- to the Most High.” 
ri, the most of the Elders returned to the As soon as the next spring had opened, 

so that active measures could bo taken, in 
the month of May, the Lord thus address- 
ed tlio Elders and church in Kirtland : 
‘■And again,' verily I say unto you, my 
friends, a commandment 1 give unto you, 
that yo shall commence a work of la) ing 
out and preparing a beginning and found- 
ation of th s City of tho Stake of Zion, 
here in the land of Kirtland ; beginning at ■ 
my house: and behold, it must be dorie i 
aettordllig tor the pattern which 1 -t r i l l gi ve j 
unto you.” 

We will, on this part of the subject, > 
make one more extract from a revelation j 
given in June, 13:13: “ Verily thus saith I 
the Lord unto you, whom 1 love, and 1 
whom I love I also chasten, that thcir.sins j 
may bo forgiven, for with the chastise- j 
nient I prepare a way for their deader - 1 
ance in all things out of tomptation : and | 

1 have loved you: w herefore ye must needs j 
be. chastened, and stand rebuked before my j 
fo&f-foryS have sinned against me a very 
grievous sin, in that ye iiavo uot consid- 
ered the great commandment in all things 
that 1 have given unto you concerning 
the building of mine house, for the prep- 
aration wherewith I design to prepaio 

mine Apostles to prune' my vineyard lor. 

tho last tiia:*,' that I may bring to pass my j 
strange act, that 1 may pour out my Spi- 
rit upon all llcsh. * * \ea, verily, 1 sa) 
unto ■ you, I give unto you a command- 
ment, that you should build an house ; in' 
which house 1 design to endow those 
whom 1 have chosen with power from on 
hio-h. * * Verily, I say unto you, it is 
my will that you should build an house : 
if you keep my commandments, you shall 
have power to build it ; it you keep not I 
my commandments, the love. of the lather 
shall not continue with you: therefore 
you shall walk in darkness. * * There- 
fore let it be built after the manner which 
1 shall show unto three of you, whom ye 
shall appoint and ordain unto this power. 
* * And let the lower part of the inner 
court bo dedicated unto me for J our sacra- 
ment otlcring, and for your preaching, 
and your fhsiing, and your praying, and 
tho otfering up lb your most holy desires 
unto me, saith the Lord- And the higher 
part of the inner court, he dedicated unto 
mo for tho school of mine Apostles, saith 
the Son of Man.” 


One fact we have to note here, ansfth' at 
is, that almost all those who were tho first 
actors in the church are either dead ov ai l - 
gone to the wilderness ‘with most of their 
recsrJs. It is therefore difficult to get 
many small particulars which would be in- 
teresting on tins all-important subject. All 
things being previously prepared, a gen- 
era! assembly was called ot all the officia- 
ry and members ol the church within 
reach, on tie *33d day of July, 1833, in 
order to participate in and witness tho 
laving of the corner stone of “THE 
HOUSE OF THE LORD,” in Kirtland; 
which was attended to in the presence ot . 
humirerts, with great solemnity.. 

A very curious coincidence we will 
here mention. Whilst some of the first 
Authorities in the church were in this 
Stake, laving the corner stones tor a 
foundation of that noble edifice, tub 
Temple os' the Lord, which was after- 
wards reared here by the sacrifices, con- 
tributions, and hard labor of the poor 
among men, on that very same day about 

000 mobperats gathered in Independence, 
the county seat of Jackson county, Mo., 
the centre spot of tho land of Zion— -the 
gathering place in the west and by tucu 

j loud veils, tiioir nets of violence, and tlieir 

1 threats of further injuries upon all those 
of THE ciiuncii OF Gjirist in that region, 
induced some of the leading men of tlio 
church there to covenant and bind them- 
selves to leave that county. And aiter- 
wards they forced them to comply, by 

hurling them out of the couhty. 

The land of Zion thus went into bond- 
age. Mob violence ruled. And conse- 
quently the people mourned. Zion is yet 
in bondage, but so sure as ever Ood spake 
to man, the Lord lias decreed that He 
Himself will yet redeem her with judg- 
ments, and her converts with righteous- 
ness— and that, loo, in this generation.— 
Mark that. 

Wo will make a few more quotations 
from revelations on this subject — October, 
1833 : “And now I tho Lord give unto 
you a word concerning Zion : Zion shall 
be redoemed, although she is chastened 
for a little season. And the glory of the 
Lord shall be there, and the terror of 
the Lord also shall be there, insomuch 
that the wicked will not come unto it : and 




it stall bo called Zion. And it shall come Christ — never, with all their places of 
to pass among the wicked, that evert- man Withering, had one of them pointed out 
who will not take his sword against his and established in this same way. 
neighbor, must needs flee unto Zion for We trill here give one more quotation, 
safety. And there shall be gathe-ed unto from the wonlof tbeLord, which, if bdiev- 
it out of every nation under heaven : and ed, wiil be a perfect quietus of all the vari- 
it shall be the only peoplq that shall not ous places of gathering together of all the 

r be at war with one another. A ud it shall branches, fractions and panics of the Lat- 

he said among the wicked, let us not go up ter Day Saints, since they fell from their 
to battle against Zion, for the inhabitants original righteousness,- and took upon them 
of Zion are terrible: wherefore we can- that false name forthechurch. If they had 
not stand. And it shall come to pass that not imbibed false spirits, they never would 
the righteous shall be gathered out from hare taken that false name for the church; 
among all nations, and shall come to Zion hut doing all that, then to complete their 
singing, with songs of everlasting joy.” overthrow, they most have false gather- 
And in December, 1883, “Therefore let ings to false Stakes, and then do all man- 
your hearts be comfortedjconccrning Zion; ner of false or evil actions ; and thus pro- 
for all flesh is in my hands : be still, and fessing to do all these things by the direct 
know that I am God. Zion shall not be sanction of Heaven, pollute the Holy 
moved out op her place, notwithstanding ] Priesthood, which God had given and es- 
her children are scattered ; they that re- tablished in the church of Christ; and by 
main and are pure in heart shall return jail these things fill up their cups of inl- 
and come to their inheritances ; they and : quitv, in being led by the Arch Deceive^ 
their children, with songs of everlasting the Devil, down to destruction. Wo, wo, 
joy; to build the waste places of Zion, wo ! is the doom of Latter Day Saintism. 
And all these things that the prophets j The millions of ruin, of human suffering, 

might be fulfilled.” - of calamity, and of destruction, have ari- 

About the first of November, 1838, the sen into the ears of the Lord of. Sabaoth, 
church was driven from the land of Zion and his decree is passed, that their warn- 
— from their homes and possessions, which ings have been sufficient, and that his 
they had obtained by vast sacrifices. Zion sore judgments now await them to their 
was in bondage — her children were scat- final overthrow. 

tered ; and when that was known in Kirt- But now for our last quotation, taken 
land, in December following, the Prophet from the 97thsec. and 4 h par. Cov., re- 
inquired of the Lord, and received the vealed in December, 1833, the winter 
above, or last quotation. It is too plain to after the persecution in Jackson county, 
need comment. Mo. “And behold, there is none other 

But we have one more quotation to pre- place appointed than that which 1 have ap- 
sent relative to the places of gathering, pointed ; neither shall there be any other 
which have been appointed for the church place appointed for the work of the gath- 
of Christ to assemble together in this age. ering of my saints, until the day cometh 
We are bold to affirm that there never when there is found no more room frr them; 
have been but two places appointed of the j and then I have other places which I will 
Lord : and those two places were Zion • appoint unto them, and they shall be call- 
„ and Kirtland. Zion was appointed and ed Stakes, for the curtains, or the strength 
dedicated in 1831 ; and Kirtland, as a ' of Zion.” 

Stake of Zion, in 1833. Both were es- 1 It is known to all in this region, that 
tablished by that same Authority by which 1 there always has been room in Kirtland 
the church of Christ was first organized for the “assembling” of good inhabitants, 
and established, viz. by direct revelation, | And we will say further, the old inhabit- 
and the personal presence, sanction and ants in this vicinity never have wished 
Ministerial action of the highest Authority (except some few of the baser sort) to 
in the church. And we are as bold to af- persecute or unlawfully molest any inhab- 
firm, lhat the church of Latter Day Saints itant who would carefully observe the 
— which is by no mean* the church of laws of the land, however different bis 




religion might be from theirs. The mem- | 
bers of ike church of Christ, or of the Lat- 
ter Day Saints, never have been driven 
from Kirtland by any power except their 
own wickedness. Kirtland always has had 
room, a*d always will have for law abid- 
ing citizens, until it is full. 

If the above quotation means, what it 
says, then the Lord’s word, that there 
should be no more gathering places ap- 
pointed, except Zion and Kirtland, is sure 
and steadfast; and if so, the Lord could 
not have bad any hand in the appointment 
of the various places from which the Lat- 
ter Day Saints have been driven, or in 
which any party of them may now reside. 
Then we ask, who appointed W. VV. 
Phelps’ place of gathering at Far West, 
Mo.; Lyman Wight’s place at Diahman, 
Mo.; G. M. Hinkle’s place at De Whit, 
Mo.; Sidney Rigdon’s place at Nauvoo; 

J. J. Strang’s place at Voree, Wis., and 
at Beaver Island; S. Rigdon’s place at 
Adventure Farm, near Greencastlc, Pa.; 
and the Twelveite El Dorado, at Cali- 
fornia? *■ 

We are perfectly ready to answer, that 
men appointed all these places ior specu- 
lative purposes, without any authority 
from the Lord so to do — except the au- 
thority derived from that sectarian church 
of Latter Day Saints. While the church 
of Christ existed, and her Ministry were 
devoted to her interests, while her Priest- 
hood remained unpolluted, and while the 
object of the whole was to prepare for the 
speedy coming of those judgments — sore 
calamities which are now laying waste 
the fair portions of our habitable earth, 
by famine, pestilence, fire, sword and tor- 
nado, by land and sea — we say that the 
First "Authorities of the church of 
Christ, (while she as a church wore that 
name without an alteration or appendage, 
or rather the Lord through and by them,) 
established Zion and Kirtland as places 
•of safety, where they might' rest while 
the overflowing soourge should pass thro’ 
the world — we say to all our brethren ev- 
ery where, that we have no confidence in 
any places of gathering as yet appointed 
for the true church, except ZiOn, in Mis- 
souri, and her Stake in this place. And 
Zion being in captivity, Kirtland, where 
u the House of the Lord” has been 

reared, has room, and is a land of safety, 
a land of the Lord. Ed. 

James J. Straug, of Voree, Wfa- 

We promised to write upon the claims, profes- 
sions and pretensions of this high sounding claim- 
ant to tlie offices of Prophet, Seer, Revelatorand 
Translator, -and successor of the late Joseph 
Smith. Wo have seen arid carefully read every 
number of his official organ, the Voree Herald 
aud Zion’s Reveille. We had two personal in- 
terviews with him of several hours each, last 
summer, and we have also conversed freely end 
familiarly with some of his warm friends and 
supporters. And now, if wo understand correct- 
ly, the priricipal evidences to sustain his preten- 
sions, are to bo drawn from three sources. First, 
Joseph Smilh.’s letter to him, dated Nauvoo, 
June 18th, 1844. Secondly, his ordination under 
the hand of an Angel, on the same afternoon on 
which Joseph was murdered Thirdly, his little 
brass plates, found near Voree, and their pre- 
tended translation. 

We think we are aware that many have been 
caught in the net of Strangism, who desire to 
know the truth, for the sake of the troth, and 

ftUOW mo numi — ■ ' f 

who desire to practices it, because of the love or 
it in their hearts. But the testimonies of false 

ll in uieir iicuiuj. 

prophets, and their works of. cunning, havQ fora 
reason led them away. But all those who love 
the Lord’s ways better than the crafts of men, 
just as soon as they see the lightt they will 
come out and walk in it; although it may make 
false pretenders howl, and wail, and even gnash 
upon them with their teeth. Let us here say, 
that false prophets and false worshippers are apt 
“to cry aloud, and cut and lance themselves, and 
prophesy much with a great noise,” like Balaam’s 
men; and when their craft is in danger, like the 
Ephesians and Laraanites, they will raise a tu- 
multuous noise. . 

The true servant of God should not strive, nor 
cry, except repentance — nor contend, e * ce Pj 
« for the faith once delivered unto the saints- 
False prophets may, as Zedekiah the son of Cbe- 
naanali, make them horns of iron to push their 
enemies, and may smite upon the cheek, as he 
did Micaiah, and as the Lord’s persecutors did 
him. But we are fully aware thatsuch prophets 
and men arc inspired from beneath, and not 
from above. The spirit of the Gospel is the spi- 
rit of “ peace on earth, and good will toward 
men.” War, whenever justifiable, is only in 
self-defence, when wo have not been the ag- 
gressors. Inspiration says, “ For where envying 
and strife is, there is confusion and every evil 

False prophets, although they are really rave- 
nous wolves— that is cunning, and do their deeds 
in the dark — always have to come garbed in a 
sheep’s clothing— that is, at first softly and mild- 
ly in order to deceive and gather prey. Thus 

came James J. Strang. He came, too, when a 
dispirited and mourning people, were hoping for 
something to rise up promising reform, and de- 
liverance from oppression. Ha enme in, to®. as . 


THE ensign 

many thought, at the doof ; with legal authority 
10 lead the church onward to triumph. He came 
with a Utter from him who had fallen by the 
bloody baud* of murderous mobocrut© — with lit- 
tle brass piates dug from the earth — and .profess- 
ing an ordination, and anointing under the hand 
of un Angel. When then; testimonies were sent 
abroad, some honest people'. Wim de/iied'and 
groaned for a prepar&fhm for the- Second Advent 
of Jesus, g iy a in their adherence to hiui. *cr»ly 
believing lliat he wou d have pouter' to go for- 
ward, and gather . together a “ peculiar j»eop>. 
zealous of good works. 4 * Tho declaration, pur- 
porftm?to com# t q u vision ft on* “ the Almighty 
Gou of heaven,” by his own voice, was, *■ (Into 
Voree shall be the gathering of my people, and 
there shall tb ^oppressed flee for safety, and none 
vhait hurl nr molest them.” Great promises, 
truly. But how Inv© tb*y been fulfilled ? ‘‘The 
name 'of the city shaii be called Voree, i.e. gar- 
den of peace, for there shall my people, havo 
peace anil rest t and wax fat and pleasant in the 
presence of their enemies.” Have those prom- 
ises been realized by Strang and his followers in 
Voree during the past season?. We received a 
letter, dated Voree, January 20th, A. D. 1847, 
from Elder Haze* Aluricii, from which wc will 
here give a few extracts. 

“A portiou of those that have gathered to Vo- 
ree prove to bo Tares, for they aro bound in a 
bundle, and choose darkness rather thau light — 
The most reasonable conclusion i can coino to 
about bro. Strang is, that ho is partially insane. 
1 cannot make tnyseif believe, that a man of his 
ability would do as he docs, in a sound mind. It 
looks to me as if Voree had been prepared to be- 
come a scape-goat, that Kirtlaud might be built 
up io truth and righteousness. The gift of faith 
is departed from Voree; aud I am not sure that 
it has ever existed here. 1 will give you a sam- 
ple of things here. This week a man arrived 
with his family from Illinois, 100 miles distant. 
When he learned the true state of -Voree, that 
there wus a secret covenant and society here in the 
church, big tears stole down his checkin sorrow. 
Sickness and distress are among the inhabitants 
here, aud there is no faith here to turn it away. 
The secret covenant engages the attention of the 
prophet and those with him. But Iviri land will 
catch the wheat, because it cannot be bound in a 
bundle. 1 he gatherers of the tares at Voree, 
nought to enclose the wheat also, but it burst 
forth and would not bo bound. It has conic to 
that, that there are two parties here, and I think 
that there is too much vengeance shown — indeed, 
if there is auy shown, it is too much. It looks lo 
me as if Kirtlaud would now be built up, and 
from thence men would go forth to “bind up the 
law, and seal up the testimony.” 

The above is rather a sad pielnro for “the gar- 
den of peace.” to present before the world — where 
“peace and rest” were to b? enjoyed, and naught 
to’ha r m or molest t .e “ p^ie gat iicred there.” 
But m ord.*r to underanma Slrangiffra, let ns 
go back to its orig n. After he removed to Wis- 
consin, from N. York, he was heard to say more 
than once, “ O, if I only bad Josepl^S^th’s place, 

then would I be content” Daring the winter of 
f 43, Mr. Strang, in company with Aaron Smith, 
visited Nauvoo. While thero he professed faith 
in Latter Day Suintism, was baptized by Joseph 
Smith, and ordained lo the office of an -Elder by 
Hyrdm Smith; thereafter spending a few days, 

! he returned hack to the neighborhood of Burling- 
ton. Wisconsin: and aflom the 1st bfWnne h© 

; wrote a letter to Pre**. Smith, proposing the plant- 
ling} of a Stake m Wisconsin. lie wrote that a 

• Mr. Smith and u Mr. Pierce would, if*ihe Stake 
was appointed jo that the city would cover their 

; lauds, give one tenth of all the cash received, for 
j allvthc M* which the y mig ht seiL te Joseph, for 
being so very kind ns to appoint the Stake in that 

• place. Aaron .'Smith signed a certificate in the 
! same letter, that i»3 brother aud Mr. Pierce were 
' men who would do as they agreed. And further 

the letter recommended that Janie* J. Strang 
should be appointed President of the new Stake” 
It 'was the answer to this letter which Strang 
received “by due course of mail,” that he holts 
a* ilia official appointment as Successor of the 
fallen Prophet. There is, however, one thing 
about that uotahlo letter, that if it had been pub- 
lished, it would have set tho whole matlerol the 
. little Lawyer's appointment in quite a difiere: t 
j light. But being a Lawyer, little James knew 
enough to keep the postscript lothat letter in the 
1 dark. 

But take the letter as it is published, and it 
I does not appoint James J. Strang cithffi- Prophet, 

• Seer, or -Kevelutor, nor Successor to Joseph. — 
i Such words are not found in it. But cveu if they 
; were, tho letter itself contain.^'morc than one 

ha f dozen expressions that are untrue, Mich a>, 
First, The flock slia'I find rest with thee.” 

1 o-day * mail brings us intelligence that even 
hi* Bishop F u'der has forsaken Strang; his fir«,t 
Counsellor Aaron also, of whom Joseph's letter 
says, “ lie hath wisdom in the gospel, and nnder- 
Ktandeth the doctriues, and erreth not therein’” 
Secondly, “ 1 was upon the liiil of the Temple. The 
culm father of waters rolled bellow chaug*. less aud 
eternal/' Is it true that tho .Mississippi river is 
changeless and eternal? No. No man believes 
•t. # I liirdly, 44 The Almighty came from his throne 
of rest.” The ancient prophets used to cornmnno 
with Angels, with Jesus, and had visions of hij 
Father. But who believes that “the great white 
throne in heaven” was vacated in order to give 
Joseph a vision relative to the appointment of 
James J. Strang President of Voree? S rang- 
ites arc bound lo say that they believe it, if they 
believe, in his Sucqessorship. Fourthly, 44 My ser- 
vant James J. Strang hath, come to thee from far, 

* * ami had faith in thee. [Joseph.] the Shep- 
herd and Stone of Israel.” Who, believes that 
Joseph was the Shepherd and Stone of Israel? 
The Slrangitcs. But no ono who behoves the 
hook of Covenants, for that says that Christ is 
thegood Siiepherd^and Stoue of Israel. Fifthly, 
“But dark cloqds^are gathering, for the church ' 
is not yet wholly purged,” Purged of what, wo 
would ask ? Ceilairity, if it meant any th'ng, 
it must have meant that there were yet a few 
honest hearted persons left among the Latter Day 



Psint*, who mart leave Nauvoo and the chnrch, 
before they coold ran to the wilderness, so that 
the Lord, according to Isaiah, “ could slay them, 
a nz give his servants auother name.” 

But when Joseph wrote that letter, Strang was 
only an Elder in the church. Aaron Smith, tho 
one placed to eounsrl him, had been ordained to 
the High Priesthood some years previously in 
Kirtland. We would ask who had authority to 

ing to Strang: “And the fa th which thou hast ra- 
the ShepherJ, the Slone of Israel, hath been re- 
paid to thee a thousand fold, and thou shall be 
like him.” The book of Covenants says that 
Shepherd and Stone is one with the Father, and' 
h is overcome the world. Thus we see that Strang- 
claims tn be like the Son of G/d— one with the 
Almighty God. We ask, who can believe such 
disunities? What, set as >vj: ai.l his fellow,? 

Kirtland. Wo would ask who had authority to , W4 . « ! to any except 0* 

violate the order of heaven, and place an L.d.r , ^ ^ And the wonl all, w . cS 

to preside over a Hlffh Priest ? Sir a as himself w much, cannot be found if* tW*pre^oa,- 

does not pretend to have received his ordination j 0 „| t . u . r in ll)e 43,1, t „ 0 |- : a Heb. 1. v, hen up- 
front the Angel untii nine days after his applet- t) , h , Sila e( - (Jo-J. Then Str-mg, br ag 

me nt. Here theu is s:i interval of nine days 1 

men:. Here i., ... - — 

during which ill the mindyif God, if Strang's ap- 
pointment is true, an Elder is placed to oversee, 
i. e. preside over, a High Priest. Tilts is a d.fii- 
cuily that will require the visit of auother of Mr. 
Strang's angels’to settle. 

Ws will now examine this subject of Angel- 
ordination. “On the 27th day of June, lb-14, 
James J. Strang was in the Spirit, aad the An- 
gel of God came unto him, * * and .stretched 
forth his hand unto him, and touched his head, 
and put oil npon him, and said, Grace is poured 
upon thy lips, and God bles3eth thee with the 
greatness of the Everlasting Priesthood. • * 

Thou hast loved righteousness and haled iniqui- 
ty therefore thy God hath anointed thee with 
oil’ and set thee aho r: all thy fellows.” Our 
answer to the above is, the Law of God says. 
Covenants, eye. 13, p. 4, “Again I sav unto you, 
that it shell not he given to any one to go lorth 
to preach my gospel, or 10 build up my church, 
except he bo ordained by some one who has au- 
thority. and it w known to the church that he 
lias authority, and has been regularly ordained by 
the heads of the” The angel who or- 
dained and anointed Strang, must have been an 
angel of darkness, for no.angol of light won.d 
have acted iu such direct violation of the Law of 

• But we ask. what is the greatness of the Ever- 
lasting Priesthood ! And we answer, it is to rise 
above all; it is to have power to give, send, or 

„„ ,'Ueq St.-.„. , 

tike. the Shepherd RttJ Stone, is to he like Christ; 
hurt ye& ' R T above altbis-feilowe,'’ consequently 
1 he must be above Jesus, tile Savior- 

Bat again, w*t Strang ever ordained “by the 
heads of the church,” to the ofiice3 of great ser- 
vitude, (though he thinks of great Ijonor,) which, 
he claims, of Prophet, Seer, ReveUtor, trad Trans- 
lator, end Successor, as Pie law of the Lord re- 
quires? No. He says hr was only appointed hy 
Joseph Smiih, and then ordained by an Angel. 
Did the church of Cramr, to whom all the say- 
ings relative t» another's being appointed in/' 
Joseph's stead, were given, know that that Angel 
had authority to ordain Straug? No, not one of 
them. Who knows that any kind of an nngcl 
ever vi-ited James J. Strang, or communed with 
him, either from the upper or lower regions? No 
man's testimony is io be tound in alt h.s writings', 
who stood with him when the angel visited, 
anointed, and ordained him. Who teethes to 
that (id his case) a(l important matter? Jainen 
is under the painful necessity, in order to make 
out his claims, of testifying to it Himself. This is 
virtually testilyingor umsslf — thus violating one 
of the plainest principles ever la.d down hy the. 
Savior: “ If I hear witness ofm- self, my witness 
is not true.” John 3: 31. We prefer the advice 
of the wise man: “Let anothcr-man praise thee, 
and not thine own mouth ; a stranger, and not 
thine own lips. So for men to search their own 
glory, i ■ not glorV.” Prov. ”7 : 2. 2o:2i- 

But again, 'Thou shall belike him.” . Meas!;,. 

above all; it is to have power to give, scnci. or j ^ uu ” ) w j lnm ? Strang answers, liSe Joseph 
command- the Holy Ghost; it is to will, ana j Well, iet ns try that ground. Like h.itt 

then to have rows. a to execute tlio thmg willed J jn what j why like him in call, appointment, 

and ordination to the game offices. If “like him” 

in righteousness before God. Did any being 
in mortality, ever s dice the world began, have or 

... j d began, have or - meBns nnv ,(,jng, it must means this. Joseph vvns 

enjoy it? No. nor never will. The Savior, the (j rat ca Ucd hy an holy angel, Strang was first 
One after whom the order of the High Priest- | CB i| et j by' Joseph — not a hke here Again, when 
hood was called, while in mortality, and that, | t j, e holy angel visited and ordained Joseph, Oliver 
too, near the close of his probation, was heard to • WI1S Wlt ;, him, that it might be as the Lord had 
saytohis Father in heaven, "O, my Father, if I sa i,j ; «.| n t he mouth of two or three v i: nesses 
it be possible, let this cup pass from me ! never- I .hill every word be established.” 2 Cor. 13:. 1. 
tkelcss, not ns I will, hut as thou wilt.” Mat. I Who was with Strang, when he wns ordained? 
28:39- Paul said, “ For even Christ pleased not : No person. Not alike here. “And also with Pe- 
h'm-e’.f.” Roin. 15: 3. But after ho had risen | isr and James and John, whom I have sent unto 
from the dead, he thus expressed himself, “All i you [Joseph and Oliver,] by whom 1 hhve ordntn- 
FOWr-r. IS given unto us is HEAVEN ANi> IN .-<! you, nud confirmed you to he, nnu 
earth.” This was the greatness of the Ever- especial witnesses of my name, * * * auto whom 
lastin'"- Priesthood. But remember this was uf- I have committed the keys of my kingdom, and a 
ter Christ was immortalised I dispensation ol the gospel lor the last t , lies. - 

But again, Strang’s Angel said to him. “There- j How many persons were there who delivered toe 
fore thy God hath anointed thee with oil, and set ; keys of the ktugdom of heaven unto Strang ? He 
THEE abote all thy fellows.” Thisis in keeping I never had them. His angel did not tell him that 
with his letter of appointment, that says, speak- ^-e delivered the keys unto him ; if he has, Strang 



so (krhu kept it in the iluk from the world— he ia, | 
however, good to keep thiogl in the da*, becauae 
he believes iu sscwxt societies. He ptofeanea that 
hia angel ordination took place on the very name 
day on which Joseph fell, in Carlhage jail; bat I 
then the grenteat familiarity e rioted between 
String and Elder Aaron Smith, the man whom 
bia appointing letter haiplaced to be hia eoonaellor, 
yet for montha Aaron never keard of it, or even 
dreamed of euch visit of an angel to Strang. 

We are aware that hia third point ought to be 
hia impregnable one. But how stands the matter 
relative to hia thru little Bnass plate s ? Pro- 
vided they were dug from the ehrth, as published 
to the world, then whatf He claims to be “ like 
Joseph.” And we ask for the likeness between 
hia Kttle brass ones, and that great pile of gold 
plates delivered to Joseph Smith. We saw 
Strang’s, and we should think that (hey were not 
over two and a half inches long by one and one 
eighth wide. Monnon’e plates were about eight 
inches long by six wide. No comparison in metal 
or size. Who.went with Joseph when he dag up 
his pistes? No person. Who went with Straag? 
Fonr chosen witnesses. No likeness here. Who 
wrote for Joseph, as he translated the holy record 
of the book of Mormon, by means of the Inter- 
preters, provided and found with the plates ? Mar- 
tin Harris, Oliver Cowaery and others. Who 
wrote for Straag, as he translated? I, James 
translated, and I, James wrote with mine own 
hand. Wider and wider ia the difference. Strang 
aays he translated bis plates by Urim and Thum- 
mim. Who ever saw that sacred instrument in 
his possession? No man. Who knows whether 
Strang translated hia plates correctly? No man. 
Who knows whether Joseph had the Interpreters, 
i. e. the Urim, and with that, by the inspiration 
of the Lord, translated the plates he liad found? 
Answer — Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, and 
Martin Harris. How did these men know ? The 
heavens were opened upon them, an holy Angel 
came down before them, in open day light, and 
laid before. them the Plates, the Interpreters, “And 
we xaow that the plates have been translated by 
the gift and power of God, for hid Voice has de- 
clared it unto t». Wherefore, to be obedient unto 
the commandment of God, we bear testimony to 
these things.” This ia the testimony of three 
disinterested witneases. All this ia wanting in 
Strang’a ease. 

Bat again, the translation of Joseph opens a 
-vsiame of light to the world of some six hundred 
pages, containing general history, biography, doc- 
trine and principles of religion, morals, and gov- 
sroment. Strang’s translation contains some fif- 
teen lines — a mere epitaph. And short as it is, 
and disjointed and discordant as are iu sentences, 
it contains a number of false sutements. And 
if so, then it either could not have been written 
«r translated by the true spirit of inspiration, for 
that is the spirit of truth. 

But there are some other points involved in this 
subject, which we wish to examine at greater 
length than we can do at present. The subject of 
the calling, the appointment, the ordination, the 
-office and the duties of a Seer of the Lord, ia one 
but little understood among men. We think we 
dure aid enough to set Mr. Strang’s claim* in, 

their true light. But our strongest srgumentsare 
yet reserved, and be shall hear from us again. Ed. 

O' Oar friends will remember our Conference 
here, to commence on the 21st of Jone next. 

O’ A number of letter*, with their dollar*, have 
been received since we sent oat our first num- 
ber, which will be noticed in our next. We ere 
anxious to hear from our friends abroad. Will 
they remember us and the cause in which we are 
engaged. The church here in Kirtland increases 
slowly, but steadily. Their meetings are con- 
ducted with much spirit, and great unanimity. 


The Ensien of Liberty, ’tis sent forth tbthe breexf! 
Let its folds be unfnrled o’er lands and o’er seas. 
For it bears in it* boeom the emblems of peace, 
The Gospel is offered to man’s fatlen race. 

Its standard of truth bears the banner of light 
To a world sinking low in error’s dark night- 
Blessed Liberty! the watchword! O let light divine 
Emancipate souls from the thraldom of sin. 

Thou Ensign of Liberty! go herald the news. 
That the church of our Lord has from darxnesa 
arose ! 

Go tell all the world that in brightness shell shine; 
She’s preparing to meet with her Savior divine. 

The flag of the Gospel, O ! let it go forth 
To the iles of the sea and dark corners of earth ; 
Irft its doctrine of truth lead from sin’s dark abyss 
To the city of God, the blossod mansions of bliss. 

Awake, O ! ye nations of every land, 

For the hour of God’s judgmenta is surely at hand ? 
Gird on all your armor! for Liberty fight! 

The Ensign will aid yon with truth and with light, 

O ye Gentiles and Jews, give heed to its call — 
The Spirit is whispering the truth to the sonl : 
For its truths are eternal and will stand pure and 

When the Savior descends from the region* of 

May the Ensign of Liberty be upheld by his arm, 
And march on in triumph, and sound the alarm ! 
That Jesus is coming on earth soon to reign 
In power and glory ! — Amen ! and Amen ! 

Lord, speed on the Ensign — let it wave o’er th* 

Till Babylon’s fabrics in ruin are hurled — 

Till the honest in heart from all nations shall come 
Ta the standard of Christ, and in him find a home. 


D- The Ensign or Liberty will be edited by 
W. E. McLelun, (for the present,) and publish- 
ed every month, on a medium sheet, in pamphlet 
form, containing sixteen pages each, at One Dol- 
lar per year, in advance. 

O* All lettera to the Editor must be post-paid, 
in order to insure attention — remember that. 

-OUR APOLOGY — AND OUR place appointed for their worship. It.. 

TOU RS. was at a private house, the gentleman 

When we commenced the pnblica- and Lady of which, with two others 
tion of the Ensign of Liberty, we and myself, composed the entire con- 
fbndly anticipated its edition from gregation. Instead of great things 
month to month ; but circumstances there, we assure yeti we felt sum 
which we could not control, have enough. And when we come to in- - 
ruled it otherwise. Soon after we quire of the. two who formed the 
had published the second No., oar collected congregation, one :was rath- 
duty required us to visit Pittsburgh, er inclined to Twehnteism, if not fully 
Pa. From there we returned, so as so; and the other by no means a 
to attend our June Conference; du- Strangle. How do you suppose we 
ring the sittings of which it was dc- felt? We will leave you to imagine, 
termined that we should immediately Here we found that" Strangism was 5 
snake a lour through life western deathism. On the next lord’s day. 
States. On the 6th of July, we left June 6th, we had. the privilege of ad- , 
our home for the far off west, and dressing a very respectable portion of 
did not return until the 3d of Nov. — our old friends in Pittsburgh, both in 
During our absence, wo traveled over the forenoon and afternoon. - We 
three thousand miles ; in which we found no one in that city whom we - 
hope that we have passed through considered strong in Strangism, ex- 
scenes and gathered materials which cept Elder James Smith. The mindsi 
will enable us to- enrich the pages, of of the most seemed to be in unccr— 
the future Nos. of our paper, so as tainty relative io the leading or pro- 
to compensate our readars for the siding authorities of the “ work of the 
long delay of this- No., consequent last days.” We spent our time very 
upon those journeyings. pleasantly, visiting and freely conver— 

First, then, our tour to Pittsburgh, sing among our friends, and obtained 
On the 26th of May, we left Kirt- a number of subscribers for our pa- 
land, and Saturday, the 29th, reached per. On Sunday, before the congre— 
New Brighton, near Beaver. Pa., and gation, we heard Elder Benjamin 
stopped wiih Elder James M. Greco, Winchester relate his-Acoilectionst 
a Strangite fully imbued with the of the circumstances attending the 
spirit' of his vocation. Strang had appointment and ordination of David. 
made him presiding high priest over by Joseph. He was present and wit- 
all that part of Pa. Of course, ac- nesssd the occurrence, and gave to 
cepting so great a:i office, from so ns by request, a lucid and clear state- 
great a man, in so great a cause, we ment of the facts, 
should look for great things. We Our June Conference was charac— 
asked nim how many members there terized by a general state of good’ 
were in that region? and if wc arc feeling, great unanimity among the- 
not mistaken, he said about thirty. — Ministrv, and a number of additions! 
Sunday morning was pleasant, and to the Church, by baptism. and conr- 
w.e accompanied the Elder to the furcation. 

finned eleven more, in all forty-one. had many hours conversation with 
A few had -been oaptised by Elder A. Mrs. Smith, and learned many par- 
Smith, before we visited Voree, and ticulars from her, relative to the his- 
we organized a branch of the Church i tory of her husband from her first 
op Christ even in Voree, of between I acquaintance with him, until the time 
forty r and fifty members — five of of his cruel death. Among manv 
whom were ordained to the office of others, I asked her this question:— 
Elder — from whom much may be ex- Have you any confidence in the book 
pected in the vineyard of the Lord, of Mormon, and the work of the last 
in its last pruning. Among the num- days? Her answer was prompt — 1 
ber who left Strang, were three — have all confidence in that spirit of 
out of four — of the witnesses to his intelligence by which the book of 
little brass plates ; and we think we Mormon was translated, and by which 
do not judge amiss, when we say that the revelations were given' to the 
the fourth is no Strangite. Many in- church in the beginning.” Although 
cidents transpired during our stay and a widow, I admired the order of her 
labors in Voree. that would be inter- family circle, 
esting ; but ior want of room. 

lassed directly to Rich- 
Ve reached there on 
■tfill Saturday, the 4th of Sept., and put up 
Voree, with our old friend D. Whitmer. One 
: count- ! o’clock at night still found us commu- 
10 m he ning in close conversation. On Mon- 
ee, but day, the 6th, David and Jacob Wh:t- 
mor and Hiram Rage, accompanied 
ve left me to Far West to visit with their 
River, brother, and our old friend John 
innday, Whitmer. We remained with him 
liscour- two days and nights, and never did 


sacred record, called the book of Mor- upon his head. He told me that in 
mon, and thence, having a strong de- 1846, he received a commandment 
sire to visit Independence, where we from God to organize a first Presi- 
had spent some ol the happiest days of dency for the whole church, himself 
our time, and also some of the great- as Seer, of course, — and that it was 
est trouble, brought on by mobocracy. the privilege of G. M. Hinkle and 

fall of 1833, by moh violence. Sun- lors in Nauvoo, in 1844, but whom 
day, the 12th, we walked through the he deserted, and joined with Rigdon; 
streets of the “ Western City,^’ and but whom he left and joined S. James; 
also over the very spot on which all but whom he left and is now trying to 
the heads of the church of Christ play a part with the little lawyer 
bowed with so much solemnity in the prophet Strang, in Voree. We should 
summer of 1831, when they dedica- not have mentioned the crowned 
ted it to God for the Zion of the last prophet James, and his man George,- 
davs. Here we should be glad to had it not been for the curiosity of 
write a few of our feelings and reflec- the thing. 

tions; but wisdom says no. Thence Thence we made the best of our 
we began to wend our way home- way to Voree, and again met with 
ward. our friends there on Sunday the 17th 

On our way we called at the city of October. We were with them in 
of Nauvoo again, and visited* while three meetings, during the day and 
there, that superb structure, “ the evening. Quite a number had united 
Nauvoo Temple. 1 ’ We also visited with them during my absence,’ and 
old mother Smith, and found her very two were received on that day. — 
feeble indeed, from age, hardships, Some incidents occurred while there, 
exposures, and sorrows. Her faith which we will retain for a future 
and confidence in her religion, seemed number. Our visits with Oliver Cow- 
onlv to have gathered strength by the dery we will also lay over for want of 
varying vicissitudes through which she room. But we say positively four 
had passed during along life. She life being spared,) our friends shall be 
took great interest in rehearsing mat- informed upon al! things pertaining to 
tors combined with the death of her the kingdom of God. so far as mate- 
sons. I must sav that I walked , riels are now, or shall hereafter come 
mournfully through the fated city — into our hands. We have made an 
of desolations. ] arrangement for the monthly issue of 

On the 6th of October, we attended . the Ensign of Liberty, for some 
a little meeting, called a general con- j months to come, and we cannot now 
ference of the Hinkleites, in Mercer foresee any thing to hinder our on* 
Co., III. Here we saw and heard i ward march. 

queer things. Samuel James, S. | We will give some minutes of dur 
Rigdon’s left hand man, professes, and past conferences in our next number, 
told it publicly, that while he was And we will endeavor to answer the 
operating with Rigdon in the fall of queries from many correspondents. — 
1845, while in Philrdelphia, three per- But here we must say a word about 
sonages in the garb and appearance of! Kirtland. Since our commencement 
women, whom he believed to be an-' here last winter, the church has moved 
gels appeared to him. and contrary ' steadily and slowly onward. Our 
to his ic shes placed Rigdon’s crowr, members continue to increase steadily, 




yet but slowly. Four noble heart- you, and in it thou (Joseph) shaft be' 
ed brethren have come in by the door called a Seer, a translator, a prophet,, 
since our return, viz: J. P. Noble, an apostle of Jesus Christ,.an elder of 
Isaac Dudley, Cornelius Davis, and ihe church through the will of God. 
Hazen Aldrich. We never lived a- the Father; and the grace of our Lord- 
mong any people who enjoyed them- Jesus Christ: being inspired by the 
selves better than the members gen- Holy Ghost to lay the foundation 
erally do here. Wc never attended thereof, and build it up unto the most 
meetings where they were so inter- holy faith; which church was organ- 
esting as they have been here since ized and established in the year of our 
we returned from- our wes'ern tour. ! Lord 1830,. in the 4th month, and or. 

And while we were in Voree on our 
return, our brethren and sisters there 
were “at peace among themselves,” 
and greatly rejoiced in the liberty of 
the church of Christ. While in Y r o- 
rec, we also saw a brother directly 
from the Plum river branch. They I 

the: 6th day of the month which is 
called April ” — Book of Command- 
ments, chap. 22. 

“ Before time in Israel when a mam 
went to inquire of God, thus he spake: 
Come let us go- to the Seer: for he 
that is now called- a Prophet, was be- 

were standing fast in the Lord, and j fore time called a Seer.”—/. Samuel, 

love and spirituality increasing among 
them. Our enemies here (for ene- 
mies we have) have triedto. throw cve-.| 
ry hindrance inourway; and our own- 
frailties are many, but yet, w e see no 
discouragements whatever, — our 
course is onward and upward— al- 
though some would-be-prophets, have 
proclaimed that we would all fiat out ! 

9: 9.— II. Kings, 17: 13 .—Isa. 30: 10. 

“And Ammon said, that r. Seer is a 
Revelator and a Prophet also; and a- 
gift which is gr< atc-r, can no man have, 
except he should -possess the power 
of God, which no man can, yet a man 
may have great power given to him. 
from God. But a Seer can know of 
things which have past, and also of 

jl: ' „ i i 

in six months. But instead of that, i things. /ijrhich "are to come; and by 
we increase- on all 'sides — and in the them shall all things be revealed.” 

Lord we will increase, unt?f”we tri- 
umph over all evil, and finally bring 
in “the rest of God.” 


To the importance, and the nature 
of the duties of this high celling before 
God, we shall devote a few pages of 
our present number.- We are fuilv 
aware that it is a subject but little! ana they have been kept and pro- 
thoug'it upon among mankind gener-'i served by the hand of- the Lord. * 
ally, or even among the Teachers of i * *- And whosoever lias these-, 
the religious portion thereof of the things is called Seer, after the jnau- 
presentday. ner of old time?. ” ; — JHos ; ah, c. 12. 

On the v.cry day on which the A holy man who possessed the U- 
ciiurch, known by the characteristic j rim and-Thummim. viz. the Director*, 
name of> 1 iib Church of-Chiuot. was , or Interpreters, and the gift-from God 

Mosiah , chap. 5. “And now Mosiah- 
translated the records of Ether, which 
were on plates, of Gold, bv the means 
ef those two stones which were fas- 
tened into the two rims of a bow.— 
Now these things were prepared from 
the beginning, and were handed down- 
from generation to generation,, fer the 
purpose of interpreting languages, 

founded- in this age, a revelation was 
received, from the Heavens, contasii- 

to use them for sacred purposes, was 
in ancient times- called Seer.. The- 

ingthis remarkable saying: “ Belmld first mention that we have of thatsa- 
.dteras shall, he. a, recoxd keijtt amcng'cggi ii’.s!rugier.t iig the* bible* wa&ift 

ment as Urim and Thummim in the God. Even the Kings of the earth 
bible. It was prepared to interpret in olden time held their crowns be- 
•languages, and -to strengthen men’s 'cause they were appointed -and an- 
faith in God, so that those who held ointed by the Lord’s Seers, 
that engine of power, could at any | It appears that but one Seer lived 
■time inquire of God and see and know in the world at the same time, or at 
■either the past, the present, or die fu- least in the same realm or dominion 
ture. “ And he (Joshua) shall stand at the same date. The calling and 
before Eleazor, the PriesVwho shall appointment of a Seer is alone in the 
•ask counsel for him, after the judg- hands of the great God himself. And 
ment of Urim before the laird.” — the ONE who is privileged to bold 
Jfum. 27: 21. Tips quotation is too and act in that office in the Priest- 
plain to need comment. “ And when hood, which is after the order the 
Saul inquired of the Lord, the Lord Son of God, stands in the same rela- 
answered him not, neither by dreams, tion to the Church of Christ on earth, 
•nor by Urim, nor bv prophets.” — 1st that Jehovah does to all the heavenly 
Sami, 28: 6. Again when the cap- worlds; that is, he is head-on earth as 
lives returned from Babylon, some God is head in Heaven— only that 
■claimed to be of the priesthood, who Gad holds his power independently, 
could not trace their genealogy in the and a Seer derives his directly from 
register: therefore they were as pol- Heaven itself, by the voice o4 the 
luted, put from the Priesthood. And Lord, as did Adam in Eden, Abraham 

itamia, and Samuel in the 

„ r . ; or by 

Priest wiih Urim the voice of an holy Angel sent on 
2. 02. j that errand direct from God: as die 
i the speculation the Seers Moses. Peter and Joseph. 
..... as it was 

gw- law, ‘-Be thou for the people to God- 

L” Ex. 18:19. That is, thy 
to receive the “thus saith 

__ _ direct from his mouth, and 

By them the then declare it to 'the people. Also 

_ v j __ One thing is to denonnee the judgments 'of God 

'certain, the man who held that sacred against individuals, communities, or 
■instrument in olden times, held it to nations; and to warn them of their 
inquire of God, in ordei^fo see— there- danger. And then to lead the people 
fore he was called a Seer- Bat to the Lord aright in principle, 

luted, put from the Priesthood. 

the Governor said to them that they in Mesop 

should not eat of the most holy things house of the i«ord with Eli 

till there stood up a 1 

and Thummim .” — Ezra 2: 62. 

Much has been l r 

among the learned aliout what this in- ! The duty of a Seer is, 
strument w:ts, but I must say that I said to Moses by Jethro his fatlier-n> 
never heard a rational description ___ 
on of it until I saw and become ac- ward.” 
quainted with the book of Mormon, calling is 
and also became familiar with those the Lord,” 
men who translated it. 
mystery is Hnfolded. 



doctrine, and in government, so that rightly beloved to Eleazor; and thus 
they might have faith in the great was Eleazor placed over Joshua — 
Head of the Church, even Christ, the that is Eleazor must inquire of God 
Lord. and then declare his will to the Lead- 

Moses held the Urim and Thum- er of Israel’s hosts. The right of 
mim, (but when or where he received presidency in the Melchesiced priest- 
id we are not informed,) and being hood being taken away with Moses, 
Seer, that is, holding the highest oi- well might it be recorded in the holy 
fice in the gift of God to man, he book that “There arose not a Propet 
could act in any other office in all the since in Israel, like unto Moses, whom 
congregation of Israel: or he could the Lord knew face to face.” — Deut. 
by the direction of the Lord, set 34:10. Moses was Prophet, Seer, 
apart men to act in any or all the va- Revelator. Law-giver, Judge, and 
rious offices necessary for the minis- j Leader in Israel. And all that au- 
try and government of all the iribes thoritv was united in his person be- 
of Jaoob. Through the ministry and cause he was of the Melchesidec or- 
priestbood which he held the gospel j der of Priesthood. But after Israel’s 
of Jesus (Heb. 4: 2.) was preached 1 rebellion, and they had lost the rights 
in plainness to all the congregation of the gospel, and it was necessary 
* n order to sanctify them ( there should be a change in the priesi- 
and thus prepare them to enter “the hood — or rather in the presidency of 
rest ol God. But they rebelled, it, then Eleazor became Seer and 
they refused to be sanctified by the Joshua Leader. Hence it is said that 
mdd the holy principles of the “per-j “No man. who does not hold the 
feet law of liberty, ’ and consequent- Melchesidec priesthood, can see the 
V «ie law of carnal ordinances was face of God and live.” Consequently 
added, and Israel was placed under came the above expression about Mo- 
a schoolmaster until Christ should ses. And hence came also a settled 
come. And m consequence thereof, and fixed principle among all the 
r 1 , " authority was taken out tribes of Jacob, who were under the 
°1 the hands of the Melchesidec order j authority of the lesser priesthood, as 
of priesthood, and placed upon the . expressed by Manoah to bis wife. — 
Aron'.c or Levitical crier. Hence at Judges 13: 22. “We shall surely die, 
Moses demise the Urim was given j because we have seen God.” 
to Eleazor. One peculiarity we will mention 

iVlose3 appointment of a man to .here, when the Lord designed to ac- 
load Israel across Jordoa into i-'anaan | complish a great work in the world 
#d not, alter the chmg: of presiding | among men, he called and qualified a 
authority m Priesthood , entitle him Seer, he gave to him the keys of 
to the Seers office, that is to hold the knowledge, and he also gave him two 
Urim. But when th ; law which was men to stand with him in his presi- 
a stncnw ot good Bungs to come, denov as helps and counsellors. But 
was given and power given to the when he only designed to warn a 
Aronioor.ter of Prests to administer people who had forsaken him, and 
V 0SJ saored Seers stones were run into transgression after the estab- 
^ placed in the breastplate, lishment of a dispensation, then he 

ana tnat was fastened into a garment only sent to them his Prophet or Seer, 
ca ie hpiol, wore only by th<- and on- with him as assistant, or scribe, 
high priest of the Annie order.— When Moses Jed Israel he had Aa- 
.'Onsequen X ^ )i ? s c_,u !d not confer ron and Hur as assistants and coun- 
1 upon Joshua, but it legally and sellers with him in the first presidency. 

They then had power with God, the authority until the Messiah “sprang 
Seer in the center, and his helps on out of Judah,” in order to again re- 
cither side. “And Moses, Aaron and establish a higher order of prieshood, 
Hur, went up to the top of the hill, so as to bring in everlasting right- 
and it came to pass, when Moses held eousness. His priesthood was *after 
up his hands that Israel prevailed; and the order in which Adam, Abel, E- 
when he let down his hands, Amalek noch, Noah, Melchesidec, Abraham, 

E revailed. But Moses’ hands were Jethro, and Moses, ministered; the 
eavy; and they took a stone, and put presidency of which, was taken away 
it under him, and he sat thereon: and from the Hebrews when the ceremo- 
Aaron and Hur staid his hands, the nial law was introduced. But Jesus 
one on the one side, and the other on came to fulfil the law, and to take it 
tha.other side; and his hands were away; and when it was abolished, 
steady until the going down of The there was no more need to retain the 
sun * * and Joshua discomfitted A- power in the hands of Levi to admin- 
malek”— Ex. 17. “ And the Lord istcr it Christ had a superior priest- 

said unto Moses, come up to me into hood. He held the keys of power. 

law, and commandments which l have, also to give him James and John, to 
written that thou mayest teach them, be his counsellors, in the great work 
And Moses went up, and his minister of publishing the gospel of salvation 
Joshua; and Moses went up into the to all the world. The moment the 
mount of God. And he said unto priesthood was changed, dr the keys, 
the Elders, tarry ye here for us, un- with the presidency, were taken from 
til we come again unto you: and be- order of Aaron, and^given to the 
hold Aaron and Hur are with you; if higher order of Melchisedec, the re- 
auy man have any matter to do, let sponsibilities became as much greater 
him come unto them.” — Ex. 24: 14. as the gospel system was greaterthan 
Why did it require three to be on the the law. Hence the Union of three 
hill, while Joshua fought in the valley in the first presidency. James and 
in self-defence? and why did Moses John were associated with Peter in 
say to the 70 Elders, I leave Aaron holding the keys; so that the pattern 
and Hur with you; if difficulties arise, of the eternal power and Godhead 
bring the matters before them? We might be clearly seen on earth, as 
answer, because they two with him .was said by Paul, Rom. 1: 20. But 
formed the highest tribunal on earth, jthe subsequent falling away from the 
And Moses here laid down the prin- true order of priesthood, and all reli- 
ciple that his counsellors had a right, 'gious denominations taking to the m- 
bv virtue of their office, to preside and selves power — that is, “heaping to 
give decisionsdn his absence. ‘themselves teachers, having itching 

But after Israel was planted in Ca- ears *' * and were turned unto fa- 
naan, the order of things being hies.” They built up systems of their 
changed, then when the Lord warned own, “having a form of godliness, bu t 
them he usually sent a prophet alone, denying the power thereof.” Eac h 
or only sent a servaut or scribe with system, whether Catholic, Greek, or 
him. " Instance Elijah, Elisha, and Protestant, as it sprang up. stood in 
Jeremiah.—/. Kings, 18: 43—// Kings contradistinction to the other, but all 
4: 3. 6: 15. — Jer. 36: 4. [of them living and acting without the 

Thus matters remained, with the aid of a Seer of the Lord, through 
Aaronic high priest holding the keys of .whom to inquire of the Lord direct 


•concerning their isms— thus denying 1 plate, and then that was placed into 
the Lord, and setting aside his pecu- ; the bosom, of the high priest’s car- 

the Ephod. - JiKhoevcr 
the priests held that gar- 
also that curious in- 
•ower with God. — 
'avid, the annointed 
brought into a 

Bring hither the 

uiiuguig ui cm me contusion, then, amon. 
the jargon, and the distrust now ex- ment, had 
perienced in the world. instrument of 

M en now run to and fro — and even Hence, when 
hold “World’s Conventions,’’— in or- king of Israel, was 
der to inquire of each other, instead of strait in Keiiali, he said unto Abia' 

doing as they did m olden time, to go ther, the priest— “T ' ' 

and say, “Come, let us go to the Ephod.” And when it was 
eer, that lie may inquire of God, he learned the mind of God. 
and receive light and truth direct from when the Amalekites had smitten 
th Fountain o. - all mtelligenee and Ziklag, David’s adopted city, and 
wisdom. But if the Lord should raise burned it with fire; David again a;> 
u J?,. at |? < I ua \ lf V ^ Seer, and reveal his plied to Abiather, saying, “I pray 
through him, according to the thee, bring me hither the Ephod. * * 

A)*d Or no ntotnH I- ...... ..II it. i « i- < v. ... . 

m me moe, onng me miner the Lpiiod. 

order as stated above, all the world, And Dgvid inquired of the Lord, 

3 S it IQ r»A\«* nrfYnnufnfl «-« n .. ~ „ 1 1 .1 • oi » * 1 

. . r w ; •'“iu Lijavia mquirea ot the Lord, say- 

as it is now organized, among all de- iug— Shall I pursue this troop? Shall 

w« U^Tw W ° U d ? 3 “£ and sa y- * over take them? And he answered 
" ; lv ebibleet | ough; we have script- him, Pursue: for thou shall surely 
tures enough; we have the word of overtake them, and without fail recov- 
<-»0J enough: wo have no need at fhn or nil” i on. c «n 

oi enougl., .ittvo tiv iiscu at iae or a 
present dav for a Seer to live among was 
us - And yetjthcy are all divided and coul 
sub-divided into parties; each one obta 
- claiming to be the nearest right, both way 
in the doc'rine and government of one 
their isms. But none knowing, yet 1 
all gupssing, “I am more holv than plati 
thou, stand thou there.” ' f n t ? 

Thus matters were in the religious ters, 
world, when the Lord raised 
organized the C 

so thatTh P lace f a S«er at its head, the book” ofllormon 
so that the people might again begin ‘ 

to exercise the same kind of faith ' 

•God that (he ancients did. To have 
the same faith, is to have faith-in the 
same beings and objects, and predica- 
ted upon the same kind of testimony. ' 

Then no persons of the present age 
can be exercised^ by the s< 
that were the ancients, who were m- 
rected of the Lord through his Seers, of “f 
except they should have a person or I earth \, V1C 
?nH SOnS | fi m i 0ng thl r m thus inspired, 'more than thev, 

and qualified to act in that responsible | bibed the < ' 

See , r ? f the L . ord -” church a false 

encasement the Interpre- 
- . e Urim and Thummim; 

n U P an ^ a,, d by the aid of that instrument bo 

A Hugh of Christ in translated that sacred record called 

. 1 . Hence hold- 

ing these Interpreters, and having the 
in gift from God to use them for sacred 
purposes, lie was called Seer. 

[ And we are bold to affirm that 
while- the Prophet Joseph, and those 
connected with him, all as a church 
present age wore the name of Christ; and endea- 
saine faith vored to assimilate themselves into 
di- his likeness, and were made partakers 
. ! “the divine nature,” no sciety on 
i were prospered and blessed 
But when they im- 
spirit of war, gave to the 
, — Le name,, and ran greedily 

and into speculation, pride followed, then 
:ast- 1 oppression and persecution, and hence 



■division and destruction soon came in THE SUCCESSOR OF JOSEPH, 
their train; until now schisms, ani- THE SEER, 

mosities, and all manner of evil with- u P° n . ?° •»*#** do those interested think 

i„ ,h«r h. .marked the c„„„e XfSSt? 

Oi Latter Day Samtism. And WC nnnds, and some of those too, of a higher 
again say that ruin, inevitable ruin, is order of genius, have labored upon it. Some 
their doom. They truly have fallen with interested views, and a few solely in 
from a highly favored position. They order to know the truth. And when thou- 
_ . r ,t funds* through the influence of intercBtGu 

are apostates fiom the truoordu of bigots, had -once determined wrong upon the 
the house OI Lrod. great principles of the government of the 

But thank God, the wickedness of church; they then ran with greediness into 
the wicked, nor the maiace or rage f °»y- until wo! hasbeon pronounced upon 

of the vile, can change the great and **^*^“1* 5”™ ilf it.iand 

. ’ . . . ri ci a mere remnant have risen up in iurtland, 

glorious prmciples Oi THE Uhuhoh where the principles and scenes first trnns- 

of Christ. Nor can ihe dangers oi pired which -broke down the Church of 

threatning storms damp the ardor of Christ, and have decreed in their hearts that 

the present votaries of that church, thc y w - 11 act , upon correct principles in all 

who have had tne moiai .oura o c, the w bithcrsoeverhe gocth;” and thus re-cstab- 
mtegritv and firmness, to now come lieh the Church of Christ again on earth, 
forward and commence to re-estabr ■ Having in a preceding article, pointed out 
lisll the true and living church of Gocff the office and duties of “a Seer of the Lord,” 
on the same platform" on which it was aad having shown that when the Church of 

n . u ... 1 • <-« .. 4 i Christ was first organized in 1830, Joseph 

fust built up with a ■ eer of the g m |th stood in that most, responsible of all 
Lord at if s head. Isy the grace oi offices — we shall, in this treatise, speak par- 
God we mean to stand up in the truth, ticularly of his successor, and show tho pre- 
until we witness the literal fulfilment cisc rule and manner of h-s appointment and 
of the following “Judgment also will ordination, in order to fill the pattern which 
,, . ° j • i. . the Lord has given on this important ipomt 

I lay to the line, and righteousness to A M revola > nf) in ordcr t0 m ‘ ak e such ap- 

the plummet; and the hail shall sweep pointment legal. 

away the refuge of lies. — Isa. 28:17. We have taken much pains to gain intel- 

ligence upon this important subject; because 
We most firmly believe that the time is since the trahsgressions and death of Jo- 
not far distant when the Lord will restore eepli Smith, the subject of the Leader “in 
to the Church of Christ “ her judges as at his stead, has broken the church of the 

the first, and her counsellors as at tho be- Latter Day Saints, into factions and par- 
’ . ties; the leaders of which, all claim that the 

ginning. Her Seer, as first president, is , .important responsibilities of the kingdom 
now in his place, standing to inquire at the rest npon their shoulders — and each claims 
hand of our God for council to direct his fu- that “I — yes, I, ’ have been legally appoin- 
turc course, and when need be to translate tea to carry out that great and glorious work 
. 4 j r i it .• rr*i commenced of God, through that illiterate 
ancient records for her edification. The y8ung man . And ’ n0Wj th ’ e hardest of the 

work now will move steadily onward and conflict seems to be, to know who shall he 
upward until we shall be prepared for the greatest among that distracted people. 

< Second Advent' and that “rest which re- ! Our object is not to enter into contention, 
mains to the people of God.” Our prayers preamt a body of facts, in a dear and 

* , * 1 ..... 1 r tangible light. In the revelation given to 

■shall ascend up continually, in the name of j_ g m i tll ^ 0 . Cowdery, on tlm'fith of 

Christ, to our Father in Heaven, that he will April, 1830, in which they were told thata 
assist us to gather into the fold of his church record should be kept in the church, in which 
all the honest in heart in all the world, that 1 J° 6e Pb was be called Prophet, Seer, 

, , . , ... ... , sic., wc aro told how he was oraamed to 

they may be blessed through iho m.mstrv . thcg ’, officc3 _ ,. Wh erefore it behooveth 

of his Seer, whom he holds and will hold in , mC| t b at ho should be ordained by you, Qli- 
his own hands. Ed. | ver, mine Apostle, this being an ordinance 




unto you." While I was on a visit with til the time of my coming, if he abide in me, 
O. Cowdery, during the past summer, I and if not, another trill l plant m his stead." 
asked him, to what did you ordain Joseph on Again, in order to make tho matter of a sue- 
the 6th of April, 1830? He answered, I or- cessor, both in his appointment and duties, 
dained him to be a Prophet, Seer, fac., just perfectly plain, in Feb. 1831, the Lord ad- 
aa the revelation says. This settled one dresses himself to the Elders of his church, 
important point in my mind. Although Jo- thus — “And this shall ye know assuredly, 
seph may have had the gifts and callings that there is none other appointed unto you, 
from God to his important station, yot he to receive commandments and;_revelations, 
couid not act in them, in fa for the church, until he be taken, if he abide in me. But 
notwithstanding the angels too, had visited verily, verily I say unto you, that none else 
him, until he was publicly acknowledged by shall be appointed unto this gift, except it be 
the church in his station as Seer, and or- through him; for if it be taken from him, he 
dained thereto under the hands of a man by shall not have power except to appoint an- 

I the express commandment and specifications other in his stead. And this I give unto 

of the Lord. you, that you may not be deceived: that you 

After the work had begun to spread, and may know they are not of me. For verily 
branches of tho church were established in I say unto you, he that is ordained of me 
different places, and concerted action seemed shall come in at the gate, and be ordained as 
to be necessary, a revelation was given to I have told you before." Now the question 
Oliver Cowdery, in Sept. 1830, touching is, how had the Lord told before, that a suc- 
th is subject — “Verily, verily I say unto you, cessor to a Seer should be ordained? Wo 
no one shall be appointed to receive com- answer, that in the law of rhcchurch, which 
mandments and revelations for the church, rwas given immediately preceding the above, 
excepting my servant Joseph, for he recciv- the principle upon which ordinations should 
cth them even ns Moses: and thou shalt be take place thereafter, is forever settled. — 
obedient unto the things which I shall give “Again, I, the Lord, say unto you, that it 
unto him, even as Aaron, to declare faith- shall not be given to any one to go forth to 
fully the commandments and revelations, preach my gospel, or to build up my church, 
with power and authority unto the church, except lie be ordained by some one who has 
• • And thotr shalt not command him who authority, and it is known to the church 
is at thy head, and at the head of the church, that he has authority, and has been regu- 
forl hate given him the keys of the mystc- larly ordained by the heads of the church.” 
ries and the revelations which . are sealed, But more on this point hereafter. 
until l shall appoint unto them another in kis Joseph Smith, as we have shown, had 
stead. • * Thou shalt not leave this been appointed of God, a Seer, and had in 
place until after the conference, and my ser- his possession the Interpreters. He had 
vant Joseph shall bo appointed to rule the translated the ancient record of the prophets 
conference by the voice of it." of our American land, viz: the book of Mor- 

We hold this as a correct principle, that mon. He had organized a church on tho 6th 
the word of the Lord to a man, gives him of April, 1830, with this characteristic name, 
authority to do whatever it directs. Hence, The Church of Christ. The members 
the word of the Lord to Oliver to ordain Jo- of which, all believed in the divine authen- 
seph a Seer, fac.. was valid, although Oli- ticity of the book ho had found and transla- 
ver had not himself been ordained to those ted. They also believed in his call to ihe 
offices. And when conference assembled Seer’s office, and acknowledged him in that 
they had a right to acknowledge that ordi- capacity. But when the above revelations 
nation, which gave him a legal right to pre- h'ad been given, plainly intimating that he 
side over them. Here we will notice that would some day have a successor, an anxiety 
he was to hold the keys of that authority pervaded the minds of many of the Elders, to 
until God should appoint unto them “another know who the favored individual would be. 
in his stead.” ,* The Lord had told Joseph, that he held 

In December following, »c Joseph and his keys or gift, until the time of kis coming. 
Sidney Itigdon, the Lord said, “I have sent “If he abide in me, but if not, another will 
forth the fulness of my gospel by the hand of I plant in his stead.” But when he should 
my servant Joseph: and in weakness have I transgress, so as to hue his gift, then ho 
blessed liitrj, and I have given unto him the only retained one privilege bv virtue of his 
keys of the mysteries of the things which office, and that was, that the Lord would 
have boon sealed, even things which were point out and ordain the man, through him, 
from the foundation of the world, and the to stand in his rocm. 
things which shall come from this time un-| The center of gathering, called Zion, was 


poiuted out through Joseph Smith, and dedi- c 
cated, by all the highest authorities in the I 
church, in Jackson county, Mo., during the f 
summer of 1831 ; and great numbers of east- t 
enf people, soon removed and settled there, t 
in consequence of their peculiar faith. But ' 
in July, 1833, a mob of some 600 beings, in ' 
the shape of men, rose up in phrenzied fury, t 
and levelled all their rage at the unoffending t 
members of tho church, against whom not 
an indictment or suit at law could, be found £ 
on any legal docket in the extent of the i 
county. No, not even ■me, against any in- i 
dividual member of the whole society. ' 
• When their mobocratic wrath began to be £ 
poured out, the members of the church acted t 
upon the non-resistance principle. If they 1 
could not keep out of the way by flight, they i 
bore patiently their whipping, their taring i 
and feathering, &.c. They did not return 1 
Mow for blow, nor injury for insult. O. ! 1 
Cowdery, as a messenger, was immediately i 
sent to Kirtland, to visit Joseph, in ord»r to 1 
•do as they did in olden time — “Come let us i 
go to the Seer.” The church had then in- I 
creased to thousands, and Joseph was be- ' 
loved by all. And when he met again his 
old friend Oliver, they inquired of the Lord 
in August, ’33, and received his word, from 
which we extract,— “And I give you a com- 
mandment, that ye shall forsake all evil, ancj 
cleave unto all good; that ye shall live by 
every word that proceedcth forth out of the I 
mouth of God: for he will give unto the 
faithful, line upon line; precept upon precept: 
and I will try you, and prove you herewith; 
and whoso layeth down his life in my cause, 
for nvy name’s sake, shall find it again, even 
life eternal: therefore be not afraid of your 
enemies, for I have decreed in my heart, 
saith the Lord, that 1 will prove you in all 
things, whether you will abide in my cove- 
nant, even unto death, that you may be found 
worthy : for if you will not abide in my cov- 
enant, you are not worthy of me. There- 
fore, renounce war and proclaim peace, and 
seek diligently to turn the hearts of the chil- 
dren to the fathers, and the hearts of the 
fathers to the children. And again the 
hearts of the Jews to the Prophets, and the 
Prophets unto the Jews, lest I come and 
smite the.wholo earth with a curse.” Ah! 
Renounce War! 

Who would have supposed that, men, en- 
lightened us these were, would, in less than 
six months after receiving the above, instead 
of proclaiming peace, rise up and proclaim 
war; and send swift messengers, even the 
Elders of the church to all parts of the same, 
throughout her entire ranks, with a proc- 
lamation of war! war!! And thus in their 

own names, without being directed of the 
Lord — nay, in open violation of some of the 
plainest sayings in all the word of God— and 
that, too, while the Lord was telling them 
that he meant to “prove them in all things.” 
Yet when they were tempted, their voice 
was to the young men and to the middle- 
aged, “Arise, and let ub go and redeem Zion, 
and maintain it by the sword.” 

But alas! alas!! O! fatal day, for the 
Seer, and for The Church op Christ, over 
which he presided. The 4th of May, 1834, 
was the day on which this army of veteruns 
were to leave this stake of Zior,, with the 
Seer at their head, as Leader; having forged 
to themselves swords and spears for the pur- 
pose of spilling human blood. Notwith- 
standing the Lord had said in a former com- ( 
mandment, “You are forbidden to shed 
blood.” A decree was passed in the heav- 
I ens that this warrior band should not go thus' 
armed and equipped, bearing the name of 
i Christ. Consequently, from some impulse, 
i a council of the first authorities of this 
■ Stake, assembled on the third, and officially 
• throwed aside the only true, significant, 
i characteristic name of the church, the Lord 
1 had given; and inasmuch as they had im- 
i jjibed a false spirit, and were acting upon 

- false principles, they also took to themselves 

I for the church’ the false name of “TAe 
f Church of the. Latter Day Saints.” 

3 ' But when they had reached Mo., and had 
e given up all ideas for the time being, of tho 
: redemption or conquest of Zion by the sword; 

; then Joseph assembled a general conference 
of all the authorities in the west, who had 
n not as yet taken upon them for the church 
r any false name, and being as he said, direct- 
ed so to do from the Lord, he then and there 

II fulfil.ed all thoso revelations which had spo- 
i- ken of “another’s being planted in his stead,” 
d as the following will show: 


!- ! YVe cheerfully certify, to all whom it may 
d concern, that we attended a general confer- 
I- once, called at the instance of Joseph Smith, 
e in Clay county, Mo., on the 8th day cf July, 
e 1834, at the residence of Elder Lyman 
e Wight. And while the conference was in 
d session, Joseph Smith presiding, he arose 
i! and said that the lime had come jvhen he 
must appoint his Successor in office. Some 
i- have supposed that it would be Oliver Cow- 
n dery; but, said he; Oliver has lost that priv- 
id ilege in consequence of transgression. The 
m Lord has made it known to me that David 
ic YY’hitmer is the man. David was then 
e, called forward, and Joseph and his counsel- 
c- lors laid hands upon him, and ordained him 
iir to his station, to succeed him, Joseph then 

gave David a charge, in the hearing of the 
whole assembly. Joseph then teemed to 
rejoice that that work was done, and said, 
now brethren, il'aD? thing should befal me, 
the work of God will roll on with more pow- 
er than it has hithert) done. Then, breth- 
ren, you will have a man who can lead ytu 
as well as 1 can. He will be Prophot, Seer, 
Reveiator, and .Translator before God. 

martin Harris, 



At the same conference, on the same day, 
the High Council qf Zion was organized, 
■and David Whitmer was ordained to be its 

first President, and John Whitmer and 

were onlaincd to be his two counsel- 
lors. Some have doubted whether these 
things were so, and now- we will make a 
quotation from the history of Joseph, as pub- 
lished in the Times and Seasons, in Nau- 
voo, Feb. 1 , 1 84ti, page 1 1 09. Hear Joseph 
speak for himseif, on this all-tmpcrtant sub- 
ject: “I told the council that if I should: 

•now be taken away, J had accomplished the 

“came in at the the gate, and was ordained 
as the Lord had told before.” 

In no government in heaven or on earth, 
con there exist but one higkett tribunal. In 
all governments there must be a highest 
court from which there can be no appeal : 
just so in the government of the church of 
CttHisr. If Gi-d organized the church by 
revelations from himself we must expect tv 
see consummate wisdom and -harmony dis- 
played in the organization of her councils 
or church courts. And so it is. The high 
council of the church of Christ, which con- 
sists of twelve high priests, with the Seer 
and his two councillors at their head, com- 
prising a court of fifteen members ; 
is the highest council of the church of God. 
And when a matter is tried, and a decision 
had before this council, “it is final upon 
controversies in spiritoal matters.’ 1 *— Con. 
Sec. 3: p. 35. “The President of the 
church, viz. the Seer of the church, who is 
also the President of the council, is appoint- 
ed by revelation, and acknowledged in his 
administration, by the voice of fbc church; 
and it is according to the dignity of his 
office, thut he should preside over the coun- 
cil of the church.” — Cov. Sec. 5: p. G. — the propriety of the following, “In 
cases of difficulty respecting doctrine, or 
principle* (if there is not a sufficiency writ- 
ten to moke the case clear to the nsinds of 
the council,) the President 

great work which the Lord had ' laid before 
me, and that which I had desired of the Lord; 
and that I had done my *duty in organizing 
the High' Council, through which council, 
the will of the Lord might be known cn all 
important-occasions, in the building up of 
Zion and establishing truth fn the earth.” 

If Joseph Smith was to have no power, 
after transgression, in the office of Seer, ex- 
cept to appoint another — which means ur.e 
other, in his stead, and that one has been 
appointed through him, and then been “reg- 
ularly ordained by the heads of the church,” 
according to the law of the Lord; and then 
that appointment and ordination sanctioned 
by a general assembly of fifteen High Priests, 
eight Eiders, four Priests, eight Teachers, 
three Deacons, and members. Awd then in 
the hearing of all, David receives a solemn 
-charge to be faithful, and magnify his liigh 
vailing, from Joseph, his Predecessor — we 
ask, 'is not this matter sealed? 

And we say boldly, ttat this transaction 
look place as stated above; for we" were 

may enquire 

and obtain the mind of the Lord by -revela- 
tion/’ — Cor. Sec. 5: p. 10. The above 
taken in connection with the following, set- 
tles the point that we are at; speaking of 
the Seer and first President the word says, 
“ And this ye shall kndw assuredly, that 
there is none other appointed unto you [the 
Elders ol the church] to receive command- 
ments und revelations, until he be taken, if 
he (Joseph) abide in me.” — Ccv. See. ms 
V- 2-. 

\\ hen Joseph Smith organized the high 
council of Zion, and set apart David Whit- 
mer as its first President, he by. that act 
conferred the power upon David, which ho 
had held himself. And hence his savinu in 

to Kirtland, the first important case that 

45 . 


eamo up before the council in this Stake* he 
himself was the accuser of one of his breth- 
ren; and the decision passed proved the ruin 
of the accused, and in its results entirely 
broke up the council. Thus proving that 
Joseph had lost his power to act in wisdom 
in the office which he had held, but which 
the Lord had commanded him to confer upon 
his brother David 

But we ask again, how had' the Lord said 
before that a Successor to a Prophet should 
be appointed and set apart? Has not the 
Lord in ali bis dealings with- man, as recor- 
ded in the holy books, furnished us a pattern 
in this very important matter? And we 
answer that the books are plain upon this 
subject. Please to follow us with patience 
{through this article, "and we think^tho minds 
of all the hor.est in heart, who desire truth 
Sir the sake of truth will be settred. 

In the appointment of a Successor in the 
prophetic office, one thing we- observe thro’- 
o.ut the word of God, viz. the successor was 
always brought into the immediate presence 
of his Predecessor, and there received his 
appointment, his ordination, or his anointing, 
and |ii? charge. First, we will instance the 
ease of Moses and Joshua. “And Moses 
spake* unto the Lord saying, let the Lord, 
the God of the spirits. of ail flesh, set a man 
over the congregation, wjio. may go out and 
ih before them, and who may lead them out 
opd bring them in; that the congregation of 
the Lord he not as sheep which have no 
shepherd. And the Lord said uuto Moses, 
take thee Joshun, the son of Nun, a man in 
whom is the spirit, and lav thine hand upon 
him: and set him before Eleazor the priest, 
and before all the congregation; and give 
him a charge in their. sight. * * And 

Moses did as the Lord commanded him.— 
.Yarn. 27: 15. Secondly, when the Lord 
nailed the child Saraue', it was where lie 
was under the immediate eye, care, and tui- 
tion of Eli, who preceded him. — Is? S anil.. 
3. Thirdly, Elijah acnointed Elisha proph- 
et in his room. — Is? Kings, 19: 1G. “In 
the mouth of two or three witnesses shall 
every word be established.” — 2 d Ccr. 13: L 

in the hook of Mormon, there wr.s-.a reg- 
ular series of succession from one to anoth- 
er, among the prophets and ruler.-. ‘‘ Now 
Nephi began to be old, and lie saw that lie 
miiRt soon dir ; wherefore, ho anneinted a 
man to-be a king and niter over his people.” 
Jacob, Qfiap. i . “ King Beniamin had his 

son Mosiih brought hefpre him, and be said 
to him, make a proclamation throughput all 
this land, that tile people may be gathered 
together;-, for on the morrow 1 shall proclaim 
unto, tliis my poop!', that 'hpu art a king 

and a ruler over them.”' — Mosiah, chap. 
Mormon writing to bis son Moroni, who- 
was to be his successor as prophet, and ateo- 
to hold the sacred records says, “But I trust 
that I may seethoo soon; for I have sacred' 
records that I would deliver up unto thee.— *- 
My son be faithful' in Ghrisi.” — Moroni, 
c. 9. 

If God in olden times, oi» every occasion, 
both in the biblc and book of Mormon, re- 
quired that the prophets, Seers and rulers, 
should always not only appoint their succes- 
sors, but also ordain or anoint them, and 
then before multitudes give them charge,! 
and sometimes make public proclamation pf 
the fact, so jhat all might understand it: 
need we be- surprised that Joseph Smith 
should collect a general assembly — a kind of 
mass meeting of the inhabitants of Zion, 
and those who had traveled in the camp with 
him, and in the midst of the whole, David* 
should receive his appointment, his ordina- 
tion ar.d,his charge. Had it not been so the 
Lord would have acted differently in the ap- 
pointment ofj Joseph’s Successor from what 
lie has done in any former period. 

We are aware that President Wm. Law 
rose up in Nauvoo in 1844, ten yeare after 
David’s appointment and ordination, and* 
claimed to be the first president pf the whole- 
church of L. D. Saints. Having previously 
acted with Joseph as one of his counsellors^ 
lie organized by choosing Austin Cowles 
and James Blakeslee counsellors with him,, 
in his first presidency; and Charles Ivins, 
bisliop with hi s. two counsellors. He and 
hi* friends also started a paper called the 
Nauvoo Expository, in order to expose the 
enormous crimes said to be- committed in the- 
fated City, under the sanction of him whom , 
they then called the fallen Prophet. But 
Law’s ism was a short-lived thing.. It nev- 
er spread beyond its first movers. It is only 
now remembered as an ism which in its op- 
erations an-J results proved the death of Jo- 
seph and Hyrum Smith. 

■Shortly after the death of the Smith’ r, 
Sidney Rigdon made his way from Pitts- 
burgh to Nauvoo,. and presented himsclfbe- 
forp that great bojly of L- D. Saints, claim- 
ing to be the legal successor tb the martyr- 
p.n onb. His ism, was not of so easy death. 

A remnant- of it lived with him at its head, 
about two years. But his organization cf 
“Daniel’s kingdom,” which lie reared up 
for himself to worship, has been cast “to the 
moles and to the bat; .” And those who 
first favored his pretentions to the Succes- 
sorship in the {Jeer’s office, when they found 
that he was niA poasesjedtof the gifts of the 
! Holy Sririt, nor pr-wcr.witli the Heavens 




' t 


Jfl I 




nusuin himself, have left him and each hon- 
est one among them is standing and watch- 
ing the signs of the times. 

» About the same time of the rise of Rig- 
donism, arose also Tweliteism. This was 
a queer kind of ism. The leaders of that 
party claimed that God never intended that 

there should be a successor in the Seer’s of - 1 uiese inings omciany oy the sanction of a 
fiff\,Ji 1 j f p f I 1 ® d onl - v ele PP C(i behind | council, and then set out at the head ot the 

whole church devolved i 

which stood next in power to the first pres- a tour, which w&s p,< 
idency. Notwithstanding the duty of the out by the influence of 
twelve Apostles was to travel into all 1 '* ■ 

A 1 J "owimvcHuwnii i.„ v .,. uu o •• uioto lutugo wcic nut irtt!lbgre88)On8 

and preach and minister under the authority in a Seer, then we do not know what would 
and direction ot the Seer, with his two be. The Lord thought they were and there- 
counscllors, yet they claimed that the death fore called upon him when he had reached 
of the Seer changed the whole order of the Mo., to appoint and set apart David “to 
government of the church. The twelve, stand in his place.” And now we ask, 
by that incident, viz. the death of the Seer, when that was done, and done officially, and 
are immediately changed from “a traveling done cccording to what the Lord “had told 
1,” to a focal first pres- before,” yes, done according to all the pat- 

_.). - They grasp- terns in the word of God in past ages, wo 

reign of power, and hurled defiance ask whether Joseph was not precluded for- 
1 claimants. The great mass of ever from the power or the privilege of or- 
lts were willing dupes, and lent daining Sidney Rigdon, of countenancing 
to carry out their illegal meas- William Law’s ism, of' rolling the burthen 
soo “ bowl and determined of the kingdom upon the shoulders of the 

~ or of appointing J. J. Strang by 

.l-_ , appointment or 

Latter Day Saints, after he had taken to 

himself and to his heirs a deed of the church 
property in Kirtland, instead of having it 
given to the Bishop according to the law 
of the Lord— thus grasping like the Popes 
of Rome, both the temporal and spiritual 
power of the church; and after he had done 
these things officially by the sanction of - 

, J rj - - uiwi out uui at me llfttll Ul Uie 

the veil, and that the government of the army and traveled one thousand miles, with 
w n ""“i upon ^the quorum all the difficulties and transgressions of such 

.!_. £ i- a tour, which was prompted and carried 

.. : a wrong spirit; we 

nations j say if these things were not transgressions 

The Lord thought they were and there- 

presiding high council,” i 

idency over the whole church 
ei the i 

at all other claimants. ' 

L. D. Saints were willing dupes, and lent I daining Sidney Rigdon, of' 

themselves to carry out their illegal 1 T • ■ — 

ures. But r — ; \ 

fury of mobocrats resounds in tliei rears, and Twelve, or of J 

no hope appears to them but to flee to the letter; and then either The 

waste, wild deserts of the west; where they ordination of those individuals have one 
say tticy qin carry out their nefarious meas- particle of validity in it-in the sight of God' 
ures. Jiut millions of misery mark their All the unbiassed and unprejudiced will eav 

.rrX’.i 7° 8ccms bc stan >Pe<i no. This we assign as one reason whV 
pon all thmr calculations. Their end will those men have bad no powee with God to 

Who " y 8W Calam ' tios - «“*»* themselves. Why when honorable! 

in - „ Wry 1 , P art Y ha V scn up honest men had at their call gathered around 

‘""T""’ who claim that a little law- them, would soon leave then again. If we 
^ the name of I ^ ames r J - Stran S> is the have any one thing in our possession and 
an aL; . ' fT . We J T ^ er ou , r waders to give it to another, we cannot give the same 
rticle in the second No., relative to his gift to a second or a third person. “For if 
claims. We would merely add, that since it be taken from Joseph, lie shall not have 

rZ^VT 16 7- haVe IT 6 VorCe ’ P° wer ’ "“Pt to appoint another °„ hu 
tne seat of his operations, and from actual stead.” — Coe. 14- 2 

wrbtennr%. W t C °n ClU<ie r t r at IChab<Xi !s A ® 8 I ,r0 ° f that Joseph bad not power 
written ou ail his hopes of future success, with God after ho ordained David to be his 

' f ln . ,? rcc organized a branch of successor, we adduce his worldly-mindcd- 
memher Ch . num berg over fifty ness. Soon '.hereafter he seemed* to let go 

of Da!bV tbeT edge tho presidency his former zeal and spiritual-mindedness. and 

!f ! l„ Lord s Seer. About the 20th engaged largely into merchandizing, into 
of Oct. last, we wore told by good authority Kirtland bankimr. city hniMfnrr 



consummate folly instead of wisdom was at 
the planning of all thoscwild speculations, 
which in their train, being recommended by 
him in the name of tho Lord, brought' ruin 
upon thousands. it remembered that 
he recommended and engaged in all those 
plans of folly, after he had set apart his suc- 
cessor, and therefore had no power as “ the 
Seer of the Lord,” only to use what knowl- 
edge and influence he had gained to do evil 
with it. We are sorry to be under the pain- 
ful necessity of writing thus plainly upon 
this subject, and if imperious duty did not 
demand it, we would gladly drop our pen 
and cease to record the follies and sins of 
men, whom we onco so dearly loved, and 
with whom the heavens delighted to com- 

(To be continued.) 


It has been more than sixteen years since 
The Church of Cubist organized, conse- 
quent upon the coming forth of the Book 
of Mormon, and believing in that holy rec- 
ord, as well as the Bible, has been declaring 
to both small and great, that this is the last 
age of men, who will live on this earth un- 
til it is cleansed by fire; to prepare it for 
millennial glory. That in this generation 
all the signs “spoken of by all the holy 
prophets since the world began,” which are 
to precede the second advent of Christ, must 
be shown forth. “ Sings in the heavens 
above, in the earth beneath, in the sun, moon, 
and stars; and upon the earth distress of 
nations, with perplexity, the 6ea and the 
waves roaring: Men’s hearts failing them 
for fear, and for looking after those things 
which are coming on the earth.” 

Within our own age, “distresses of na- 
tions,” seem to follow each other in rapid 
succession. The Cholera, that fearful and 
awful scourge of man, has, as it were, 
once ravaged the wi.rld, and is now again 
wending its way from the cast, to quickly, 
and with the torments peculiar to itself, lay 
# in death’s cold embrace, the high and noble 
as well as the poor — the beggar. Plagues 
and pestilences, follow each other in quick 
succession. It seems as though the very 
furies were themselves broke loose, to spend 
their rage upon man. Fires, notwithstand- 
ing all tho inventions and improvements of 
men to prevent, have, within a few years, 
laid millions of property waste, jn various 
to-.vns and cities in different parts of the 
world. The lean, grim, lank monster of 
famine, is at the present moment, biting and 
gnawing at the vitals of thousands upon 
thousands of the human race, in different 


nations of the old world. Millions of cries 
from the poor and tho destitute, are to day 
rising into the ears of Heaven, because of 
their oppressions and their poverty, their 
wretchedness and their squalid misery, 
brought upon them by the various orders of 
things, which now exist among the nations: 
over which the poor can have no control. — 
Yes, famine and pestilence lay waste the poor 
in the very same districts where the rich are 
wallowing in wealth, in plenty, and even 
revelling in pleasures. All this is because 
the second great commandment of the Ben- 
efactor of the world is not observed — “ Lovo 
thy- neighbor as thyself.” 

War, with all its black, horrid, and damn- 
ing consequences, is now raging in our 
world, and even in our own loved North 
America; and is sending thousands of human 
beings to the worlds of disembodied spirits. 
“The sea and the waves roaring.” Ah! 
who is there that does not know that the 
Lord has said, “Behold Ijlhe Lord, in tho 
beginning, blessed the waters, but in the 
la6tdays, by the mouth of my servant John, 
I cursed the ieaicrs.’’ At least, the curse 
of God seems to rest upon the waters. No 
craft, which is the handy-work of man, has 
been found sufficiently stout to weather the 
storms, which within the last few years 
have rolled up the great and mighty deep 
into huge mountains, and then again cast 
them down as it were with one breath, thus 
sinking thousands into a watery grave. — 
Who that reads, but has observed, when he 
catches up his paper, emblazoned at the 
head of the column, in glaring letters — “Aw- 
ful calamity! — fatal accident!! — tens, yes, 
hundreds of lives lost! ! !” The small craft, 
the steamer, orthe noble ship, has blown up, 
or gone to the bottom. Wo, seems to be 
written on the man who ventures out upon 
the angry, raging waters. 

Indeed,- if the wars, the famines, the 
plagues, the pestilences, the earthquakes, 
the fires, the storms, and all the fearful sights 
shown forth among men, in the heavens 
above, on the earth beneath, and on the riv- 
ers, lakes, seas, and great waters: we say, 
if all these things will not admonish man 
that “the end is near,” then let him look at 
man himself, and see if the love of man is 
not waxing cold towards his fellow man. — 
See if the very foundations of human soci- 
ety — that is, confidence of man in his fellow 
man, are not giving way, and all ties vhich 
bind individuals, and nations together, are 
not weakeng, serving, and breaking asuu- 
der. Thon if we can see all the above 
“signs of the times,” should we not be ad- 
monished that the end is near; and be pro- 



of the Messiah. The Adventists are now calcula- 
ting that ihii is the year, the very year, even* 
is the lam year of probation for the present raco 
of man. But v.c can with certainty tell thc;n- 
that they ore doomed to another disappointment. 
Too many important rontten have yet to be ac- 
complished, before the advent, for i* to take place- 
this year. Those continued and frequent disap- 
pointments among the Miilentcs — the Adventists, 
will only tend to brinc.about wha( Jesua said, — 

“ Men s hearts failing them lor fear, and for look- 
ing after diose things which are coming on the 

Another important sign, is the great number of 
“false prophets ’ who are appearing in this ngo, 
not only in Anvoric i, hut in the old world also.— 
Scarcely a nation in Christendom, but that nows 
have those protended spiritual guides. Latter 
Day SainLism has produced a full crop of those 
claiming to bo inspired to cry lol here. The Sa- 
vior foretell this as a sign of his second coming. 
“And many falsa prophets shall rise and deceive 

AncTyet another rign cf tho dissolution of the 
present order of things i?, that inroad which divi*- 
khw and dissenri.mi arc making- upon tne old long 
standing religious denominations of the day. Wh> 
has not heard of the bold steps which Ronge and 
his friends are making among the Catholics in Eu- 
rope? Of the march of ruseyism against the long 
established forma and usages of the Episcopal' 
Church of England — its tendency to run back info- 
Catholicism? Of the great split of tho nine hun- 
dredth oust*. nd Meftodnis in. tho United States, 
forming two distinct bodies north and south, grow- 
ing out of ’the slave question so much agitated by 
that claw of |>oiitieo religionists called Abolition- 
ists. The Baptists, too, have caught the rage lor 
division, and in 1345 a large conference of her 
Ministry assembled in Georgia, and passed strong 
resolutions, filled with southern 6rc, condemning 
the course pursued by their northern brethren, an 1 
recommending no fellowship with thorn in nil th«- 
future. Tho Presbyterian*, who hold the reign 
of influence especially in the colleges of this great 
nation, have thus far by long headed management 
contrived to prevent a split among them, But tk >• 
leaven of Abolitionism is fermenting among them- 
and has been for years. 

To the honest in he art every whcrgiwho haver 
their eyes fixed upon the work of the lust day*,, 
we pay emphatically, “ the Lord has set his hand 
again the second time to recover a retnrHitt of his 
people.” He has caused his church to be organ- 
ued again in his Temple in h inland “as in the 
b igirminf Jin has hhown the pa: tern by which 
i: can anti w ill be built up, “ to he a nandard and. 
a light to the inhabitants of the earth, that they# 
may know tho ruuncfi of Christ is established ; 
hire on earth.” Tho iicrt f'rnsiilent and Sa^r 
stands at its head us nt the beginning. ' The old 
church recorder and historian who vw at first ap- 
point' -d by revelation is. now a number and coun- 
sellor Wvthe first presidency, nnd is also historian. 
All the witnesses of the book of Mormon who are 
alive, are now with ns in thi.. great work. Ok 
voice now therefore! to till the true hearted,, who 
hove not defiled themselves or their priesthood*, is 
. “ come thou and co with us nnd wo will do. thes. 
good, for the Lord hneenokon good concerning ns.” 
Corns then, and 'we will “bo the Lord’s at hiu 

day, that “shall burn as an oven,** as he was 
to preserve the Hebrew children in the fur- 
nace, so that even “the smell of fire had not 
passed upon their garments.’* All that is 
necessary, is to understand the same princi- 
ples of faith and power with. God as they 
did, and then have the- Lord grant the appli- 
cation of those principles to us, and we shall 
be safe. AU; will be well. 

Wc intend from ihii time onward, to devote a 
column or two tj thi* subject of c?igns, tuid occa- 
sionally refer to items ana particular*. Wc desire 
to particularly watch the progress of the index ol 
tlic Jews into the land of Cana an, again — the land 
of their fathers. Thousands of them have already 
gathered there, and thousands more must gather, 
in order tofallill the purposes of God, as he, snowed 
them by visions end revelations to hisppncicnt 
prophets. We look at the assembling of that pe- 
culiar race, as one of the strongest proofs that 
thcr.3 aro “the last days.” 

Wc also look at the increase of recklessness, the 
disregard of law and all rule and authority, as 
manifested in riots, popular outbreaks, raobocracy, 
among the people, in various governments, in. the 
most enlightened parts of the world; as well as 
among semi-barbarians, us a striking sign of the 
lost days. It only wants a little circumstance, o 
few inflammatory speeches by some lawless, in- 
terested bigot or zealot, and behold multitudes 
flow together to do their deeds, of violence upon • 
properly, or upon individuals, or both. Right i* ] 
•el aside— lost sight of. and the crowds aro only 
governed by might. W e might instance multi- 

•*> tildes of cases, but it is needless. The Sodomites 
gathered iu a mob, around the house of Lot, to do 
violcncseven to the angels of God, the very night 
pre\fous to “the Lord's rainiqg upon Sodom and 
Gornorow and the cities of the plain, brimstone 
and fir* out of heaven, to their entire overthrow.” 
The last wicked act, recorded cf them, was that they 
gathered into a mob, and unlawfully assaulted the 
house of the just Lot, and although they were 
•mi turn with blindness by the power of God, yet 
their rngc nnd perseverance to-do evil was such, 
that they continued their course, ami even “wea- 
ried themselves to find the door.” Here, so fur as 
history is concerned, is the father. of all t/io&f. — 
And the same history details their quick, their 
awful end. O, tny soul, think thou! What. * to 
be searched and roasted with brimstone nnd fire, 
and that rained apon tliciri- irt» mixture. Ye*, in 
torrents, until they and-nil that pertained to them, 
were wiped out from before the fo$a of Heaven. — 
O, my Lord, was that tha end of mnboemu; oru! is 
that to be the end of the present race of men, who 
are .so many of them filled with rapbocmtic fury? 
Yes, wc unhesitatingly say yes. “The earth, 
also, and the works that arc „ therein, shall be 
burnt up.” — It. PrUr, 3 : 10 . “ Therefore the 

inhabitants of tho earth aro burned, and few men 
left Tsc 24: fi. 

Another sien of the la«t days H, that so many 
hundreds and thousands have run wild, relative 
to the “Second Advent.” They have crone so far 
as t? set the y :nr, and the very tiny, for th? descent 

(For tcrviSj grc.lff or ?J. A *os<U 




TREATISE^ ON PRIESTHOOD, hood itself is equal unto all those who. 

Priesthood is an order of minis- receive it. All the priests in this or- 
try set apart for holy offices. There der are made after the power of an. 
are in the Church of Christ two priest- endless life. It is an unchangeable- 
hoods. viz: the Alelchisedec and the- priesthood. It is a royal priesthood. 

Aaronic or Levitical. Each of these it comes not by descent feom Aaron,, 
has in it officers or ministers of dlf- nor does it descend from father to son,, 
f. -rent grades, with special duties. — but is without beginning of days o»- 
The high priesthood after the order end of years. And without this prie^- 
of Melchisedec has in it the offices of hood no man can see the face of God,. 

Seer, Translator, Presidents Counsel- even the Father, and live. Each one 
lor. Apostle, High Priest. Evangelist who receives any office in this priest- 
and Elder. The lesser or Aaronic hood, does it by his own faith of Christ., 
priesthood has in it the offices of Kish- The Bishop is the head' over all! 
op. Priest. Teacher and Deacon. In temporal matters of the church. Ho- 
both orders each officer- or minister is president over all those who are- 
in his office has marked' and specific ! ministers in any office of the lesser- 
duties attached'!^ it, which are pacu- priesthood. He must sit in council" 
liar only to that grade or station. With them,. and teach them the duties; 

The Seer, who is always in a gos- -of their calling.. He is to be a judge,, 
pel age, the’ first president and head even a- common judge in Israel), and 1 
of the whole church, holds the gift -with his two counsellors is to consti- 
or keys of interpreting- ancient lan-hute a couit, to sit in judgment- upon, 
guages and records, therefore he holds I transgressors, and to condemn or ac- 
and of necessity acts in the office of' quit them, according to- testimony as; 
Translator. H’e holds the keys of the it shall' be laid before him. according 
mysteries of the kingdbm, even the to the laws of tire kingdom. He 
key of the knowledge of God', and holds the keys of administering in all; 

1 lie keys also of all the spiritual bless- temporal matters, ini and for tim- 
ings of" the churcn. His office is the church. To liim all consecrations of 
most important of any ever given to property for church purposes should! 
man- on earth. Ffom-himr comes the be made. He it is,, with His two. 
administering of ordinances and bless- counsellbrs, who should- be '‘-Trustee 
ings in- the church in all spiritual mat- in trust,”' to hoklialf deeds, gifts, dona- 
tors. All other offices in this gather-: tions. ’ consecrations, «fcc„ made for- 
iurr dispensation- in the Melchisedec church purposes, .for tlicwholfc oHurcti.. 

* order of priesthood, are assistants to i He it is who-holds the power- to Kum- 
the head, seer, and first president, in | bio tlic rich,, and to exalt the poor- by 
order to e.arrv out the great- work con- establishing in- tile cliurcii the law s of 
tided 7 to their charge in this “dispen- | industry; economy and equality among- 
sation of the fulness of times,” in jail -its members. And- lie is to Have; 
which they- live: each-one acting in j a knowledge of all these -things per- 
bis proper place-according to the dig- taiiiing to. his- duty By- the- spirit of i 

nity of his station.. But. this priest- revolution; tiioni. God,. Ail! tlla o.iilmr 

officers in the lesser priesthood are 
helps' to the Bishop and his counsel- 
lors, in the administration of all the 
laws and rules governing this order 
of priesthood. And thus the Bishop 
ana all over whom he presides, stand 
as helps to the Melchisedec priesthood, 
which priesthood is after the holiest 
order of the son of God, in building 
up, regulating, establishing and gov- 
erning the true church of the Lamb 
of God in all things both spiritual and 
temporal, in all the world; so that she 
may be prepared' as a bride adorned 
for her husband, when Jesus comes to 
th<# great marriage feast, to receive 
her to himself, in order to dwell with 
her in perfect peace for one thousand 

Thus we may see the beauty, the 
harmony, and the wisdom of the two 
orders of priesthood, when we have 
their duties plainly before us. The 
high priesthood after the holy order 
of the Son of God is to preside over, 
to have charge, and to regulate all the 
property affairs for church purposes 
in all the church. The Seer is the 
head of the spiritual, and the Bishop 
is the head of the temporal. A God 

who is president over all the high 
priesthood of all the church, as well 
as over all the lesser priesthood; and 
over the whole church. Hence a law 
for the action or regulation of the 
body coming through any other offi- 
cer or minister is not to be received 
and acted upon by the church, but it 
is the privilege of all thoSe who are 
ordained to any office in the high 
priesthood “ to speak as they are 
moved upon by the Holy Ghost; and 
whatsoever they shall speak when 
moved upon by the Holy Ghost, shall 
be scripture; shall be the will of the 
Lord; .shall be the mind of the Lord; 
shall be the word of the Lord; shall 
be the voice of the Lord, and the 
power of God unto salvation.”. But 
what they may thus speak is not writ- 
ten by way of commandment for the 
government of the whole 

But since God “hath in these last 
days spoken unto us by his Son,” we 
hold the doctrine that not only all the 
ministers in every station in both 
priesthoods "may have the gift of rev- 
elation, but all the members both male 
and female, all, yes, “all may proph- 
esy.” — 1st Cor. J4: 31. We believe 
in the fulfilment of the prayer of Mo- 
ses, “ would to God that all" the Lord's 
people were prophets, and that th» 
Lord would put his Spirit upon them.'' 
Num. 11: 29. The spirit which ac- 
tuated both Moses ana Paul, we Ikj- 
lieve is for every saint to enjoy in the 
true church of Christ, in the gospel 
age. I he gift of the Ilolv Ghost is 
for every true believer who obeys the 
gospel, that is, who is baptised, and 
then confirmed by some minister hold- 
ing an office in the high priesthood. 
And every member of the body of 
Christ may enjoy some one or more 
of the “ spiritual gifts,” and it is for 
“ such as God shall appoint and ordain 
to watch over the church, and to be 
elders unto the church, to have it 
given unto them to discern all those 
gifts of the spirit of God, lest there 

things, so equitably balanced for the 
harmony and mutual good of the 
whole. Man without the aid of rev- 
elation from his God never could have 
studdied out, by all his inventive pow- 
ers, a system of things filled with so 
many excellencies, and so well adap- 
ted to man in his fallen state. • So 
well calculated when in full operation 
among men, to cause them to have 
great faith in God, and to have “ Ho- 
l ness unto the Lord” for their motto 
in doctrine, principle, government, and 
in practice. 

All the laws which are to regulate 
the whole body are to be given thro’ 
the first president, the head, the Seer, 


should be any among you (in the plurality of wives is the stepping 
church) professing and yet be not of stone to the highest degree of glory, 
God.’* A church thus organized, and and do that in the name of the Lord, 
governed and blessed, would be truly by the authority of their priestly 
“a spiritual house,” built of "lively power — thus the abomination is corn- 
stones.” Truly such a people would mitted, the holy authority of the 
be. ‘‘built upon the foundation of the priesthood polluted, and I know of no 
apostles and prophets, and would grow rule of salvation, after the seeond of- 
unto an holy temple in the Lord.” — fence, for such beings. Many other 
The rights, the authorities, and the crimes might be instanced, but for 
powers of both these Priesthoods, brevity let the above suffice. The 
are inseperably connected with the Church of Christ in Kirtland, antf 
powers of heaven. And the power its branches elsewhere, must and will' 
of heaven, that is the gifts and pow- be careful “with all enquiry” to re* 
ers of the Holy Ghost cannot be ceive none such among them. If any 
handled, nor controlled only upon the such who ever held the priesthood 
principles of righteousness. The au- after the order of the Son of God. 
thority of the priesthood may be con- should present themselves, tell them 
ferred upon men, but when they un- to wait until the man of God rises up 
dertake to cover their sins, to gratify with the Urim and delivers a law that 
their pride, their vain ambition, or to will reach their case. The first ob- 
practice oppression in any degree, or ject of the Church of Christ always 
to violate any of the laws of God, be- was holiness, instead of numbers, 
'hold the heavens withdraw them- The kingdom of Heaven has been 
selves, the spirit of the Lord is griev- 1 sought after by the L. D. Saints, but 
cd, it ceases to act with the man in 'its righteousness lost sight of. They 
his office, then amen to his priestjiood, have compassed sea and land to make 
or rather to his authority to act in it proselytes, and truly when they have 
for righteousness. tutored them so as to get them to 

We hold that if a man is ever or- completely ‘'obey council,'’ they have 
dained by the direction of the spirit made them two-fold more the children 
of God, to any office in the priest- of the Devil than before, 
hood, it never can be taken from him Always when the Lord has com- 
again. Ilis license to act in it may menced to do a great work among 
be taken from him by a legal tribunal men, and has inspired them and given 
of the church, but he must either to them his holy priesthood, the spirit 
magnify his calling and ministry, or of “ anti-Christ, or the man of sin,’* 
otherwise it will sink him to the per- has worked too so as to try to blend 
dition of ungodly men, Bv his priest- the spiritual and temporal power to- 
hood he must raise himself to Heaven gether, in the spiritual head of the 
or it will sink him down to Hell. church. And the moment he could 
After the priesthood is conferred accomplish that, then farewell to all 
upon a man, he may pollute the holy the powers of the holy priesthood. — 
authority of it, by using its influence The power of one or the other, or 
and authority to commit sin with. — both was destroyed, and his reign— 
He must use his ministerial power to the reign of terror— was secured.— 
assist him to violate the laws of God. Then farewell too, to any open eom- 
For instance, to do as the Twelveites munion with the Heavens. Then 
have done — go to females and per- man had to grope his way in the dark 
suade them that what the Gentiles fog of priestcraft, and receive all his 
call adultery is no crime, but that a teachings from man-made priests, 


of building up this work with any 
man on earth. You should grasp tho- 
temporal power of the church and. 
combine it with your other duties, 
and then you will stand truly at the 
head, controlling all matters pertain- 
ing to the church temporal as well as 
spiritual. You must hold the churclk 
property as “ Trustee in trust.’" 

And accordingly on the 5th day of 
May, a deed was made out to Joseph 
Smith, Jr., the first president of the- 
whole church, of the lot on which the- 
“House of the Lord” stands in Kirk- 
land. But wo betide that church and 
people where such a thing was winked: 
at, and looked upon with allowance. 

But the Devil having one of bis 
revelations obeyed, presents another,. 
'.‘Now Sir, you are, head of this_ 
ehurcb of Latter Day Saints, both, 
spiritually and temporally., but you. 
can. and. must be greater still, you., 
must be appointed Captain of -the 
Lord’s host-— Generalissimo of all de- 
forces of the Latter Dav Saints, aiidi 
go at their head to the ‘land of Mis-_ 
souri,. and disperse the mob,, redeem. 
Zion and maintain it by the sword- 
and then your name shall be great iu. 
all the earth.” As unpropitiousas the 
above might, appear,, yet it was hlij 


sippi, and soundihg liigh into the air? didate for 'the. Presidency-^ the head 
The whole Legion seems to be in- of this union of States; and then your 
spired, but not front above. Their glory will be complete. You can 
joys are great, but not pure. They then truly rule and govern spiritually 
are hallooing because of the momen- and temporally, and join in your own 
tary glory of this world. But hafk ! person the powers of heaven by your 
who is yon in the distance, issuing Priesthood, and . the powers of earth 
from the “Mansion House”? Who by your civil authority.” But that 
is that so splendidly attired, and uni- restless spirit of anti-Christ was un- 
formed, with his ploom of finest tints willing to await the decision of an 
waving to the breeze? He moves in election to the Presidency by men’; a 
the midst of his staff officers, his ad- great council of the heads of the 
mirers and flatterers. Who would church is called, and the whisperer 
believe it, when told that the moving once more speaks, saying, “The offi- 
spirit of that vast conclave, this high- ces you now hold, together with the 
cst General of all those thousand of one -you have in prospect, are not all 
the “Nauvoo Legion,” is the Head commensurate with your dignity, 
spiritual, temporal, and military of with you prowess. You, sir, are so 
that boastful church of Latter Day great a man that by your powers and 
Saints. ’Tis their Prophet and Lea- abilities, you can govern tne world — 
der. ’Tis he who was once so highjy the whole world.” Ah, says the conn- 
favored, who once held that unerring cil, that is just the mind of the spirit 
instrument of truth and of power with which is in us. And accordingly he 
), God — the Urim and Thummim. But was crowned “King of the world. the 
alas! who is now in full stretch after universal world,” by a conclave ot 
tire glofy of this world. He is de- his sages who then surrounded him. 
termined on distinction, is decreed on Ah, said Satan to the Savior, as he 
the breath of mortals in his own adu- showed him by visions from the top 
lation. of an exceeding high mountain, “all 

But again I must be Mayor of the the kingdoms of the world, and the 
famed city of Nauvoo. I must be glory of them, all these things will f 
- Head of all her councils, and thus give thee if thou wilt fall down and 
gain distinction as a great civilian. — worship me.” But Joseph had not 
But let us look back and hear that the integrity • to say as Jesus did— — 
restloss, ambitious spirit, muse a little; “Get thee hence, Satan, for I will 
l am head, spiritual and temporal, of. worship the Lord my God, and Him 
the whole church, I am head military only will I scjrve.” 
of the Nauvoo Legion, and I am as But the height of power, so far as 
Mayor, civil head of this great city ; his friends can- give it, is no\y placed 
but here steps up the old whisperer upon Joseph’s head. He has the ideal 
again, and says, “Your friefids since pleasure of it. But his race is run. 
you have sought the glory of this His cup is full. Soon he falls into 
world have increased to thousands in the hands of his enemies and is un- 
these United States, and you are so lawfully and meanly murdered. Yet 
great a man, and can do sueh grea> his friends are.lefl to fill up the moas- 
tliings — why, you can now send out ure of anti-Christ. »To put on the 
hundreds, yea thousands of Priests, capstone: To develop the MAN OF 
to set forth your claims to distinction. SIS in full blaze. 

You Sir, must now become the head They rise up, and worse than.the 
of this great nation in which you live, heathens at the death of Romulus, 
Now set yourself iorivard as a can- ! they Deify their fallen Leader, and 

then declare that Joseph is as much 
die Savior of this generation, as Jesus 
was of the generation in which he 
lived. His name, say they, will be 
enrolled on the tablets of eternity, and 
he will be crowned among the God’s: 
and then reign to the destruction of 
all his enemies, and to the 1 complete 
glorification of all his friends. O 
shame on such impudence! such blas- 

Now if in all the foregoing we can- 
not see the incomparable beauty and 
divine excellence of the Lord’s sys- 
ten) of priesthood tor the salvation of 
men in this “ gathering dispensation 
of the fuJness of times,” our sensibil- 
ities must be .blunted -bv nriestcraft so 

selves. “At a conference of the 
Church held here on the 23d of Jan- 
uary-, 1847, after many remarks by 
those present, it was motioned by W. 
E. M’Lellin, and seconded by Martin 
Harris, that this church take upon 
them the name of the Church or 
Christ, and wear it henceforth — 
shorn of all appendages or alterations. 
The motion was put by Elder L. 
.Rich, the chairman, and carried with 
much feeling and spirit in the affirma- 
tive, without a dissenting voice.” 

On the 10th of Feb. following sev- 
en individuals assembled in our office 
in the evening and we freely talked 
over our (then) present standing be- 
fore the Lord. We were settled in 
[ our minds that the time had come for 
! the church to come forth the second 
time oht of ..“obscurity and out of 
darkness,” the" only true and living 
church upon the face of all the earth 
with which God is well pleased ; spea- 
king unto the church collectively and 
not individually, for the Lord cannot 
look upon sin with the least degree of 
allowance:” but we felt troubled in 
our minds about our baptisms and con- 

oi a warrior band. 1 he leading men 
had risen up and taken the spirit of 
vengeance into their own hands, as 
was evidenced by their going to war 
and shedding human blood, even upon 
the land of Zion, where God had said 
“ You are forbidden to shed blood.” 
They had violated that great maxim 
of the Savior, “ Put up again thy 
sword into ms place: for all they that 
take the sword shall perish with the 
sword.’.’ A few of the leading meii 
by council action, had taken for the 
church the false name of Latter Day 
Saints. Joseph had been commanded 
of the Lord, and had ordained David 
to be his Successor. That boastful 
church of Latter Day Saints had 

me lumming saying ot tlie Lord re- 
vealed to me last September through' 
his Seer, “ Thou shalt write concern- 
ing the downfall of those who once 
composed my church, and set forth 
to the world by the light and power 
of my spirit, why I the Lord did not 
prosper them. For verilv, verilv, 
thus saith the Lord unto vou thine 
heart have I prepared to' do this 
work - . Editor. 


The Church here 

, -t at present num- 

bers forty two, and they are all at 
peace and fellowship among them- 


been ‘'driven from city to city, and legal members of the. body of Christ, 
from land to land.” Their Prophet however honest we may have acted 
and Patriarch had fallen into the cold in our past experience, because we 
' embrace of death, at the hands of a could not be members of two Churck- 
ruthless mob. And finally that peo- es at the same, 
pie had become divided and sub-divi- We were then, and are now aware 
tied into parties and clans, each claim- that the .above question affected not 
.ing the true Priesthood, the true pow- only ourselves, but all the Latter Day 
er and authority to legally administer Saints in all the world, because if we 
the ordinances of the house of God. could not legally go forward and build 
But in Kirtland where the character up the Church in purity without being 
of the Church was first changed, “born again,” we ask can we now 
where the false name was first given, receive any among us except thev 
ichere the spirit of war, was first im- yield obedience as we nave done 
bibed by the Church, we had risen The Lord is no respecter of persons, 
up, holding no fellowship with any neithgr can me Church be. But if 
split or division of the parties growing we had said that our baptisms were 
out of, or from among those who once valid, and our vote had realty consti- 
held the true priesthood, derived Irom tuted us the^frwe Church , then we 
Hetiven, by which the Church of ask whose membership we could have 
Christ was first established, and we refused 1 All who had been baptized 
by our voluntary act had taken upon and coufirmcd by any and all the 
us the true name, and were Endeavor- Elders under Joseph after he had or- 
ing to obtain the true spirit of Christ, dained his Successor, consequently 
We had all been members of the had no more power with God in his 
church of Latter Day Saints, or of station. All who had been received 
THE ChuRCH of Jesus Christ of Latter under the Twelve with all their doc- 
Day Saints. We had all been bapti- trines of Devils. ' All the Rigdonites, 
zed into some party or other of that the Lawites, the Strangites, the Ly- 

work. And during the above men- man Whiteites, the James Emmitites, 
tioned evening the subject of our bap- the John Frazierites, the Hinkleits, 
trims was freely talked over. We and last and least the “crowned proph- 
then armied that our mere vote to call et” Samuel Jamesites; all, yes, a! 
ourselves the Church of Christ, did could have come forward and claimed 
not constitute us such unless we held membership, and contended saying, 
the true Priesthood or ministry of “I have been administered to by an 
Christ by which to administer the true Elder who believed m the work ot 
ordinances of the house of God, so the last days, who believed m the 
to obtain and be actuated by the book of Mormon, who had been or- 
true spirit of love and peace., ‘inas- dained by some one, who had receiv- 
tnueh a“ we had been baptized into ed his priesthood from some one who 
anv other church, we were out of the had been regularly ordained by the 

Church of Christ, we were out of heads of the Church. Thus alt 
the Church of (/bop and as there is may see that we should have had end- 
but one door by which we could en- less genealogies and strifes, instead of 
ter the true church, and that is bap- peace, harmony and good order, 
tism and confirmation, consequently The Church here had officially ac- 
we asked ourselves this question, dnowledged the Presidency ot David 
“Are we in the house or out of doors'!” Whitmer and had sent to him a letter, 
And as honest individuals we were mailed the 15 tk of December, not as 
bound to answer, we are not now some vain persons have supposed to 


•acquaint him with his station and du- 
ties, hut the object was to advise him 
of the fact that we had acknowledg- 
ed Arm in A » standing, and that we 
'by our faith and prayers were deter- 
mined to uphold him in his high & holy 
galling, provided he had still main- 
tained his integrity before God. 

We had publicly and privately con- 
demned and rejected many of the 
doctrines and practiees of the Church 
af Latter Day Saints. And we had 
determined to practice virtue and ho- 
liness before the Lord continually, 
provided we could only know what lie of us. We' had the bible, 
the book of Mormon, and the book of 
commandments, so far as, they had 

, “VJ 7 IJUU 

been published in Zion in 1S83; but 
with al! the light we could draw from 
them, we did not know in our present 
situation what to do. We lacked 
wisdom. We did not wish to act 
upon a mere opinion of our own, of 
any other man or set of men. We 
• wanted to know the mind of die 
Lord Jesus Christ. Consequently we 
humbled ourselves before him in 
mighty prayer, each one present call- 
ing upon God vocally, the one after 
the other. All being agreed to en- 
' quire of the Lord, as touching our 
•priesthood, our baptisms, and the es- 
tablishing and building up of the 
'Church of Christ. 

'We thank and magnify the name 
<of the Lord God who revealed him- 
self to all holy men since the world 
began who called upon him in faith, 
■is we did, for he heard our united 
solemn prayer of forth, and the pat- 
tern was given to vs, by which we 
uouid go forward and act, and thus I 
uild up the Church unto the Lord, li 
>i Ut J? ot ’ unto Yes, we fearless- 1 
v declare that the Lord then and i 
here gave us intelligence “to discern / 
the true principles of his kingdom, t 
that we might again build up his i 

88 from th 1. b °g innin £- To 1 
UuUd it up according to his law.” c 

u- And through his Seer, the Lord has 
m since said when addressing me. — 
g- Therefore he shall continue to do all 
ve things according to the pattern that I 
r- have shown to him.” As to our 
ly Priesthood the Lord said “I the Lord 
n- vet acknowledge the authority and 

ministry of all those of mj-Cfiurch 
n- who arc now willing to fijmke all 
le unrighteousness and cleave unto me; 
:A notwithstanding all their ipiperfec- 
id tions inasmuch as they repent I will 
> be gracious unto them.” 

And as to our baptisms the Lord 
e said “ It is my will inasmuch as you 
s i have taken upon you my name that 
>f you should now ’be freed from all 
d your dead works, from all evil spirits, 
it and from all unrighteousness, by bc- 
c ing bom into my Church bv obe- 
t dience to the ordinances of baptism 
i and confirmation, that I may build up 
t unto myself a holy people, zealous of 
f good works.” 

J On Saturday 13/A of February 

• Martin Harris, William E. McLellin, 

; Leonard Rich and Aaron Smith, were 
i immersed, confirmed, and reordained 
-I to the same authority which we hail 
r j held in the Church before Latter Dav 

■ j Saintism was known. Since that ~ 

• day we have in the face and eyes of 

• all opposition gone forward to -obey 
and keep the sacred word of God to 
us. We have increased in numbers 
but slowly, yet not even one has turn- 
ed away as yet who has been con- 
firmed into the Church among us. 

.When we first started here last 
winter we set out with a determina- 
tion to persevere unto the end. and 
. the further we have, gone the more 
j firmly we have felt rooted and groun- 
j ded in the truth, the more we have 
[ felt established that the course we are 
now persuing will carry out the ori- 
1 ginal design of God in first raising up 
this church. Every week has brought 
us some light upon the great worK to 
be accomplished in this age bv the 
called, chasm and faithful ministers 



of heaven. We have had the very delight- 
ful privilege during the fall of visiting the 
Lord’s Seer; ana be too with his friends 
have boon born anew into the true church of 
Christ,' as we were in the beginning, and then 
they have been re-ordaitied each to bis sta- 
tion; and now in order for the work to pros- 
per we want to see more faithful' laborers in 
the field, which is white already to harvest. 
O that God would raise up more faithful la- 
borers, for the harvest truly is great, but the 
laborers are few. 

We can eav to our friends and brethren 
abroad, that the church in Kirtland is gov- 
erned upon a different principle, influenced, 
enlightened, and led by a different spirit from 
that possessed by any party, branch, or fac- 
tion of Latter Day Saintism which is now, 
or ever was built up among men. And if 
they cannot believe our testimony, we invite 
them to come and see. There is permanen- 
cy, light, truth, and great rejoicing here in 
the enjoyment of our privileges. We feel 
that wo know that the work which the Lord 
himself has so marvelously commenced 
among us, will go firmly forward until it 
will finally triumph and wo and it be owned 
of Jesus when he comes. Et>. 


( From page sixteen.) 

According to the sacred records in our 
possession, in which we have the most im- 
plicit confidence. viz: the Bible, the book of 
Mormon, and the book of the Command- 
ments of the Lord, given to his church in 
this generation, through his Seer; we find 
that the Lord, at certain set times- during the 
history of his dealings with man, has had 
groat objects to accomplish for man’s salva- 
tion. And he has worked among men at 
those stated times by more marvelous [tower 
than is usual at other times. And indeed, 

*• God always works among men according 
t<> their faith.” 

An undowme.nt is an extraordinary dis- 
play of divine power, received by mon, to 
qualify them for the performance of sonic 
marked or specific duties, which those men 
could not otherwise do. It is the descent, 
the reception and tiie abiding upon individ- 
uals, the gift and the power of the Holy 

The possession of the laud of Canaan— 
the lot of their inheritance, by the literal 
descendants of Abraham, was tho prime ob- 
ject of the wonderful and marvelous displays 
of divine power given id the days of Moses. 
To quality men to go forward and obtain 
that object, the Tabernacle was built, and 
the Lord came down aud "took of the spirit 



which wa* upon Moses atxl put it upon tho 
seventy Elders of Israel,” to qualify them to 
bear the burden of the people with Moses ; 
so that the Lord through and by their minis- 
try could lead that host home to Canaan. 

Jesus said to his disciples, “Tarry ye in 
the city of Jerusalem until ye be endowed 
with power from on high.” — Luke 24: 49. 
The great object the Lord had in that signal 
display of his power among bis Apostles on 
the day of Pentecost, was to enable them to 
“Go and teach all nations” the true princi- 
ples, doctrine, ordinances, and practices of 
salvation; that the old world might hear that 
Jesus was the Christ, the Son of God; that 
Jew and Gentile might be brought into one 
spiritual body, reconciled unto one God, bv 
one Savior, through one Holy Spirit. 

When the glorified countenance of Jesus 
shined upon Ncphi, Jonas, Kumen, and all 
the the twelve whom he had chosen upon 
this continent, and that too in the midst of 
their brethren and sisters; his object was to 
endow, and thus qualify his Ministry to pro- 
claim the free and joyful sound of the gospel 
of the “power of God unto salvation,” to 
both Nephites and Lamauites, that they 
mifrht all hear, obey, and live: being recon- 
ciled into one body, by one set of ordinances, 
administered by Eiders and Priests called, 
ordained, and endowed from Heaven. 

When the Lord has heretofore endowed a 
particular set of Ministers for a special 
work, that work has always been accom- 
plished. Mark this point. Israel reached 
and possessed Canaan, being led by those 
whom the Lord endowed round about the 
Tabernacle. The gospel was preached to 
every creature which is under heaven in all 
the old world, through and by the ministry 
who were endowed in an upper room in tho 
Temple at Jerusalem on the day of Pente- 
cost. And tho Nephitc twelve continued 
their ministerial labors among the inhabi- 
tants of this American land until their it' s ■ 
and isms were all destroyed, and they dwelt 
in peace having no poor among them. 

We have often contemplated that happy- 
state of society which once existed upon 
this continent among its ancient inhabitants, 
produced by obedience to the gospel of Jr - 
sus, preached hero by a faithful ministry, 
who had conversed personally with their 
I»rd — who had shined upon them with the 
light of his countenance until- they experi- 
enced of his glory. Ah! how different from 
what it is at the present day. Rich am! 
poor, bond and free, high and low, commin- 
gled together in holiness, in one common in- 
terest, under the banner of one common 
lyord, until they lost the feeling of their 



distinctions of ites and isms, and loved God sing such as is not known among the chtl- 
with aU their hearts, and each other as they, dren of men, and it shall he poured forth 
did themselves. Tbej had a happy foretaste upon their beads, and from thence men shall 
ef the days to come sihen “all shall see eye go forth into all nations." 
to eye, when all shall know the Lord from In December 1832, a commandment came 
tbdfleaat unto the greatest.” forth to build a house in Kirtland, “even a 

But we have been talking of past times bouse of prayer, a house of fasting, a house 
and seasons, yet the future interests us the of faith, a house of learning, a bouse of glo- 
most. About 1800 years have rolled away ry, a house of order, a house of God.” And 
since the dispersion of the Jews from the in June 1833, the Lord said again to Ms peo- 
land of their fathers. Jerusalem has been pie, “Wherefore ye must needs be chasten- 
trodden down of the Gentiles “until their ed, and stand rebuked before my face, for yo 
fulness has come in.” Their cup of iniqui- 1 have sinned before me a very grievous sin, 
ty has become full, and their destruction in that ye have not considered the great 
slumbers not. This is the age of their en- commandment in all things, concerning the 
tire overthrow both nationally and individu- j building of mine house, for the preparation 
ally, except those who repent and are adop- wherewith I design to prepare mine Apos- 
ted into the covenant of Abraham. ties to prune my vineyard for the last time, 

But before their entire consummation by that I may bring to pass my strange act, 
fire, the Lord intends to have them warned that I may pour out my spirit upon all flesh 
of their danger. And in order to qualify * * Yea, verily I say unto you, I gave 

them for that purpose, he raised up the church unto you a commandment, that you should 
af Christ- and now calls men to his holy build an house, in which house I design to 
ministry in-tbi*day-as ra days of old, that endow those whom I have chosen with pow- 
i»> by direct revelation from Heaven. And er from oa high: for this is the promise of 
the Lord intends to shortly call a solemn as- the Father unto you.” * • Verily I say 

aefhbly of all the ministry of his church in unto you it is my will that you should build 
Kirtland, in order that they may attend’* “the an house. If you keep mv commandments 
school of the prophets,” to get faith by lear- you shall have power to build it; if you keep 
ning and by studv, and by the gift and in- not my commandments the love of the Fs- 
sni ration of his Holy Spirit; and when they ther shall not continue with you: therefore 
have received their endowment, then they you shall walk in darkness.” 
will go out and prune the vineyard for the The Temple of the Lord has been reared 
last time, they will bind up the law and se^-1 in Kirtland, O. and stands a monument of 
up the testirm ny, then Gentile and Jew will his goodness unto his children. Blit tie: 
both he prepared either for destruction or for most of those who labored in building it have 
salvation. — removed to the west, and instead of walking 

The Lord has revealed from the heavens ' n ***• light of the Lord, they have wander - 
that “The powers of darkness prevail upon ^ ' n darkness, their Leaders have falicr , 
tb> earth, among the children of men, in the an ^ remnant have been driven far away, 
presence of all the hosts of heaven, which even to the mountains ot the wilderness, to 
causeth silence to reign and all eternity is rj * ln > n destitution. Had we the power, we 
pained, and the angels are waiting the great wotl ^ not a< ^ one single thorn to their ai- 
conimand to reap down the eartli, and to hard fate. 

gather the tares that they may be burned.” As we said in our first No., we have our 
The above was revealed more than fifteen hearts fixed upon an endowment, which ac- 
years since, and it really does seem to us cording to the word of the Lord, must take 
from the sfgu abroad, that wo ! indeed, is place in Ohio, in Kirtland, and in the tuniec 
determined upon the world. But at the same of the I^rd reared to his name here. The 
time the Lord said, “wherefore for this cause [histories of the endowments in the holy 
I gave untv you the commandment, that yon books, at the Tabernacle in the days of Mo- 
Rhould go to the Ohio: and thrre I will give <ses; at the Temple in the days of Peter; 
unto you my law, and there you shall be en- and on bis continent in the days of Nephi, 
dowed with power from on big 1- , and from give us some idea of what an endowment re- 
thence, whomsoever I will shall go forth ally is. But when we take into consider:- 
among all nations, and it shall be told them tion the work which Moses and the elders 
what they shall do, for I have a great work had to do in passing from Egypt to Canaan; 
laid up in store.’’ Again tho Lord said in and the preaching the Gospel to all nations 
the same month of January 1831, “And in- which was committed unto Peter and his 
aemuch as mv people shall assemble them- friends, to publish to Jew and to Gentile >o 
wires at the Ohio, I have kept in store a bles- the old world; and also what Nephi and Jonas 

and those faithful ministers connected with 
them had to perform in the new world among 
its tribes and nations: and then contrast the 
groat work to he accomplished in our own 
day among all the nations of the whole world, 
on all continents and islands, in every clime 
among every kindred both Gentile and Jew: 
and then realize that tho endowment which 
the Lord hat in store for the faithful minis- 
ters of the church of Christ, must and will 
qualify them to do a work that will effect 
not only all nations of men, but all the cre- 
ations of the Almighty also; yes, the work 
which the men Will do who receive the pro- 
mised endowment, will shake heaven, earth, 
and hell to their centers: and cause the right- 
eous in all the vast creations of God to re- 
joice and to shout Alleluia; for the Lord 
God omnipotent reigneth. 

We say, when we see how the I-iord called, 
qualified, and endowed his ministers in the 
different past ages, and then hear him say to 
the Elders of his church in our day, “I have 
kept in store a blessing for you, such as is 
not known among the children of men,” and 
that too when speaking of the endowment 
which he designs to give them in his house 
in Kirtland. Our heart leaps for joy in an- 
ticipation of that eventful period, and we are 
led to cry out, how long, O ! Lord God Al- 
mighty, until thy church will be prepared to 
receive that “ unction from the Holy One,” 
that refreshing from the presence of the 
Lord, that endowment still held in reserve, 
that power to go to all nations as the in- 
spired Apostles and prophets of God, those 
holy tongues of fire by which they will 
speak in all the languages of the earth, ‘‘the 
wonderful works of God,” that personal vis- 
itation of the great Head of the church, and 
his smiling countenance upon his chosen 
ones until they will be encircled in fire, and 
In the Holy Ghost; redeemed from earthly 
a flections, sanctified from sin, and honored 
of God. Again we say how long O Lord ! 
until thou wilt thus qualify and send out a 
sanctified ministry in order to fish and to 
hunt the remnants of Jacob from the four 
wings of the earth, and from the isles of 
the sea. 

Then their message will be “to strength- 
en the weak hands and confirm the feeble 
knees, to say to them that are of a fearful 
heart, be strong, fear not; behold your God 
will come with vengeance upon the wicked, 
but with a recompense he will come and 
save you. Then the eyes of the blind shall 
be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be 
unstopped. Then shall the lame man leap 
as an heart, and the tongue of the' dumb shall 
siDg : for in the wilderness waters shall 

break out and steams in the desert.” — Ira- 
35: 4. Then the miraculous powers mani- 
fested by these endowed ambassadors in 
gathering Israel from all their long disper- 
sions, will eclipse all that God has ever hith- 
erto done for man. Even the miracles 
wrought in the days of Moses will not oa 
mentioned in confpnrison. Jeremiah said 16: 
15, “It shall no more be said. The Lord fiv- 
eth that brought up the children of-Isiael 
out of the land of Egypt, but the Lord I'rr- 
eth that brought up the children of Israel 
from the land of the north: and from all lands 
whither he had driven them.” 

We now say distinctly that, when the 
ministry in the two Priesthoods of the chunk 
of Christ receive the promised endowment, 
they will then assuredly bring in “the rest 
of God.” No power, no desertion, nor oh- 
stacles thrown in their way, will ever pre- 
vent them from consummating that, the 
greatest and most glorious work which God 
ever gave to man to perform. They will 
then go forward and bring in the restora- 
tion of nil things spoken of by all the holy 
prophets since the world began. By them 
and through their ministry by the power of 
their faith and works, Jesus will be revealed 
with all his angels, all the righteous saved, 
all the wicked destroyed, and all the righte- 
ous of all past generations will be rcserroc- 
ted — will then gain their adoption, viz: the 
redemption of their bodies. This, yes, all 
this and more too, will be brought about by 
the glorious work of the last days — in con- 
sequenco of the Lord’s endowment of his 

When God’s messengers of this dispen- 
sation once receive the promised endowment 
from heaven, they will receive all the keys 
of which God has ever spoken in his word. • 
“The key of knowledge,” that is, the power 
to receive direct revelations from heaven. — 
‘•The keys of the kingdom of heavan,” that 
is, power and authority topreacb tho go*p< 1 
to all nations, kingdoms, tongues and people; 
and to open the door of salvation to th- 
worlJ. “ The key of the house of David." 
that is, a correct knowledge ”f the true 
principles of government. “The keys r.f 
death,” that is the knowledge of the princi- 
ples of translation from mortal to immortal- 
ity, in order to be changed in the inkling 
of an eye, and never know cr experience the 
separation of spirit and body as in death.- — 
“The keys of hell,” that is, the knowledgp 
of the principles by which Satan will be 
bound' for one thousand years, so that t>," 
earth may rest from his power and from 
man’s pollutions. 

Yea, when the true and living church of 



Christ is once properly organized in all her 
authorities, with all her quorums of “called, 
clroscn, and faithful ” ministers of the Lamb 
of God; and when they assemble themselves 
together in Ohio, in Kirtland, in the house 
of the Lord, in one common school; and 
learn by faith and by study all the manifes- 
tations, admini.-trationts operations, gifts, 
. and powers of God’s holy spirit, and have 
their Priesthoods confirmed upon them by 
the Lord Jesus himself ; then they wilt un- 
derstand all the principles and enjoy all the 
powers by which and in which all the Lord* s 
ancient prophets and wise men were led and 
governed since the world began, either in 
blessing or cursing the world. Yes, they 
will hold and use all the keys of power with 
God as fast as they by faith and holiness can 
roll on the mighty events of the List days. 
Heaven will be shaken yet “once more," and 
all the dieimbodied spirits of just men made 
perfect will fly from the abodes of Paradise 
to this world, and catch up their bodies by 
resurrection, receive their rewards, and then 
live and reign with Christ on this earth — 
“cleansed by fire,” — for one thousand years. 

Here the subject enlarges, but we must 
close. Who is it that desires a part in all 
the blessings which God has in reserve for 
his children, and which he lias decreed that 
ho will give them in this generation ? We 
invite them to speedily unite with the church 
of Christ. For the Lord has note “set In's 
hand again the second lime to recover the 
remnant of his people.” He is sow work- 
ing in his church in this place, even in Kirt- 
Und. in tbi> Stake of Zion, iu order to begin 
to preppre his church and people for all those 
great events. We have set out with Holi- 
ness in principle and in practice for our 
motto, and if we go on with an eye single 
to his glory, the upbuilding of his cause, 
instead of onr own individual emolument or 
glory, as the lord lives, ali. will bk wk:.l. 
< >ur endowments will come from the lord 
in heaven as lie has promised, and we will 
then roll on this mighty work until v ! I the 
work of God concerning this creation is fin- 
isles!, is done; and God is- ali, and iu all. 

(To br continued.) Ki». 

BATAVIA, X. Y., Feb. 1 b 17. 

Mr- W. E. McLellin: 

Dear Sir — I have heard that you have 
been appointed to the firet presidency of the 
church in Joseph Smith's stead. If so, 
please send me a form of the appointment, 
and whether it was by revelation through Jo- 
seph according to the books. I am aware 
of the difference of opinion on this subject bv 
the various parties calling themselves Mor- 

mons; but the gospel is the same among ail 
and in aO ages of the world. I direct this 
to you a* a friend, for I wish to know th 
truth. I hold the office of High Priest in 
the Church of Latter Day Saints, and I want 
to be on the right side of the question. 1 
cannot go conscientiously with the Brig 
hamites; and as for J. J. Strang, if the re- 
ports are true concerning him, I want noth 
ing to do with him. Truth only is what i 
want. A. Babbit preaches here to-night, 
but I shall oppose him. He says he sold th» 
Temple at Kirtland when he was there for 
£ 10 , 000 , bull believe him to be a right Rev. 
liar. Yours, respectfullr, 

j. TYLER. 

t — 

! Our views relative to the legal Successor 
! of Joseph Smith in the first presidency, are 
: stated at considerable length in the 3d No. 
j of the Ensign of Liberty, and some of our 
! reflections relative to Strang's pretended a p- 
1 poiatment are given in the second No. — 
| And as to Brighamism, viz; Twelveiteism. 
j we think that their abominable doctrines. 

I and still more wretched practices, have sunk 
| them so fer beneath the dignity of decent nr 
; moral men, that every honest, well meaning 
| man and woman ought to have left them long 
j since. Babbit’s sale of the Tempiehere w», 
i a mere sham, as events since have proved. 
But as to myself and my own claims to di~- 
j Unction, I must say a word, for it seems that 
! in consequence of the course that I have ta- 
ken I have brought upon me the ire of the 
j Twclveitcs, Rigdocitr-s. Strangites, kc. Sir. 
! And there are some Indivirinalites in this 
i region, whose eye is single to oncuers, who 
j are detennined to hare some di-tinction at- 
i tached to me. I profess to occupy a very 
i humble sphere in life, and as to or enemies 
: who so cordially hate toe, I well know the 
j reason ; it is sok-ly because I will not foster 
■ and advocate their claims to greatnes. which 
. I will now try to -show, 
i 1 united with the Church of Christ on the 
• '10th day of August, 1S3I, in Jackson Co.. 
: Mo., and I was administered to in baptisih 
; and confirmation by Elder Hyrnm Smith. 
j the brother of Joseph. I first heard the 
! Drenching in Paris, Edgar county. III. — 
: When 1 heard it.' I made up my mind that 
I there was more in it than any religion I i,a*: 
ever before heard advocated; consequently 1 
; put myself to the trouble and expense ot'trav- 
lelling about 450 miles, in order to examine 
the matter. And after all the examination 
1 was capable of making, I was folly con- 
vinced and converted to the dcctrin- and 
practices of the church as they were then 
held and taught. 



Oa Thursday, the 25th of the same month, 
*hile attending a conference among the 
Elders on that land, which was then es- 
teemed by the whole church, “the land of 
Zion,’’ I was pointed out by prophecy an one 
whom God had called to preach the Gospel 
to this generation; and was ordained to the 
office of an Elder, under the hands of Elder 
Hvrum Smith and Bishop Edward Partridge. 
Thence 1 traveled that long and tedious 
jotimev between Independence, Mo., and 
K irtland, Ohio, in company with brother II. 
Smith. We reached Kirtland on the 18th 
day of Oct., and on the 25th I attended a 
general conference in the town of Orange, 
about 20 miles distant. Here L first saw and 
sained an acquaintance with' Joseph Smith, 
Jr.. Oliver Cowdery, Sidney Rigdon, John 
Wbitmer, kc. AboutdO ministers attended 
the conference. During its sittings, I, with 
:,ine others, was pointed out again bv the 
-pirit of revelation, as having the gifts and 
'idlings to the office of High Priest, and was 

, - i e\f Prna 

but in July I saw and passed through I 
which sickened my soul. Having just re- 
turned from a long tour, it was announced 
that on the next Sunday I would preach at 
our usual place of meeting on the “Temple 
lot.” A large number of the old citizens 
with whom f had been intimate, turned out 
to hear. I delivered a discourse of some 
two hours length on “the gathering of the 
last days.” That same evening some of the 
principle men of the place, and of the regions 
round about, gathered themselves together 
and drew np the famous document, in which 
they “pledged to each other, their property, 
their lives, and their sacied honors, to drive 
all members of the Church of Christ, (whom 
they called Mormons,) from the county, 
peaceably if they could, hut forcibly if they 

On Saturday, the 20th of July, 1833, about 
five hundred men,, (if they deserved tne 

name.) assembled in Independence, and de- 
liberately tore down a two story brick build- 
ing, in which was a priming press and fix- 

•tlliugr vu suv n ' 

plained, thereunto under the hands of Pres. , 111{ . f ... r — - . 

Oliver Cowdery. jturcs, which were partly destroyed, and 

From this conference I went home with ; thence they proceeded to demolusb the store 

m, Saturday, the 20th, IjofA. S Gilbert, but he agreed to packjns 
r,-cc : vedtb rough him, and wrote from his I goods and cease trade, which for thetiqm 
nouth a revelation concerning myself. 1 t prevented their destruction.. They next . V- 

a rt-vcmuuu • 

Iind expected aijd believed that when I saw 
lire. Joseph. I should receive one; and I 
vent before the Lord in sesret, ami on my 
';nees asked him to reveal the answer to five 
question's through his Prophet, and that too 
without, his having any knowledge of my 
having made such request.. 1 now testify 

sembled around my house, but seeing them 
coming, / stepped a little out oj ike icay: 
but their rage caused them to search our 
premises thoroughly. After perpetrating 
wretched and horrid abuses upon the Bishop, 
and others, they agreed to meet again on the 
23(1. But before they parted, they felt so 

l,ad thus lodged in the oars of the Lord of I abuse myself and Oliver Cowdery. they 

N-bbaoUi were answered to mv fuB and en-rfered thrjt it any mau would catch n. am.. 

B^SaX. I desired it for a testimony | deliver us up to them on the 23d, they wouM 
f Joseph’s iiispitalipn, And I to ibis day ] pav *80 lor ( .Uu-eOt . 

— *• * “ « •* «*** l “"- IS SSX 

“ i'forilio iho winter, about, the Istof Jam.-.!:lro.a out homes and wander-donvly ami 
„ rv I attended another genera l-conferonce in alo U e— for throe days, \\ e found a horn 
if there Lorain cctmtv, Ohio; at which for it. -J.e woods of the most unfrequented place., 
I was np- : and. occasionally got a meat among, our 

untod and ordained, under tho-hands of E,| ^ retllnl0 a 

“umttu n*|U - - 

diodon to the first presiiletioy oi the whole 
•iliirch. as tliev professed' to ba directed of 
hr Lord; which, was acknowledged by the 
a hole conference, I; also- attended many 
feocial' conferences, where I learned many 
tilings of importance;- but I spont the uiodt- 
of my time travelling and preaching until 
spring. In A.prilt 1832, I married, and :m- 
nC diatelv removed and settled in 
, t,o, \ ,\fo. In the spring of: 1833 I s traveled 
it, company will. Elder P,P„P«*U,. poach- 
ing through, parts of tile States, ot; i)iissoqri 
wd, Illinois, 1 reachpd.lfpme again fn J.bne,. 

gX e 

to our homes,, and remained until tlic i»stot 
October. Then their tuobocratic fury be-. 
gan to boil over again.. They remembered 
my escape before, und this time they came 
with a pretended civil authority: I yielded 
tpysolf into titeir hands, knowing that I had 
committed, no offence,. A number of others 
were taken with me, and were taken to the 
court house about dark, to be tried font he 
alleged crime of assault and battery. Tbq 
court was. being organized,; when I heard' a 
bustle at the door,, and r. number of- voice* 



crying out, “Kill the <3 — d rascals, kill ing, “Be still, and trust in me, and I the 
them." The house was immediately thrown Lord will be your deliverer.” 
into a complete uproar, for a great many Finally gray twilight began to appear in 
had collected on pretence of hearing the the east, and as the sun began to momtup 
trial, but in reality to mob us. All tbelights to shed his golden rays upon the world, the 
except one was blown out, and that one was jailor and two or three others, entered our 
held up very high by a lawyer. Here, de- Ijttle apartment, our dismal abode, and said, 
fenceless and innocent, I had fallen >nto the “Now, sirs, if you will agree to remove from 
hands of men who raged with a fury more the county forthwith, we will release you 
then heathen. I stepped a little to one side without trial.” We consented, and was lib^ 
and called upon God, realizing that if he did crated. They led us in a by-path oot of the 
not protect me, I must be sacrificed to their village, and then told ns to take care of our- 
rage. A proposition was made that they selves, which I was very careful to do: for 
put us into the jail until morning, and then next morning early I was on the road with 
bring us outfor trial. Weconsentcd, think- my family for Liberty, in Clay Co., where I 
ing that even a prison, would be a palace to hired a bouse and remained during the win- 
us in preference to a court room where men ter. The whole society, of some hundreds, 
like demons raged and foamed. immediately fled from Jaskson county, as 

Two large men stepped up to me, and 

each clinched an arm. and thus gallanted me “™-but they ^Sered unnumbered hard- 
tothemost horrid, soul harrowing, lonesome, ;*'P?- This was a per^cut.on of an hon- 
loathsomc place into which mv feet everen- «*> ‘"offensive people, because of thcrreli- 
tered. before or since. What! to be locked, 0 bt p '» T Pl T ... 

chained, and barred within a little room in a ’ “ - 

jail, only twelve feet square!! And that, 
too, where felons, robbers, and murderers bad 

dwelt, and there forced to remain during a „ , 

v dark, lonesome night; and that, too, without B * 8DiD > Jenne^e, 

any certainty as to the future. O thou un- u ® us ■” ’ 

• asy uncertainty! Thou horror-fed moment Dear and ajfcctionale Son and Family: 
of prison life!! Surrounded by scores of Afu . r rav lcnder (uT vo one alyl 

beings “who feared not God, nor regarded alu woul j infonn vou tfcal , j^Wing 
ther ghuofman.* The roar of musketry, ^ t feclllei ^. s of ^ in conf , K . 
and the veils of more than heathen savage? ■, ^ r , 

continually saluted our ears. The darkness ?, uence ° f C T- P ‘ al • : 

conuimallv saluted our ears. The darkness T T F 

. i, .. * . f r the amc as when vou were herein the.' Sunni' 

«»t the night added to the fury of the scene. , lfi ,c * r • ? 

rp, f, . * , ol lei*?. 1 nore are some at mv neighbors 

rhe next hour — yes, the next moment, and * 

an infuriate mcl-O hatefnl word-may « ^ ‘Uy -sk me when my son \\ .11- 

i j - -.u -a - J lam will return to this place: and tb*v t*av 

n ri f T epinta more inter- that if wouU come ’ ^ ^ a 

duZl rf P < 5 , 8t ° 1° T t ' ruef more, they would join in with 

from my eves. I paced the narrow, con- Ch " rt -. This you may expect would bo . 

tracted cell to and fro, while thousands of j f K C "TF 

V . . \ ' ot inend* and brethren who believe as We d<% 

* .tW J Zl ? “ e 00 COn - 1 Vice of our divine Master* ro that T might 

eolation* for they, too, were m entire uncer- • f * , . r • v ^ 1 

7. „„. 1 I .1 ' Lie . r. : enjoy more of his smiles, that I might ad- 

tainty a* well as myseif, an to our fate. J J ... b 

3 3 ’ vanes in the divine life, while on my way to 

One thought, however, kept our hearts 1 11,6 flir and ha PPy land of bliss; ind in so 
from sinking. It occasionally visited my j doin ? induce some others to join in and go 
mind during that long night, as a bee would ■ wilh . UK - Can’t yon come and see ns once 
its hive, to leave iu sweets, and then go in > mf)r *> ^ ptwch u> >•» “the words of eternal 
search for more; and that was, “ I am i'nno- j iif * ? ” 

cent of their charge — I am snffering for • Yoar relatives here are generally well. — 
Ghrwt and troth’s sake, and I shall get my ! Camp meetings are frequent in this regjon 
reward either iu life or at the resurrection of. of country, but my infirmities will not admit 
the just.” A voice too, as of a ministering ; of my attending them; and if I could, some 
angel, would occasionally speak to my mind ; of the doctrines advanced do not suit my 
and to ray hear*, and its voice wan as calm i ideas of salvation. • • • When you 
as the zephyr of a summer’s morning, say- 1 receive this pLane to send ma a long detail. 



I close by subscribing myself your aflfection- 
father, and well wisher, until death. f< 


• o 

After sixteen years absence, we vieited n 

our Father, relatives, and friends, in April, d 
1845, and had the privilege of preaching six t 
diecourses to them; setting before them the f 
principles of the work of the last days, aa t 
we then understood them. Our father believed 1 
our testimony, and was immersed on tl.e 4th z 
day of May, ’45. I made him a present of t 
the book of Mormon, and he read, lie told me, 1 
during my absence while -visiting among our ] 
relatives, 80 pages in two. days, although he t 
was more than 79 yoars of age. And when ; 
I returned from the west this fall, to find l 
among others, a letter, from my aged father, < 
still breathing his faith in God, und in tlia* 1 
strange and marvelous work in which we are 
engaged— rejoiced my heart exceedingly.— 
O' God! sanctify my father, ami prepare him j 
whether in life or death, tp meet thy Son at 
bis coming. O. may he be one of thy jew- 1 
els, to stand on thy right hand in peace and 
glory — Amen. As to our visit again with 
him'in our.native land, we know not at pres- . 
cut. when wij can make him one; but hope, 
to see him-agjin in the flesh, and preach and ; 
organize a church there with which he can: 
associate, and enjoy himself according to 
his desires. 

Ray County, Mo., May 30, '47. 

Jiro. William: — Yours of May 4th, came 
to hand the 28th, and it is so full of ques- 
tions, and of such magnitude, that my little 
sheet will only give room for an introduc- 
tion, and the plain simple truth is .always 
the host without exaggeration. * * * I 

have received the two first numbers of the 
paper yonaro publishing, and i find in Them 
some tilings which are worthy of notice. - 
The name of Christ is as good a name as 1 

In tbe next place, you want to know my 
faith relative to the book of Mormon, and the 
winding up of wickedness. • Aa to the book 
of Mormon, it would be doing injustice u> 
myself, and to the work of God of the last 
days, to say that I could know a thing to be 
true in 1830, and know the same thing to be 
false in 1847. To say ray mind was so 
j treacherous that I had forgotten what I saw. 
To say that a man of Joseph’s ability, who 
at that time did not know how to pronounce 
the word Nephi, could write s book of six 
hundred pages, as correct as the book of 
Mormon, without supernatural power./ And 
tosaythat'tbose holy Angels who came and 
showed themselves to me as I was wa lking 
through the field, to confirm me in the work 
of the Lord of the last days — three of whom 
came to me afterwards and sang an hymn in 
their own pure language; *yea. it would • be 
treating the God of heaven with contempt, 
j to deny these testimonies, with too many 

1 others to mention here. X 

The next thing is, whether wickedness 
I will be wound up in this generation, for tb* 
i space of a thousand years? There are vt- 
- 1 rious reasons for believing that it will.— 

> Besides those testimonies which have fallen 
1 j into our hands, we have the gathering or. 
i ; the Jews at Jerusalem. It la said that a 
a • messenger has been sent from the ten tribes. 

! to see whether the way was prepared foe 

• them to come home; which will agree with 
I Zech. 12: «, 7; and also with Isaiah 49. — 

fi ! The ten tribes no doubt have been visited by 
some niMsenger, to let them know* that th* 
ej time has come for them to prepare to come 

• home. 

„ : lam vours in the bonds ot trnth, 

? ' ’ HIRAM PAGE. 


The name of Christ is as good a name as 1 j 
want, to wear. 

Zion cannot put on her beautiful ; 
merits that *h» mav be adorned as a bride 
a.Icrneth herself for her husband, neither can 
she be redeemed until all her abominations 
are confessed and proclaimed as upon the 
housetops, and she forsake all evil practices; 
the Ark being steadied by him whom God 
has appointed, and if he whom God has ap- 
pointed will not do the work in his time, the 
Lord will put him down, and raise up an- 
other that will. Although I hold th» office 
of High Priest yot I dare not raise a finger 
to move tho ark forward without a “thus 
saith the Lord,” through the Lord’s Beer; 
vet I can set myself in order, and try to per- 
suade others to do likewise. 

Datton, Ohio, March 22, ’47. 
ISro. Me Lf lien : — l herewith enclose one 
dollar for the Ensign of Liberty . I wish to 

know the truth with regard to that euane* 
work about which you write. Direct vout 

papers to, WM DELONG. 

Lons Branch. N. J., April 1, 184*. 
Dear Brother McLelUn — 

I have received the first No. of your wor- 
thy paper, and I feel gTateful that such t 
one is started. Please to continue to 
it to me. I enclose one dollar lor the first 
volume. Please to answer this and lot mo 
know if you receive it. 

Yours, in the new and everia-uiugiTTTe- 
l nam, S- WARDLLL. 


Rocarrns, Cedar Cm, bn, ? 

July 17, 1S47. j 

Mr. fifffcr— We intt iw ria td taro Xj*. 
of your paper, and I enckwe one dollar, m> 
that yon may continue sending lira to os. 
W e are lonesome here, and ere erant to kaow 
more about the people of the Lord, wbo be- 
lieve that this is the winding up generaticc- 
We aant to know all aboat the tine - bu rro 
of Christ. May the Lord hies* rocr en- 
deavor * to spread truth,, and sp e e d on the 
work of the Lord. 

This from your warm friend in the Lord. 


IIcst’s Hollow. X. Y., Aug, 13. ’47. 

Ms. W. K. McLklux: 

Dear Sir — Enclosed I send yoo one dol- 
lar for X. OIncy for the Ensign of Liberty 
for one year from its commencement. 
Respectfully, yours, 

T. T. LAKE. P. 31. 

(More anon.) 

of anr thing that 1 have seen of late. — | „ . . : ' *'.,7. , .77 

l’lease continue rour rwrer to me, and I : . "tffll^ 1 ^ a 

ill ink I can send von Baoce^^eT&ers shortly. i^ e T ”V k m Kirdani on Monday the lt>th 
f »i, M _ ,u M p* i ' idav of June next. >\ e lnritr our mend* 

, . * n ... 1 Hrnci/tnner m The 

trutli arid reasoc, W 3L TERM.' X- 

Qnscr, FnaUa Coratr, Pa^ ( 
April 12. 1847. i 

Dear Sir — I have received the first Xo. 
of your valnahie paper; and I was ranch in- 
terested in the oaaratiM of R; it has 
roused np a spirit of wyi rr and a dearie to 
have your paper natirari Tbit seems to 
be a time in the history of the work of the 
list days, that ora shook! investigate closely ; 
for there are so many raring up and claiming 
authority. I treat to Xa— too and exam- 
ined the doemnesset Gath there: and lately 
I have examined those set hath and advoca- 
ted by 8. Rigdoa oa the *■ Adventure farm," 
in this county. And anr I am willing (so 
far as I am able,) to scrabaize pair sayings 
and doings, and those cnoarcted with you. 
For be assured, that troth and reason is what 
my sool delights in. Of aB the “eosor onif 
(if I might call it so,) to see a onion of all 
the original living sii viml i of the sacred 
book of Mormon again mar forward as the 
hf.vjw of the chaxrh, is the most reasonable 

Presidency of the Church to be in attersi- 
j auce, and much Important business Uansac- 

Woodstows. Xew Jersey. May 23. '47. f 
Hro. MrfMli *: — I hare received the 1st ' 


85“’ Since writing the matter for this Xo.. 
vre hare received a number of letters wfcir.i 

and 2d .\o »of thr Kra nga of liberty. awl we (ihouU - b( . fedto pilh!lsh . of 

> hav e read t here M b nnnA pfawm recase-l ^ we mn £ , lbem unti , ^ Besl 

krllv through. Iarera oct. pfern^i with the ; No U ( . Ilave a , tlDe ft,.*, Vom .. W is- 

sp.rrt breathed through the whole paper, and | n|nsin , from Kldfir Adims , «hichwe wan- d * 
tlm apart of * did reft retetest nr more than } j„ ^ No _ hllt rolUl ] crowd it ^ U > - 
the important mrttrre cotoafted to them. hjrp ollr primil! „ 

don**. *<WiC len fr&n 

L attended Rag*® s cooierence m the , 0Hr ^ con ^ ;UPI „lv. we labor underm*- 
»o//cv,.dnnng the wm«ev.. It lasted some:, 
mosths instead of 'try — -but wvs an entire ; 
failure. After- e 

nv inconvenience** which w™ hope will t»- 

. _ i reraediedi after mtr general (oclrimo'.. 
, , .. , s , re ~| in June next. We rhea expect to have a- 

turned to my trimly almost u» dbspaw tliat ; rimi eMUbbn ^ t of , WT own. as.3 then, 
any or^n.raJ^ w<xrai c«ne up ami pros-: ^f e regumrly at oar own, 

per.. Hat suli 1 beirere that has a pm-. - r 1 ° J 

pie, and tliat- he vikirhe up ami mra Si fy a 
man to stand ;at the Head, anf bear otf the 
kingdom in-triainab, and krlng meveslat-ting 
ri ghteousBORs. Voe; oncers seeravl to give 
me fresh courage. I bow beireve that IUvrn 
is TtiK-was, Tba meet oft tias saints in 
this place are •saadi'sg upon the “ watch 
tower," to bear- what the Sh.*pher I will 
si>eak. There hare been a washer baptized . 
sitipe von vrere hear.. I;want-TO<j to be snn*| 
to send me toot paper.. (Sersdu^sontit sab- 1 
rcribors.. En.) 

I am your brother is Lupe of the rest far 
the people of (Joi. 




l.’gPflRTANT IN) I S- 
We an: glad to tyceive letters fo-ra nor 
friends, Jmt- unless they get into the habit ot 
paying their postage, we shall he under tis- 
neeysslty of leaving thi-ir- ietlertin the ps: 
f o$ee-r«-Eo. 


Will be ed:V‘d. iiy. 4 V-.I 7 .McI.LL.Tiv. vs 1 pti>- 
hsbeilmi n miCbcn sis- l. ia p-vsT-W fmi. 
■■onrviiiirig siu<u>u page, each, si <Jae IKOrz : s 
twrfie. njimbens—is vpv.vsct. 

277* Ail ' Ictti-rs ta I be Edbsr lusst W rinci p.71. . 
ia.urtcr to ir.?ur' >:i — rets r-aW. thy; . 




OUR PRINCIPLES IN KIRTLAND. | bv a direct revelation from God, 

through the gift of prophesy; and 

We hold that in Heaven there are | t | lcn was legally ordained, viz: set 
“many mansions,” places of happi- a p ar t by imposition of hands by some 
ness, or degrees in glory. And that 1 mau or ' inen who had thus received 
upon that principle and that only all j their authority. All others called and 
the human family can and will be re- . ^ a p ar t in ainy other way, profess- 
warded “according to the deeds done \ j n g t0 minister in the name of the 
in the bodv.” Each mansion has its | Lord, are men-made priests and min- 
own olory*. and its inhabitants suited j i gtcrs . consequently are bound “to 
thereto. * Those intelligences who j teach for doctrine the commandments 
pertain to this world, who ever in- ■ 0 f rnen ” The priests or ministers of 
habit a mansion in glory, must and do j Christ who arc thus called, chosen, 
prepare themselves while in proba- i ant i faithful can prepare those who 
lion for their place or state in glory, j arc “willing and obedient, for the 
There are glories celestial, glories j soc iety of “ the general assembly and 
terrestrial, and glories telestial; and c hurch of the first born, whose names 
there are separate mansions or resi-. arc enrolled in Heaven.’ They can 
denies where these glories are mani- ; teaqb them how to become “he.irs ot 
fisted, enjoved, and lived in by those j God and joint heirs with Christ in the 
of this world who have worked out j highest degree, even the celestial 
the salvation prepared for each. The | glory. 

celestial is the highest glory, the su- 1 - But the height ot glory to 
perlative degree of happiness to which j which men-made ministers, with their 
< lod can ever elevate intelligences.— | fl oc ks can ever arise is the telestial— 
It is the glory in which Jehovah him- 1 t (, c lowest mansion of glory, where 
F.df resufes. It is the glory which , they will shine like the stars for ever 
-Jesus, had with the Father before I a „d ever, viz: one bright and another 

the world was.” It is that mansion ) dim— “for one star diflereth from au- 

of "lory to which all “the church of other star i:i glory? So also will be 
tho^frst-born will be exalted. It is j the glory of all those, who profess 
that degree of glory to which the j belief in’ Christ, who arc not built up, 
church of Christ must rise or they ; led, ar.d governed by an inspired mm- 
will receive no reward in glory. It [ istry. Catholics and Protestants stand 

K- that glory of which the sun in i precisely on the same ground in re- 
the firmament is written as being ty- ■ spect to their future destiny, in re- 
poeal The moon is typocal of the I spect to their ultimate mansion of 
terrestrial, and the star's of the teles- ] glory. If they gain any glory it 

j will' be the telestial. Neither Ro- 
2. We hold that no man can now, manists nor Protestants have been 
ever did, or ever will legally preach administered to by an inspired minis- 
the os pel of Christ and minister its try. Neither have received revela- 
ordinances of salvation unless he “was tions from the heavens for themselves. 
(Silled of God as was Aaron? that is Neither of them have lived by every 




word which proceeded out of the 
mouth of God to them. But their 
feasts have been upon the promises 
given to the ancients, contained in the 

that abode and receives a body in this 
world it can never again return to the 
presence of the Father, unless it is 
clothed upon with immortality — un- 

Bible. By their traditions they have ; less it takes its tabernacle glorified 
refused to have the man Christ Jesus j either by translation or resurrection 
to reign over them, by giving direct- i with it- All the hymns and songs 
ly to them revelations and promises sung by all the sectaries of the world 
by which they could be led, comfort- about dying and going immediately 
ed, and sanctified. Thev have de- , to heaven, to the contrary notwith- 
nied by their words and their works standing. God has prepared a place 
the fundamental principle apon which ! called Paradise, wluch is ** under the 
hangs the whole Christian fabric, viz: 1 altar’ 7 in heaven as a receptacle for 
the immediate intercommunion by the disimbodied spirits of ail the right- 
revelation between Chimst and his 1 eous until their reumon with their 
church. The want of this faith and ; bodies at the resurrection of the just, 
manner of receiving intelligence by | They must wait until that period hc- 
those who profess belief in Christ. ' fore they will receive thtir reward in 
prepares them for a seat in the teles- the mansions of glory. There is a 
tial glory,— .for their reward among : Prison opposite to Paradise, which is 
those whose glory differs like the stars the receptacle of all the spirits of all 
in the firmament. j those who have not fitted themselves 

4. We hold as it is said in the book ; while in probation for a kingdom of 
of Mormon, that “there must needs glory; whence they are sent, there 
be an opposition in all things.” In to remain until the sound of the last 
as much as there pre many mansions ; trump, when they will be called forth 
in heaven, there must be many apart- . to the final judgement of the great 
ments in hell. In the mansions in day. Thus in Use economy of God 
heaven all the righteous in all the jail things are prepared, and places 
world receive their rewards iu the : appointed for both the good and the 
different glories; and in the apart- evil — iu an unimbodied. an embodied, 
ments opposite all the wicked in all a disembodied, and iu- a translated or 
the world suffer the punishments due resurrected state. Heaven with its 
to their crimes. Thus none are or I mansions, its glories, and its Paradise 
ever will be exempt from the justice [ is the receptacle, and Use residence 
and the laws of God. And thus all j of all these who abide law — and Hell 
the concourses of intelligences in the j with its apartments, its miseries, and 
mbounded universe of God will have its Prison, is the receptacle and the 
cither a mansion of happiness, or an : abode of all the wicked who have 
apartment of misery in which to 1 prepared themselves to be thus ban- 
dwcll. And their residence in glory, ished and puuislied. God reigns over 
or their abode in darkness and mise- all the righteous in the kingdoms and 
rv will just lie in accordance with j mansions of glory iu heaven; and the 
what Uiey have worked out for them- ; Devil and Satan reigns over all the 
selves while in this sta’e of proba- wicked in the a;«artments of hell in 
Uon. ! all the abodes of torment — and thus 

5. We hold that the spirits of all; there is “an opjosite in ail things.” 

flesh had a prior existence in an un 
imbodied state with the Father in 
Heaven before tills world was budd- 
ed. And when once a spirit leaves 

Thus God in his infinite wisdom has 
prepared [daces or residences for all 
intelligences, both the good and the 
bad, and bas adapted laws to each 


portion of his vast universe, and by I 8. W 
an observance of those rules of ac- j has in any former age of the world 
tion, existences can and will dwell in! brought about a reformation or a re- 
mansions of rest and quiet; but by a j storation by the hands of polluted or 

8. We hold that the Lord never 

transgression of the law of God they 1 fallen priests, and consequently can- 
doom themselves to suffer in the ! not do it now. The principle me* 
abodes of misery, “prepared lor the i who have gone to the wilderness of 
Devil and his angels.” the “stony mountains,” leading the 

6. We hold that when a man once j thousands of the Latter Day Saints, 
receives an office in the c/iurch of; once held the true priesthood — were 
Christ, in either the Melchisedec or; called of God to minister in holiness 
the Aaronic priesthood, by the gifts; before him, but alas! bv crimes andf 
and callings of God Unto him, and is j wickedness unparalleled they have 
legally set apart to minister in it he used their priestly power, authority 
must either thenceforward minister ' and influence to violate all the orders 
in righteousness unto salvation; or if; and institutions of Heaven which the 
he sets his heart on evil, he will be 1-ord had confided to their charge— ✓ 
inspired from beneath, and he will have used it to serve themselves, and 
then be bound to use his ministerial to carry out the purposes and designs 
power and labors ior the destruction of Satan, consequently they are doo* 
of men. His priesthood, that is his med to destruction; as much so as 
gifts and callings from God remain Israel who rebelled against God and 
upon him during his probation; and if , against Moses and perished in the 
he with all his powers serves the Lord wilderness. Instead of the twelve 
be will both save himself and those Apostles of the Latter day Saints 
who hear him: hut if he lists to serve ; having po<vcr to ordain and send out 
Satan he will not only go himself to “ambassador for Christ " — ministers 
perdition, but also destroy those who of salvation to the world, they can 
give heed unto him, — “For the gifts only do as, Jeroboam, the son of Ne- 
and callings of God, are without re- 1 bat did of old, “And he ordained him 
pentenee.” i priests for the high places, and for the 

* 7. We hold that in order to pollute ! Devils, and for the calves which he 
the holv authority of the priesthood, had m ade.” 

the man holding' it must turn away ) ‘J- We hold that Joseph S.miYh and 

from God, and use his ministerial au-| Oliver Cowdekv. in May 1829, re- 
thority and influence to assist him to |ceived the authority of the lesser 
commit sin with. The commission j priesthood, and the keys of it, by tlw 
of crime, always brings the one who visitation and the adnv'nistrution of 
perpetrates it under condemnation, ; the angel John, the Baptist: and that 
but it is a double offence, a much , on the 6th day of April, 1830, the day 
higher degree of crime, a kind of un- i on which the church was organized, 
pardonable sin for a Priest who is ; they by a revelation from Jesus Christ 
called after the holy order of the Son! by the unanimous consent and vote 
of God, to use that sacred influence , of those whom they had baptised, and 
wfiich the heavens have given him to by the laying on of hands Oliver 
assist him to wilfully violate the just Cowdorv and Joseph Smitli were or- 

and reasonable laws of his God. A 
thus polluted wretch cannot be restor- 
ed to favor even by repentence, any 

dained to the office of Elder, in the 
h'-gh priesthood: And that on the same 
dav Joseph Smith was ordained un- 

more than Esau, who "‘sought it care- der the hands of O. Cowdery, to the 
fully with tears.” offices in the Melchisedec priesthood 


<»f Prophet, Soe'r, Revelator, and! its character and its name in 1834, 
Translator, ! could in no other way then or there*. 

10 . Wc hold that he held those of-, after destroy their power Xf> adpunis. 
Sees, and had power with God to act iter the ordinances of the gospel for 
in them for righteousness until the | salvation, but by theirownact or acts 
spring of 1834, when he fully imbibed | of djsohediencc. Hence how for the 
the spirit of war, wlicn he" presided Lord acknowledged the acts of the 
in the council which changed (he name ' hundreds of ministers who. had been 
of the church and officially sanctioned ! ordained previous to that period, we 
the same, and when he combined with have thus far left with that God who 
his spiritual authority and power the secs all things just as they are to de- 
temporal authority and power of the cidet we have not yet taken the jre- 
whole church also, bv constituting sponsibility. 
himself “Trustee in trust. “ in order j , v , , , . - , )roecss of 

to hold the church property. Then 
in consequence of these transgress- 
ions he had but one privilege and 
power left to him in which he Gould 

1 - Th ' l 3 - We hold that in process of time 

per \. cn | however, “ajl turned away from the 
>c ransgress- , bl ,jji up themselves,” and it 

privilege and ;^.^ neccsgary for , lie Lor>1 - 1(> 

uc,t IC 0011 1 i set liis hand again the second time to 

act officially for salvation among men j recover a rcmiiant of his kV > 

:«Kl tM was to mpjmmt, ordain an**.! conse q ue nt lv in, the beginning of 1847 
give cltarge to his Sueoessor-a 1 .ot ^ ruvciat i ons %( J ESL * 
Vfas wnipletod at the ordination | c IIRISX ;yul bv th(! allml givrn thc 
of Davad Whitmo* in July 1^>4. cWA ’ k Kirifcuid rose up and re. 
*1; We hold that Joserit bmTHS newed {hdr covenant with God, bv 

lului o miniclnrn p/»nr<A tnorpnltPr . . » . r — .* 

. . - . * I • in mu ucjitimuii!. .'uki tuu» mi.: \ 

riants and oaths ... thc church, h.spre- iiave rc * «, he onlv true an * 

tended civil policy, and ms political , ivj thp lace of tho 

^nrations, all, yes, all prove definite- 1 ^ c:irth which God is we ft 
fy that lis pnestlv power was , d viz . TUK CIilRCI! OF Christ. 
among men lor their destruction, in- 1 

gtead of salvation, lint while on a 14. We hold that how in this nw- 
visjt during the past summer with his ! ganization-fai) tliose who were prcvii 
widow lady, I was rejoiced to hcarjously ministers in the church of 
her- say “I believe that mv husband Christ. who have not polluted tlieir 
repented and reformed as far as he : holy authority, who now or may here- 
eouM repent lie lore God. for some ] after unite with us in reestablishing, 
three or- four months previous to his truth in the earth, it will be their 
death.” ; privilege to be re-ogdained to thc same 

12. We hold that in this age or office or to a higher stabon in the 
dispensation, no man can receive any Church. The Lord can only forgive 
office in the greater or lesser priest- • such and receive them, to, fellowship 
hood, only by bis own faith and hot:- in ms Church upon the principle that 
*iess of heart. And when lie once I they will magnify the gifts and call- 
has thc callings and gifts from God, J ings which he had given them. All 
and receives the ordination thereto, others who unite with any branch ot 
it must be by his own trrnsgression the church, who may be called to 
that ho pollutes his authority. AH the ministry, will be ordained “accor- 
thoae .therefore who were ministers ding to the gifts and callings of God 
in tho church when it changed both unto them, by the power of the Holy 

or liberty. 

Ghost which is in the one who ordains only place appointed of the Lbfd in 
them.” our *««» into which ^ n g htcou3 cun 

15. We hold that the Lord prom- at present, “aether themselves to* 
ised the ministry of the church of gether,” in order to prepare lor the 
CrtRisT, iu January 1831, that if they great events which are coming on the 
Would assemble themselves to the earth, which will “ try the souls q 
O hio and keep all his commandments, men.” The signs abroad indicate but 
thev” should receive an endowment too plainly the near approach ot the 
with power from on high, to qualify dissolution of all the present order 01 
them to go from thence to all nations things throughout the world. Ihe 
of the world, “to preach the gospel spirit of God seems to be wilhdraW- 
to every creature, and to warn the ing from all societies and classes ol 
inhabitants of the earth for the last men. It is teasing to strive with man. 
time. In December 1832, they were The love of man for his fellow-man 
commanded to build a house, and is on the wane among all people.— 
dedicate it to the Lord in Kirtland.- But as the world increases in wack- 
\nd in 1833 Kirtland was dedicated edness, tnc saints of the Lord mus 
as a stake to Zion, and the founda- and will increase in light, and in pow- 
lions of a house were laid in great jer with God, and in fav oi _with all 
solemnity by a general assembly of, people, until Zion will be ^«£ied 
the Church — “In which house (the and established no more to be thrown 
Lord said) I design to endow those down forever. 1 hen the \ictory will 
whom 1 have chosen.” But before be won, the saints rest . wd) be pure, 
the house was builded, those peoj^cUhe kingdoms and the dominion Wil 
who commenced it became another; be the Lord's and glory , peace, tu 
church, they Were influenced and led! rest Will be universal over the whole 
hv another spirit, and were governed j earth amen and amen, 
bv many altogether different prinCi- , 18. .1 c hold that m order to pro 

pies: hence we boldly affirm that nolduce that happy state of thrall 
endowment from God has as yet ever ; the gil ts from God, all the authorities 
Iwen given in Kirtland. From thence from Jesus Christ, ah the means a 
men endued have never yet gone to instruments used of old, and all the 
all nations of men in our age. powers which the Lord ever bestow* 

16 We hold that “ the designs and ed upon any and all the holy proph- 
purposes of God cannot be frustrated,” ets in any' and every former ago »«*• 
and in as much as he has said that be the world began, must and Will be 
would endow his chosen ministers in given to the numsfeN ^ Ghrist m 
Kirtland, we have no hesitancy in bis church— m ou.r own day, . «» 
still expecting it, and in looking for it age, m order to qualify and to assist, 
to vet take place in Kirtland, accord- them in this great and marvelous 
j„»r to the design, the purpose, and the work. There will lie a kind of t.on- 
soTemn promise of him who cannot ccntration of all the wisdom, _ light 
lie The great object of the church and power that man ever enjoy ed 
r,F Christ then, in her different from his God, committed into the 
branches, is to prepare for the recep- hands of the “raHqd.andchosei^ am 
AT thnt nnwet. that inspiration [ faithful ambassadors of Christ. 

thus qualified 

This army of veterans thus qualified 
will go forth and follow the Lamb 
whithersoever he goeth, clothed in 
fine linen white and clean, and will 
labor “j>erfectly joined together ip 




i?' i 


the same mind and the same judg- which to enter the ark, so baptism 
ment, and will ultimately bring in “the and confirmation by one holding legal 
rest to the people of God.” authority is the door into the church , 

19 . We hold that as an opposite, and none others but the “willing and 
every spirit of evil, of mischief, and obedient” will live through the burn- 
of wickedness, .that ever tortured or wig day. none others will enter the 
tormented the world in any and in all Millennial rest with the yieoplc of the 
past ages since Adam, will in this age Lord, as heirs of the New World — - 
be let loose among the inhabitants of “cleansed by fire;” none others of 
earth for their destruction, and they all the vast concourses of people who 
will be wasted by tens, by hundreds, live in this age, will finally enter ce- 
by thpusands, and by millions, anti lestial glory at the right nand of God, 
finally, “the inhabitants of the earth when the Messiah shall utter the 
will be burned, and but few men left.” voice of heaven, saying, “Come ye 

20. We hold that when the Lord blessed of my Father, inherit the 
commenced to do a work in any for, kingdom prepared for you from the 
mer dispensation, he always estab-' foundation of the world.” 

lished a special order of Priesthood 22. We hold that none are mem- 
or ministry to accomplish that work ; j tiers in fellowship in “the obly true 
and in no instance did he change that and living church of Christ,” except 
specific order unless the people re, they have been born into it since the 
belled against him and fell as Israel tenth day of February, 1847; about 
did in the wilderness when “ the Law which time the Lord “ set his hand 
was added because of transgression again the second time to recover a 
till the seed should come.” Hence remnant of his people.” All the 
the Twelve Apostles of the letter schemes of false prophets, all the 
Day Saints standing at the head of contentions of bigots, zealots, or the 
that body, proves definitely that they sell-righteous, all the howlings of tiio 
are fallen, Tiiev with tlieit follow- would-be great ones, who are misera- 
ers claim to lie the same true and J bly disappointed, or all the wailings 
original church which was organized of the fallen from power with God, 
on the 6th day of April, 1830. That j to the contrary notwithstanding. For 
church was organized and the work j we know tnat the Ixird has said — 
was commenced in this age with a ! “ This generation shall not all pass 
Seer at the head : but now if we J away until every vestige uf wicked* 
could believe them the whole order ness shall be swept oft’ this earth, and 
at the death of Joseph was changed, i the earth shall enter upon its rest of 
the tables were turned, and the next j one thousand years.” 
quorum in authority, the Twelve are 23. We hold and wo know that 
head. Thus changing the whole or- the Ixird does reveal himself to the 
der of the government which the people of his church now, as in times 
Lord at first established. Which of old, by his own voice, by the min* 
proves them fallen without an other istration of angels, by dreams, bv 
argument. open visions, and by the gifts of his 

21. W e hold that all persons in or- ; holy spirit, inspiring men now to speak 
der to be prepared for the second ad - 1 “ as moved upon by the Holy Ghost,” 
vent “ which is soon at hand.” must so that the righteous who thus be- 
unite themselves with the Chi rch lievc and are thus actuated, really 
of CmnsT, as much so as those saved have “ the faith which was once dc- 

. 7* d°°d had to enter the ark iivered unto the saints.” 

With Noah. As there was a door by 24. W r e hold that Kirtland was the 



first and only Stake of Zion ever ap- 
pointed in this generation, by the fin- 
ger of the Lord, for the gathering 
together of the members of the church 
of Christ, to prepare for the second 
coming of Messiah. Zion was point- 
ed out and dedicated in 1831, by the 
first authorities of the church. It is 
not a Stake, but is itself, the centre 
of the whole promised land of the 
New Jerusalem, it is the main edifice 
which is to be propped by Stakes, 
held steady by braces, and to be 
screened by curtains, planted, appoint- 
ed, and spread abroad in different 
places for the strength of the habita- 
tion of mount Zion, until the Lord 
will there “ destroy tffo face of the 
covering cast over all people, and the 
vail that is spread over all nations. — 
He will there swallow up death in 
victory, and the Lord God will wipe 
away tears from ofT all faces; and the 
rebuke of his people shall be taken 
away from ofT all the earth.” 

25. We hold that after the church 
of Christ was organized and estab- 
lished in Kirtland, and it became the 
seat of the first authorities of the ; 
whole church, no people ever pros- 
pered considering all the circumstan- 
ces equal to them. Here they wore 
the true name, kept and manifested 
the true spirit, and practiced the true 
principles of Christ. But finally here 
is the place where “it was given to 
Satan to make war with the Saints, 
and to overcome them.” Here he 
infused into the leading, men the infer- 
nal spirit and practice of war. Here 
he inspiied them to take for the church 
and for themselves false and inappro- 
priate names. Here, because of his 
insinuations, they entered into large 
and ruinous speculations — into secret 
assemblages, and formed them into 
secret hands and societies to do mis- 
chief, and caused them to administer 
to each other horrid oaths and impi- 
ous imprecations. Here he led them 
into the awful spirit and practices of 

lying, of drunkenness, of adultery, of 
jealousies, of pride, of oppression, of 
persecution, and of fightings, even in 
the Temple which they had reared in 
which to worship God, and thus made 
the “ House of the Lord a den of 

26. We hold that here where the 
church fell, it has risen again, and the 
leading authorities will, here in Kirt- 
land, have to oppose all and every 
one of the above spirits of mischief, 
and practices of evil; and all other 
iniquities which may present them- 
selves, or otherwise the Lord will not 
lead them to certain victory, and to 
triumph; all which we have done and 
are doing from day to day, and from 
week to week, and we “rejoice and 
continue to rejoice” in the privilege. 
Erom this place have the wicked ser- 
vants, who polluted their way before 
the Lord, fled when no man pursued 
them. And then after their wicked- 
ness had cast them out, they have 
turned and tried to curse this place 
which the Lord had consecrated to 
himself and blessed, but thus far their 
curses have fallen heavily upon their 
own heads. And verily, verily, thus 
saith the Lord, all those hereafter 
who attempt to curse Kirtland, I will 
sorely visit their curses upon their 
own heads, but I will bless Kirtland, 
and my church in it shall rise'in beau- 
ty, in strength, in numbers, and in 
power, wisdom and glory, until my 
people who faithfully serve me shall 
be satisfied wit,h my goodness forever, 
Amen. Editor. 


The first act of the Creator of the 
world, after he had formed or builded 
man out of the dust of the earth, and 
“ man became a living soul,” was to 
plant a garden in the land of Eden. 
“And the Lord God took the man 
and put him into the garden of Eden, 
to dress it and to keep it” 


: The delightful employment of Hor- 
ticulture was the first required at the 
hand of man by his Creator, after be 
had received the mandate, u Be fruit- 
ful, and multiply, and replenish the 
earth, and subdue it, * * and hare 
dominion over every living thing that 
moveth upon the earth.” In the be- 
ginning God put all things under the 
feet of man, whom he had made in 
his own image, and after his own like- 
ness. For, says Paul, “ in that he nut 
all in subjection under him, he left 
nothing not put under him.” — Heb. 2: 
8t Adam was heir of the world, but 
had his residence and employment in 
Eden. There was not a man or an- 
imal to dispute his claim. His busi- 
ness was to multiply and replenish the 
earth , to subdue it and have dominion 
over all animate life that dwelt upon 
its face. The wide world was his to 
inhabit, to inherit, to replenish, and to 
rule over. 

But Adam sinned, enmity was in- 
troduced, and war followed with all 
its evil consequences. By transgress- 
ion man lost the dominion ana rule 
over the all things, which had been 
put under his feet. He fell and be- 
came subject unto misrule, to blood- 
shed and to death. But Adam was 
still heir of the world, and this heir- 
ship of the whole earth descended by 
birthright to his posterity, notwith- 
standing he had sinned. The oldest 
living son always claimed it when it 
passed from the hands of the father at 
his death; except he had lost that high- 
est of all earthly rights by trans- 
gression, as Cain, Esau and Reuben 
did. Cain lost his by murder, the 
highest crime that man can commit, 
except only the sin against the Holy 
Ghost. Esau lost his by bargain and 
sale with his brother Jacob. And 
Reuben lost his by going up to his 
father’s couch: Hence it passed from 
Adam ta^Seth, Enos, Cain an, Mahala- 
leel, Jared, Enoch, Mathuselah, La- 

the flood, because of 
which immersed the whole face ot 
the earth with water. “By faith 
Noah being warned of God of things 
not seen as yet, moved with fear.pre- 
pared an ark to the saving of h» 
house; by which be condemned the 
world, and became heir of the right- 
eousness which is by frith.* 

From Noah the birthright and 
heirship passed to Shew, the second 
soh of Noah, and through ms hneage 
down to Abraham. But before Aula- 
ham’s day, by idolatrvand other wick- 
edness his fathers had lost the rule 
and dominion over the whole earth. 
Men had congregated into nations 
and were governed by different rules, 
who were frequently at war with 
each other. Their language had be- 
come confused, and jealousies were 
easily stirred up among them. And 
when feuds once arose among them 
then the war was not only for coo- 
quest, but for dominion also: and the 
weak generally fell either m battle or 
into the hands of the strong, with 
their cities and territory. And thus 
were kingdoms bu3t up unto man. 
Thus Nimrod, the mighty hunter be- 
fore the Lord, got his fame for his 
prowess among men. 

When the earth was this being 
divided, and subdued by parties, and 
dominion gained by oppression; idola- 
try soon became common among men. 

but the legal heirship belonged to 
Abraham, notwithstanding he had hx*t 
the dominion. Usurpers had risen 
up and obtained the dominion of dif- 
ferent portions of the earth, by con- 
quest. Bv faith Abraham claimed a 
land at the hand of his God. Con- 
sequently the Lord said to ban. •‘Get 
thee out of thy country, and from thy 
kindred, aQd from thy father ’ s house 
unto a land that I will show thee. 

And when Abraham rose up with 
Ms substance, and his immediate 
friends, and passed into toe land ot 

mack, and Noel), in whose days came ‘Canaan; the Lord appeared onto Mm 


thrtfcy and aid, “Unto thy 6ced will I five 
this land. And when Abraham Was ninety 
and nine years old, the Lord appeared to him 
a yarn, while he was sojourning in the land 
of C»naan, and said. “I will give unto thee, 
and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein 
thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan, 
tar an everlasting possession; and I will be 
their God." 

The Lord appeared unto Abraham’s son 
Isaac, in the times of famine, and said, “ Go 
not down into Egypt; dwell in the land that 
I shall tell thee of. Sojourn in the land, 
•od l will be with thee, and 1 will bless thee: 
tor unto thee and unto thy seed, I will give 
all these countries; and'I will perform the 
oath which I swear unto Abraham. And I 
will make thy seed to multiply as the stars 
of heaven, and 1 will give unto thy seed all 
these countries: and in thy seed shall all the 
Rations of the earth be blessed.” These 
great promises were thus renewed unto Isaac; 
because the righteous having lost the do- 
minion of the whole, earth, God had, in order 
to secure a seed unto himself, through whose 
lineage his Son, his only begotten Son 
ahould bo born, had entered into covenant 
with Abraham to give to him and to his 
seed after him, a small portion only — a mere 
garden apot, of rivers, hills, mountains, and 
vallies. And surely “it flowed with milk 
and honey.” 

The Lord met Jacob while journeying 
through this peculiar land, and outofheaven 
said to him, “ 1 am the Lord God of Abra- 
ham thy father, and the God of. Isaac: the 
land w hereon thou liest, to thee will I give 
jr, and to thv seed; and thv seed shall be as 

tiona of a thousand years. Which cove- 
nant be made with Abraham and his 
unto Isaac; and confirmed the same unto 1 
Jacob for a law, and to all lame! for an ev- 
erlasting covenant, saying, unto thee- wiD I 
givo the land of Canaan, the lot of year in- 
heritance. When they wefe but a few- men 
in number; yea, very few, and strangers in 
it. When they went from one nation to 
another, from one kingdom to another peo- 
ple, he suffered do man to do them wrong, 
yea, he reproved kinga for tbeir sakes: ray- 
ing, Touch not mine anointed, and do my 
prophets no harm.— -Psalm 406: 6. 

All the displaya of divine power through 
the instrumentality of Moses and Aaron, 
with tbeir wondrous rod in Egypt, the smit- 
ing and division of the Red Sea, the great 
path made through the salty deep, the roll- 
ing in of the floods upon the Egyptians to 

drown them, as described by the Psalmist, 
O, God, the waters saw thee: they were 

the dust of the earth; and thou shall spread 
abroad to the west, and to the east, and to 
the north, and to the south: and in thee and 
in thy seed shall all the families of the earth 
be blessed. And behold 1 am with thee, 
and will keep thee in all places whither thou 
goest. and I will bring thee again into this 
iand.” Jacob was the lineal descendant, the 
legal heir, because ho had purchased the 
birthright, and he had been ordained to bo 
the chief ruler under his father's hand. — 
“And Isaac said unto Esau, Behold, I have 
made Jacob thy Lord, and all his brethren 
have I given him for servants. Let people 
serve Jacob, and nations how down to him; 
let him be lord over his brethren.” 

The Psalmist, when speaking upon this 
subject, thus describes it, “O, ye seed of 
Abraham his servant, ye children of Jacob 
his chosen: he is the Lord our God; his 
judgments are in all the earth. He hath re- 
membered his covenant forever, ;the word 
which he hath commanded to tho gonera- 

nfraid: the depths also were troubled. The 
clouds poured out water; the skies sent out 
a sound: thine arrows also went abroad.— 
The voice of thy thunder was in the heav- 
en: the lightnings lighted the world: the 
earth trembled and shook. Thou leddest 
thy people like a flock by the band of Moses 
and Aaron, 77 : 17. The raining of manna 
from heaven to feed and miraculously sustain 
the multiplied thousands of Israel, the 
spreading oat of a cloud for a covering by 
day, and for a fire to give ]igh\ by night, the 
opening of tho flinty rock for waters to gosh 
out to quench their thirst: ye®, all the stu- 
pendous manifestations of the power of God 
in bringing Israel from Goshen to Canann; 
all, yes, all these and a thousand things more 
were done in order to fulfill the covenant 
made with Abraham, bv the author 
builder of this universe, in giving to bis 
seed the possession of that wondrous land of 
Canaan. By the guidance of the Lord 
through the instrumentality of Moses, Aaron 
and Hur, and then, after the introduction of 
the law, by Joshua and Eleazur that pecu- 
liar race, that chosen people were led by 
signs and wonders for forty years in or- 
der to gain Canann, “ And into Canaan tbev 

But centuries afterward when that pecu- 
liar race ceased to commune with and re- 
ceive instruction from the God of Abraham, 
as did their forefathers in the beginning, 
when their priesthood or rather the priests 
in it, had corrupted their way before the 
Lord, when they as a people had killed the 
prophets, and stoned them that were sent 
unto them, when they had in tbeir highest 
tribunal or court, condemned “Thy just 



the ensign 

one" for naught, when they ro»e op and 
said, u this is the hbir, come let us Ml hw»> 
that the inheritance may be ours,” when 
they said of the only begotten of the Father, 
«his blood be upon us and our children, 
when they had rejected the offers of life and 
saltation through Christ and bis apostles,, 
when their cup of iniquity was full, “They 
fell by the edge of the sword, and were led 
away captive into all nations,” The sore 
judgments of desolation rested upon them 
even in the land of Canaan, the covenant 
land, the consecrated land, the land of pro- 
phets, the land of wonders, the land of the 
only begotten of the Father, the land of the 
twelve apostles, the ambassadors of Christ, 
until by calamities they as a nation ceased 
to exist, were laid waste; or driven away to 
remain until “the fulness of the Gentiles be 
come in,” and then they have promise that 
their seed shall return and inherit that land, 
even the covenant land of their Fathers. 

But now let us return a little, when the 
whole earth was of one language, and of 
one speech, and unitedly undertook to build 
a city and a tower in the land of Shinar, 
whose top might reach unto heaven, and to 
make them a name, lest they might bo scat- 
tered upon the face of the whole earth. Gen. 
11, The means the people of Shiner took 
to save themselves, proved their dispersion. 

« And from thence did the Lord scatter 
them abroad upon the face of all the earth. 
Gen. 11:9. That saying of holy writ be- 
ing true soote of the Bableites must have 
come to our American land, for it is a part 
of God's earth. 

The bock of Mormon was found in 1827, 
and translated by Joseph Smith, and writ- 
ten from his mouth mostly by Oliver Cow- 
dcry, and published to the world in Palmyra, 
in the state of New York, in 1830. That 
i acred record contains some of the cove- 
nants of the same God of Israel, with indi- 
viduals relative to this our New World. 

The book of Ether in that book, details 
that a colony left the land of Shinar at the 
time of the confusion of language there, and I 
were led by two brothers, Moriancumer and 1 
JaTcd, who were inspired of God, and who 
led them as they were directed. When 
Moriancumer had cried unto the Lord, he 
hearkened and said to him, “ Go ti and gath- 
er together your families and their friends, ; 
your flocks, and seeds of every ki id; and' 
when thou hast done this thou shalt go at 
their head down in the valley, which is 
northward. Aud there I will meet tbee, 
and I will go before thee into a land which 
is choice above all the land of the earth.— 
And I will bless thee, and thy seed, and 

raise up unto me «f thy seed, cad dTAeaef^ 
of thy brother, and those who dd 
thee, a great nation. And there aha! he 

none greater upon all the face of than earth. 
And the Lord did go before th tre, ami d«d 
talk with them as he stood io a dread, and 
gave directions whither they shodd U»*d- 
Suffiee it to sav that this eotaar *» ted 
of the Lord until they carer to the great 
waters, and there by the drectwo of the 
Lord they constructed va 

crossed over to this land, < 

Continent, and settled cod pecokd *. »A ad 
the Lord swore in bis wreth to the brother «* 
Jared, that whoso should passed this tend 
of promise, from -thst_ time henceforth sai 
forever, should serve hire, the tree and only 
God; or tbev should be swept a f the 
fulness of his wrath should earee upon Acre. 
And now we can behold the decrees o. God 
concerning this land, that i» is a im*d of 
promise, and whatsoever cation shall pcaaess 
it sliall serve God, or be swept off when the 
fulness of his wrath is CTree. _ 

The Jaredites, according to their history 
in the took of Mormon, dwelt coco this 
covenant land about suaeea hundred yean- 
They were shot out from the rest of the 
world. And Jeremiah to *Ut their history 
in the following saying, so completely, that 
we need but to read in oder to Bucnlttd. 

“ Arise, gel yon up ipto a wrahhy nation, 
that dwelleth without care, sailh the Wj. 
which have neither gates nor harsj which 
dwell alone. And their camels staB he a 
booty, ajgd the multitude of their cattle a 
spoil; and I will scatter into all winds the™ 
that are in the uim-st cmasr, and I wiu 
brhg their calamities from all sides there©, 
saith the Lord.”— Jer. 49: 31. 32. In pro- 
cess of so many centuries the Jeredhes,rcC- 
withstanding the mighty faith and tottness 
of their forefathers and fcssndent were over- 
thrown and their calamities truly “cam© 
from all sides.” Their cop of ioiqsity as a 
nation and as individuals, had became fell. 
They fell and parsed away, about si* hund- 
red years before the Cl ri-tain Era, abed the 
time that Jeremiah uttered the afcore proph- 
esy. But as ttoir record ca twedy-four 
large golden plates has been preserved, and 
will at no far distant day to taken from its 
long concealment in the hill Cantorab, and 
translated and published foe tbe toned of 
the church of Christ, we will leave them 
and their hislsry for the present. 

About the same time, yurt prenacs to the 
Babylonish captivity, in the timed Jeremi- 
ah, there dwelt at Jerusalem a prophet whose 
name was Lehi. He wa* of the Lineage 
of Manaeseh, the toe of Joseph, the Cover- 



■or'of Egypt, who saved the poster i ty «f 
Israel from famine. Lehi was shown she 
calamity of the Jews coming upon them, by 
the band of Nebuchadnezzar, and he seas 
commanded to flee. He fled into the wild- 
erness and took another family with brs 
who was descended from Ephraim, the sec- 
ond son of Joseph; and be took also the eld 
Jewish record, containing a history from the 
beginning on brass plates — which are also 
now preserved in Camera h. 

It would be very natural to coodnde that 
if so noted a prophet as the book of Hanoi 
makes Lehi, together with another family, 
had left Jerusalem or the land of Canaan, 
on so important an errand as that of te-peo- 
pleing the New World, during the active 
ministry of Jeremiah, that he would have 
said something of th“ir departure. “More- 
over the word of the Lord came to Jeremi- 
ah, saying, considered thou not what this 
people have spoken, savins'. The two rxs- 
tuBs which the Lord hath chosen, he hath 
even cast them off.” — Jer. 33: 24. We ash j 
what would be more natural than for that 
nation and people whom Lehi had so faith- 
fully warned, after he had with Ishmael and 
their families departed into the wilderness, 
to rise up and say, the Lord hath even cast 
them off ! 

Whiie in the wilderness, Lehi received 
this promiso from God, “ And in as mochas 
ye shall keep my commandments, ye shall 
prosper, and shall be led to a land of prom- 
ise; yea, a land which is choice above all 
ether lands.” That colony of two families 
traveled until they reached the great waters. 
There, by the direction of the Lord, they 
constructed a vessel, entered it, and were 
guiJed to our American land ; to them a 
covenant land; which they re-peopled with 
their descendants. But in process of time 
they divided, and became Laraanites and 
Nephitcs. Yet having the Jewish record 
on brass plates, the Nephies keat up to 
some extent the Jewish religion. The oth- 
er party soon became barberous and wild, 
and lived to a great extent by hunting and 
Ashing, and war. The Lamanites were the 
forefather i of our American Indians. 

The book of Mormon contains a history 
and record of the, especially of 
their religion, and many of the prophecies 1 
of the holy prophets who lived among tb<m 
on this covenant land, whilst they followed 
the way of holiness. But when they for- 
sook the Lord, and ran into wiekedoess un- 
til their cup of. iniquity was full, then they 
like the Jaredites had their “calamities come j 
from all sides,” until they were destroyed. 
The Nephites entire overthrow happened 

about 420 years after the c ..icement of 
the Christian Era. 

The Bible contains the covenants aiid 
promises of the Lord .relative to the old 
world, and the gospel preached there by 
Jesus and his twelve whom he chose there. 
The book of Mormon contains the covenants 
of God concerning this raw world, and 
the gospel preached on this land by the Sa- 
vior. After he visited his Father in heavon 
he then descended among the people of 
Nephi on this land, that he might do as he 
said in John 10:16. “And other sheep I have 
which are not of this fold; them also I must 
bring, and they shall hear my voice; and 
there shall be one fold and one Shepherd.” 
The Nephites being of the seed of Abra- 
ham, were his sheep because of- the cove- 
nant. Therefore ho personally visited then 
that they might hear his voice. He chose 
twelve apostles among them, and gave them 
power to minister in his name in all the laud. 
So that Phul’s saying might be literally 
true — “Their sound went into all the earth, 
and their words unto the ends of the world.” 
Rom. 10: 18. “And which was preached 
to fevery creature which is under heaven; 
whereof I Paul am made a minister. — Col. 
1 : 23. Without the Gospel was preachod 
in America, we say that Paul's words can- 
not be true; and if preached, the book of 
Mermen is verily true. 

The church of Christ, which was organ- 
ized in 1830, consequent upon the coming 
forth of the book of Mormon, was estab- 
lished and subsequently all her branches 
were built up in the belief that the Lord 
would in this generation fulfill all his cove- 
nants to all the house of Israel, in gather- 
ing them togethar upon their consecrated 
lands. That the Lord would “set up an 
ENSIGN for the nations, and assemble tho 
outcasts of Israel, and gather together the 
dispersed of Judah from the four wings of 
the earth." — Isa. 11 : 12. Yes, they believ- 
ed, nnd we now most firmly believe that 
Ezekiel’s words will be literally fulfilled in 
this age, “Thus saith the Lord God, behold 
I will take the children of Israel from among 
the heathen whither thoy be gone, nnd will 
gather them on every side, and bring them 
into their own land.” — Ezek. 37 : 21. Yes, 
the chosen seed must gather from all their 
dispersions, from oil countries and climes 
baok to the Lord’s covenant lands which he 
gave to Abraham and Lehi, and that too. 
before the “ Second Advent,” or otherwise 
the word of God which “endurcth forever,” 
must fail. All the calculations of the MiP 
leritcs aqjl Adventists’ hearts failing them 
for fear, and for looking after those things. 


ed until the end coin*) when the cfirth shall 
pass away.” v 

The old and the new world, according M 
the old and the new rttxwdn— the Bible, and 
the book of Mormon, both contaib covenants 
of promised lands; dedicated to God for the 
gathering together of Israel, and of a rem- 
nant of Joseph. On these lands God de- 
signs to beautify the habitation of his chil- 
dren with holy cities, Jerusalem of old, and 
the New Jerusalem. And the great work 
of the gathering to prepare to baild these 
cities must commence among the Gentiles. 
They must rise up by faith in Christ, ami 
obedience to his laws, and have the cove-' 
nants af God renewed. And then the mes- 
sengers of Ephraim among then must "push 
the people together to the ends of the earth.” 
And then the end will comp. " when all the 
saints shall dwell with God.” Amen. 

which are coming on the earth, to the con- 
trary notwithstanding. That this la the 
rime, the day, the generation, the age looked 
Cir br all the bole prophets since the World 
hcg»» ia which to make preparation for 
(Mi wrath to he poured out upon the na- 
tions of the ungodly, for Israel to be gath- 
ured boom, for the son of God to come, and 
for the commencement of the great Millen- 
nial rest of one thousand years to all the 
righteous of ail the generations since the 
aoraof creation. 

During that glorious reign of rest, that 
great city, the holy Jerusalem of old, will 
be budded on that land covenanted to Abra- 
ham, and the Lord God Almighty, and the 
Lamb will finally be the temple of it. And 
the galea of it will not be shut at all by day, 
tor there shall be nq nigh^thera, And they 
shall bring the glory arid ifie honor of the 
nations into it. And the name of the city ' . 

f To tha i da , V ^ “ Th l> Lo>d u lher ''’ ! THE SUCCESSOR OF JOSEPH. 

B*it the Lord has prepared another cove- 1 
nant land, and given us a record of the j THE SEER, 

contract and promises in the book of Mor- ' 


The duty of the President of the high 
priesthood is to preside over the whole 
church, and to be like unto Moses. Behold 
here is wisdom — yea, to be a Seer, a Rev— 
lator, a Translator, and a Prophet: having 
all the gifts of God which he bestows upon 
the head of the church.” 

Since the publication of the first Evston 
of Libertt. enquiries have multiplied-upon 
ter the waters of the tlood had receded from ! our hands to know the whys and wherefores 
ofl the face of this land, it became a choice i upon this subject of the Successor. Since 
land above all other lands, a chosen land of j then, too, we have listened to a number of 
tie I.orJ; wheretore the Lord would have wmld-be-prophcts for hours upon hours, eo- 
that all men should serve him, who dwell j deavoring to show the fallacy of our present 
u>ki the face thereof : and that it was the ! position in upholding David Whitmer as the 
place of the New Jerusalem, which should first president of the church of Christ. Wo 
cane down out ol' heaven, and the holy 1 have heard John E, Page, George M. Hin- 
sa actuary of the Lord. Behold, Ether saw j kle, Samuel James, and J. J. Strang, when 
the days of Christ, and he spake concerning j dwelling upon this subject, rage and team 
the house of Israel, and the Jerusalem from 1 more like mad-men than sage Christian 
whence Lehi should come, after it should : ministers. They acted as though thev felt 
bo destroyed, it should be built up again aj that their craft — their whole systems were 
I»oly city unto the Lord: wherefore it could ; in danger. They even condescended to 
not be a New Jerusalem, for it bad been in 1 mean, low personal abuses of David, bo- 
a rime of old, but it should be built up again, 1 cause forsooth the heavens had considered 
and become a holy city of the Lord; and it j liimtworthy: that is, that he had all the gifts 
should be built up unto the house of Israel; land callings of that sacred office: consr- 
aad that a New Jerusalem should be built j qucntly was called, appointed, ordained, and 
up upon this land, unto a remnant of the j charged in the midst of *11 the authorities, 
seed of Joseph. The Lord brought a rem- 1 of Zion, in July, 1834, with all the duties 
nant of the seed of Joseph out of the land and responsibilities of the highest office in 
of Jerusalem, and they shall build upa holy : the gift of God to man. Because those "false 
city unto the tard, like unto the Jerusalem i prophets" those “wolves in sheep’s cloth- 
of old; and they shall do more be confound- ing,” saw but to plainly that their own e«6- 

And on this land during the reign of 
peace, will be built the holy city, New Jeru- 
salem, which will also be prepared as a bride 
adorned for her husband. Ether, a prophet 
«>f God, lived among the Jaredites, who came 
Ire® the Tower, and prophesied to them of 
all thiugs from the beginning of man. And 
this being the laud on which the New Jeru- 
salem should be built, we should expect to 
hear him speak something about so impor- 
tant a matter. In chap. 6, he says, and af- 



kottsti which they had reared up for them- 
selves to play with, must fall when only 
touched by the wand of Pavid's authority. 

Hence we have nbt only examined and 
published the evidences of our own position 
upon this subject, but wo have also heard 
objectors — heard what our enemies could 

* * a r .1 t f ,1 1 a 

fants in Israel hr forty years, wide 
was unknown hr far* to them, aad yet h» 

was the chosen ofGpd. » 
himself, hot was i t j w ii . 
too, that cighty-tire* 

! whom we would 

sar. And now, for tbe sake of the honest in | latter day Deads— rose op in Far West- 
heart. we have a -few more things to say upon ; Caldwell county, Mo- :■ 1S3$. and smaght 
this subject, so that the humble saints of the : the life of David, and ease him out from 
Jsjrd mav be fed with truth, the assuming , among them — tim* 

had appointed. Win the 

hrought low, and the great cause of Christ 
advanced, ’J'ho first query is, why has not 
David come forward ere this and claimed his 
place, and issued a proclamation to all the 
saints in all the world, toadvisc them of his 
appointment? We answer, that David was 


caliei Mo- 
ses the second time, be said to hits, %(*>, 
return, into Egypt; hr all the mea are dead, 
which sought thy life-' We wraM ask 
where are the iatdr of that boastful eimren 
who thus persecuted Bed. the Lori seho- 

not appointed in a corner, or in some secret jsen? At our last June crafeieoce the Lord 
conclave, hut in the midst of a general as- j said to me as to .tan «< old, “-Arose and 
sembl v in the Ia»d of Zion. He was or- ’ go and visit the Land’s Seer, eveathy brother 
dained President of the church of Christ, 1 David iu mount ZatmT Ira no* &o6e- 
but not of the people of the Latter Day j dieni unto the heavenly tissashm, bat went 
Haints, Apd at any moment from that day : and reached his residence no the -tch day of 
to this that lie would ha,ye consented by vir- | September, 1317. And cm th* next evening 
tue of his office to preside i n or among that when we had avured to s bndr spot, he re- 
people, that moment ho would have been : hearsed to me the wwnfc of the Lord ti> 
under transgression. We want it distinctly ' him, - ’ as Moses fid to Aam-o, which he has! 
understood That we do not claim that he is : received since I had pawed with him in 
President in or over any party, branch or j 1839. 

faction of Latter Day Saintism whatever, — , But another syoerr is, why SI David 

Therefore the claimants of power among ■ Whitmcr remain wili the chusvh of Latter 
them need have no fears that he will ever ■ [> a y Saints from 1334 oaflil 1833, without 
trv to supplant any of them. He is only j raising his standard of aamarority. ami pro-. 
President in and over the true church of '.claiming againstihe osstmers! \Ve answer 
Christ, organized on the filh day of April, j that it was becrusocf his ho*»?t8y, h£s integ- 
1S30, and which fell in i834, but which has | r j IV , an( j bis determined cppbsithta to their 
been re-organized again the “second time' - j wicked course, that be uc fcis friends wore 
in 18-17. During Moses 1 rcsidonce at the ; ; a med oat from ainraig thews. Bit wea-fc 
court of Egypt, when he was forty years of ! j n turn, why did nd! David of M, after- he. 
pge, the Lixrd called him and made known to | haJ been nncoin'ed king ctf Israel, m Sam's 
him that he was Israel’s Deliverer. And , stead, under the- fcatuiis ctf SammelL the- Luru’s 
willing to obey bis call, he went and | re- Seer, immediately claim the crew a. an! 
si-ntcJ himself before, the oppressed, “ For ■ burl Saul from his pSnre of power, ami then 
lie supposed that his brethren would have j reign — im-nediuely *csga wee fees subjects * 
understood how that God by his hand would I Why did be aiwmrands go aato tin? house of 
deliver them: but they understood not.'’ — ; Said and play norm his musical fcsstrmner.ts 
Instead of receiving him they rose up and ; to drive away t-herril statits fan Sin:’ — 
sought his life, lie Ged to Midian and re- j ^ C( J »)ter Said cast hisnort. ses-fcircr he? life, 
mained forty years until all those men were j w hy did he winder miay yeans until Saul's 
dead who sought his life; and then hp re- {death? Yes. and for a whsifr hr went ar.ii 
tarned at the “set time” of the Lord and fa- | resided in Ziklag amacg the Phitfetuns, I- 
vor.u Israel by leading them out of bondage, ! rae l : s greatest enrmie*. ana when they were 
Bat before Moses started from Uoreb to re- j „bont to go to war aguinsa Israels Bud ut- 
deem Israel, the Lord called unto Aaron and j k> re d to go with litem. He waked until the 
said, ; -Go into the wilderness to meet Moses, tidings of Saers death, sal «a£i! the- Lonl 
and he went and met him in /Ae mum/ of Cod . j S aid to him “Go op catoo Hebcwa." -And 

And Moses told Aaron nil the words of the 
Lord who had sent him.” 

Let all those who complain of the few 
years of David's seclusion, think of the 
irtpAsluyg, the pil?, W* U'c slaving of -n- 

fhemen of Judah camp, and Shew t&eyac- 
nointed David King over the hraae ot Ju- 
dah”— J/ Sami 2; 4. Asad «fer seven 
years “Ail the elder . ctf Israel came to the 
King in Uebrcn,ni»d they ausmtiaettl Ba,vi4 

King over all II Sami. 6: 3.— 

Thus we may see the dealings of God in 
those days. And if we trace the history of 
Joseph and David in these days, we shall lind 
as strange things. And we will find some 
peculiar similarities between times of old and 
our times. 

David of old was annointed king over all 
Israel including Judah, when he was only a 
lad, by Samuel the Prophet. Thereafter he 
lived with Saul many years, fought his bat- 
t’-es, upheld his government, sought to drive 
away the evil spirits front him, and would 
not leave him until Saul rose up, and because 
of his jealousy sought his life; then he fled 
from his rage and lived in Ziklag among Is- 
rael’s greatest enemies until the Lord said 
to him, “Go up.” David Whinner was ap- 
pointed and ordained to be the first President 
of the church of Christ in the land of Zion 
in 1834, but his life .was sought in Far 
West iu 1838, and he lied from his persecu- 
tors and settled in Richmond, Mo., the very 
place selected by the Executive of Mo. as 
the bead quarters of all those forces which 
were brought into the field to act against 
those Latter Day Demons who had risen up i 
in their IJanite fury, and hurled defiance at 
all the laws of both God and man, under 
which they lived, in driviug front tlieir 
tnidst the Prophets of God. After Saul’s 
death, when the time had come, the men of 
Judah gathered around David and re-an- 
nointed him king over them. In 18-17, at 
the “set time of the Lord,” the Elders of the 
church of Christ in the land of Zion gath- 
ered around David and re-ordained him 
Prophet, Seer, Revelator, and Translator; to 
stand at the head of the church of the Lamb 
of God on earth. 

Rut still another query is, why have you 
not thought of these things before? We 
nnstver that the Lord has lately answered 
that question himself, through his Successor 
to the prophetic office, thus — “Verily, ver- 
ily thus tail It the Lord * • It was for 
my purpose, yea, even for a wise purpose, 
that the world and my church should net 
knoic, speaking after yottr manner of. lan- 
guage: for my church for a time did not 
dwell on earth, speaking of the righteous^ 
ness of the church of Christ.” Wc ore 
willing to confess that these matters had 
.passed Irom our minds until the last day of 
November, 1846, our recollections \vrre 
roused up by the visitation of holy mest^n- 
" er8 standing in our presence, and causing 
us to understand great and marvelous thing’s. 
Since which tirtie we have nndeviatittgly 
pursued our instructions, at the hazard of 
trouble, at the aacrificeof our time and our 

dollars, and receiving the abuse* bf the va- 
various leaders of parties an# factions of 
Latter Day Saintism; but thus far since that 
day the ball has continued to increase as it 
has rolled. And now having watched and 
nourished this cause in which we are en- 
gaged from its beginning, permit us to say 
that it is destined to continue to increase more 
and yet more until finally “iu God we shall 
triumph,” to the perfect confusion and con- 
sternation of our enemies— hud to the per- 
fect joy and redemption of all the righteous in 
all the worlds of God’s vast creations.— 
Then, now with boldness, with firmness, 
and in love, we cheerfully invite the honest 
in heart in all the world who have their 
eyes fixed upon “the work of the last days,” 
to come and unite with us and assist us to 
here build up our Redeemer's cause, and 
prepare “his Bride” for his»recep;ion, when 
lie shall come to make up his jewels — for his 
coming will he in this generation. 

The church of Christ has now at its head 
a Presidency of known and acknowledged 
honesty, firmness, integrity, love of truth, 
holiness, and virtue, and simplicity of man- 
ners. Those who are not desirous of vain 
glory, but who esteem others better than 
themselves. Those in whose hearts, under 
the most Irving circumstances, truth and 
righteousness have dwelt. Those in whem 
all the saints of the Lord in all the world cau 
place the most implicit confidence. David 
is not as Hinkle called him, “A little igno- 
rant Dutchman.'’ Noryetishea "Puppet.” 
ns was declared by Strang. Rut David is 
the man whom the Lord chose through Jo- 
seph “to stand in his stead,” in preference 
to all other men in the church — yes, to all 
other men in nil the world. He is the ono 
whom the Lord "has planted in Joseph’s 
room,” in the true church of Christ. 

And now, if ever auv Lattei Day Saint or 
Saints, acknowledge the Presidency of Da- 
vid, they will drop the name, the nature and 
the peculiarities of that dark and infamous 
ism which has been fraught from its very 
birth with so many evil consequences; and 
they will rejoice in the privilege of being 
horn by baptism and confirmation Into tho 
church over which he now presides. They 
will have to lay aside all “seducing spirits, 
and doctrines of Devils,” and practice only 
virtue and holiness ie the fear of the Lord. 
They will have to realize that the leaders 
of all the carries of letter Day Saints ‘‘are 
blind guides, loading the blind to destruc- 
tion.” Insteadof runningoff w ith the “holv 
priesthood” to the wilderness, or of holding 
i's greatness in Voree; they arc “teachers 
heaped up to themselves, who teach for doc- 



trines the commandme nt? of acd arc I Christ, and perhaps by a pretence profess to 

reall; turned unto fables. Again are nrjf» — sy s in fafal works in bis name; in- 
wo! is the doom of Latter Dry Ssisess in ; stead of coming out and denying that Jesus 
ul) its parties and faction?” ! had rarer in the flesh — thus they will act in 

We want our friends to read in the KhSe ' order the more fully to deceive God’s chi!- 
those circum'-iaeccs reistue to Moses and ires. O that the saints would understand 
to David of old, then rad the £r*t cf this their privilege to try spirits — all spirits 
article in our 3d K(k, ctd then after rearing which come before them ! When they have 
this, if honest in bean, thee- triads will he been through the smut mill as much as soiro 
ma-Je up in favor of truth, and it does scene at as in Voice, they will esteem this a great 
to us that they will take bold wch es tr> ' privilege. They will seek so to live that 
build the Redeemer’s kingdom, in order that . they may fatow what manner of spirit men 
he may come and put and end to strife and are Cl who present themselves claiming to 
all the wickedness of this earth fcr one tbac- j he the shepherds of God" s flock, 
sand years. f It is a general time of health in this re- 

jgiow of country, and 

VOREE, DrcraUr I Si, 1S47. 
Dr. E. W. McLelu.% — 

particularly^- in the 
There has not been (I believe) a 
single in?:ar ce where ary member of 
this branch of the body of Christ, hae been 
Dear Brother; 1 received your letter a attacked with any disease, ‘since it was or- 
few days ago, and was highly gretlfed, Its swatted, but what the disease has been re- 
gctiier with all the brethren and sisters in baked in the name of Je-cs Christ, and the 
and about Voree, to heir of yo^r welfare individual been immediate ly restored to 
and the welfare of the brethrra in ait t bx. ■ health. We realize that God has greatly 
We rejoiced to hear of the prosperity of the j bfesstd us in tliese things. You will re- 
church in Kirlland; and we pray the Lard member that sister Smith had a fever sore 
to continue to give unto his cbiiunen r;gk~_ [Q ooeof her ankles which had troubled her 
intelligence, and wisdom frere «j high; that ; for a cumber of years. It is now as well as 
they may knew hi? will and be prefs-red for tise other, and she can walk without incon- 
tlie discharge of all duties hxvsihrct ccoa ve nkmce. This has been done by faith and 
them: that we may be in readiness lie the i prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, without 
time when the bursting heat oas wsE reveal tae aid of doctors or medicines. LetGod’oe 
the Son of God, as he descends again to peaised. 

earth, to destroy all the unfruilfa! woeis of We fete —a mretin(r? . an< i eenerc ii y 
oarkne,?. and u,her tq the -rest that reread wef[ lt!emi ed! In all that there has been 
to tse people o. God. dece in thechurch here, there has not been a 

O gi„riou» dsy, O bkssrJ hypel -jar or a dissenting voice or spirit. That 

My soul leaps forward at the though* cf spirit of peace which you brought unto us, 
that glorious change, when the ini of dark- in all oar troubles, yet remains with us; for 
ness will be burst usuusk ar*i ;br siloing : wuirh we all feel to thank the Lord Al- 
prescnce of the ts-n o: God w ill riser arst mighty, and ask him t > bless the o.vk whom 
gladden the hearts of all who truly bdear ;e he sent tors store unto its that which we had 
the charA of Christ. Teen th-T will he- i lost. And ; ermit me to say we esteem it a 
hold his glory, majesty and power, and see. choice treasure. We have no notion of bar- 
biro as he ts without a ditnningveil between. ‘ teriug it away again for the false and dam- 
Butattkct day where will the sinner and aabhTspirits with which wc arc surrounded, 
the ungodly flee for refuge? In vain will Evcit member that has united with this 
they call fur the rocks and the nraaiarins to branch of the chnrcb, who remain here, are 
fall upon them, to cover them «i thws as Ann and unmoved as the “lasting hills.,” 
screen them from the demar.i--.of jnsrice. — Strang hol ts his meetings in the school- 

ln vain v.ili foirr prviirts cad ayteV.s hcmse. Bet in relation to what thev are 
who are continually lying in the scssec-i about, yon can judge nearly as well as I can. 
the Lord, and thus seeking -to deceive the I touch mot, taste not, row handle not any of 
very elect, if k were possible. - I say it will Is things. I think two have joined him 

be vain for them to say -Lori leril have sire* von left, but more have left him. 

we not prophesied in toy name, and in tky Whuxe branches have left him at one blow, 
name dene many wonderful trust?. - A aim her even, under his eye in Voree have 

By these sayings and many cabers «f the. Wt him since voa left here in October. — 
Savior’s, we learn that anti-Christ wool! j His Bishop has gone bv the board, and is 
present himself in the last days in the sane I preaching Twelveiteism. Last evening I 
of the Lord, and prophesy in the cares cf got the bow# of president Marks’ apoatacy 



from Strengism. * - * And finally, what 
few Strangite* there ate ia and about Voree, 
take theta by and large, look like a poor 
Uod'famkcn clan, I assure you. Since 
tout discussion with Strong here, there ban 
been one continued scene of confusion and, 
tumult in their ranks, by night and by day, \ 
and I hope it will continue until their or- i 
ganixation is prostrated in the dust, and all ; 
those restless spirits of earth which cannot 
be tamed by the sublime and peaceful gospel ; 
of Christ, are gathered to their fathers and 
brethren, end there confined in chains of 
blackness and darkness forever. Amen to 
Strangism; it is a stink in the nostrils of all 
honorable men under the whole heavens. 

Two have presented themselves for bap- 
tism among us, whom we expect to wait 
upon this week. There are many more 
who arc anxiously enquiring after truth. — ! 
It pots me in mind of what the ancient 
prophet said, “Behold 1, thcLerd, will send ' 
a famine in the laud, not of bread, nor a i 
■hirst for water, but of hearing the words of j 
the Lord." You wanted to know if I could j 
travel and preach this winter. I shall not be j 
able to much, but I am determined to do 
what I can. Elder Rich's son Ensign j 
■caches our school. This is a great touble | 
to the Strangles, but the only objection to : 
him is, his father is a pttudo. With senti- j 
ments of gratitude and heartfelt satisfaction 1 
■o Cok my Father, 1 subscribe myself your i 
brother in Christ. 


P. S, Another letter from the same hand, 
post-marked Feb. Sttth, lias been received. ■ 
and to our joy we find that the members ofj 
the ehuTch *>f Christ in Voree, organized ! 
djrir.g our visit there last summer, orostrllj 
with us in tin* faith. .Strang's publications '■ 
to the contrary, notwithstanding. 

Euz ’ itertv Jo Da.iess Co., hi., J 

January 15, 1818, j ' 
W. E, Mi Lf.llin:— _ 

Beloved brother in the Lord, with joy I. 
embrace a few dotting moments to inform 
you of our good health and spiritual hfcs-| 
oiugs. Wc were pleased to receive your 
interesting letter from Mo. It gave us all 
gre at satisfaction to hear of j our prosperity 
on your mission. We pray the Lord our 
heavenly Father, to always continue to. pour j 
out his most citoice blessings upon you, j 
that you may be a terror to evil doers, and a j 
blessing to all the upright in heart, Since 
you planted us ia the true fold of Christ, wc 
have great joy ia the gospel on meeting to- 
gether, The brethren and risers qll stand 

firm in the new and everlasting covenant. — 
And as for me, in as much as the Lord has 
required it at my hands to watch over them 
as their presiding Elder, I calculate to do 
whatever is enjoined upon me — trusting iu 
the Lord in my weakness, 1 want to Un- 
serviceable to my brethren, and a pattern of 
piety before the world, Bros. Anson and 
Weeks and families have moved here from 
Voree, Stc. We are expecting more from 
there to settle among us. If vou could only 
preach here among us again, ! believe more 
of our neighbors would unite will* us. We 
have a great anxiety for the prosperity of 
the church, and especially for those who 
stand in responsible tauitions in the same. — 
One tiring 1 do Know, and that is, the spread 
of thegospcl must hi part be worked by 
means of earthly substance. 

We keep up our meetings regularly every 
Sunday. Wc have not held evening prayer 
meetings because we live so distant from 
each other, but when we meet for evening 
visits, our practice is to pray before we part; 
we frequently are blessed on the occasion. 
Brother Anson told us that in your debate 
with .Strang, he never heard a man take 
such a dressing down iis he did. I envy 
him not, but I am glad that he does not 
prosper in evil doing, for many might be le.l 
as they were in Nauvoo M destruction, if ho 
cm 11 get ti e n i ito his coils, "ins and traps. 
We preut'y r< j dee in tliolih rly of the gosjx 1 
of Christ which we heard from your mouth. 
May we ns a Church over prove true to our 
trust, and gain a full salvation in Christ. 



We receive some letters from our friends, 
and many from enquirers, and unless the 
postage is paid it makes the burthen heavy 
upon us. Sonic complain that we do not 
answer them; but if they would only stop 
to think that when they lax both our purse 
and our time they certainly would reserve 
their cens'ire. We love to receive letters, 
and to answer them, and will when til the 
expense does not fall on us. Editor. 

O'r’Our in - i Conference will be held in 
Kin lend on the Dth of June next. Wc in- 
vite a genera! attendance. 

-Q[^“ Our next No. will be out about the 
first of April. 

ny* A number of letters have been crowd- 
ed; out for want of roota. 



HL L - - 

uituj* liib coum, Mil, III, m Si . g . 

WH.TfedS S “w°L I Si uld ,OdeVd0 P 

bers — is «v«c«. “P^ality is capable ot 

05 s * an letters to the Editor must be poet None are natural bom citizens of 

paid, in order to insure atwntion — remem- the kingdom of heaven. All have to 
ter that. be bora into it — have to be legally 

~ adopted in order to enjoy communion 


- Wherefore we receiving a kingdom *** d,areh . of tbe «»rn' 

which cannot be moved, let us havegrace „ 0SC 113,1168 316 written in heaven." 
whereby we may serve God acceptably, with But 33 none.can obey the Gospel of 
reverence and godly fear.”— Heb. 12: 28. adoption into the kingdom of Christ 

The finger of inspiration in other wit hout officers or ministers legally 
places in holy writ, calls this “The appointed to wait upon them, we shall 
kingdom of heaven. The kingdom of 1,1:11 fP 63 * 1 of “the calling to the min- 
God" s dear son. The kingdom of lstr J%” °f their orders and stations in 
Christ, THE KINGDOM of GOD,” ^ kingdom, and of their great re- 
&c. There are certain things with- i sensibilities in carrying on the oper- 
out which no kingdom either earthly ations of church government for the 
or heavenly, can exist. In order to salvation of men. 
establish and carry on a kingdom there Without a direct revelation from 
must be a king, laws, subjects or cit- heaven no man ever was called to be 
izens, and orders of ministry to pub- a minister of Christ since the world 
ksh and execute the laws, mandates, began. Thus men were called in the 
and rules of the kingdom. These days of Enoch and Noah, of Moses 
thmgs are inherent m the very nature and Peter; and thus it was in all days 
and existence of a kingdom. and so it is in our dav. Enoch he- 
ir the King, and great fore he was translated received thi* 

Head ot his church and kingdom on testimony from heaven, “ that he 
earth. He it is irom whom proceeds pleased God.” — Heb. 11:5 “Noah 
t.v direct revelation, all laws and rales was a just mare and perfect in his 
ot action for the regulation and gov- generations, and Noah walked with 
eminent of all the children of God, God — and was warned of God of 
noth ministers and members. And things net seen as yet.”— Gra 6- <> 
in the character and administration and Heb. 11:7. “And the Lord’spake 
of Jesus as King, all those who five unto Moses face to face, as amau 
under his government, whether as speaketh unto his friend "—Ex 3311 
ministers or as people, may expect The Savior said to Peter. “Flesh and 
such precepts, laws, and regulations 1 blood hath not revealed it unto thee 

IJI h 


but my Father which is in heaven.” we must find those peculiar numbers 
MaL 16: 17. “Now there were in set in order, each one in its place, all 
the church that was at Antioch, cer- operating and working together under 
tain prophets and teachers. As they Jesus, the King, or otherwise we find 
ministered to the Lord and fasted, the not the full development of that 
Holv Ghost said. Separate me Barna- “kingdom which cannot be moved.” 
has and Saul for the work whereunto The kingdom of heaven cannot fully 
I have called them. And when they exist among men without three men 
had fasted and prayed, and laid their at its head, called of God by the voice 
hands on them, thev sent them away.” of revelation, and acknowledged in 
Jkts 13: 1-3. “Neglect not the gift their office by the voice of the king- 
that is in thee, which was given thee dom — to stand as a first presidency; 
by prophecy, with the laying on of holding “ theAkeys of the kingdom.” 
the hands of the presbytery.” — 1st There must be twelve men, called 
Tim. 4: 14. It is then the spirit of apostles, or special witnesses, to act 
prophecy which points out men to the under the direction of the three. — 
ministry, and without that spirit we And again there must still be another 
have no rule in the word of God by quorum or council of seventy to act 
which a man ever was, or can now under the direction of the twelve, to 
be pointed out to be set apart as a assist them to preadh the gospel — the 
Priest or minister of Christ j law of the kingdom to all to whom 

The Bible in its succinct account j they are sent in all the world. Then 
does not give us the particular form j to have the whole government com- 
of church government which God re- plete and operate without schism, 
vealed unto Adam* to Enoch, to Noah there should be a quorum of seven 
or to Abraham. It is not until the to oversee the interests of the poor 
days of Moses that we have the or- until all should become of one heart 
der of the government of heaven set and one mind temporally as well as 
forth among men. in its specific num- spiritually. 

bers, classes, ranks, grades, orders or In the days when God led Israel 
quorums of ministry:— the relation from Egypt to Canaan he called and 
that these quorums stand to each oth- qualified Moses, Aaron and Hur to 
er, to the kingdom of Christ on earth stand before him in the first presiden- 
and to the heavenly things themselves, cy. And they acted in that station 
There are in the scriptures what until Israel rebelled and “the law was 
we call hallowed or special numbers, added, because of unbelief.” In the 
Three, seven, twelve, seventy, and days of Christ’s incarnation he called 
an hundred and forty and four ate Peter, James, and John, and deliver- 
some of those numbers. They are ed to them “the keys of the kiugdom 
special because the Lord has been of heaven,” and thus left in their 
pleased in the organization of his hands the presiding authority when 
church or kingdom on earth in the , he left the world. 4 And now again in 
various ages of the world, to call and j “ the dispensation of the fulness of 
set apart his servants into classes, | times,” hi our own day, *the Lord has 
quorums or councils of ministers of j been pleased in the beginning of this 
three, seven, twelve, seventy, &c., I work to call Joseph, and Sidney, anti 
in order to carry on the operations of Frederick into the first presidency of 
his government among men. In the his church, and bid them organize and 
days of Moses and Joshua, in the preside over ‘the church of Christ.’ 
days of Peter and Paul, and in thf. and offered them the privilege of 
church of Christ in our own days holding “the keys” until the time of 


hi* second coming, provided they 
would abide in him. But they have 
fallen, and the church is now being 
reorganized under, the presidency of 
David Whitmer, and his two counsel- 
lors, in order to prepare it for the 
“second advent” — which is soon at 

The great object of Israel in the 
days of Moses was to get possession 
of the land of Canaan — the lot of 
their inheritance. The great objectof 
the apostles of Christ was to get both 
Jew and Gentile to believe that Jesus 
was the Christ— the Messiah — the 
son ot God; and to publish his gospel 
to all nations, and to build up his 
church among all people. And now 
the prime object of the organization 
of the ministry of the church of 
Christ into classes in the two Priest- 
hoods in our day, is to bring about 
“the times of restitution of all things, 
which God hath spoken by the mouth 
of all his holy prophets since the 
world began.” To restore both Jew 
and Gentile to the knowledge of the 
true God — to the knowledge of his 
true and divine government in the 
orders and powers of his chosen and 
faithful ministry; and thus bring in 
■ the Millennial glory, and rest and ' 
jieace to the whole earth. i 

In Israel the Lord chose twelve : 
men. as apostles or special witnesses ; 
to them concerning the land of Ca- 1 
naan, and sent them to search it out 
that they might bear witness of it— 1 
•Am 13. Jesus who came to restore 1 
the gospel to the world with all its : 
grace and truth, chose twelve men i 
to be his witnesses, his apostles, to t 
bear testimony of his name, his char- i 
acter, his doctrine, and his resurrec- c 
tion, “in Jerusalem, in ail Judea, in j r 
Samaria, and unto the uttermost part 1 1 
of the earth.” And now again in c 
this age when all the quorums of this I 
church of the Lamb of God stand in c 
their proper places there will be ajt 
twelve to bear the same relation in ! i, 

f his kingdom which die same council 
e of men did m ancient lanes. They 
? will be apostles, yes, special witness- 
f es oi the work of the preparation for 
- the second oomn^of Christ. Here 
: let me remark that the farefce who 
t have led the church of I -alter day 
Saints to the wilderness of the Stony 
; mountains, never were called, chosen, 
i or appointed in the church of Christ" 
f Consequently while they pretend to 
F hold apostolic authority they are 
i bound to carry out the measures of 
i L. D. Sainbsn. 

In the days of Israel the Lord chose 
I a Seventy, .V». II, “Elders of the 
i people, rulers among them,” to stand 
1 with the in si presidency and “to bear 
the burthen of the people,” so that 
the church or kingdom thus organized 
might prosper. In the meridian of 
time when Jesus went about doing 
good, “The Lord appointed other sev- 
enty also, and sent them two and two 
before his face, as Iambs among 
wolves. Telling them to sav to all 
people where they ministered that. 
“The kingdom of God is come nig h 
unto yon. The church of Christ in 
order to fill the pataern given to Mo- 
ses and established by^Christ must 
| have a seventy- — ovr seventy and no 
more, to stand with the three and the 
twelve to minister righteousness^ peace 
and joy in the Holy Ghost to all the 

Thus we find in the days of Moses 
THREE, twelve, and sernthf. In 
the days of Christ there were THREE 
twelve, and sarernty. And now again 
in thi?^ “dispensation of the fulness of 
times,” there mast be THREE. 
twelve, and seventy. This the three 
dispensations ought to and must cor- 
respond with each other in the num- 
bers of their ministry, in the councils 
or quorums of the church of God. — 
In the government of heaven in the 
councils thus organized among men 
the Lord anciently met with bus ser- 
vants, revealed hi will to them, talk- 


ed with them face to face, and led heaven. There, they could learn how ! 
them,. • when they hearkened to his to use “the keys'’ which Jesus had 
teachings, by the right hand of his given them to use in spreading the 
power. And so will he lead and pro- gospel to all the world. There they , 
tect his servants in the w r ork of the received knowledge and qualifications 
last days, just as soon as these eoun- above any others then living upon the 
oils become properly organized and face of the earth. Information which 
live in the spirit of their calling. really qualified them to be pillars 
When the Lord began to exercise pedestals to brace and stay the whole 
his government over the children of fabric of the apostolic church. Jesus- 
Israel in order to lead them from E- had other apostles, but he made Pe- 
gypt to Canaan he organized among ter, James and John, his presiding 
them a quorum, council, or presiden- prime ministers on earth. To them 
cy of THREE men. That presi- it was given power to unlock^ the 
d’ency he called upon a mountain apart kingdom to Jew and Gentile. Peter 
from the rest of the world, to act be- was to that age what Moses was to- 
fore him in a relation to each other, the age in which he lived, 
to the heavens, and to the camp of And now . when the Lord “has set 
Israel, in a capacity different from all his hand again the second time, to re- 
other men on earth: and that too on eover a remnant of his people,” he 
One of the most extraordinary occa- has placed in his church three, as a | 
sions ever recorded in any history. — first presidency, to hold the keys, in /|> 
Ex. 17: 10-12. There that trio stood order to receive the word of the Lord 
pleading with heaven, Moses in the from his mouth, and communicate it 
centre with uplifted hands, being to the people , as in the days of Moses- | 
braced by Aaron and Hur on either and of Peter. This we believe the 
side; while Joshua leading the hosts Lord has done for us. He first placed 
of. Israel struggled in the valley be- Joseph Smith in the centre as the 
neath not only for liberty, but even Seer, but having transgressed the law 
for their very existence as a nation or of his God, and fallen, God appointed 
people on earth. David. Whitmer as his Successor, 

When Jesus came to earth to re- through him, and now he stands to 
organize his kingdom with a ministry the church of Christ in the same re- . 
in their proper relations to each other, lation that Moses stood to Israel, and 
to the kingdom, and to the heavens, Peter stood in his day, and as Joseph 
he singled oat Peter. James and John stood to the church of Christ in its 
— three men to Stand as “pillars,” to organization in 1830. Now the church 
■ the centre one of whom he gave “the and kingdom will be built up unto the 
keys of his kingdom.” And in order Lord as in olden times, 
to qualify them to act in that impor- The council of THREE holds the 
'tant relation, he invited them to go highest authority, as a quorum, which J 
with him into a high mountain apart, God ever gave to men on earth. The 
and there he unveiled to them his glo- men who in any age of the world are i 

jy — and the beauty of the heavens, called into this first, presiding author- J 

Mat, 17. He showed to them there ity among any people, as Moses, Pc- 
the pattern of heavenly things. There ter, Joseph and David, and their eoun- 
Peler, James, and John gazed upon sellors have been, stand in the same 
the three,. Jesus, Moses, and Elias, relation to the church of God 'on 
who stcod before them in their glori- earth that the Father, Son, and Holy 
fied attire. ' There they could see a Spirit do to all the heavenly host. — 
perfect pattern of the God-head in They are a pattern on earth of the 



God-head in heaven. The Son and 
the Holy Spirit are one with the Fa- 
ther in bearing record in heaven, so 
two counsellors are one with the 
Seer in bearing witness on earth, in 
the discharge of ail their official du- 
ties. The pattern is complete. The 
first presidency of three in the king- 
dom of God on earth is a similitude 
of the THREE in the heavens, where 
God sits in their centre, and in the 
midst of all his glories beholding their 
order and their harmony. 

From my youth up 1 have heard 
much speculation and reasoning about 
the doctrine of the trinity — the uni- 
ty, &c., of the . God-head. I have 
thought and read much on the sub- 
ject. and heard many comparisons 
made (by the professedly learned,) in 
order to elucidate that deep, that all 
important doctrine. But we are free 
to confess that we never saw any 
thing that God had organized or made 
among men, until we saw “the church 
of Christ.'” organized with its quorum 
or council of first presidency of three 
at its head on earth, wherein “the 
invisible things of him from the .cre- 
ation of the world are clearly seen, 
being understood by the things that 
are made, even his eternal power and 
Godhead; so that they are left with- 
out excuse.” — Rom. 1 : 20. In view- 
ing this matter we can clearly see 
how this first council of three on 
earth, organized or made as a pattern 
of the THREE in heaven, shadows 
forth “ his eternal power and God- 
head, so that men are left without ex- 
cuse.” And in order that Jesus might 
more fully show to his three prime 
ministers on earth how “the fulness 
of the Godhead dwelt in him bodily,” 
he took them up into an high moun- 
tain apart when they saw “his glory, 
and the two men who stood with him.” 
Luke 9: 32. , Here in this vision three 
glorified personages (Jesus in the cen- 
tre) appeared standing together in the 
presence of the three who were cho- 

sen to hold the keys at the head of 
the kingdom, organized on earth 
for the salvation of men. In this 
glorious vision the pattern of the God- 
head was clearly seen on earth. 

There are THREE who bear rec- 
ord in heaven, and they are one God 
or one council. There are three as 
a pattern of them to bear witness on 
earth, and they (in all their official 
acts) agree in one. The Father is 
the centre of the three in heaven, 
from whom all light and intelligence 
springs to all heaven and earth, and 
the Seer on earth is the centre, and 
with his two counsellors is the medi- 
um through whom must be manifest- 
ed or revealed all laws for the in- 
struction, regulation and government 
of his kingdom; in order that all 
things may be done after the council 
of God’s will, both in heaven and on 

A church or people in this day, 
claiming to be the Lord’s chosen ones, 
who have not a quorum or council of 
three (and no more, nor no less,) at 
their head in their church organiza- 
tion, are in the dark and their works 
are in the dark — that is God does not 
reveal to them for their salvation; but 
they have to grope their way by the 
dark councils of uninspired men, who 
teach for doctrine the commandments 
of men, who teach fables. They may 
have cried Lord ! Lord ! ! but they did 
not organize on the platform accord- 
ing to the pattern which heaven bad 
devised. and revealed to man in his 
sacred word -as clearly as the noon- 
day sunbeam. Therefore the Lord 
cannot own them as his. They have 
by their folly forced him to say “I 
know you not” — I never revealed 
myself to you, I never organized 
among you that order of things call- 
ed “the kingdom of heaven — which 
could not be moved, and you there- 
fore knew me .not, and you must stand 
aside. 0 my soul ! think thou of the 
various church organizations in the 



world, which have no similarity to based upon or having been drawn 
the things in the heavens. (say they,) from the divine oracles of 

If we search through all the de- God: but remember dear reader tbev 
nominations of Christendom, Catho- are not the oracles themselves. Nay, 
loics, Greek Church, and ail Protes- it would spoil their religions in a nao- 
tantism, shall we find any or either ment, if they were to acknowledge 
of them with their ministry organi- that God had directly revealed to »hem 
zed into quorums of three, seven, one item in their various creeds. 
twelve and seventy, except the The Catholics declare that the 
“ Church of Christ?” If it were ne- Pope is the head of their orgasiza- 
cessary to have that peculiar church tion; he holds the’ keys of Sl Peter, 
organization in olden times “ for the yet he has not two counsellors as 
perfecting of the saints, for the work Moses and Peter had. Here we can 
<jf the ministry, and for the edifying see a “falling away” from three to 
ol the body of Christ,” we would ask one, in the first council of the church, 
can any people now in this nineteenth And in their orders of ministry fol- 
ccntury place themselves under a lowing the Catholics run still wider 
different form of Church government from the pattern given of the LoreL 
aud yet grow into perfection? Can The head of the Greek church is the 
thgy have that “ faith once delivered Patriarch of Constantinople. One 
unto the saints, ’ and yet not have man, not three. The government of 
that order ot ministry — not have those the church of England is Episcopal, 
quorums in the Priesthood which the The King or Queen is the supreme 
Lord always placed in his kingdom head. The Methodist church is gov- 
tli rough whom he could “preach the erned by Bishop, and their number? 
gospl with the Holy Ghost sent down are increased at pleasure by their g?r> 
irom heaven, ’ and by whom he could era! conference, as there is a demand 
administer “ the Law of liberty” for for their labors. But here we will 
t lie government of his Church? Nay, I stop following the sects and parties 
verily nay. And here we can see who claim to be Christians, for the 
one great reason why the different ! further we go down among them, the 
piofessedly religious denominations of darker the picture grows relative to 
our day, are multiplying, or breaking church government. And it matters 
to pieces and getting further and still not to us which of Their creeds is 
f urther apart. It is because the Lord’s best or worst so that we cannot find 
foi :n ot government has been rejected, the Lord's system among them. The 
and men — -poor weak menhave sought express injunction of Heaven toMo- 
out many inventions, have formed up ses was, “See that thou make all 
various creeds, disciplines, and con- tilings according to the pattern show- 
tossious of faith to aid«o govern what el to thee in the mount.” The Lord 
they call ^ the church oi God. The has given a pattern of ministry in 
Lord has left them to themselves be- 1 his word, and that people who estalv 
cause they desired it, and they are lishes a “ Kingdom which cannot he 
niimuig to and fro, and splits and di- moved” must do it precise! v accord- 
visions and denominations are increas- j ing to that pattern, or otherwise it 
mg among them. Forms of church will be shaken, moved and blown to 
government are as abundant as the the four winds; when “the Lord of 
sects arc, all differing the one from Hosts shall reign in Mount Zion, and 
the other, each one claiming to be in Jerusalem, and before his ancients 
nest, to have . been drawn up by the gloriously.” 

most profound wisdom of men; all But having the precise organization. 


p a niw i after heavenly things, gov- 
ern^ by correct holy, just ana good 
piMfiri an & tk?n led by the true 
^parit of revidaiioa, and of all truth; 
Gai being oar father, Jesus being our 
brother and friend, and Angels being 
«ar messengers and ministers, and 
j i wy fc j t * be-.n<r ocr associates and 
aayaHns, we will triumph — glori- 
rwh triumph over all the powers of 
darhaeas; and finally bring in the rest 
« € God. and universal peace to the 
whole earth. 

la the organization of the kingdom 
skk; men anciently they did not, 
{wheat they were right before God.) 
ere= oaee think of ever being gov- 
erned hr any other principle than by 
dared reeelktzems from God through 
iw Prophet and Seer. They never 
Esezzeled in conference in order to 
e a&e cre eds by their own wisdom to 
rswens the church of God over which 
the Holr Ghost had made them over- 
seers. - Xay. for that would have 
been a denial of their religion — of the 
ftafageacaf '-.rinetple which govern- ; 
ed tbero- The principle of commun- 1 
ir_g with God was the dearest one ■ 
rinl ever animated the bosom ot an ; 
rwrt saint. Take that principle 
snr ami such a being as a saint could 
r»c c-cSaf. The kingdom of God does 
e. -* exist iiq earth except that princi- 
ple exists in it. except the spirit of rev- 
dalicc has been given to organize it, to 
it. and then to carry it on to 
fcsse triumph. It is that principle 
ptivifetre. and that only, which 
Boosters in that kingdom possess 
or cbcfeaass (Greet intelligence from 
inwvea by the voice of God, by the 
■risris of Angels, by open visions, by 
rie gifts and powers of the Holy 
CSwjzZ. and by and through inspired 
that distinguishes it as “ the 
t - j g .id . T m which cannot be moved." 
\Y* wst tfeit spirit of revelation and 
■' in. ' HC i OT ce- being possessed and un- 
c%sai:d on earth among them, the 
Lord caaU not teach, lead, guide or 

direct hig people. He could not show 
to them whether he loved'them, or 
was displeased with them. 

God is the fountain of all intelli- 
gence; and it is the spirit of revela- 
tion only that opens up to man the 
medium to that fountain. Deny that 
spirit and principle and man is in the 
dark. He then is forced to grope. 
his way through the world. His spir- 
it is restiess. He flies to inventions, 
but his wisdom is folly. His inven- 
tions of creeds to govern the church 
are subject to mutation, to alteration, 
and to improvement. After genera- 
tions will set his forms, rules and 
modes of worship aside, saying, that 
he lived in a darker age — and then 
fonm new ones for themselves; and 
divide and tear assunder those for- 
merly bound together under the old 
established forms. Confusion and 
schisms arise — envy, jealousy and 
every evil work follows. Tims the 
professedly religious world are going 
on and have been for centuries past, 
and would be for ages to come, un- 
less the Lord had been kind enough 
to establish the church of Christ, 
and in it to place all the quorums of 
his ministry — and in it to place the 
gift and the power of receiving di- 
rect revelations from God. To close, 
we say, the Church of Christ is the 
home of the faithful, and will be “the 
joy and the deliverer of the world.’’ 

Voree, Wisconsin, April" 4, ’48. 

Brother McLeemn, Dear Sir : — 
* * * The brethren here remain 
firm in the faith, and every week 
convinces us still more of the course 
we are pursuing being of God. And 
I hope the time is soon at hand when 
the cause of righteousness will spread 
its benign influence over the whole 
earth, that all the honest in heart 
may begin to rejoice in the Holy Ore 
of Israel. For myself I have no hope 



of any good to Israel except through 
the channel to which our leyes and 
hearts are now turned. I feel per- 
fectly satisfied that we have our feet 
planted upon the Rock— -and that we 
are on the original platform upon 
which God planted his Church at its 
original organization in these last days. 
And if we are not actuated by the 
same spirit, clinging to the same prin- 
ciples, and governed by the same law; 
then I must confess my ignorance of 
the whole principles and plan of sal- 
vation. But I never have seen the 
day yet that I have felt like giving 
up the ship. 6 

I have received and distributed 
your valuable paper thus far. The 
brethren here prize it very highly 
and are glad to hear of the prosperitv 
of our common cause. I shall use 
every exertion to obtain subscribers 
and to forward the dollars. But some 
>'t the friends here are in straighten- 
ed circumstances, having been the 
rounds of Latterday Saintism. Write 
to us often, we are ever glad to hear 
rom Kirtland. William Marks has 
left Strangism. But still Strang 
seems determined to make some cam 

who are in faith with him. They 
own property together, work, live, 
Md arc as one family. Strang is the 
Prophet, beer, Rcvelator, Translator, 
Patriarch, Imperial Primate, Abso- 
lute Sovereign, Trustee in Trust; 
and as a father among his children 
he says to one do this and he doeth 
it, and to another go and do that and 
it is done.” *#* 

itol ouW>f his ism before it is num- 
bered Wfth the things that were. He 
is trying to get his few followers into 
the common stock operation, in which 
he is to be Prophet, Bishop, and Trus- 
tee in Trust. They have of course 
to deed all their property to little 
Jimmy on joining the association with 
a covenant and deed that cannot be 
broken. * * * # 

As ever, your friend, 


JJV Cl ‘ P the fol J owil, g from a letter 

S,dS ,01frie,, ‘ l<>f0 ' ,r » i " this 

Voree, April 11, 1848. 

has Tfi . br ? ther William that Strang 
has started another scheme for all 

Plum River, 111., April *18, ’40. 
Dear Brother William : I have 
contemplated for some months to 
write to you, but circumstances have 
hitherto prevented ; and even now 
many things crowd into my mind 
whilst I attempt to address you. 
Recollections of the past scenes, the 
troubles, the difficulties, perplexities, 
and privations through which we have 
past, in consequence of our faith in 
the fulness of the gospel of Jesus 
Christ; wherein you and I were par- 
ticipators, and intimately connected 
with the occurrences, in the early 
history of the Church of Christ in 
the west. I do not wish to say any 
thing in relation to the apostaev of 
the Church. Let it be passed in si- 
lence. You know I am a lover of 
truth, and as the Apostle says — “my 
face is set for the defence of it.” — 
However I have to plead my weak- 
ness, folly and shortsightedness. But 
I cannot tell where my pen would 
run to if I were to give full vent to 
my feelings. Dear Brother, I almost 
imagine myself conversing with you 
face to face as we once did in Jack- 
son count)', Mo., on the great prin- 
ciples of the kingdom. I intend wri- 
ting to the brethren in Mo. soon. Li 
l eading over some of the articles in 
your paper (the Ensign,) I am made 
to rejoice, yea, my soul rejoices at 
the prospect of the Church being built 
up once more in righteousness, hav- 
ing for her Leaders men who are up- 
right, men of holiness and truth. God 
! Almighty bless and prosper Ilis 


CAarc* Give grace and wisdom to a polluted, defiled authority. The Lord 
me Leaders thereof, so that all things “ oe * 004 own their' acta, neither can they 
may be well— and all the honest in eT « r prosper or triumph in him. But their 
heart mav find salvation bv adhering • w,l ‘ be . tbat awarded to deluded enthu- 

lo her principles. In relation to the !!* st V° ™. 18erable J>y pocntea, and to the 
chvrrh hr,-* , - - . 10 me 80118 of perdition. But a word here about 

hurch here it rejoices me to be ena- some of their present positions, 
tiled to say that amity, good will, love — 

and peace prevail. I was at meeting TWELVEITE L. D. SAINTISM. 

nn 1-lcf Kmwlon 1 T II. 1 ® Thin MBtn ■ XT - . VII .... 

was reminded of the times in Jaekson flou |! ,shed the Ip b «t a short season, before 
countv Mo. ,rhe?,L A t - 1‘* tenders, the Twelve, found that to carry 
untj, MO, when the church teas m out their base schemes of wickedness, they 
peace. 1 must close for want of time. mus t betake themselves to the mountains of 
i Business nart nmittnd r r. \ the wilderness, like the — U1 

U . w 1V1 ”««*l VI UUiv. ~'~T * — vMiovatvo to me uiuuuutlim OI 

(Business part omitted. Ed.) the wilderness, like the Gadiantine robbers 

Y ours as ever. of old, in order . to try to hide their dark, soul- 

JOHY Cl EMIXSfW damning doctrines arid practices, from the 
t ™ l" WJ l. face of civilization. And if we mav credit 

LATTER DAY 1- KAIAfTICVr their own testimon y in their late proclam- 
1 JkK. U A1 CA1 A 1 IbM. atio.v, even the wild savagesof the forest, 

We i - in their dreary retreats are at war with them. 

fluin- from inTte d ^i “ 6116,3 of e ?~ Wo seem3 to ^‘ide them on all sides— 

individuals in vanoos parts, with- The latest intelligence of them from a relia- 

. . J, nK>nl , h i S P*®*; tbat we bave i 10 "' ble source is, that they have pitched their 

or irv m 8 j* s " er th® whole at once, and show head quarters in the great valley of the rocky 

, ££* the S Cm E ^ a nv°r d,ff ^ n r b6 ' mountains > Dear tbe Salt Lake. Brig- 
i r • CH " ST,an<i lhe va ' ham Young, II. C. Kimball, and W Rich- 

•Sotn^l^vc l^nposed'that tee'rV'T v"’ ! Srd '\ kc -> arc t0 Preside over the few who 
w,Tnf k suppled that the Church here I mav be unfortunate cnbuo-h to reach the 

only for a P d!y Tnd thend77~v° Uld i gr6at 835011 Cit >'* 0rs °n Hyde is appointed 

il an °, tben , d ‘ e - Many predic- to remain at the Council Bluffs, and to pre- 

. fa, ^ and , evl1 beart °d men, have side over the church cast of the mountain* 
been thrown out against us, none of which Orson Pratt goes to England L T 

warn "1^ °, r [ ulfiled - We It is hard to conceived the bi'.’tem^s of 

BngUish Which fills tho mind Qf one 01 those 
V hew is ^l alrtvnf nr 3 f 7“^ ° ^ Twelve > "hen bo Teaks °f a ny of 

offfwm a^^rSLih n VT b r r0 K 6n ?'P lace,of their disappointment and down- 
?.^ir7t ' ^ bnl, 'f h ’ or llrab of that fall, either in Far West, in Nauvoo, or in 

we f r ^n ,CI0U ^ niUrd r r0US,Sm: norbave “Ill-fated Kirtland.” We can truly say 

Latter DatL^mw°h * ny authon K t V be that in consequence of the withering blight 
J.ntter Llaj Saints now have or ever had— of Latter Day Saintism here, the fate of 

of f b r rcb ’ r fCCllV iD *P cndent Kirtland has been hard, and probably will to 

ctcrvTTf ‘ partlcsofthat some extent remain so while it is cursed 
Irine ^ernLenT^ 0 pn0C ' ptc ’ ,n doc ' witb the dregs of that ill-fated ism, after the 
- n j i’ „£ eminent, and in practice, many effervesence has entirely escaped— that is 

nrtacteVs Way ' Tbe { ma -I hold f° me gone to the mountains. If we should judge in common with us, but so do all of all the Latter Day Saints, but especially 

rs,? isr'i”'- 

ind d ’r^7l u UDchan ? eable ’ an<1 nauseous;" and those are to bo pitfed 

3 f ' d °- 3 i n 7.?° d c r wblch ls wbo have them for neighbors. We would 

after ‘.tL°^ e | r ° f Jw ®P!( 0 f^ od — wblcb ls even pity the poor wandering, savage Indian 
.; tbe bo >y ordCTof 2°?' Io it3 recep- tribe in their native haunts, to be cursed eL 

in ihe7t n ^ y 7 6 “ t ’ ,U - b -? - V ambont y> tod ther with their principles, their practices, or 
in the extent of its privileges we rejoice in their society. practices, or 

'°i 0U ,r Fatbor ’. ‘continue to Twelveiteism is partly made up of plurai- 

rejoice. ^ All the authority in Pnesthood ities. They hold the doctrine of a twelve - 

of the Latter iw'&Tta *“* d ". isio “ s beaded bead °f their church. Thev believe 
o the Latter Day Saints are now acting is in many wives and concubines. The wo- 




man («*y they) is the glory of the man — 
consequently the more women the more 
glory. They believe in a plurality of Gods. 
They teach that there is no throne, but that 
there is one higher, ami a God to sit upon it 
reigning under a superior. They hold that 
God, in some council of past eternity, was 
chosen or elected to be God by the inhabi- 
tants of the spirit world, and consequently 
was not only a God of choice, but a God of 
chance also. And in the progress of future 
eternity (they hold) that they themselves 
will become Gods, and will reigu in some 
heaven over some kingdom. Now to be a 
Twelveite, these are only a few of the blas- 
phemipus absurdities to be believed and 
swallowed. And we dislike to even pen the 
truth about them. 


This ism rose in Nauvoo, III., about the 
same time with the former. Its infancy was 
in Nauvoo, its manhood in Pittsburgh, Pa., 
and its dotage, death, and burial was in the 
Cumberland valley, near Gre'encastle, Pa. — 
It claimed to have established “Daniel's 
Kingdom," which was never to be thrown 
down. But all other governments on earth 
were to be subdued, and to be thrown down, 
while IT was to stand forever. But no 
kingdom on earth so soon went to pieces as 
the one Elder Higdon pretended to rear up, 
composed of 73 men, consecrated to be 
Prophets, Priests, and Kings of the most 
high God. Probably not a vestige of this 
would be, marvelous, wonder-working king- 
dom, is now remaining on earth. We arc 
aware that Sanmel James, and George M. 
Hinkle, during '47, found their way from the 
death-groans of Rigdonism in the valley, to 
the fertile plains of Illinois, and there tried 
lo resurrect and again rear up the fallen 
kingdom; but a late letter from a valued 
friend in that region, has this laconic saying 
in relation to them: “There is nothing 

more of James, and his man George — their 

ism has breathed its last .” Elder 

Rigdon himself has gone into retirement in 
an obscure town in the Stale of N. V., prob- 
ably there to remain during life. And we 
don't feel the least disposition to disturb his 


This ism commenced in Voree, Wiscon- 
sin sometimo after the death of the Smith’s 
in Carthage jail. Strang’s claims are ex- 
travagant. He professes to be the Leader 
of all the Latter Day Saints in all the world. I 
He lias been figuring some three or four 

years as a professed Successor of Joseph 
Smith, in the Prophetic office. Had he been 
legally appointed to some high station, as ho 
has been trying to make people believe, 
there are now indisputable evidences of his 
being a false prophet. His receiving into 
his fellowship, and placing in high authority 
such men as Wm. Smith, Dr. John C. Ben- 
net, and G. J. Adams, sickened a great ma- 
ny who at first favored his pretensions. — 
But his introduction and organization of a 
secret society in Voree, with horrid, Gadian- 
tinc oaths and impious imprecations, and 
then lancing the arms of the initiated, and 
making them, with their own blood, sign a 
hidden or private Covenant under the garb 
of furthering the cause of religion, was one 
of the most barefacedly wicked transactions 
that ever a set of men were guilty of since 
the world began. This he, and his Master 
of Ceremonies, Dr. Bennet, performed, as 
numerous, witnesses have testified. 

The above was only equalled in darkness 
of intent, by their attempt at an endowment 
or illumination of some of his faithful ones. 

I received the detail from one whom he had 
appointed to be an Apostle. He and his 
Coadjutor and Pontiff, Dr. Bennet, mixed 
some phosphorus with oil, and then assem- 
bled those to be endowed or illuminated, in 
a dark, damp underground room in the 
Prophet’s house in the fore part of the night. 
Thence they were called, one at a time, up 
a narrow stair-way into the room above, 
where those two impious wretches saturated 
the hair of their heads fully with the above 
phosphoric mixture, and then sent them 
back into the dark room below, where their 
hair would appear in the dark as if all on 
fire. Thus they continued until some dozen 
were well greased. This performance they 
endeavored to palm off upon the illiterate as 
a mighty outpouring of the spirit of God — 
as lire and the Holy Ghost from heaven. 

When 1 visited Voree last summer, he 
that was Strang’s Bishop at the time of his 
illumination, had bolted from him, and he 
kept on hand a small bottle of the Jicry mix- 
ture, and offered to illumine any one’s head 
who would submit to the operation, in order 
to show the abominable trickery of the little 
Lawyer Prophet of Voree, and his man 
John — the Master of ceremonies. Dark 
must be that intellect, degraded and sunken 
must be all those moral powers, and dishon- 
est, deceitful, and hypocritical that heart, 
which after such scenes could yet believe 
that the inspiration of the Almighty attends 
such a man as J. J. Strang. 

But again in his little, puny official organ 
published at Voree, the seat of his domiu- 


ions, he has come out and flatly denied the informed, he intends to visit Kinland within 
divinity of Christ, the Savior, and strenously a few weeks to try his fortune at kingdom- 
orgues that Jesus was the legitimate son of making, and if he does so, as this is our res- 
Joseph and Mary. I look upon Strang as idence, we shall try to narrowly watch the 
being a kind of third-rate infidel, an unbe- signs of the times. 

Hover in all divine revelation. One who We will here take occasion to state, un- 
fears not God nor regards man. Heiscapa- hesitatingly and pointedly, that we da not 
ble of condescending to the most little, mean believe in nor look for that temporal king- 
ed vile abuse of Jhose who are opposed to dom to be fully set up, organized, and estab- 
his course, of any man with whom we havo lished, until Jesus Christ makes his personal 
formed any acquaintance for many years— appearance on earth, and “reigns over it as 
Jn his little sheet he publishes tho most false King of Kings, and Lord of Lords.” All 
and exaggerated accounts about Voree, the dreamy visions of splendor, glory, and"' 
about the numbers who adhere to him, and grandeur in an earthly kingdom to be estab- 
about the accessions to his ranks, and also lished by the Twelveites in the greatBasin 
about their present and future prospects. — in the wilderness, by Rigdon in the Cum- 
Truly, J. J. Strang is a false Prophet, and berland valley, Pa., by Strang in Voree, 
base hearted man, whose great aim is to de- Wis., or on the Beaver’s isle in lake Michi- 
stroy others in order to build himself up. — gan, or by Brewster in east California, arc 
But wo! thrice wo! willbehisdoomintheend. to us nothing but wild imaginations ofhal- 
' — lucinatcd brains. The Kingdom of Christ 

J. C. BREWSTER’S ISM. is at present a spiritual kingdom, and will 

This young # man is now trying to remain so until the morn of his descent from 
play his part in the great drama of isms heaven, when he will be crowned King on 
growing out of, or from among the Latter cart h> and he will then reign and rule over 
I). Saints. He claims a great gift of inspi- the whole earth lor one thousand years with 
ration, and has been professing to translate a **°d °f *ron — which is the Mford of God. 
front some lost books or manuscripts of Es- The church and kingdom of Christ, until 
dras, and other old prophets. I now have in that period, will be built up, and operate, 
my possession some hundred pages of his and be protected by the laws of earthly gov- 
works. He lives and basthem printed in ernments already established, or which will 
Springfield, 111. If I am rightly informed, j?e hereafter established by political men. — 
he distributes his publications gratuitously, “ does ) 10t how nor never will crown any 
although in quite low circumstances. He man as Hs king, nor seek earthly dominion 
says all the gatherings preached by Joseph ur grandeur. The kingdom is now exclu- 
Smith and those with him were fulso. And s >ycly spiritual, but when Jesus comes, it 
that God has sent him with authority to w ’4 *Hen bo both spiritual and temporal so 
gather all the righteous and establish them blended together as to give to all and every 
together in a temporal kingdom in Califor- ?ne who lives, perfeej peace and everlasting 
nia. The center of tho land of Zion, he j°y, until Satan is again “loosed fora little 
says, is not upper Mo., but is in east Calilor- seas on. ’ Ed. 

nia, where the kingdom spoken of by Daniel 

will be reared up and established; into which IMPORTANT LETTERS. 

the righteous among all nations shall flow 

and find continued peace. California, the From Oliver Cowderi/ to David Wliitmer . 
land of cast California is Brewster’s El Do- _1 

rado. But as might be expected from this Elkhorn, Walworth Co., Wisconsin, ) 
champion of the Big kingdom “over which July 28, 1847. ( 

the power3ofthis world will never bo able to Brother David: Our mutual’ friend and 
prevail,” he himself is to be tho head and former co-laborer, Elder MeLellin, called on 
front in its organization. He is to divide me a day or two since, informing me at the 
the inheritances of the saints and to give to same time, that he was, or is now, on his 
tho kingdom its laws. way to Missouri, mainly for the purpose of 

Poor man! his youthful days are spent in visiting yourself. That is, that such was 
vanity, and if he livos to old age, his decli- his ostensible object in now visiting the west, 
ning years, (unless he repent and turn away We have had a lengthy conversation ex- 
front his folly,) will be vexation of spirit— clusively and disconnectedly upon the sub- 
Between this and the 27th of Juno next, (he ject of the religion we believe, and matters 
Bays) “the establishment of the church and things connected with the upbuilding 
anew will take place.” He has no church our Redeemer’s kingdom here on earth. As 
establishment a3 yet, but if wo are correctly he is to visit you, it is not needful that X 



should trouble you with & recital of his la- men. If ever the church rises again in ' 
bors for the last year or so. I will howev- true holiness, it must arise in a measure 
er say, that so far as I understand his labor, upon our testimony, and upon our characters 
it has simply been directed to one great ob- as good men. 'Such being the case, it is or 
jcct — to wit: in preparing, or endeavoring was necessary before that time, that some 
to prepare the way for the old ship to un- one should step forward— capable and wor- 
hitch her cables and again sail forth. There thy, who knew us well, and whose heart the 
is no doubt in either of our minds I appre- Lord should or has touched, whose duty and 
bend, as to the fact that she has been “lying office should be to vindicate our characters, 
to,” for some time past, either for the want and disabuse the minds of the honest of 
of pilots or hands to work her. Let me those prejudices which they do and would 
speak plainly.. The Lord, as you well know, otherwise labor under. All this must be 
confirmed the holy priesthood upon certain done without solicitation on our part. And 
men, (among that number yourself is in- it is expedient it should be done by one who 
eluded,) who went out to teach repentance has known us from the beginning, 
and organize a church. At the head of that Now whether the Lorid will call us again 
body Joseph amith was placed. publicly or not to work in his great cause, is 

Now it is not necessary that I should oc- not known to me; nor does it particularly 
cupy time in detailing what was dona cor- matter: for when once the imputation is 
roctly or incorrectly; suffice it to say that wiped away’ our names will shine in his ho- 
bv-and-by, yourself with many others were ly kingdom on earth, when that kingdom is 
..found wandering about in the world, despis- once built up— whether we live to see it or 
od by the world, and libelled by those for not. On this great subject I want to see 
whom life had been periled. The church you much. True it is that our right gives 
claiming to be the chosen of God was driv- us the hbad. It is no matter of pride with 
cn from their own possessions, and in pro- me, but an anxious desire to do all that the 
cess of time, Joseph Smith was meanly and Lord may require of us. We may not live 
unlawfully murdered 1 Then came a trying to see the day, but tee have the authority, 
time for the existence of that boastful church and do hold the keys. It is important, 
and then followed and is yet following a should we not be permitted to act in that 
lime or season of strife, to see who is to be authority, that we confer them upon some 
called the head. Rigdon succeeded in gath- man or men, whom God may appoint, that 
oring around him a large number of persons, this priesthood be not taken again from the 
But he has had his day. He has tried, as earth till the earth be sanctified. I want to 
try he must, to be the great man. Strang see you much on this great matter, 
has raised his standard, and cried “Lo here.” That our brother William has been direc- 
The twelve have perhaps not as a matter of ted and influenced in what he has been doing 
choice at first, but of necessity taken such by the Holy Spirit, I need not say to you 1 
ns would adhere to them and fled to the fully believe. I do not say that every thing 
western slope of our continent- I do not ho has done has been done by inspiration — 
say that it were necessary that those men it would be strange if it were so. But that 
should all try to be great, and occupy the God has touched his heart, that he might 
place of Joseph Smith; but I do say, that begin to prepare the way, I have no doubt, 
for any one who could accomplish that great In thus doing he has done well, and he will 
work, to wit, lead the church, to have under- in no wise lose his reward, 
taken to have done so, he would only have As to the time, I will further add that 
made “confusion worse confounded.” In those men of whom I spoke must have time 
consequence of transgression, we have fall- to develop to their followers that the Lord 
en back a series of years. Men’s minds has not chosen them for that purpose or 
have become so confused, that they must work. Whether this will take many or few 
have time to see for themselves that those years, I am not now advised. But this much 
individuals have not the authority, conse- I do know, when the time fully comes we 
f quently not the powkr. shall know it. I have sought dilligently to 

Now brother David, as to the time — a know- and feel well assured of what I say. 
change of circumstances with Moses work- You will talk this mattdr all over, and make 
cd a delay of forty years to the children of all necessary enquiry, and I will only say 
Israel in their coming out of Egypt. So it that when the time comes, I am keadt ! But 
may be in our day. But be the time longer I am not persuaded that it has yet fully 
or shorter, there is one thing certain— Our come. Let the Lord vindicate our charac- 
characters have been vitlifled. This villify- ters, and cause our testimony to shine, and 
irg has had its effects upon the minds of then will men be saved in his kingdom.— 



The God of peace and of glory be withryou 
brother David, and cause his face to shine 
upon you continually. Amen. Lay your 
hands upon brother William, that he may 
be patient and steadfast. Let us hear from 
you often, and do come and see us if you 
can. Our love to all our relatives, father, 
mother, and all. 

As ever your brother, 



Far West, Mo. Sept. 8, 3847. 

Dear brother Oliver: — I write in answer 
to your last. We have held a council in 
Caldwell county, at brother John’s. For 
particulars I refer you to bro. W. E. Mc- 
Leilin, after which you will be able to form 
ideas that will be of servico to you, in your 
fntitre time. 

Now I say it is your duly to prepare so 
fast as God will open the way before you to 
cut loose from the world — and lay hold of 
the work of God, and assist in building up 
the church, even the chnrch'of Christ. I 
would give you a detail of the whole matter 
hut have only time to say that we have es- 
tablished, or commenced to establish the 
church of Christ again, by laying aside our 
dead works, and being re-ordained to our 
former offices of President and Counsellor, 
as formerly — and it is the will of God that 
you be one of my counsellors in the presi- 
dency of the church. Jacob and Hiram 
have been ordained High Priests, and W. 
E. McLellin President, to stand in relation 
to me as you stood to Joseph, &.c. See. 'Now 
you behold that the time has come, to clear 
away the old rubbish, and build again those 
principles which constitute the church of 
Christ. Brother McLellin has still to con- 
tinue his work in exposing the man of sin, 
Uc. See. 

I am you brother in the new Covenant, 

Hiram Page to Leonard Rich. 

Ray Co., Mo., Sept. 24, 1847. 

Brother Leonard Rich : — Knowing the 
great anxiety of the brethren in Kirtlund to 
hear how brother William was received in 
Missouri, I will give you a short sketch of 
what passed. Brother McLellin arrived at 
Richmond ou the 4th day of September, and 
on the 6th he in company with brothers Da- 
vid and Jacob came to my house, and we all 
went to brother John’s. There we spent 
two days in council, and received the word 

of the Lord, &c. Baptism was attended to, 
and other necessary duties. In the revela- 
tions you will see that the Lord has raised 
up brother William for this very purpose, 
and has led him about from place to place to 
prepare him for the great work which is 
just before him. What he has done in the 
church of Christ is acceptable to the Lord, 
as is manifest through the revelations given 
in council. 

Brother William was ordained a President 
to build up the church of Christ in Kirtland, 
fee. His duty is pointed out in those reve- 
lations, and he will need the support of all 
the brethren to assist him in the work which 
the Lord has enjoined upon him: and if ho 
is humble the Lord will hold him up, and 
hold him in his own hands. 

On the 17th day of September he left for 
Jackson county, — from there he was intend- 
ing to wend his way back to Kirtland. — 
When he reaches home he can tell you 
more than I can write. There is one re- 
quest I have to make, and that is, “ watch 
over each other for good,” and if the enemy 
assails, leave not one to combat the enemy 
alone. Give my respects to all enquiring 
friends, and in particular to brother Martin 
Harris, and I will remain as ever your af- 
fectionate brother in the New Covenant, 

Cleveland, Ohio, April 38, 1848. 

Brother McLellin. — I left Kirtland, my 
home, on the 17th of February, in order to. 
take a short tour preaching. I visited Ohio 
City, Laporte, and Huntington. I preached 
six discourses, two in Huntington, one near 
La'porte, and three in Cleveland; and I have 
talked to inquiries more than to preuch six 
sermons more. Before I left home I had 
thought that the conduct of the church of 
Latterday Saints, and especially the Lead- 
ers, had so prejudiced people in general 
against any man or body of people who. 
would profess belief in the divine validity of 
the book of Mormon, that there would be an 
entire apathy on the subject: but I must con- 
fess iny entire mistake. I have found peo- 
ple not only ready and anxious to inquire, 
but also the honest in heart rejoice to have 
the privilege to receive the doctrine and to 
obey the ordinances of the church of Christ. 
In this city, on the 27th Feb., I baptised 
one, and on the 28th four more.- And in 
our confirmation meeting, we had a melting 
time, a precious time, a heaven-born time, I 
assure you. The spirit of love and peace 
and great rejoicing was poured into our 
hearts, and I truly felt to magnify, the name 



of the Lord for the privilege of my Bbort 
tour. Ah, Mid I in my heart, if the ciders 
of the church of Christ could but realize for 
what they were ordained, they would cer- 
tainly be in their Master’s business,— altho’ 
at a sacrifice of their time and earthly sub- 

On the 11th of March, I visited my few 
brethren again, and on Monday following I 
baptised and confirmed four more, who are, 
now rejoicing with us in the great work, 
and I ordained bro. Wm. H. Parcel an El- 
der among them, so that they can now keep 
up their meetings, and thus keep the Spirit 
of the Lord to be their guide and teacher. 
And again on Saturday the 15th inst., I vis- 
ited the little few in this citv, and spent two 
or three days with them. ' And while we 
worshipped and rejoiced together three more 
were added to our numbers— and a fair pros- 
pect still of more. My dear brother Wm. 
let me say to you, and through the Ensign of 
Liberty to all its readers, that I have no 
fears now but that the true church will now 
prosper and progress until “the winding up 
scene. O may God speed our cause in his 
own way, and gather among us the honest 
in heart — and none others. Amen. 

1 am your brother in the fellowship of the 
cause of Christ, 


and proclaim that it should not pass away 
till he would come in his kingdom. The 
reflection of which fills my heart; and causes 
me to act so far as I can in my feeble man- 
ner, to prepare a people for his reception. — 
On many things the Lord has given me 
great light and intelligence, and my calling 
and relation to tho heavens I know; but I 
must confess that now I am somewhat diffi- 
culted on two points, relative to the strict 
legality of the Latter Day Saint baptism, 
and also concerning a re-baptism. I think 
all those who are baptized into L. D. Saint- 

ism become harlots or prostitutes in the 

scripture-sense of the term. And whv not ' 
if they are not in the Church-of Christ, then 
they are m the Church of the Devil, for 
there are il save it be two churches on the 
lace of the whole earth”— the Church of 
Christ and the Church of the Devil. Hence 
all who are not baptized into Christ, must, 
if they have been baptized, belong to the 
“mother of harlots.” 8 

West Burra lo, Iowa, Jan. 6, 18^8. 

W. E. McLcllin : — Dear Sir: Yours 
of Nov. 19th is just receivnd, and it afforded 
us no small degree of pleusure to learn that 
you, after a tedious journey, arrived safely 
at home to be greeted by your family and 
friends, finding them enjoying good health— 
the greatest blessing life can afford. My 
family are at present in the enjoyment of 
good health, awL-So^are the friends and 
neighbors. In all my practice here this sea- 
son, I have lost but one patient out of some 

My heart was made glad to hear of the 
happy seasons you speak of erjoying in 
Kirtland in the service of God, with your 
lew brethren. As it regards your enemies 
or mine, they can go so far and no farther. 

I have pot seen any of Strang’s papers since 
1 parted with you, neither have I had any 
other intelligence from him since the letter 
you read at my house. I have not thought 
it of any advantage to me, further to exam- 
ine into his claims. As it regards my preach- 
i n £V * lecture occasionally. The position I 
take is as follows — Being commanded after 
my baptism by a special revelation of the < 
blessed Savior, to preach to this generation, 1 

If I understand your principles, and I 
think I do, I would say to you go on in the 
name of the Lord, the victory is sure. Truly 
the Master has blessed you with a superla- 
tive talent, and may your fruitful mind ever 
present those benevolent, equitable, and 
superlative principles which so highly char- 
acterize the source from whence they come, 
viz: the higher order of Beings. And for- 
get not to offer tip your fervent prayers for 
me, though I’m in a far distant land. For 
I can trufy say with the poet, “ 

■Tho’ the deep between us rolls , 
Friendshifljstill unites our souls. 

And the day may come if we prove faithful 
that we may stand shoulder to shoulder, and 
lieart to heart, pushing forward the great 
truth that “Messiah is coming on earth to 
reign. There is nothing on earth' I so 
much desire as a faithful and true fellow in 
the great and glorious work. Yea, I feel 
ttiatil faithful, more than millions of admir- 
ing souls will yet follow in our train ! Myr- 
iads of anxious spirits are now waiting to 
seethe work accomplished, and then to waft 
the intelligence to a higher order of beings 
who will j,„„ the loud Alleluias to God 
&the Lamb, which will fill all the mansionsof 
glory with praise, whilst admiring millions 
from pole to pole will humbly bow at the 
slirine of Jesus, and hear the plaudit “well 
done good and faithful, enter into rest.” 
lou ask what calculation you may make 
on me. lou may calculate that as fast as 
I learn the will of God, I will try in my 
weakness to do it, I feel dissatisfied with 
my present situation. We are deprived of 


educational privileges, and many social re- 
sources that make life desirable. But we 
have moved so many thousand miles, and 
wasted so much substance, that I am almost 
tired of the journey of life. 1 feel like find- 
ing & place to rest this feeble body, where I 
can improve my mind for future usefulness 
to my fellow man. I would be glad to see 
some of the Elders of the church of Christ in 
this region. I think S. James and his man 
Friday [Hinckle,] are at an end, as to in- 
fluence in this section of country. I know 
of none who have joined them since you left 

I close by subscribing myself your affec- 
tionate friend indeed. 


Davenport, Scott Co., Iowa, 

:ott Co., Iowa, > 
Feb. 8, ’48. $ • 

Da. McLellin — D ear brother in the Lord, 
if 1 may call' you so — for I believe you 
are honest in the work of the Lord. — 
} feel to communicate to you my mind 
at present in regard to the important events 
that await us in these last days. My mind 
has been employed more than it ever was 
before on the tilings of God, since I took the 
parting hand with you in Oct. last, at the 
llinklite conference in 111. It is not needful 
for me to say much about that conference, 
for you know that in plain language the 
Devil took the uppermost seat among them. 
I was glad that I attended it. I saw enough 
there to do me forever in regard to Rigdon- 
ism and llinkleism. May the Lord have 
mercy on them and help them to change 
their wa/s, is my desire. I was glad to see 
you bear their slang so well as you did. It 
was too bad — too bad indeed. 

I am as strong in the faith as I ever was. 
You know that there are some hero who are 
honest in heart, who wish to know and do 
the Lord’s will. For myself, l am deter- 
mined to serve the Lord to the very best of 
my ability. I hope you and the good breth- 
ren in Kirlland will remember me in your 
prayers. I feel sometimes as though I was 
travelling in the wilderness alone. I long 
to see tlicday when the Lord’s people will 
gather together to serve him with one heart 
and one consent. Be where they will, I feel 
like being with them. There is no pleasure 
in this earth for me except it is in the work 
ofthe Lord. 1 long to see the time come 
when the Lord will send ms messengers 
out for the last time to prune his vineyard. — 
Brother Ringer is well. lie gives us a lec- 
ture once and a while, which helps us some. 
We think we shall be to see you next fall, if 
the Lord will, We. hope you will endeavor 

to carry out the true principles of Godliness 
there. May the Lord bless you with the 
spirit of truth fn carrying out his marvelous 
work. O brethren, live much on your knees 
as the prophets did of old. They would fast 
and pray for days and weeks together, to 
know the will of the Lord. He is the same 
God now as he was then— and ever will be, 
to them that love and serve him. 

I am your distant, but faithful brother and 
friend, JAMES E. BUNSIDE. 

Wbst Elizabeth, Pa., March 8, 1838. 

Brother McLellin: * r * Last 

spring I received one of your papers, which 
gave a partial but interesting history of the 
Church. I liked the spirit it breathed, and 
I have a strong desire to knnow more about 
the matter. Now tell me, can we lift up 
our heads and rejoice in the belief that the 
Church of God — the pillar and ground ofthe 
truth, isonce more organized and established 
upon the foundation of the Apostles and 
prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the 
chief corner stone 1 I trust this is the case. 
The spirit seems to whisper yes. At least 
1 feel so myself. * * • * 

Your old friend and brother, 

J. W. RUBY. 


During the summer of 1838 the society of 
people calling themselves “The church of 
Latter Day Saints," were in full tide of 
prosperity in Caldwell county, Mo., and they 
thought and proclaimed themselves an equal 
and even a superior match for nil their ene- 
mies; they had a county of their own selec- 
tion; they had settled it, and possessed it, 
arid governed it civilly, politically, militarily 
and religiously. In the fullness of their 
freedom on the 4th day of July, hundreds af- 
ter hundreds collected together on the groat 
square in the city of the Far West, and S. 
Rigdon, the orator of the day which is sa- 
cred in the memory of our nation, mounted 
a rostrum reared by the side of a. tall “Lib- 
erty pole,” from the top of which floated 
gracefully the stars and stripes, as emblems 
of the freedom of our place and nation. — 
Long and loud rolled the peals of eloquence 
in the cars of the vast assemblage of L. I). 
Saints. Festivity and glee was the order of 
the day, and all those who had embraced that 
peculiar religion or ism, retired rejoicing 
that their lots had fallen in so free and salu- 
brious a clime, where plenty smiled all 

Brit in a few days thereafter, by a combi- 
nation of thd elements, a dark cloud hovered 



immediately over the “ Prairie City,” and 
heaven, shot forth a vivid arrow from the 
lightning's quiver, which splintered the 
LiBBRTr rOLE into fragments, strewing 
them over that very spot where that vast 
concourse but a few days previously had hod 
their hearts warmed with the prospects be- 
fore them. The alter history of that people 
in that region, but too plainly shows that 
the fate of the pole was eminently ominous 
of that dark deeded L. D. Sainusm, in all 
its parties and factions. During the winter 
following, that people, by mobocratic fury, 
were burled from that State, to wander from 
their homes and from their rights. 

Kirtland, Ohio, had been the birth-place, 
tha seat, and the center of the operations of 
L. D. Saintism, from its beginning in 1834 
until about the close of 1837, when the Ora- 
tor of the shivered pole, with the Prophet at 
his head, fled thence to the Far West. The 
Kirtland Temple had been reared here, and 
was the boast of the church and the wonder 
of visitants. With a kind o( sacred feeling 
the Latter Day Saint would approach it and 
worship among its curtains within its mas- 
sive walls, verily supposing that God had 
accepted the House at the hands of the 
builders, and had set his name there for de- 
liverance. But a council in heaven decreed 
that their disapprobation should be signally 
manifested, so that all that deluded people 
might know that God and all heaven was 
opposed to their wicked course. 

In the year 1838or9 a flash of vivid, Tucid 
light, quickening its pace from a dark cloud 
above, struck the spire of the Kirtland Tem- 
ple, and shook the building to its base, rid- 
dling its upper portions fearfully. One pe- 
culiarity we will mention here. The lower 
story of the House was built by, the church 
of Christ, before the leading authorities 
changedtheircharucteristic name to that of 
Latter Day Saints. But the upper parts of 
tho House, which were finished by those 
who had embraced that notable ism, suffered 
from the anger of tho furies. The lower 
was uninjured. 

But t!>e above did not suffice. The lead- 
ing men of that “ill-fated people,” once 
more pitched their head quarters in Nauvoo, 
111. There they caused to be erected a su- 
perb fabric, called the “House of the Lord;” 
and throwel its dome, high into air, with its 
spire still higher; and near its pivot they 
fixed a pretended figure of an angel, over- 
laid with gold, holding a trumpet in his 
hand. A few weeks since we received a 
letter from a reliable source in Nauvoo, con- 
taining this particular remark: “The Tem- 
ple here is still in possession of A. Babbit, 

and is only used for a show. The. whole 
edifice is in bad repair, and no effort .is made 
to keep it otherwise. The wind has blown 
the angel’s head and shoulders off, and made 
him drop his trumpet.”- Thus has fallen 
again an ill omen upon Latter Day Saint- 

It does seem strange to us that so many 
ominous, specific, peculiar, and marked dis-X" 
plays of the anger of God in or through his 
elements; striking at their highest points of 
glory— even at, their houses or worshfe, 
does not awake and startle them at their 
danger. But that arch enemy of all good 
men seems to hold that people as with a 
charm, so that he may drag them down to 
hell. They seem determined to take no 
warning, neither from God, from his light- 
nings, from his winds, nor from his faithful 
and true prophets. Finally as we have said 
before, their doom is sealed, and destruction 
awaits them. Three signal, ominous warn- 
ings have been given them, but they have 
heeded them not. Now if we could believe 
their leaders — the Twelve, honest in their 
late proclamation, we should think that they 
were still believing that, they should yet 
prosper— that they could now build a great 
city ilia Basin among the Rocky Mountains. 
But, “Verily thus saith the Lord, tint peo- 
ple of the Latter Day Saints, who have gone 
to the wilderness, never shall build ana Be 
permitted to inhabit, never shall plant or- 
chards or vineyards, and enjoy the fruits 
thereof.” Those therefore, who run at their 
call, will onlv run to meet calamity, trouble, 
and w'o. The truth they neither teach 
nor practice. 

(C/^Our friends will remember our Con- 
ference on the 19th of June next, to be held 
in the Temple in Kirtland. W e solicit a 
general attendance of our friends, but es- 
pecially of the Ministry. 

d/^Our seventh No. will not be issued 
until after our This No. has 
been delayed in consequence of tire sickness 
of our printer. 

K?”Thu8 far we hate issued nnd sent 
our paper to inanv subscribers who have 
not as yet sent us tub dollars to aid us 
paying the printer. We are anxious to 
have our papers read, but still we want to 
give our readers a gentle hint. That's all. 
We would be glad if our agents and friends 
generally, would exert themselves a little to 
send us more subscribers. 




\ ned. God is our father; Jesus is our . 

\ More than twelve months have Head, our great High Priest, our 
passed away since we issued the Oth friend and Savior, our King, Ruler 
number of the Ensign of Liberty.— and Lawgiver. Angels are our min- 
No doubt many of our readers have isters to light up the flames of eternal 
supposed that our paper was dead. — love-in our souls. And all the good, 

It has not been dead, “but only sleep- holy,' warm-hearted and heavenly 
ing.” At its commencement a num- minded men and women on earth, are 
her of men gathered around us and our fellow-laborers in the great work 
said “0 ves, by all means print a pa- of the last days, in which we feel de- 
per, and we will help to sustain it.” votedly engaged. 

To some extent we relied upon their In our faith, our belief, our opin- 
promised aid, but have been much ions, and in our hopes concerning the 
disappointed; hence our delay. But work in which we are engaged, wc 
we intend that our paper shall be are the same as set forth in the pre- 
forth-coming, occasionally, notwith- ceding numbers of this paper, except 
standing all the harping of all our in one thing only, and that is in rela- 
opposers among all the L. D. Saints, tion to the lesser priesthood, or the 
in all their scattered parties and fac- priesthood which is after the order of 
tions. Aaron or Lovi, belonging to the 

■ The want of means to publish our church of Christ in our day. But 
paper has not prevented the church wc have full confidence in the high 
of Christ in this place from holding priesthood which is after the holy or- 
their meetings punctually, on every der of the Son of God. And we 
Lord's day. And wc assure our now hold the opinion that all the olli- 
friends abroad that when we meet in ces necessary for the government of 
the name of the Lord, we always the church, exist in this priesthood, 
“rejoice and continue to rejoice,” that even from the Deacon’s oflicc to the 
the Lord is freeing us from all the office of the first President of the 
false doctrines, principles, practices, whole church. And to us there is a 
and all the evil spirits which are cith- i beauty in the doctrine of otic Lord, 
er influencing or governing all the va- one Priesthood, one faith, one baptism, 
rious delusions of the world. Wc one church, one name, and one hope 
feel that Christ has made us free, and of our calling. 

that “wc are free indeed.” Our num- We feel that independence and 
hers, as in our beginning, arc few; manliness about us that when we are 
but few as wc are, wc have never convinced of an error in word, in 
met in the name of the Lord, but that deed, or in doctrine or principle we 
we have felt and enjoyed the divine arc not only willing, but we rejoice 
operations and influences of the Iloly in the privilege of seeing it and turn- 
Spirit of our God. I ing away from it. Our whole object 

Our design is to faithfully move j is to know and do the truth; and no- 
onward, so as to increase in spiritual j thing ljut simple, unadulterated truth. 
liirhH divine intelligence, and in power j will answer our purpose. Error ne- 
witb God. and in" favor with all the 1 ver sanctified one intelligent man, but 
honest in heart. We have no fears j truth has thousands. And indeed ali 
as to the future, so far as THE “the church of the first born” who 



are glorified, have received their glory of the night; by the Urim and Thum- ' 

by embracing, and then faithfully fol- mim, and by the voice of the Holy • < 

lowing after diamond truth. And Ghost. God is a spiritual being, and \ < 
one great truth which we esteem the our “inner man” is a spiritual sub- ' 

very pedestal, — the only foundation stance. Corporal matter can join '• 

on which the whole Christian system with, or act on corporeal matter. — « 

stands. Yes, the only basis of all the And spiritual existences can unite 
dispensations of God s goodness to with, act on, or communicate to oth- 1 

man, exists in the principle and the er spirits. And hence man, being 1 

continued practice of “the direct rev- composed of matter and spirit coin- 
elation of God to man." This is the bined, can be influenced by objects 1 

beginning of our faith, and will be of this world, and also hold converse < 

the end of our salvation. We love with the “spirit world,” and thus re- < 

the idea, and we love the practice ceive direct intelligence and instruc- • 

more, because it fraternizes with ev- tion from his Creator. Hence it is < 

cry principle revealed in God’s sacred said “There is a spirit in man; and < 

books, with all the principles of our i the inspiration of the Almighty giveth 1 
intelligence, and with all the warm- them understanding.” Again, “The 1 

est affections of our own hearts.— spirit of man is the candle or lamp of : 

Were It not for our belief in this prin- the Lord.” There is a spiritual un- 
eiple, we could not be religious. But ion and communion between the Lord ' 
thanks be to the Lord that we ever and those who belicVe in and enjoy 
learned it by embracing the book of direct revelations from him that no * 
Mormon — by uniting with the church other beings can either realize or en- 
of Christ— by becoming familiar with joy. It is' an clement in which the t 
Joseph and David, the Lord’s Proph- carnal mind cannot dwell. Those , 1 

cts— and by learning the principle by only who have partaken of “the di- | 
direct inspiration from God, or rather vine nature of Christ” can undcr- 
we received the gift from heaven by stand it or be happy in such a state, 
yielding obedienefe to the gospel of I, as scribe, have written revela- | 
Christ. Ed. tions from the month of both the 

— 7 * I Revelators, Joseph Smith and David 

RE\ ELA'IIONS. Whitmcr. And I have been present 

many times when others wrote for 

I he manner of receiving the word Joseph ; therefore I speak as one 
of the Lord is a subject upon which having experience. The scribe seats § 

I have thought much. I mean the himself at a desk or table, with pen. 
manner and way that holy men of ink and paper. The subject of cn- 
old received and wrote the scriptures quiry being understood, the Prophet 
of truth. And as I publish some rev- and Revelator enquires of God. He 
illations in this ]\o., I 'would so far as spiritually secs, hears and feels, and \ 

1 understand it, give my views. Be- then speaks as he is moved upon bv 
fore Adam fell, no doubt the Lord the Holy Ghost, the “thus saith the 
talked with him face to face, as a man Lord,” sentence after sentence, and s 
talks with his friend. After he fell, waits for his amanuenses to write and 
this spiritual union ceased until after j then read aloud each sentence. Thus 
repentance and adoption. These they proceed until the revelator says 
holy men received “the word” from Amen, at the close of what i§ then 
God by his’ own voice, by the hand, communicated. 1 have known both 
mediation or ministration of Angels; those men mentioned above, to seat I 
by open visions of the day, or dreams themselves, & without premeditation. 

' 99 


to thus deliver off in broken senten- known and well understood by those 
ces, some of the most sublime pieces men, many weeks and months betore 
of composition which I ever perused J visited them. I have made the a- 
in any book. But here I might be bove remarks because I have been 
asked, do you endorse the principles charged with waking up the Prophet 
and conduct of Joseph Smith? And in his duty, and because some have 
I answer no. His professional career thought that those men acted without 
for irood wound up with his appoint- mature deliberation, 
ment of David, his successor, in the On the 4th of Sept., about sunset, 
year 1834. Between this period and I arrived in Richmond, Ray Co., Mo., 
the time when the church was first at the residence of David Whitmer, 
organized in 1830, I believe Joseph We spent until midnight s hour m la- 
endeavored to live a holy life, but miliar converse relative to lus gilts 
after that important event he never and callings from God, and concern- 
even professed to give but a few rev- ing the great work of the last days, 
elations, and in them I have no con- Not ajar appeared in our sentiments 
fidence. In those published in this or feelings, and we retired. On the 
paper given through David, I have 5th, he had an engagement, but m the 
all confidence. They were dictated, evening die, his bro. Jacob, and my- 
I believe, bv the power of the Holy self, retired to a lonely place, and 
Spi r j t ' Ed. there under the cover of the night, 

* * n and of the forest, David gave me a 

, OUR TOUR WEST IN 1847. succinct history of the dealings of 

the Lord with him back until the year 

When I published the third number 1839, when I had last seen him. At 
of this paper, I did not then deem it the close of this interesting interview 
wisdom to publish the particulars of we bowed together in the stillness ot 
the conference held in Far West, on a late hour at night, in the shady 
the 7th and 8lh days of Sept., with ! grove, and each vocally called upon 
| some of the original “witnesses” of God, the one after the other, while 
the book of Mormon. But as circnm- his Holy Spirit distilled upon our 
stances have transpired since, and as hearts as the morning dew. 
matters now stand, we believe it to On the 0th, 'David and Jacob VVliit- 
be our duty to present to our readers mer, and Hiram Page, accompanied 
a history of that important confer - 1 me to Far West, to visit their broth- 
cncc. But let us premise a little here. | cr John Whitmer. On the 7th, in 
It will be remembered that in Dec. j the morning, we bowed in family 
1846 I wrote a long letter to Prcsi- 1 prayer — David being mouth. But in 
dent David Whitmer. And in March the midst of his prayer his own weak- 
and April following, I published the ness, and the greatness of the work 
first and second numbers of this pa- ot the Lord pressed in full \ lew be- 
per, and immediately sent them to fore himj lie shrunk and cried aloud 
him and his friends. When I parted for mercy. His head as it were, was 
with 0. Cowdery the last of July, in I a fountain of tears, and his eyes 
Wisconsin, he immediately wrote to streams of water; his whole frame 
David and acquainted him with the ; trembled and shook under the power 
fact that I was on my wav to make ot God, and his natural strength be- 
hirn a visit. This letter he had re- gan to give way, and he cried out 
c.elved some davs before I arrived.— “ Brethren lay hands upon me that I 
Hence the whole matter of the stand may have strength to do my duty.” 
I we had taken in Kirtland was well We arose and ministered to him; and 


if ever deep and powerful feeling will walk with me by faith, and be | 
filled my whole heart, that was the prepared as a bride when the face of 
time. He received strength and con- the covering shall be taken off of all 
eluded his prayer. flesh, and heaven be revealed unto 

After breakfasting, we retired to a men. Come then unto me and I will 
pleasant inner room, and dedicated own you. Let rny servant William, 
ourselves to God, in a council capaci- who has separated himself unto mei 
ty; and then held a free and lengthy to obey the voice of my spirit, though 
consultation about the first rise and all manner of evil be spoken against 
progress of the work from the year him therefor, repent and turn away 
1827 up to 1834, and onward to the henceforth from all blindness of mind, 
present time. We conversed freely, and harshness of spirit, and fear of 
and particularly about the re-organi- evil doers; and let him trust in me 
zation of the same church by us in 
Ivirtland, in Feb. 1847. I was par- 
ticular to relate to them all the great 
and important principles made known 
to us, and upon which we had acted. 

The following revelation which we 
had received on the 10th of Feb. pre- 1 shall go forward to please me, as you 
ceding, which was the cause of the j have taken upon you the name’ of 
re-organization, was read and ap- : Christ, mine Anointed, then it will 
proved: “Verily I the Lord say unto j be pleasing unto me that you should 1 
those who are now present, who have 
bowed before me and unitedly asked 
in the name of Jesus, to know my 
will, I am not angry with you, but 
the Angels rejoice over you when I Priesthood which you had’ received * 
they behold your faith in me; and in my church. Yea, let my servant ,, 

your willingness to receive light, and j William baptize and confirm, and then J 

truth at my hand. And if you will : re-ordain my servnat Martin. And 
continue to be united in my name, j thus shall he confirm his authority 
and keep the covenant which you j upon him by the laying on of hand’s 
have now made that you will always I and saying, Brother Martin 1 lav mv 
obey my voice, and always seek unto I hands upon you in the name of Jesus 
me when you lack wisdom ; verily I : Christ, and I re-ordain you, and con- < 
the Lord, will lift you up, and no firm upon you the office of high priest 
power of evil shall ever prevail a- in the church of Christ, after the holv 
gainst you: but I will bless you and j order of the Son of God. And I pray 
lead you, and I will he your Itulcr in 'God in the name of Jesus, his son, to 
lime, and in eternity you shall dwell j give unto you in your calling, all the a 
with me in peace. It is. my -will that j gifts and blessings and powers thereof. ' J 
inasmuch as you have taken upon and keep you faithful unto the end. 
you my name, that you should now amen. And then let my servant 
be freed from all your dead works, Martin administer unto my servant 
from all evil spirits, and from all un- William in the same manner, accord- 
righteousness, by being born into the ing to the same pattern. And then 
church by obedience to the ordinan- let my servant Leonard likewise re- 
ces of baptism and confirmation, that ceive’the same ministration. r~ y 
1 may build up unto myself a holy “Yea, let my servants William and 
people, zealous of good works ; who Martin and Leonard, do as the spirit 

also take upon you mine ordinances 
of baptism and confirmation, and then 
re-ordination — or rather a confirma- 
tion of the holv authority of the 

continually lor deliverence, and I the 
Lord will hold him in mine own 
hands, and lulfil all my promises to 

“And now in as much as you de- 
sire to know mv will and how von 


of truth now directs them, and in I you from the beginning, and have 
which they feel a clearness, and I the : seen that in your hearts dwelt truth, 
Lord will open the way before you and righteousness. And now I re- 
as seemeth to me good, and no pow- veal unto you my friends, through 
er shall stay my hand, but I will ac- my beloved son, your Savior. And 
complish my work and that speedily, for the cause of my church it must 
For gainsayers shall be confounded, needs have been that ye were cast 
but my people who know my voice out from among those who had pol- 
a and follow me shall rejoice and con- luted themselveS'and the holy author- 
tinue to rejoice; and the glory shall ity of their priesthood, that I the 
be ascribed unto me, instead of unto Lord could preserve my holy priest- 
•jt man. hood on earth, even on this land on 

‘■And now concerning the authori- which I the Lord have said Zion 
ty of my servant David, I would say should dwell, 
unto you that no man being directed Now marvel not that I have pre- 
by my spirit will ever condemn what served you and kept you on this land, 
my spirit now teaches you. Go for- It was for my purpose, yea even for 
ward then, that my designs in the a wise purpose, that the world and 
work ot the last days may prosper my church should not know, speaking 
in your hands. And now I say unto after your manner of language; for 
you. to always trust in me, and you my church for a time did not dwell on 
shall never be confounded, worlds earth, — speaking of the righteousness 
without end, amen.” of the church of Christ. For verily, 

Every part and principle of the verily saith the Lord, even Jesus, 
above was scanned, and as I supposed your Redeemer, they have polluted 
well understood by all those present, my name, and have done continually 
; Wc then agreed to call upon the Lord wickedness in my sight, therefore 
to know his mind and will concerning shall they be led whithersoever I will 
s those who were there present. And j and but few shall remain to receive 
we agreed or covenanted to implicit- ' their inheritances. Therefore I say 
ly obey what the Lord might reveal j unto you my son David, fear not, for 
to us. I took my scat at a table prc- ! I am your Lord and your God; and 
pared to write; David took his seat I have held you in my own hands, 
near to roe, and he requested the You shall continue your inheritance 
others to gather near around him. — on this my holy land; and it is for a 
Then alter a few moments of solemn wise purpose in me, which purpose 
secret prayer, the following was de- shall be revealed hereafter, 
livered solely through and by David It is even for the testimony that 
Whitmer, as the Revelator, and writ- all those who are present have borne 
ten by me as scribe, viz: and remain honest therein, that the 

“ Veiily, verily thus saith the Lord covenants that I the Lord have given 
unto you my servants David, and you should be kept sacred on this 
John, and William, and Jacob, and iand, and were it not so, you could 
Hiram, it is for my name’s sake saith not now receive wisdom at’ my hand, 
the Lord God of hosts, that your For I the Lord had decreed that my 
sins are now forgiven, and that you | people, who had taken upon them my 
shall have my word concerning you. holy name, should not pollute the land 
Therefore marvel ye not that I the by 'the holy authority of their priest- 
Lord your God have dealt with you hood.) Now I say unto you that my 
on this wise, concerning you on this church may again arise, she must ac- 
land. Behold I have looked upon knowledge before me that they all 



have turned awav from me and built 
up themselves. Even in the pride of 
their own hearts have they done wick- 
edness in my name, even all manner 
of abominations, even such that the 
people of the world never was guilty 

Therefore I the Lord have dealt eo 
marvelously with my servant Wil- 
liam. Therefore I have poured out 
my spirit upon him from time to time, 
that the “ man of sin ” might be re- 
vealed through him. To him I have 
given my Holy Spirit. I have inspired 
his heart to discern the true princi- 
ples of my kingdom, that he may a- 
gain buiid up my ehurch as from the 
beginning. Therefore I have inspired 
him to build it up according to my 
law. Therefore he shall continue to 
do all things according to the pattern 
that I have shown to him. Now I 
say unto you my servant William, 
that you may not err, be meek and 
humble before me, and you shall al- 
ways know by mv spirit the correct 
principles of my kingdom. There- 
fore. I the Lord command you to in- 
struct all the honest in heart, and to 
break down all those false theories 
and principles of all those who claim 
to hold authority from my church. — 
And the work that thou shalt do in 
my kingdom shall be to preach and 
to gather out those who are honest 
in heart, whithersoever thou canst 
find them. And after this mission 
thou shalt return towards thy home 
and preach wherever my spirit com- 
mands thee. For I have a work for 
thee to do in the land where thy fam- 
ily resides. For there shalt thy work 

Thou shalt build up my church 
even in the land of Kirtland, and set 
forth all things pertaining to my king- 
dom. Thou shalt write concerning 
the downfall of those who once com- 
posed my church, and set forth to the 
world by the light and power of my 
spirit, why I the Lord did not prosper 

them. For verily, verily thus saith 
the Lord unto you, thine heart have 
I prepared to do this work. It must 
needs be, in as much as they have all 
wandered and been led astray in 
many instances, that they must now 
be proven and tried, so that they may 
learn to keep my law, and do my 
will, saith the Lord your God. And 
if they prove themselves holy before 
me, then they shall have my word 1 
and my- law from Zion. Therefore 
have I the Lord said that “the meek 
shall inherit the earth,” even so, a- 

One thing in the foregoing revela- 
tion came in direct contact with one 
of my previous opinions. I had sup- 
posed that Kirtland would become 
the residence of David, the Lord's " 
Prophet. But while I was marveling 
in my mind how the work could go 
on and he remain in Missouri, and 
also freely speaking to John Whit- 
mer some of my thoughts and feel- 
ings on the subject, brother David * 
came and seated himself near me a- 
gain, and said, brother William, the f 
Lord has something more for us, and 
you may write again. And the word jfl 
of the Lord came as follows : 

“ Behold I the Lord, say unto you 
my friends, in as much as you have i; 
covenanted to be my friends, and to 
keep all my commandments, I will i 
reveal unto you this mystery, which 
you have sought for; that in as much 
as it was expedient in me to preserve 
my church or a remnant thereof, a- 
greeable to the covenants which I 
have made with all the holy saints 3 
from the beginning of the world. — -I 

Therefore as I had built up my king- 
dom according to my holy order, and f 
placed you upon this land, and conse- 
crated you to the holy order of my 
priesthood, therefore my servant Da- 
vid if thou should’st leave this land, d 
and those of thy brethren who havo y 



remained with thee, then you shall 
forfeit your right and make the word 
of God of none elfect. For I have 
said unto you in days past and gone, 
that but few should remain to receive 
. their inheritances. 'Therefore a com- 
mandment I give unto you my ser- 
vant. David, and also my servants 
i John, and Hiram, and Jacob, that 
i you must remain until I command 
& you, and then you shall only be per- 
mitted to visit the faithful in my kmg- 
8 dom. For now ye do hold the right 
of this, the consecrated land of Zion, 
that in the fulness of time your breth- 
ren may claim by right of the covc- 
nant which ye have kept, inheritances 
in the land of Zion. Now I say unto 
you all, that from time to time ye 
I shall see and know by my Spirit all 
things pertaining to these words which 
I have now given you. Now I say 
{ no more unto you concerning this 
; matter, even so, amen.” 

With the above I was perfectly 
satisfied. Cause and effect were both 
\ set forth, and we felt to acquiesce. — 
But then I saw what a great respon- 
t sibilitv would rest on me, especially 
l when I should return to Kirtland. I 
I then saw and in some measure real- 
: ized, that we should see each other 
I -but seldom. Near a thousand miles 
, would separate us and our fields of 
labor, — for a season at least. And I 
said in my heart, 0 Lord, if thou 
hast a word of intelligence more for 
me, reveal it, O reveal it now to me ! 

I expressed my anxiety^ to my breth- 
ren present, and the enquiry being 
; made, the Lord through his servant 
David, made known, while I wrote 
, the following : 

“Verily, verily thus saith the Lord 
your God, unto you my servant Wil- 
liam, as I have shown unto you at 
| many a time by the power of my 
spirit, that I have called you to my 1 
| work, Therefore I admonish you to : 

be meek and lowly in heart, that you 
may have my spirit always to be with 
you. For it must needs be that you 
must have my spirit, even the spirit 
of discernment. For thou shalt dis- 
cern between the righteous and the 
wicked, for there will be many spirits 
which shall manifest themselves in 
the church of Christ. And it must 
needs be that my servants who teach 
my people must discern all these 
things. Therefore I have given you 
the pattern, and the power, and the 
wisdom, and the understanding, to 
build up my church in Kirtland, to be 
a standard and a light to the inhabit- 
ants of the earth, that they may know 
that the church of Christ is estab- 
lished here on earth. And I the Lord 
will that you should teach my ser- 
vants at Kirtland. and else-whcre, to 
adhere toHlie order of my church as 
it is written in the holy scriptures; 
that all who have not obeyed the 
gospel in my church may be taught 
the principles of my church in the 
light of truth and righteousness, in all 
holiness and meekness before me, saith 
your God. For it is wisdom in me 
saith the Lord, that my people who 
name my name should observe har- 
mony and good order, that the truth 
of God may prevail among the chil- 
dren of men.” 

But here David said a vision opened 
before him, and the spirit which was 
upon him bid him stop and talk to me 
concerning it. He said that in the 
bright light before him he saw a small 
chest or box of very curious and fine 
workmanship, which seemed to be" 
locked, but he was told that it con- 
tained precious things, and that if I 
remained faithful to God, I should ob- 
tain the chest, and its contents. I 
marveled at this relation, from the 
fact that on the 29th day of April, 
1844, while in vision, I saw the same 
or a similar chest, and received a 
similar promise from the Spirit which 



talked with me. I was told that it 
contained “ the treasures of wisdom 
*nd knowledge from God.” 

At this point we counselled partic- 
ularly relative to the authority bv 
which the church was reorganized in 
Xirtland, and the reasons why the 
Lord required us to be re-baptized, 
■confirmed, ordained. They said the 
principles and reasons which had ac- 
tuated us were correct, and that they 
were ready. They felt it, the’ Y said, 
to be their duty to do as we had done. 
But it was late in the afternoon, arid 
was raining, therefore we deemed it 
wisdom to wait until morning. Here 
objecters could not reasonably find 
lault and say that these men were 
over-persuaded, or that they acted 
m haste-in this important matter. — 
But morning came, and a beautiful 
iright day it was too. We repaired 
to the water about a mile distant, and 
there on the bank of a beautiful 
stream, we dedicated ourselves to 
God in the united solemn prayer of 
lauh. I then led those four man into 
the water and ministered to them in 
the name of the Lord Jesus. But as 
we returned again to our council 
room, brother David and I turned 
aside, and called upon the Lord, and 
received direct instruction how we 
should further proceed. And we all 
partook of bread and wine in remem- 
brance of the Lord Jesus. I then 
confirmed those who were now born 

into the church of Christ, anew. 

And then (as directed) 1 ordained H. 

I age to the office of High Priest, in 
the holy priesthood which is after the 
order of the Son of God. And we 
'two ordained Jacob Whitmer to the 
same office. Then we all laid hands 
on John Whitmer and re-ordained 
him to the priesthood, and to be 
counsellor to Pavid in the first presi- 
dency of the church. And then with 
the most solemn feelings which I ever 
-fenced, we stepped forward and 
all laid hands upon David and re-or- 

dained him to all the gifts and call- 
ings to which he had been appointed 
through Joseph Smith, in the general 
assembly of the inhabitants of Zion 
m July 1S34. , The above being ac- 
complished, David said to me we will 
now inquire of God, and finish the 
revelation to you, commenced on 
yesterday; and we received the fol- 
lowing, viz: 

“Now again I the Lord say unto 
you my servant William, that von 
must bo contented with what you have 
received concerning Zion. Thou 
shalt again return to the land of Kirt- 
lanu, and there thou shalt teach and 
expound, and write all things concer- 
ning my kingdom. For to thee have 
1 given power, and in as much as you 
ask wisdom concerning those matters 
relative to my church, thou shalt in 
no wise stumble. For I the Lord 
willeth that my people should know 
the great preparation that must be 
brought about in establishing this last 
kingdom. Therefore I command thee 
to do all things in wisdom; and set 
torth no points concerning the re- 
demption of Zion, for that matter re- 
mained with me, and I shall see to 
it as seemeth me good, that 1 may 
have all the glory thereof. There- 
fore it must needs be that you instruct 
all my servants concerning these inat- 

teis, and this for my cause’s sake. 

And thou shalt teach them to instruct 
ail men that they are only called to 
preach the gospel, and build up the 
church of Christ here on earth ac- 
cording to that which is written. 

1 Say y nt0 V ou > m '/ servant 

William, to thee have I given wis- 
dom''and light, therefore teach them 
m spirit and in truth, and thou shalt 
be blessed in thy calling. And now 
von know your calling, therefore see 
to it, and I will bless you forever; A- 
men. At this point we closed our 
conference. W. E. McLELLLN. 





By reading tl)e foregoing revelations and 
narrative attentively, our friends can see 
plainly what the Lord requires of David 
Whitmer. And can also see the duty of 
W. E. McLellin. And can assuredly see 
what is aud will be the fate of that people 
who rose up in Danite fury, hurled defiance 
at all civil law, and cast out from among 
them the Lord s chosen witnesses. “But 
few of them will remain to receive their in- 
heritances.” That people called the Lat- 
tbr-day Saints, have polluted themselves, 
polluted the name of the church, and also 
polluted the holy authority of their priest- 
hood. And lest they should pollute the land 
of Zion, the Lord suffered them to be driven 
out from it. Now to suppose that any par- 
ty of L. D. Saints will ever really prosper, 
is to suppose that the Lord has spoken false- 
ly ih the above revelations through his ser- 
vant David. It matters not to me whether 
it is the Twelveites in the wilderness, the 
Wightites in Texas, the Strangles in Wis- 
consin, the Brewsterites scattered up and 
down, or the Wm. Smithites of Covington, 
Ky. All, yes, .all of them, as parlies, are 
doomed to disappointment and wo. But few 
of them will ever come into the true fold of 
Christ and be saved. They seem wedded 
to their idols. They appear to love their 
heresies, their false principles and their false 
doctrines, and still yet they love their abom- 
inable practices more. Notwithstanding 
there are many among them wfiom we once 
Joved in the truth, yet because of their prin- 
ciples and their practices, we are bound by 
the duty that we owe to God, to ourselves 
and to our race to speak thus plainly con- 
cerning them. O that they had walked in 
the commandments of their God, then at 
this day they would have been the most 
lovely people on the face of the whole earth. 



Upon this subject much has been written, 
and many, very many, elaborate discourses 
delivered, by some of the most able roason- 
ers in the different ages of the world. With- 
in this century, and even during the last 
twenty years, there hak been much discus- 
sion and disputation upon the nature of the 
gift aud work of the Holy Spirit. It is a 
subject that we have had under consideration 
ever since our first thoughts on Christianity: 
but more especially so for the last oighleon 
years. During that time we have had sev- 

eral public discussions, (debates,) with men 
of superior powers of mind; consequently 
we think we understand some of the strong 
points on this all important subject. And 
after thus maturing our subject, tee firmly 
believe that men may now exercise as much 
faith, and enjoy as much of the Holy Spirit, 
as in any former age.of the world. 

We shall not in this treatise enter into all 
the speculations ofgifted minds upon this 
subject; but content ourselves with stating 
plainly and frankly, our virws, as we have 
done and shall do on all subjects on which 
we write. The nature of the influences, 
manifestations and gifts of the Holy Spirit 
is a matter which especially interests every 
person who desires eternal life. 

The inspired Apostle says, “if any man, 
— yes, any man, have not the spirit of Christ 
he is none of his.” Again, “ss many as are 
led by the spirit of God, they are the sons 
of God.” Adam was a son of God, and he 
communed familiarly with his Father, as a 
man talks with his friend, face to face, seem- 
ingly without a veil between them. He 
rested on the love, light and glory of his 
Creator, until thb law was broken, and the 
fatal fruit swallowed — in consequence of 
which he was cast out, became an alien, and 
a curse rested upon all the earth for his sake, 
or on account of his transgression. There- 
fore it became necessary that the plan of 
salvation should be revealed toman through 
Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit 
working among men, in order, that man 
might be redeemed from death. 

The very first thing received by the adop- 
ted child of God is the Holy Spirit. The 
spirit of Christ is that which the soul re- 
ceives when, “the strong man armed,” is 
cast out. It is that which makes the chil- 
dren, when adopted into the kingdem, cry 
“My Father, my Father;” — that which 
makes their worship acceptable to the spir- 
itual Head. It is tho witness of that spirit 
with theirs by which they know their ac- 
ceptance with God. It is the work of the 
Holy Spirit hy which the saints are led and 
guided into all truth, and can know the things 
of God from the things of the Devil. It is 
that in which they live and walk, and by 
which they will be sanctified and sealed 
unto the day of redemption. It is the earnest 
of their inheritance until the redemption of 
their bodies: and finally, it is the Holy 
Spirit which each saint enjoys, bv which 
their mortal bodies will be quickened, and 
brought forth in the first resurection — when 
all the righteous who have ever lived since 
Adam (except those translated, and those 
who rose immediately after Jesus rose,) will 



b, ^ l,m win s»st i is iiJ&sj-te*. ■"»? "»" 

. ... t . n will uo U1SI 

°f which their minds will then search, learn, 
expand and comprehend the things of God 
in eternity; “for the spirit searches all 
things; yea, the deeo things of God.” 

Now, if in the redemption of fallen man, 

r . "7 vu * upon mem. 

And the Lord “pot no difference between 
Jew and Gentile in this important matter. 

h.r V ’ 9 ' B 1 t “* . t0 thi8 W belonging to 
all believers who obey the Gospel, we Will 
quote again, Acta v-32: -And we are wit- 

« much depends upon ,h7agenc; or work Asses’ ^'.he ,h- ' “a** W * are wit ‘ 

of the Holy Spirit, we should certainly ex- Holy Ghost whom Pod Trl “ '* alao * he 
amine the subject closely, and see to it that thatobav him ” h £ tk g . ,Ven 10 them 
we are n„t il : 1 mat obey him. I, This quotation settles the 

we are not deceived in so important a mot- 
ter. \\ o will now notice a fow points in 
tins subject as being the most important. 
^ irst. W hat the Savior promised the Holy 
Spirit should do when shed forth. Second- 
y, W hat the fruits of the Spirit are in true 
ehexers. Ihirdly, What the spiritual gifts 

U'prn on/l n./. : .. .1.. . /-a, , r . 

. .Ik i — • & * w«ow«on semes the 

whole matter, that all-yes, male and female 
Jew and Gentile, bond and free, received 
not o gift of the Holy Spirit only, but the 
spirit itself. Then, according to the above, 
every one born into the kingdom of Christ, 
wil receive the spirit of that kingdom. Jesus 
said so, “Except a man be born of wator, 

Ann t tlm l 7 

were and are in the true Church of Christ andof’tte a man be born of wator, 

First, the Savior said to his followers' Kingdom » te TT 6mer int ° 

“Nevertheless, I tell you the truth- itiaex’ Pmoh , m . 0 ^ Got *- ,^ nd every inspired 

oedieoi for „o„ ,1... fl ,r *£.'! ex - 1 Fropbet since the world began believed the 

same great truth. Hence we see what Je- 
sus promised, and also see the effects which 
were to follow— that the object of the gift of 
the Holy Spirit was to inspire, to justify, to 
sanctify, and then to glorify all who received 
it— and would retain it unto the end. 

Secondly, what the fruits of the Holy 
Sp'ritaro in true believers. The fruit of 
Ol the Spirit, growing out of its reception, 
or following from its effects upon the heart 
is that without which no being can be a 
Christian. Because the first is a natural 
production when the Gospel truths are plant- 
ed in the heart by the preaching of the word 
and the reception of the Holy Spirit. Paul 
saio, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy 
peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, 
faitli. meekness, temperance, • • • right- 
eousness and truth, against which there is 
no law 1 he above fruit of the Spirit as 
naturally flows from its reception as water 

run a din VI' n K;il a -A .t r 

7 - jvu i.jv (min, ii is ex- 
pedient for you that I go away; for if I go 
not away the comfortenviil not come unto 
you. John 16-7. Again, “Behold I send 
the promise of my Father upon you: but 
tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem until ve be 
endued talk power from on high.” Luke 
xxix-49. Reader, examine the following 
texts at your leisure, and then we will pro- 
ceed again, viz; John xiv-15, 17, 26; xv-2G; 
xxi-,, J5. Prom the foregoing we will con- 
denae or extract a few short sentences show- 
ing what the Holy Spirit was to do when 
received. “He (the Comforter, savs Jesus,) 
shall (each you all things, shall ' bring all 
things to your remembrance, shall testify of 
me, will guide you into all truth, and lie will 
show yon things to come.” Here five dis- 
tinct points, or manifestations of the Holy 
Spirit are brought to view— to bo realized 
when the disciples received that vneit on from 
the Holy One, by which tliby should A-« 0 ieall 
things.” t. • • • 

r / j naturally now 

memory, to testify of CW, to ^rnde i mo all t h a t^rol is thro * h ^ lb | 8 V . ery f,r8t thri11 
truth, and to show futurity, viz: things to that “other the ?, 0 “*» ** ,en it receives 
come ” But says one, the promise was"o* he the Spl it And i* ? hol { f ™ il " f 
apostles only, and not “lo all them who be- Lnel, last ecstatic thrill that 

Jieve on him through their word.” Bd it so will be T-' 11 t'° r , feel in lime 

vet he who held the keys of the kingdom of ear h v * ° G °s V, be Hi * hest ’ 

tho a day n* Pcnl^'wWtoh^ 1 'waHefful" bring" f” C / nL ' re ^ tion onhl^who 

.,rp « « | " T 7 V..SV...WU IIIC prumiriC 

loan the Jews, and to their children, and 
to all that are afar off; even as manv as the 
Lord our God shall call.” And on 'the day 
of Pentecost when the Apostles received 
their entitlement there were about one han- 
dred and twenty who received it, both men , 
and women. Both at Samaria and Ephesus 

, . r J — Uiciruiiwilicn 

workb by love and purifies the heart, in re- 
alitv and not in name only. When such are 
united in a church capacity, and have the 
inspired .ministers (and God acknowledges 
none others;) there they may and it is their 
duty to covet earnestly the best gift., oper- 
ations and manifestations of the Spirit also; 

fnnt anr>h hn/ I. — l*. * 

the believers rece ed .eH,v 'LIT* 8 " d ™ nifes,atioils Sp 

they had obeyri the ££ 7 A& at ^ Ilf ft # into an holy 

i ~ - c »— - 4wss«? 



that they might grow up into Christ their 
living Head in all things. 

Thirdly, What the spiritual gifts were 
and are in the true church of Christ? In 
answer to this proposition we shall introduce 
the Book of Mormon, as well as the New 
Testament, having equal confidence in the 
one as in the other. Dear reader, if you 
have prejudices, they will do you no good; 

• lay them all aside and travel with us into 
this weighty subject. Peter and Paul who 
held the ministry of the Gospel to both Jew 
and Gentile, certainly understood this sub- 
; ject. Let them answer. Peter said to the 
; Jews on Pentecost, repeating Joel’s words, 
“Your sons and your daughters shall prophe- 
sy, and your young men see visions, and 
your old men shall dream dreams.” “And 
I as I began to speak the Holy Ghost ] 
fell on them, (Cornelius’ household,) as on 
us at the beginning. For as much then as 
God gave them the like /rift so he did unto 
us who believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, 
what was I that I could withstand God?” 
Here on this devoted Gentile family the Lord 
poured out not only the Holy Ghost, but its 
gifts also. Now if Joel and Peter's words 
were true — were fulfilled — this family saw- 
visions, spake in tongues, prophesied and 
dreamed dreams by the influence and gifts 
of the spirit of God. Paul says, , “Now there 
are diversities of gifts, but the same spirit, 
— for to one is given by the spirit the word 
of wisdom; to another tho word of knowl- 
edge; to another faith; to another gifts of 
healing; to another the working of miracles; 
to another prophecy; to another diserning 
of spirits; to another divers kind of tongues, 
and to another the interpretation of tongues.” 
Maroni, Chap. 10. “And there are different 
ways that the gifts are administered ; but 
it is the same God who worketh all in all; 
and they are given by the manifestations of 
the spirit of God unto men, to profit them. 
J^or behold, to one is given the spirit of 
God, that he may teach the word of wisdom, 
and to another that he may teach tho word 
of knowledge by the same spirit; and to an- 
other exceeding great faith; and to another 
the {gifts of healing by the same spirit. And 
again, to another, that he may work mighty 
miracles: and again, to another that lie may 
propecy concerning all things: and again to 
another, the beholding of angels and miuis- 
tering spirits; and again to another, all 
kinds of tongues; and again to another, in- 
terpretation of languages of divers kinds of 
tongues. And all these gifts come by the 
spirit of Christ; and they come unto every 
man severally, according to his will. And 
all these gifts of which I have spoken, 

which are spiritual never will be done away, 
even as long as the world.stnnd, ooly accord- 
ing to the unbelief of the children of men. 
And now I (Moroni,) speak untosll the ends 
of the earth, that if the day cometh that the 
power and gifts of God shall be done away 
among you, it shall be because of unbelief. 
And wo be unto the children of men, if this 
be the case; for there shall be none that do- 
eth good among you, no not one. For if 
there be one among you that dneth good, he 
shall work by the power and gifts of God.” 
All the above gifts and powers were enjoyed 
in the beginning of the gospel dispensation: 
and that too by the brbtbrbk, as well as 
the Apostles. 

Fourthly, For what purpose were those 
gifts given by the Lord, and enjoyed by the 
saints? The books of God arc our standard. 
To them let us refer, and then not only be- 
lieve, but rely also on what they teach. -We 
think that the' design was certainly accom- 
plished under the immediate eye and teach- 
ing of those men, who held the destiny of 
the world in their hands: or, “who had the 
word of reconciliation committed unto 
them.” Jesus said to his disciples^ “These 
signs shall follow them that believe; in mv 
name they shall cast out devils, they shall 
speak with new tongues, they shall tnke up 
serpents, if they drink any deadly thing it 
shall not hurt them, they shall lav hands on 
the sick and they shall recover.” Every one 
who understands plnin English, will admit 
that these “signs” are to follow the believers 
in the gospel preached by the Apostolic 
ministry, and not to follow the Apostles onlv 
— nor not to go before to produce faith in 
unbelievers. The design in bestowing or 
conferring the above signs or gifts was to 
benefit individuals and the whole flock of 

But says one, the only great design was— 
to establish the truth of the gospel dispensa- 
tion. Let us see. We want truth upon this 
subject and the truth only. “And they [the 
ministers] went forth and preached every 
where, the Lord working with them and 
confirming the word with signs following, 
amen.” Now if the Lord’s object in giving 
those signs was to produce faith in the word 
instead of to confirm believers, then the signs 
should precede faith, and not follow after it. 
But Jesus said, “these signs shall follow,” 
which shows to us conclusively that they 
were given for the mutual benefit of all, both 
ministers and laity. Peter said, “Seeing 
ye have purified your souls in obeying the 
truth, through the spirit." Paul said, “But 
he that prophesyeth, speaketh unto men to 
edification, and exhortation, and comfort.” 



Now brethren, if I come to you speaking 
With tongues, tv bit .hall I profit yo u ; unl e „! 
1 apeak to you either by revelation or bv 

'‘r 8 ’ ° f by P ro P h - s y in e. or by doc- 
trine. ByeU aoye, for aa much aa ve are 


. . . . •’ 1W ' 08 inucn as V© are 

zealous of spiritual gift,, seek that ye may 

fs it the ‘h® t i,fy i np<ir,he church -' How 

• it then brethren? when ye/:ome together 

nn7^, e h° fyOU ha "! Hath ft" 

h * ?U , e ’ halh ° rcveUuion, hath 

8 'i thin ^ be d °"* into 
|- y rr! . Pau ' '° tl)e Ephesians, in speak- 
• In 8 , f Chn,t ? * 8Censi °n. and the gifts giv - 1 

uV r ° r tt ,e 18 for "hat 'hoy are gife„. 1 
For the perfecting °f the saints, for the 

tht lndfor the ed'fying of 
the body^fOKjat... Language could not 
be more plain. Reader, if those gilts were 

SZT 6 8 "d ‘ho only 

eaign was to aid them in their ministry' 

Ch y l f°K l f e lan ? uo e e addressed to the 

excel • • y v^h PO * tl rV “ Seek that ye Ina y 
0 f Christ ” I?! h “ e d'fyc&tion of the body 
. . * ^ C * n °t the head or ministry 

ofChris't' 1 1 ° A J ' fy ‘i 0 h°dy — the whole bot/y 
fl, j • Accord 'ng to the above the ob- 
ffi" deS ' g,i of ®P' r itual gifts is clear and 

to befn DOtWi , lh8 ' andinga!1 crea 'i°n seemed 
e opposed to the ancient saints, yet God 

**? "°* a8hara ®d to be called their God-by 
giving them gifts— and they were not 
ashamed to be called h,s peoplef by covetino 

i™ 1 -* d r inn e’ 

those gifts, and exercising themgclves in 
r ‘ n c ? rde t r t0 comf °« and edify 5 one ano- 

181 8f ' Te brought f«th 

gifts In Ln he ? ptnt ’ nnd en J°y ed all its : 
fimei reflecting upon those Apostolic 
times, we have often been led to exclaim 
, glorious day . O, happy hour!! O, blessed' 
people: who thus walked wiih their God 
and enjoyed his smiles!!! “Of whom the’ 
world was not worthy.” Thov i i 

the heights of the knowledge of God bj 
having visions, and by receiving direct rev- 
?' “'T- , Ve ;- jays inspiration, speaking 
lhern wbo ^ become dead I 
to the world, but alive unto their best inter- 
e»t -who had suffered all manner of 

counted ^L yea ’ lhe ,OS8 0f 811 'kings, and 

win Christ 88 l naUpht ’ ,hat ,bev "'is'-' 

. Glirist— win heaven— win eternal life- 
win celestial glorv in ■ >«, „ ■ ■ r 
God and Chrift dwdl Q 
listen to the voice of the Sni«. ^ J 61 Us 
them thus: “Ye l com ! Speaifi "? t0 

nnd ,L l e are come to mount Zion, 
bly and church of the first bfrn, which are 

t'he l hl°. r e r nr n' ed !“ beaven > ""<> "> God 
lhe judge of all, and to the spirits of jus: 

men made perfect, and to Jesus, the media- 

■al , »£ C0Venanu These individ- 
uals who had united in a perpetual cove- 
naut to serve the Lord, had kept their prem- 
?®’ 'key lived in the Spirit, and walked in 
the Spirit, until they could say in truth. 
tub SemtT TKACHES us ALL THINGS. Yes, 
all things in heaven, as well as on earth.— 
For some or all of them were caught away 
n and by the power of that Sptrit unto -tire 
i third heaven, and stood in the immediate 
presence ol God and the Lamb. Yes, they 
associated with embodied angels, and with 
disembodied spirits, or spirits of just men 
made perlec,. (), field of thought ! Ou? 
m od expands while writing upon this ex- 
aited giormus theme, and we can say with 
off , “ The Lord w iH give grace 

I and n ° good thing will he with- 

[ h ° .r?. m lhem 'kat walk uprightly.” 

. Ft thly, When did miraculous gTfls cease 

n the church, and what was the cause of 
their not continuing? 

That those supernatural gifts by the spir- 

of^rr: by « al1 eiasses in tbe ciM,rch 

we c. ‘ he brSt ages of Christianity, 
ve can see no room to dispute. Yes, en- 

j joyed both in the old world knd in the new 

tef * 10 lbe New Testament and the 

| bo ° k °[ Morm °n- That those gifts contin- 
i hnt'lA 6 ® an . ,fe » l among true believers du- 
ring the lifetime of the apostles, we do not 

B"? W ‘ bat Bny professcd Christian^ dispute! 
f h ‘ T" investigation we do not find that 

beHevere ' Congri ‘ gation8 of professed 
believers of the present day are^adurneu 

W'thjtnor edified by any miracclnn^rrids _ 

present uay are. adorn 

bv a,: >' '"iracoloiis'gifts. 
IN 0 . No.. Nor ever even hear (bam “ ea 
nes ! y contending for them,” but often hav 
Wt. heard them contend against them. 

C e a !e? ^[°, led V? in .1 u ' re when did the 
whh ,h» D d ll T y d,e ,n "'O first center 

.Tio la i oni 0 . did l ' ley Cea8e wbei 
Hoi A. r SC br ® th r en w h 0 received tin 
Holj Ghost from God-by the imposition o 
the apostles hands, took their ascent to th, 
I ' lme , 8 °! oslestial glory? And did the Lort 
i thus design that healings, tongues inter 
!E'° n “ f 'ungues, prophecy, visions, rev' 
l.ons, &.c. bcc., should die with the aims 
tol.c age, or the first hundred years of the 

Christ, an era ? , f ^ we W0(J , y J 

faith in this matter, as Paul said of ff.e res 
urreetmn his day, « Then our faith ?a 
am. Our preaching is vain also. And 
we are yet ,n our sins-.” Recause we fi-mly 

| jf the*e is"! ^^i ‘ ba( - We are commanded^ 
: 'here ts a mandate in the New Testa- 

ment to be Obeyed by any in this gS- 




tion. “To follow after charity and desire 
spiritual gifts.” Divine wisdom, we think, 
would not thus command us if it were not 
our privilege to obtain them — merely to 
mock us. But we are aware of the conse- 
quences of this doctrine; for once establish 
it, and that proves an apostate or false state 
of all religious societies and individuals 
who have not the “spiritual gifts.” And 
that people, and none other, who first ob- 
tain the gifts and authority from God to 
use them in wisdom, must raise. ‘The En- 
sign’ to all the honest in heart, in all na- 
tions, must lift up their voice and cry, — 
“Come out of her my people, that ye be not 
partakers of her sins, and that ye recdive 
not- of her plagues.” This cry or voice, 
John says he heard from heaven. Now if 
no church can be found among all the pres- 
ent denominations of Christendom, who 
communes with heaven by or through the 
medium of the “spiritual gifts,” then no 
people on earth can now raise that voice. — 
No, nor even receive the warning when it 
comes. For men could not hear the voice 
and obey its entreaty to “come out of her,” 
without a direct revelation from the Lord. 
And a revelation would be the exercise of 
one of the most precious of the spiritual 

The popular opinion is, that signs were 
given to produce faith in unbelievers — to 
establish the gospel dispensation. If this 
is true then we are wrong on this point, 
for we believe and teach, that spiritual gifts 
and manifestations, were given to confirm 
believers in the word of truth — were to fol- 
low believing, and not to go before, to create 
or make faith: that fnith comes by hearing 
the word, and not by seeing miracles. That 
spiritual gifts were given “for thc'cdifving 
ing of the body of Christ,” and not to con- 
vert sinners. That miracles will arrest the 
attention of the ungodly we would admit, 
and sometimes set them to listen to and ex- 
amine the truth, but they noverdid nor never 
will produce faith. 

We draw another argument for the en- 
joyment of spiritual gifts, from the express 
commandments of inspiratien to believers. 

1 Cor. 12: 31. The Apostle here says to 
ns and to “all in every place, who call upon 
the name of the Lord Jeans,” to “covet 
earnestly the best gilts.” What more ex- 
press commandment could be given? Could 
stronger language be used? — Covet, and do 
it earnest tv. He suid in the beginning 
of this chapter, “Now concerning spiritual 
gifts brethren, I would not have you igno- 
rant.” He then tells what the gifts are, 
and compares them to the members of the 

natural body of man, and; shows thereby 
their indispensable use in the body of Christ. 
In chapter 13, he shows us his “more ex- 
cellent way,” or the beauties, be^fits,& ex- 
cellencies of charily; without the enjoyment 
of which, all mysteries, faith, knowledge, 
and even “spiritual gifts,” would be nothing. 

Then the 14th chapter opens with anoth- 
er mandate from the skies to “ follow after 
charity, and desire spiritual gifts, but ra- 
ther that ye may prophesy.” And after 
contrasting to gift of prophecy, with the 
gift of tongues, and showing that to fore- 
tell future events, was more profitable to 
the church, in the 39th verse he says: — 
“ Wherefore, brethren, covet to prophesy, 
and forbid not to speak with tongues ." — 
Now here we would ask one important 
question, — Con Christians of the present 
day obey these commandments, or can they 
not? If they can, then our position is set- 
tled at once: but if they cannot, then pray 
what precept of the New Testament or of 
any of the word of God, can they obey? 

We finally maintain that believers in the 
Lord can obey those precepts uow, can ob- 
tain “the gifts” now; and if there was less 
contention in the world about forms, modes, 
and creeds, and more earnest contending 
“for the faith once delivered to the Saints,” 
for the power of godliness, for the gifts of 
the Spirit; then we should see more primi- 
tive order and saint-like holiness. 

But on the question, how long were those 
gifts to continue 1 we wish to say a few 
words. Paul, Eph. 18: 12, 13, in speaking 
of the gifts which Christ gave unto men — 
“For the perfecting of the saints, for the 
work of the ministry, and for the edifying 
of the body of Christ.” Vjfhen speaking in 
reference to the time that the gifts were to 
continue, he says, “ Till we all come into 
the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge 
of the Son of God.” If no other scripture 
spoke plainly on the subject of the continu- 
ance of the gifts, and of the time they were 
to cease, this one would would be sufficient. 
We have only to ask, have Christians ever 
enjoyed more of a oneness of faith and prac- 
tice than in the apostolic limes. Have they 
ever had a more perfect knowledge of the 
Son of God than then? All, all would say 
no. This admitted, and our point is gained', 
for Paul says of his times, in contrast with 
a day that is yet to come, “For we know in 
part, and we prophesy in part — we now see 
through a glass darkly, but then face to 
face. We might say, and we firmly be- 
lieve, that those gifts were given to remain, 
provided the church remained holy enough 
to retain them, “till the times of the restitu- 



lion of all thing*.” Then that which ia in 
pnrt shall be done away! And that, too, by 
divine appointment — not as they have been 
done away) for want of faith and obedience 
in (he church. 

But how long did those gifts continue to 
be enjoyed by the true believers! We an- 
swer — the last writer of the New Testa- 
ment, between the years ninety and one 
hundered, enjoyed them to a very full ex 

portent revelations by “ the gifts of the 
Spirit,” between the years 90 and 100. In 
the sixth year of the reign of Adrian, the 
Roman emperor, who succeeded Trajan in 
the year 117, became to Athens. Quadra- 
tus was then pastor of the church in that 
city, having succeeded Publius. He drew 
up an apology for the Christian religion, 
which he addressed and delivered to the em- 
peror. Eusebius has these remarkable aen- 

r .7 I H Xiuseotus nas these remarkable een- 
, 1 ’ .* 1" ,he . Sp,r, ‘ on ,he LotdV tencea— pago 123. “Of those that flotir- 

vo,ce > ns ‘hose times, Quadrates is said to 

f a trumpet, &c. But John s writings j have been distinguished for his prophetical 

gifts. There were many others also noted, 
for, leaving their country, they Derformed 
the office of Evangelists to those who had 
not heard the faith.' The Holy Spirit also 

1 — » — o tvi'iuug 

end the volume in the “Sacred Canon” as it 
now stands. And of course. the remainder 
of out testimony must be drawn from his- 
tory. And if by that we prove that the 

.o' T f,:» I .• / , . I,UL ueani uic taitn. me Holy Spirit als( 

Spiritaal gifts, continued for centuries [ wrought manyteonders as yet through them, 
afterward, then we upset ajxtpular notion of, so that as soon as the gospel was heard 

* , &nd bra ” ’ V,Z: tt ? at men voluntarily in crowds, and ea- 

those gifts were only given to remain du- j gerly embraced the true faith with their 
ring the lifetime ot the Apostles, for the whole minds.” During the second century 
purpose of^establishing^he gospel dispen- j lived and wrote those who arc now styled 

sation. We once had that notion our- 
selves, but found upon investigation that it 
was not correct. 

Eusebios is considered the father of ec- 
clesiastical history, and is referred to by al- 
most all succeeding church historians. On 
page 86, he records that after the death of 
James, the less, who presided over the 
church in Jerusalem, the other apostles were 

ui/vr Bivitru 

“the Fathers,” because tl\j|gfefeceived the 
word of truth from the mouths of the twelve 
apostles, and those who were eye-witnesses 
of the Savior’s majesty, and retained it in 
earthen vessels. During the first part of 
the second century, miracles and miracu- 
lous gifts were not uncommon, as tho wri- 
tings of these Fathers testify — but toward 
the close of that centhrv, after tho first race 

Y "7 , , mu ciose oi mat centhrv, after tho first race 

iven from tiie land of Judea; and while from the apostles had all passed away did 

vmed cTtv g ^he e wT a ? h ' T"? r' , lllttt u dC ' i th ° Se SiftS lhen 3ti " If we make 

; , ...V UICUHIIt,IIUl 

Jerusalem, having been commanded by a 
divine revelation, given to men of approved 
piety before the war, removed from tnocity, 
and dwelt at a certain town bevond the 
Jordan, called Bella.” That revelation for 
some cause or other, was nut embodied in 
the “Sacred Canon.” Wo Would be glad 
to see it, for it was “tho word of the Lord.” 
.It would bo profitable to us “for doctrine, , 
for reproof, for correction, or for instruction I 
in righteousness.” But it is gone. And 
many other precious revelations, re- 
ceived by holv men of old are gone — have 

llOOn A~„, J 3 • 

I ' A : — ’J , • e u., c —„a»c ooine, inueea, most certainly and truly cam 

been destroyed, and in consequence thereof out demons. Others have 7 knowledge of 
schisms and divisions prevail throughout the , ihlnua m 0 

’ } “ lllCICUi 

schisms and divisions prevail throughout the 
world. And men now instead of receiving 
knowledge from the same source, and in tho 
'same way that those “men of approved pi- 
ety did,” are “heaping to themselves teach- 
ers, having itching itching ears, who turn 
away their ears from the truth unto fables.” 
The above proves that revelations at this 

period were received direct from heaven. 

Those things were done about tho year 70, 

canon Alxivnlmn - f A _ ■ •_ 

i -- i 7 oatc. 

Eusebius, page 186, quoting from Irene- 
us, writes thus: “For even among the 
brethren frequently in a case of necessity, 
when a whole church united in much fast- 
ing and prayer, the spirit lias returned to 
the ex-animated body, and the man was 

i*rt n,ed 10 the P ra >' er3 of the saints— 
\\ herefore, also, those that were truly tho 
disciples of-the Son of God, receiving grace 
from him, in his name performed those 
things for the benefit of the rest of men, and 
every one received the free gift from him. 
Some, indeed, most certainly and truly, cast 

nilfr l umnns r».l. - i i • . 

things to come, ns also visions and~ pro- 
phetic communications. Others heal the 
sick by the imposition of hands, and restore 
them to health. And more, as we said 
above, even the dead have been raised and 
continued with us many years. And why 
should we say more? It is impossible to 
tell the number of gifts which the church 
throughout the world received from God, 
and tho deeds performed in the name of Je- 

‘7’' were u™ auoui mo year vu. and tho deeds performed in the name of Je 

The, seven churches of Asia receive^ sus Christ, whS w.,^ c ^ unT Pontiua 
througn John, tho apostle, some very tm- Pilate, and this too every day for the benefit 



of th« heathen, without deceiving any, or 
exacting their money. For, as ahe bad 
freely received from God, ahe also freely 
ministers." In another place the same au- 
thor writes: “As we hear of many breth- 

ren in the church who have prophetic gifts, 
and who speak in all tongues through the 
spirit, and who also bring to light the ser 
cret things of men for their benefit, and who 
expound the mysteries of God. These gifts 
of different kinds also continued with those 
that were worthy until the times men- 

Ireneus suffered martyrdom at Lyons in 
Gaul, (France,) during the fifth general 
persecution under Septimus Severus, about 
the year 202. Hence he must have written 
the above near the close of the second cen- 
tury, after the death of all those who had re- 
ceived “the faith" immediately from the 
Apostles — after all had passed away who 
had received the Holy Ghost from heaven, 
by the imposition of their hands. If so, and 
he wrote the truth, then the point is settled: 
forever settled, that miraculous gifts in the 
Church of Christ, outlived the apostolic age, 
and also the ago of their immediate follow- 
ers. Narcissus was the thirtieth in regu- 
lar succession from the apostles who presi- 
ded over the Church in Jerusalem, conse- 
quently he must have lived in the third 
century. Of him Eusebius says, page 227 : 
“Many miracles are attributed 10 Narcissus 
by his couutrymen, as they received the 
tradition handed down from the brethren.” 
On page 275, he mentiofis a vision and rev- 
elation of Dyonisius, the pastor of the 
church at Alexandria, and even givos us the 
words of the pastor himself: “I was con- 

firmed in my purpose by a vision sent me 
from hoaven, when a voico camo to mo and 
commaud me in words," See. Dyonisius 
was the pupil of Orizin, and was cotempo- 
rary with Dyonisius, bishop of Rome, who 
presided there in 280. He died in 272, in 
the 12th year of the reign of Gallienes, after ( 
having presided over the church in Alexan- 
dria 17 years. 

Wo will at this lime only present one 
more quotation from Eusebius. Book of 
Martyrs, chapter 11. Speaking of those 
wiio were associated with Pamphilus in 
martyrdom, who was an associate of his 
owq, and a thrice dear friend to him; he 
eays: “ These were twelve, who wore dis- 

tinguished by a prophetic and apostolic 
grace as well as number.” They suffered 
in the commencement of the fourth century. 
We will now give one testimony from the 
pen of John Wesley. Wo fear it is a little 
too strong a pill for the Methodists of the 

present day; but the fdpnd# of Methodism 
compounded the dose, utd oeing a physi- 
cian we will venture to adminis*er it. 2d 
volume of Sermons, page 2^6. IText 1 Cor. 
12:31. But covet earnestly tnTOest gifts, 
itc. “In the preceding verses Paul has 
been speaking of (be exlraordintnf gifts of 
the Holy Ghost: such as healing the sick, 
prophesying, in the proper sense of tho 
word; that is, foretelling things to come, 
speaking with strange tongnes, such as the 
speaker had never learned: and the miracu- 
lous intorpretation'Of tongues. And these 
gifts the apostle allows to be desirable: yea* 
he exhorts the Corinthians, * * to coiet 
them earnestly, that thereby they might be 
qualified to be more useful to either Chris- 
tians or heathens. It does not appear that 
those extraordinary gifts of the Holy Ghost 
were common in the church for more than 
two or three ceqturies. We seldom hear 
of them after that fatal period, when the 
emperor Constantine called himselt a Chris- 
tian; and from a vain imagination of pro- 
moting the Christian cause thereby, beape.d 
riches, and power, and honor, upon tho 
Christians in general; but in particular upon 
the Christian clergy. From this lime they 
almost totally ceased: very few instances of 
the kind were found. The cause of this 
was not, (as has been vulgarly supposed,) 
because there was no moro occasion for 
them, because all the world was become 
Christians. This is a miserable mistake: 
not the twentieth part of it was then nomi- 
nally Christians. The real cause*- was, the 
love of many, almost all Christians, so 
called, waxed cold. The Christians had no 
more of the Spirit of Christ than the other 
heathens. The Son of man when he came 
to examine his church, could hardly “find 
faith on earth." ■ This was the real cause 
why the gifts of the Holy Ghost were’ no 
longer to be found in the Christian church: 
because the Christians were turned heathens 
again, and had only a dead form left.” The 
above is plain and pointed, and answers our 
last proposition. J 

We have now ^traced by the “sacred 
books," and by the aid of history, the “gifts 
of the Holy Spirit,” down as. far as the 
commencement of the fourtli cefltury. The 
want of room has kept us from enlarging. 
But we acknowledge that frgsn this period 
onward, the lamp of heavenly manifesta- 
tions grows more and more <jim until finally 
the church, under a (said*' to be Christian 
emperor,) assembled its dignitaries in a 
grand council at Nice: and there, instead of 
asking of Godi for wisdom from above, to 
settle all theiadifficulties, they counciled and 





contended fronAhe >9th of June, 326, until Again, “ntigodly men, turning the grace of 

the 26th of Augum*fo)lowing. Here it is 
said 31 8 bishops, with about 2048 of the in- 
ferior cloray-cdhsulted about 67 days. The 
grand re* of all their deliberations was 
to form a creed — to make a calf— to bind ! 
the consciences of all Christendom. Those 
who would not lamely submit to swallow 
their- creedl and observe their canons!! 
must either be banished-or loose their 
heads!!! In and during such a state of 
things we should expect to search in vain 
for the manifestations of those glorious 
gifts which Jesus bestowed upon His chukch 
lot >ts edification, sanctification, and glori- 


It may be expected, after so long a silence, 
that we would say a few words about the 
different parties of this misguided people, 
who are scattered tip and down. The most 
numerous and noted among them are those 
we shall denominate, 


Since they were driven from Nan vpo they 
have located in a great bason of the Rocky 
Mountains,' among the wild savages of tho 
west. They have laidthem out a city, and 
are again miking tvefooOdous colctdirtldne 
us to the future. Disappointments andjle- 
feats do not seem to damp their ardor.’ — 
But I am frank to declare that I regard that 
people as the one particularly noted by in- 
spiration. And although they seem to pros- 
per, although thousands upon thousands 
gather to them from all parts cf-the world, 
yet we knofr them to be a “fallen people.” 
They are those referred to by the proohet 
David in these words, “Even in the pride 
of their own hearts have they done wicked- 
ness in ray name, saith the Lord, even all 
manner of abominations, even such that tliej 
people of the world never was guilty of.’’ — 
From their numbers, their influences, their 
principles, and their pbaetices, we believe 
that they are those referred to by Paul, in 
speaking af the last days, saying, 

the Lord Jesus Christ into lasciviousness. 
And again, Peter write* pf such that they 
would “bring in damnabieMtlresies • * and 
many shall follow their pernicious wsys, 
by .reason of whom the nay of trotfc.sball 
be e»il spoken of; and through covetbus- 
ness shall they with feigned words make 
merchandise of their followers.” 

After making the above quotations it 
would be needless for us to say that we have 
no confidence whatever in the leading men 
who have gone to the wilderness. That many 
candid people who desire to know and do 
the truth are among them we are wil- 
ling tu admit, but as a people they will be 
literally destroyed. Here we refer our read- 
ers to a remarkable prepheey printed on the 
last pagiftof the sixth number of this paper 
■and with that we close concerning them. 
And say a few words about BREWSTER- 
ISM. But 1 do’nbt consider that it has one 
particle of original ' Mormon ism in it. — 
When J. C. Brewster was a hoy, he claims 
that he bad a vision of some lost books of 
the old Prophet Esdras., Since which he 
has been occasionally pretending to trans- 
late from them. I have -no doubt he is in- 
spired by what the ancients used to call “a 
familiar spirit.” Among the other splits of 
the, L. D. Saints, after the death of the 
Smiths, .a few uneducated, illiterate ones, 
looked up to Brewster os some great one. — 
During the summer of ’ 46 , he and his mo- 
Ti*En arrived in Kirlland on an errand “to 
organize life Kingdom anew on the same 
foundation.” But only nine persons organ- 
ized, and they instead of Brewster chose H. 
Aldrich as their highest officer; and after- 
ward he chose A. Cowles for his counsellor. 
They publish a paper called the Olive 
Branch. They called a general assembly 
of all who would, hearken, to meet in the 
Temple here in June last. A few attended. 
But they had contention from their outset. 
On the third day they split into two parties. 
Aldrich headed one party, apd Cowles the 
Other. I was present when. Pres. Aldrich 
dismissed his general asreMlt /— but it only 
consisted of himself and- two others, and i 
'spectator — Poor:. thing, thought I, let it 
W a would say more on this subject, 


. „ - - . . “They 

creep-into houses and lead captive silly wo- 1 die! 
men, laden with sine, led away with divers | had we room. 

lusts; ever laaning and never able to come ; ‘ i-t- — . ■-j-i L rrrr: 

to the knowledgeof the truth.” Again, “be- j THE ENSIGN OF LIBERTY, 
cause they reqeived not the love of the truih ! Will be edited hv W. E. McLrlun, and 

that tnoy miglin>e Hived, And for this cause I — * i. , 

God shall, send ihkm strong delusion, that S pubIlfhed occasionally on areedmm sheet, 
they should -believe a lje: that they alii 
might be damned, who bolievpd not the truth, J 
but hail pleasure in unrighteousness.” — ’ 

in pamphlet form, containing sixteen pa- 
ges each, at One Dollar for twelvo num- 
bers — irt ADVANCE.